Rebirth: Business Queen

Chapter 875 - hot red lips (2)

“Haha, this is really a sensation.” Another friend continued enviously, “Unexpectedly, Xiao Yao bought an empty building less than half a year ago, and the people began to buy a house. Several times, when those real estate developers reacted, their real estate had already been sold to Xiao Yao, and they had nothing to do with them. This Xiao Yao also made a lot of money. However, it is said that the Xiao Group’s Half of the building was sold and half of it was kept. I don’t know what Xiao Yao planned? Also, the building built by the Xiao Group in Qishan was sold in the form of bidding, which was really amazing. “

However, a friend asked suspiciously, “What’s so special about the house over there in Qishan?”

The envious friend replied, “I heard that there is a feng shui treasure land that ‘hides the wind and the earth’. People who live there all the time will not only have good health and long-lasting descendants, but also enjoy prosperity and wealth for a lifetime. Such a house , who doesn’t want to live in!”

The others were surprised when they heard it, “Is this true or false?”

The man nodded, “Of course it’s true. It is said that Xiao Yao personally picked out the Feng Shui place and asked her company to build it.”

Xiao Yao knows feng shui, and the feng shui she sees is definitely not random, but really accurate. There were several patients in the capital who sought medical attention and asked Xiao Yao to treat patients. Xiao Yao first determined that his family had Feng Shui problems, and then re-arranged the Feng Shui direction for them. Finally, he prescribed a few medicines.

At first, some people thought that Xiao Yao was making a fool of himself. However, for the few families whose feng shui was adjusted by Xiao Yao, not only did everyone in the family get better and better, but they also became smoother in all aspects of life, work and study.

If this is the case in one family, it can only be said to be a coincidence, then if this is the case in another family, can it be said that it is a coincidence? The answer is of course not.

“Hey, I have to say, this Xiao Yao is not only beautiful in appearance, but also has extraordinary abilities. His medical skills, martial arts, Feng Shui metaphysics and metaphysics are simply beyond the reach of ordinary people like us, and he is also a genius in business and has a unique vision. , has a vision, and at the same time is very courageous. The three main businesses of the Xiao Group, real estate, logistics and clubhouses, are all developing vigorously, and quickly developed from a small group to a large group, occupying a place in the Beijing business circle. Really. I don’t know what Miss Xiao can’t do.”

The boss, Shui Youran, just listened to the little friends. You told me every word, and talked about Xiao Yao’s deeds.

These little friends were talking, and suddenly a little friend said, “By the way, I heard my father talk about something two days ago.”

The others laughed and said, “Yo, Cui Mao, what did your dad say to make you make such a fuss, let’s hear it.”

Cui Mao said, “It’s not that I’m making a fuss, it’s that this matter has something to do with the Xiao Group.” “Oh,” other people became interested, they asked, “Tell me, what the **** is going on.”

Cui Mao said, “It was just two days ago that the Xiao Group suddenly mobilized a large amount of funds, almost all the funds that could be mobilized. My dad also murmured a few words, saying ‘Could it be that the Xiao Group’ Has the group made a big move recently?’”

After listening, the other friends sneered, “Cut, I thought it was something. What is the Xiao Group going to do without reporting to your father, and your father still manages the flow of other people’s funds?”

Day three.

Zhang Group.

“Chairman, no, it seems that someone is buying the company’s stock now!” The technical director quickly discovered the problem and reported it immediately.

“What?” Zhang Haofan and Zhang Hongyu were immediately shocked, “Check who is buying Zhang’s stock!”

If their guess is that the person who wants to suppress Zhang’s stock is Xiao Yao, then the person who buys Zhang’s stock will not think of Xiao Yao.

Because, to the outside world, the Zhang family and the Leng family are in-laws, and Xiao Yao is going to marry into the Leng family, which means that Xiao Yao and the Zhang family are also relatives.

If it is known to the outside world, the person who suppressed and secretly acquired Zhang’s stock would be Xiao Yao’s words. Then Xiao Yao would bear the accusation of being cold-blooded and ruthless.

Undoubtedly, this charge will make Xiao Yao lose popular support. Because people who are so selfish and cold-blooded towards their relatives will treat the people kindly.

Zhang Haofan was already burning with anger at this time.

It is now the third day. In the past three days, not only has the decline of the stock not been stopped, but it has fallen even more severely. Now it is falling all the way to the bottom, and it is about to fall.

The hacker who was invited from above yesterday, when he made a move, he would quickly overcome the opponent’s firewall, and then he could counterattack back and control the opponent.

But, but that was coming soon, but it didn’t work out. Because the other party’s hacking skills are more sophisticated, they quickly found out that something was wrong, and immediately added several protections.

After that, it is more difficult to attack than to reach the sky. They can only watch Zhang’s stock continue to fall.

Zhang Haofan shouted irritably at the hacker, “Can you do it? It’s been a day and a night, and you haven’t taken down the firewall set up by the other party.” He pointed at the falling strands. He cursed, “Look, look, someone is buying stocks now.”

When the hacker was about to conquer the other party’s firewall from the very beginning, he still disdain for Zhang Haofan and the others. Because he thinks that the so-called top technical hackers in Zhang Haofan’s company can’t overcome even such a simple firewall, and he has to go to the island to invite him against him. No, he has conquered the other party’s firewall in just three or two strokes.

It’s just that his disdain only lasted for a short time, because just when he was about to succeed, the other party quickly discovered his actions and immediately added a few more protections to the firewall.

Master vs master, it’s a peak match!

He suddenly became interested, and immediately concentrated his energy, adjusted his state, and went all out!

However, between the two masters, between you and me, one of them always wins, and the other is always better than him. Whenever he is about to conquer, the other is immediately alert and continues to increase the stakes.

One to two, one day and one night passed, but Zhang Haofan and the others did not achieve the result they wanted.

Being attacked by Zhang Haofan, the hacker didn’t care and continued to fight against each other.

Da Youning looked at the numbers in the computer and said to Xiao Yao seriously, “Yao Er, we have already bought all 12??? shares of Zhang Group, are we going to continue?”

Xiao Yao looked at the computer screen that was flickering and jumping, spit out two words sharply, and said, “Continue!”

Zhang Group’s shares continue to be purchased by several unknown companies!

Zhang Hongyu frowned tightly, his sharp eyes staring coldly at the flickering screen, he said, “How many stocks are being bought now?”

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