Rebirth: Business Queen

Chapter 887 - The truth is revealed! (1)

However, I didn’t expect that old bone Leng Jingyao, instead of taking the lead for his daughter as before, would turn to Xiao Yao at this moment.

After they got the news through the insider of the Leng family, they had to find another way.

Then, he thought of taking revenge on Xiao Yao through Leng Lingru’s hand.

Therefore, as soon as Leng Lingru returned home, under the guidance of her daughter Zhang Yumin, she had a flash of inspiration and came up with a plan.

This plan is related to what Zhang Yumin said about the collapse of the building under construction, crushing the workers.

Through investigation, Leng Lingru knew that the Xiao Group happened to have a project under construction. She asked her subordinates to investigate the identities and backgrounds of all migrant workers, and after thousands of choices, Yang Da was chosen.

Although Yang Da is the eldest of the Yang family, he is not liked by the parents of the Yang family, and his wife and daughter are not liked by the parents. On the contrary, his younger brother is a treasure in the hands of his parents, and even his family with his younger brother is a treasure.

If this is the case, Yang Da can move out and be out of sight. But Yang Da was an idiot and dutiful son.

The parents of the Yang family are arguing every day to let Yang Da make money to support the family. At home, Yang Da wakes up early and works in the dark, and works tirelessly, so that they can only maintain the family’s food and clothing.

Just a month ago, Yang Da met a fellow in a suit and tie, and he was envious when he learned that he had at least 3,000 a month. Later, he learned that as long as he was able, he would definitely find a job in the city, and he certainly wouldn’t. less than three thousand.

After that, after the introduction of the fellow, he joined the Xiao Group engineering team.

Then, not long ago, Leng Lingru’s people sent someone to contact Yang Da’s parents, as long as Yang Da agreed to do things for them, the three million would be theirs.

The parents of the Yang family did not ask what to do with Yang Da, and immediately called Yang Da back.

After Yang Da learned what they were doing, he immediately shook his head and refused. However, his parents pointed at him and scolded, “You coward, what’s the matter with raising you? You won’t be asked to do any trivial things, it’s just asking you to unscrew the fixed template a few screws, and you don’t need to. What a job you do, why don’t you agree? You can just die.”

Yang Da has been working on the project for almost a month. Of course, he understands that unscrewing a few screws or something is not a trivial matter, but it is a major event that will cost lives. He can’t take the life of his teammates to make a joke, and he will never agree to this.

Later, in a situation that Yang Da didn’t know about, the person who came directly gave one million first. Then, his parents held a knife to their neck, forcing Yang Da to agree.

Yang Da was forced by his parents to agree to this unconscionable matter.

All this, his wife and children did not know.

The person who gave Yang Da’s parents one million, said to them, “There will be another million after the incident. But the ugly words are before, if something happens to Yang Da, it has nothing to do with us!” His parents promised again and again, even if they wanted Yang Da to die. .

When the day arrived, because of the remaining one million, Yang Da’s parents and brothers couldn’t wait to wake up Yang Da’s wife and children early, and put on the black gauze that had been prepared earlier. The company turned upside down.

But who would have guessed that because they were too greedy, they set off early and exposed things early.

The successive incidents of the Xiao Group have caused heated debates among netizens.

However, before their argument came to an end, the news released on the official website of the police station, like boiling water, exploded.

Official website of the Maritime Police Department.

As for the project of Xiao’s Real Estate Company: the collapse accident of the project under construction in Jiaoyang District, Haishi, the safety supervision department and the police station and other departments have jointly investigated and obtained evidence from various parties to confirm that the accident was caused by human factors. accident.

The cause of this accident is that the screws of the buckle frame template were loosened by someone, resulting in insufficient support force of the bracket, resulting in collapse and casualties!

The direct cause of the accident, that is, the suspect whose screw was unscrewed, is the most suspect of the deceased Yang Da.

Yang Da’s motives in this case will be further investigated by the police station!

I rely on, this is God’s reversal!

This was because the real estate developer cut corners and caused the accident to collapse, and the deceased Yang Da was the one who suffered the most from the accident.

The family members of the deceased Yang Da scolded Xiao’s real estate for the crime of cutting corners one by one, while netizens had preconceived views, and they also had serious doubts about the credibility of Xiao’s group. There were even accusations against their boss Xiao Yao.

However, in just half a day’s work, the wind direction suddenly changed. Yang Da, who was the biggest victim, became the cause of the accident and became the biggest suspect. It is because of him that accidents happen.

As soon as the official announcement was made, some people were skeptical, but most of them already believed the official announcement.

The reason, of course, is Yang Da’s shameless parents. They knew in advance that Yang would die, so they prepared black gauze for mourning and a stretcher.

All this evidence shows that Yang Da’s parents knew what Yang Da did. However, not only did the parents fail to stop Yang Da’s behavior, they also got into trouble with Xiao’s real estate company immediately after Yang Da’s death, and they even demanded that the company pay 10 million yuan.

All of a sudden, I sympathized with the Yang family, and they all cursed the Yang family. It is said that they are really insane, for the sake of money, they don’t even care about human life, and they want to compensate with shame and shame.

Hmph, if Yang Da hadn’t died, it would not be Xiao’s company to compensate the Yang family, but the Yang family to compensate the Xiao’s company.

When the netizens scolded, the official website of the Beijing Police Station also announced: Clarification on the drug abuse incident of Quan Jincheng Guild Hall under the Xiao Group!

Some netizens broke the news online: Jingcheng Quan Jincheng Guild Hall provides a place for guests to take drugs. It was found out that some people did take drugs. However, when they were having fun in the box of Quan Jincheng Guild Hall, one of them happened to be addicted to drugs and was filmed by someone with a heart. Get people to do drugs.

It was found out that the netizen who broke the news said that he was a paparazzi because he knew that a certain star was taking drugs. In order to obtain evidence of a certain star’s drug use, he followed a certain star and sneaked into the Quan Jincheng Club, which coincided with a certain star. Addiction attacks.

On the official website of the Beijing Police Department, there was no further information released.

Of course, when netizens saw this information, it was really tricky.

First, since the whistleblower is a paparazzi, he sneaked into Quan Jincheng to prove that a star was taking drugs. But why did he not mention a word about the drug use of a certain star, and immediately said that there were people in the Quan Jincheng Guild Hall gathering to take drugs, so that everyone could guess that it was Quan Jincheng who provided the drug-taking places and helped to conceal it.

Second, as we all know now, the Quan Jincheng Guild Hall under the Xiao Group is now an iconic high-end guild hall in China.

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