Rebirth: City Beseiged By Zombies

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Dead Person Cadaverized

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

A pair of pale, delicate hands attacked Shen Chen mercilessly. Shen Chen frowned. The next moment, Fang Yi felt her hands become tightly bound. She forcefully struggled, but couldn’t move at all.

“Shen Chen, what are you doing? Let me go!” Fang Yi panicked. She didn’t expect Shen Chen to dare to bind her hands.

“Fang Yi, given that we used to be classmates, don’t go overboard. Who do you think you are?!” Shen Chen coldly gripped Fang Yi’s hands, an unprecedented coldness on his face. ‘This woman wants to make an example of me. How ridiculous!’

“Shen Chen, I’m doing it for everyone’s sake! We’re in the same boat.You… you let go of me!” Fang Yi had never seen such an expression on Shen Chen’s face before. His palms were like iron. The cold glare he gave her made a chill go through her heart. She started screaming. “Husband, come save me!”

Boom! The door to the box suddenly opened. The fatty hadn’t even dressed properly. Signs of indulgence in pleasure were apparent on his face. “You little brat. You better be sensible. I’m the boss around here!” The fat shopkeeper heard Fang Yi’s cries and said viciously, “Let go of my wife. Otherwise, I won’t let you off easy!”

Shen Chen’s gaze was ice cold. “Tell these people blocking the door to leave. Otherwise…” He shook his wrist, then Fang Yi started screaming like a pig to the slaughter.

“It hurts! It hurts!”

“Get away. Everyone get away!” The fat shopkeeper seemed to really treasure Fang Yi. Seeing Fang Yi cry in pain, he hastily waved his fat hands. “Get away from the door. Let them leave!”

The crowd was hesitant, but the fatty was impatient. He took out his gun. “D*mn it.You’re not obeying me now?! Do you all want to die?”

Their expressions suddenly changed. They looked more and more terrified, but the fatty didn’t realize it at all. “Let them go. I don’t need these people here!”

Before he could finish his sentence, he felt someone put a hand on his shoulder from behind. “F*ck! Don’t try to play with me!” The fatty intuitively shook his arm. “Get the hell away from me!”

But everyone just stared at the fatty dumbfoundedly, as if they had all lost their voices. Only then did the fatty finally realize something was wrong. He slowly turned around and saw a terrifying pale white face staring at him, as if it were trying to confirm something. Seeing the fatty turn around, it let out a growl from its throat, then pounced on him like a hungry wolf.

The next moment, shrill cries broke out in the room. Everyone acted as if they had gone mad, frantically dodging the zombie. The man who had just suicided had become a zombie in a few short minutes.

The fatty kicked the zombie away from him. The zombie fell to the ground heavily, but quickly stood up again, leaping at the fatty again.

“Don’t eat me! Don’t eat me!” The fatty frantically dodged into the crowd.

The whole place became disorderly. More and more people were thrown onto the ground. The zombie was just about to grab the fatty when the fatty grabbed someone’s shirt collar and yanked them in front of the zombie. The girl couldn’t escape in time and fell down.

The zombie instinctively pounced on the prey closest to its body. Its horrifying mouth bit down on the girl who had been tossed over by the fatty. With a crunch, a dark red gush of blood spewed out from the girl’s neck. A large part of the white ceiling was dyed red by her thick blood.

“Ah…” In an instant, the girl was bitten bloody.

“You shameless scum!” Everything happened so quickly. Shen Chen angrily let go of Fang Yi’s hands. “This is the husband you chose! He sent someone else to their death!”

The next moment, he shot out like an arrow from a bow, Black Blade giving off an intimidating glint in his hand. The hard impact made everyone who was fleeing in his direction subconsciously turn to the side.

Fang Yi was farthest away from the zombie. Her gaze fell on the tall figure, an expression of disbelief on her face. ‘The one who just charged out with a knife… Was that Shen Chen? How did he suddenly get so strong? How could he be so strong? Is he not afraid of zombies?’

Suddenly, she felt like she had made a mistake. Was the man she had abandoned really just a good-for-nothing?

Within three seconds, Shen Chen came behind the zombie. He swung his knife, and the zombie’s head flew up to the ceiling. It then bounced a few times on the floor, and the corpse fell onto the girl.

Shen Chen kicked away the zombie’s headless body and quickly bent down. The girl beneath the zombie was completely dead. Her body, which was violently shaking, gradually ceased moving. Her trachea, which had been torn out by the zombie, fell outside her throat. After spewing another two gushes of blood, the girl’s body stopped moving completely. The girl’s eyes were wide open, a distorted expression of extreme horror still on her face. Shen Chen sighed, then stood up again.

“Wait! She was bitten. She’s going to become a zombie. Chop her head off!” someone said anxiously.

Shen Chen keenly found the speaker in the crowd. It was the perverted fatty, who was trembling in the corner with Fang Yi.

‘How dare he say such a thing!’ Shen Chen smiled, but his smile was solemn. Without saying anything, he picked the girl up. Her expression and pale face made everyone shiver.

Everyone instantly froze. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. A few minutes later, before everyone’s terrified gazes, the girl emitted an inhuman growl from her torn throat. Her face became blue and purple, and her once clear eyes became an unnatural white color.

“Ah!” Shrill cries sounded in the room. Everyone got goosebumps, and their hair stood on end.

“Ca.. cadaverized… Kill… kill her!”

“Kill her? Why should I?” Shen Chen asked calmly. By then, the girl had cadaverized. It raised its arms slowly, a bloodthirsty look on its face. Everyone took several steps back, but Shen Chen grabbed the back of the zombie’s neck tightly. It couldn’t escape at all.

‘Shen Chen seems to be even stronger than he was yesterday.’ Ye Xiaoyu didn’t feel scared at all. Instead, she further confirmed her belief that Shen Chen must not be an ordinary person.

Amidst everyone’s startled gasps, Shen Chen spoke slowly. His voice was filled with resentment and rage. “This girl… She shouldn’t have died. She should be standing here just like the rest of you, not becoming a zombie in my hands!”

He slowly scanned everyone. Everyone subconsciously lowered their heads under his cold gaze.

“It’s all because of your ignorance that a preventable tragedy happened! All because of your incomprehensible feelings for the dead, a man who suicided turned into a zombie! There are more than thirty people in this room. More than a dozen of you are men, yet when you saw a zombie, all you thought to do was run away!”

Everyone recalled what they had done. Yes, at that time Shen Chen had said he was going to kill the corpse, but they didn’t believe him. No one expected that they would nearly die from what they did.

Fang Yi didn’t even blink. Her eyes were locked on Shen Chen. She suddenly felt an emotion like regret. He had changed. The Shen Chen in that moment was certainly not the Shen Chen she used to know. He had no hint of the cowardice and endurance that he had in her memories of him. Instead, the current Shen Chen stood sharp and fully of bloodthirstiness.

“And you.” Shen Chen coldly turned toward the perverted fat shopkeeper and said, “To save your own life, you pushed that girl to the zombie. Your actions are more disgraceful than theirs. You deserve to die!”

Once Shen Chen said this, everyone glared at the fat shopkeeper with disdain and anger. It was true. The one the zombie had been trying to eat was the shopkeeper, but now, he was completely fine. The beautiful little girl was the one who had died.

“No… I didn’t do it on purpose… Fang Yi, Fang Yi, please beg him for me… I really didn’t do it on purpose…” The fatty began bawling, reaching out his hands to plead with Fang Yi.

Fang Yi dodged the fatty with disgust. She felt rather dismal. ‘How ridiculous. I thought Shen Chen was a good-for-nothing, and I thought this fatty was a savior, and I almost gave him my body. What was I doing? I scolded Shen Chen, and I even tried to slap him…’ Fang Yi thought absentmindedly, but it was too late to regret her decisions.

The fatty was pushed to the front of the crowd. He was shaking. He looked entirely different from the vicious man he had been earlier.

“Xiaoyu, he pushed this girl with his hands. I don’t want his life. Just cut off his two arms,” Shen Chen ordered coldly.

Ye Xiaoyu nodded obediently. Three or four men immediately held down the fatty, who screamed and tried to run away. “No, you can’t treat me this way. My brother is a major in the military! You can’t treat me like this! Otherwise, I’ll tell my brother not to rescue you!”

Ye Xiaoyu was a little hesitant. The men who held down the fatty also loosened their hold. At that moment, a malicious look flashed across the fatty’s face. He suddenly raised his hand, but Shen Chen was faster to react. With a glint of his blade, a chubby arm holding a gun fell to the floor.

Blood spurted out from the wound. The fatty rolled onto the floor in pain, crying like a pig to the slaughter.

“Roar!” The blood of a human made the girl zombie growl excitedly.

The fatty held his cut arm and cried loudly in fear. He now truly felt the threat of death. No! It was even more terrifying than death. His arm was cut off, massively limiting his movements, and the thick smell of blood would draw the zombie to him to tear him to pieces.

Tears and snot streamed down the fatty’s face. In the end, he even began vomiting bile. At that moment, he finally began to regret his actions. Why did he try to provoke the harmless-looking young man? But it was all too late now. His end was set in stone.

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