Rebirth in 70: The sweet wife is coaxed slowly, and the military king is pampered step by step

Chapter 465 Banquet

The day of the banquet happened to be a sunny day.

Early in the morning, Chen Guoxian and his elder brother arranged things in the kitchen.

Chen Chuming, Chen Chuhui and several cousins ​​were at the door to receive people.

Gong Qunhong and Luo Baozhen are also entertaining people.

When I see Chen Peipei and Luo Baozhen, I have to flatter Chen Guoxian and Wu Junying.

"Brother Guoxian, your family is incredible! In these eight villages within ten miles, your family is the only two college students from Beijing who are proud of their ancestors!"

Chen Guo first smoked a cigarette and said, "They are trying to live up to their own expectations."

However, the smile on his face never stopped.

The children are all wearing the same color clothes today.

The clothes on Big Tou and Da Ya were all given by Luo Baozhen.

The children from other families took a look and saw a child wearing a dress in the yard.

They were all extremely envious.

Chen Tingting's family also arrived early.

Luo Baozhen actually saw Laidi Pandi.

This time we met, the two looked much better than last time. At least they were not that thin, nor were they wearing clothes that were half too short.

"First aunt, second aunt."

Both Gong Qunhong and Luo Baozhen were killed.

Luo Baozhen has no time to chat with them now, "Laidi, Pandi, there are melon seeds and peanuts on the table, and the candies are with brother Dabao. You go and play with them."

It’s not that there are no fruit candies on the table, it’s because you can eat as many as you put on them.

Dabao couldn't bear to leave, so he said to Luo Baozhen: "Mom, leave the task of dividing the sugar to me."

Luo Baozhen was so anxious that she gave Dabao a bag of candies with confidence and asked him to share it.

Dabao is familiar with this matter.

Chen Tingting and her man walked in, and she went to Chen Peipei's place first.

"Pepe, why are you peeking outside the door?"

Chen Peipei was startled, "Sister, you scared me. I didn't do anything."

Of course she was waiting for Wang Haobing, but she couldn't tell.

Chen Tingting looked at Chen Peipei. Regardless of her dress or demeanor, she was far behind her.

Chen Tingting didn't want to talk about this banquet day, but she still felt uncomfortable.

"You, on the other hand, are now a college student. You can still find a good partner in the future. The second brother has made the house so good, so you go there to enjoy it. Just you and me, stay in that mountain nest and give movies to those two girls. Send books.”

"It's even worse now. You and the second child are both college students. Why are you girls studying so much? Now I feel like you are setting a good example!"

If she doesn't send the book, the man at home can share a room with her again.

Chen Peipei was stunned for a moment, she only realized it now.

She used to be close to her sister and liked to persuade her sister, but now she doesn't even tell her sister about the person she's dating.

But as for her sister, there are some things that she really can't communicate with her.

In any case, this is her biological sister, so Chen Peipei still held her arm, "Girls just want to study, sister, I have told you how many times. Be kind to Laidi Pandi, and they will be filial to you in the future."

"Also, what did you just say? Every time my second sister-in-law sends something back, doesn't she also send cloth, hairbands, notebooks and books to Laidipandi?"

Chen Tingting curled her lips and said, "It's all like this."

Chen Peipei looked at Chen Tingting and said, "Sister, humph, you say that and I'm not happy. Don't ruin my good mood today. Every time my second sister-in-law sends something home, my mother always gives some to you. And brother-in-law!”

Chen Peipei really doesn't know what's wrong with Chen Tingting. The bigger it gets, the more unreasonable it becomes.

Chen Tingting looked at everyone with smiles on their faces. As the sister of the family, she should also be happy.

Today is another day when the triplets are looked at by others. Someone comes and says, "These triplets are so handsome!"

None of Luo Baozhen's children are as courageous.

He has a sweet mouth and barks when he meets someone.

Grandparents, uncles and aunts, even if they don’t recognize them, they will bark randomly based on their feelings.

Calling the wrong one many times can also lead to a joke.

"Oh! I'm not a brother! I'm your grandpa!"

The visitor is only in his early 20s, but he has a high seniority.

Even Chen Chuhui can call him uncle.

This is how it is in the village, there are many people who are not very old but have many seniority.

The person in charge today is the third son of the Sanfang family. He has always been the one who helps with the wine business in the village.

Wu Junying, his sister-in-law, and junior wives like Gong Qunhong were in the kitchen chopping and washing vegetables.

Speaking of which, most of the food, meat, and vegetables for serving wine come from Luo Baozhen's space.

However, Wang Haobing also helped when moving out.

Because the things were covered from his house first and then shipped back.

Chen Peipei deliberately took her children to play outside the yard, waiting to see a familiar face riding a big bar.

She hurried back again.

Of course Wang Haobing saw the person at a glance. When he saw Chen Peipei looking over, he grinned.

I originally wanted to wave, but they came into the hospital again.

After parking his bicycle, Wang Haobing walked towards Chen Chuhui, "Boss, Brother Ming, where are the favors?"

Chen Chuhui pointed to the table where his uncle was sitting, "That."

"Okay, I'll go there and write first."

Not far away, Chen Chuliang and several aunts came over, "Akiko Teruko, where does this energetic young man come from?"

The eyes of an aunt next to her were shining, "Huizi, this young man is also a soldier? His back is so straight, he walks just like you!"

"Do you have a girlfriend? Where do you live? How old are you?"

Chen Chuming smiled and waved his hand, "Aunt Xu, he's from this town. Don't think about it. He has someone."

Chen Chuqiang said, "This young man is pretty good. Before I even got out of the car, a few aunts started asking me about people."

When Chen Chuhui saw him coming over after writing the favor, his eyes drifted to the yard, and he added: "This boy. He has a crush on my little sister."

Chen Chuming smiled and nodded.

Chen Chuliang frowned when he saw that Wang Haobing was really winking with Chen Peipei.

The more he looked at it, the more he frowned, "Why can't this man keep praising him! He just said he was a good young man, why is he still staring at Pepe when he has a partner! What does this look like!"

After saying this, the Chen Chuming brothers quickly said something again.

"Brother Liang, he is in love with Peipei. I just came here to show off my face today, but I still came here based on the relationship between the old man and his subordinate."

Chen Chuming spoke not loudly, so others did not hear him.

Chen Chuliang was relieved, "Not bad, there are some happy events for our uncle's family today! Huizi's wife is a college student, my younger sister is a college student, and there is a future uncle!"

There is some truth to this.

Chen Chuhui pretended to give Chen Chuliang a cigarette, "Brother Liang, people are probably coming. We'll serve the dishes later."

"Of course we do this!" Chen Chuliang took the cigarette and lit it. The first puff was a small one.

It's rare to smoke this kind of cigarette.

However, seeing that Chen Chuhui had a cigarette in his hand, but he didn't smoke one, he seemed to have forgotten something, and asked again: "Huizi, there is no fire? Can I strike a match for you?"

Chen Chuhui refused, "No, I don't smoke."

Chen Chuming explained, "The second child has stopped smoking a long time ago. He said his wife doesn't like it and his children won't let him smoke."

"He said, pamper your wife, love your children, and your life will be good." Chen Chuming didn't talk much, but now he would sigh a lot.

Chen Chuliang was stunned.

This cousin, who is so cold and cruel outside, is really a doting wife and child at home.

He can only play games with children.

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