Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1147: Touching script settings

Hearing that Spielberg had a general topic, Li Mu suddenly became interested, and he asked: "Steven, I don't know which part of the history of the Chinese War of Resistance against China?"

Spielberg said: "I think General Chennault's deeds led by American pilots in the formation of the Flying Tigers team in China are very moving, and it is not only the American Flying Tigers that are fighting against the Japanese fascists in China. The deeds are also very touching, so my initial idea is that the movie revolves around the real historical events of General Chennault, the Flying Tigers of China and the United States against Japan's fascists, and a part of the film and television art processing of the romance to create a 140-minute the film."

The deeds of the Flying Tigers Li Mu, as a Chinese son and daughter, is naturally very clear, and he knows the history of the Flying Tigers before and after, not only the American pilots who led the US pilot to volunteer to support the Chinese Anti-Japanese War, but also many The touching deeds of the local Flying Tigers, including many unknown national heroes, but he did not expect that Spielberg, an American, even learned about the deeds of the Chinese Flying Tigers, which really made He was very surprised. It seems that the great director's ability to collect and discover clues is really different from ordinary people.

牧 Li Mu said in amazement: "Steven, I personally like your selection and main line setting. I wonder if you can introduce it in more detail?"

Spielberg nodded and said, "First of all, the story should start with Chennault. For your convenience, you can think of Tom Hanks as Chennard. If this movie is finalized, we are not without Chance for Tom Hanks to play. "

牧 Li Mu smiled slightly: "The image of Tom Hanks is indeed very suitable for **** soldiers, especially during the Second World War."

Spielberg smiled and said, "The story first tells how Chennault came to Huaxia. According to his personal experience, he first retired and then went to Huaxia. He was hired as an instructor at an aviation school in Hangzhou. During this time, he trained After a lot of well-known ace pilots among the local Chinese pilots in the future, according to my understanding, one of them is a very famous ace pilot named Liu Zhesheng. "

牧 Li Mu nodded: "There is indeed such a hero martyr. He should have received Chennault's training in 36 years."

Spielberg laughed: "The information I checked should be correct."

Speaking, he went on to say: "The story started with Chennault coming to Huaxia, and he became the instructor of Huaxia Aviation School, and cultivated a group of local talents in China. We basically follow the history in this part, only male second. And male second No. 2 appears in this history. The male No. 2 is a Chinese flying tiger player. He is a proud student of Chen Nade and the strongest player in the Chinese flying tiger team. "

"Immediately after the Lugouqiao Incident broke out, Huaxia began the eight-year anti-Japanese war. At this time, Chen Nade saw the crimes committed by the Japanese invaders against the Chinese people, and witnessed the students, including the male No. 2, fighting with the Japanese army in the air over and over again. The process, and their huge disadvantages in terms of size and aircraft performance against the Japanese Air Force, confirmed his determination to help China ’s extremely weak Air Force against the Japanese invaders. The story here is the first big paragraph. "

牧 Li Mu was listening, and could not help asking: "What about the second big paragraph?"

Spielberg laughed: "There needs to be a transition between the first large paragraph and the second large paragraph. It is a link between succession and reunification. This part of the transition is the process by which Chennault returned to the United States in 1940 to recruit pilots for the Flying Tigers. In this process, the story advancement will temporarily leave Huaxia, leave the battlefield, and jump to the United States that has not been affected by the war. At this time, our male No. 3 will be playing. "

牧 Li Mu asked tentatively: "The male No. 1 is Chennad and the male No. 2 is a Chinese flying tiger player. Then the male No. 3 should be an American flying tiger player, right?"

Spielberg laughed: "Yes! The man No. 2 is extremely decent and patriotic. The national enemies hate him to put all his thoughts on fighting the Japanese invaders. In this case, the man No. 3 You need to have a confrontation with him, so the male No. 3 I envisioned should be a young, unruly American young man who just wants to fly a plane, hunt for adventure, and pursue a beautiful girl. This young man is completely undisciplined and daily. With a cigarette and a child, he is the most talented and best pilot in a flying club. "

Speaking of this, Spielberg added: "You can use the image of Leonardo in Titanic to substitute this pilot."

牧 Li Mu laughed and nodded again and again, Spielberg deserved to be a great director, and in one sentence he made the picture in his mind more concrete.

Spielberg went on to say: "The male No. 1 sees the strength of the male No. 3, hoping to invite him to join his Flying Tigers and go to Huaxia to fight against the Japanese invaders, but the male No. 3 is completely uninterested. The war has nothing to do with him. There are only three things in his life: airplanes, cigarettes and women, so he will not accept the invitation of the male No. 1. "

"In order to achieve this goal, Male One requested a flight with Male Three. If Male One loses, he is willing to give Male Three a thousand dollars. If Male Three loses, he will have to compete with Male One. He came to China to join the Flying Tigers until the end of World War II. "

"The male No. 3 is extremely conceited. For the sake of money and face, he competed with the male No. 1 but failed to win him. In the end, he was only willing to gamble and lose, and along with nearly a hundred other pilots, followed the male No. 1 to Huaxia."

After saying this, Spielberg looked at Li Mu and said, "This is the transition part of what I said."

牧 Li Mu nodded: "Very good, the American Flying Tigers went to the battlefield. I heard that I was a little bit enthusiastic. After finishing the first paragraph and the transition paragraph, should I say the second paragraph?"

Spielberg nodded and said: "The second major paragraph is that the male No. 3 came to Huaxia with the male No. 1, officially joined the Flying Tigers, and met the male No. 2, and the two became comrades-in-arms. In this way, Men's second and men's thirds can show a very strong human contrast, for example: a Chinese face, an American face; an extremely decent, a wild and uninhibited; one has no time to take care of his children, but one wants to pursue beautiful girls all day; one The purpose of flying a plane is to protect our country. A plane is for hunting and making money. Oppositions are almost everywhere. "

"It is these two very different people who have become side-by-side comrades under the control of Chennault. At first, the conflict between the characters will be strong, but with the baptism of the war, the male No. 3 finally realized the Japanese invaders during the war. Crime, realizing that he was not fighting for adventure and money, but for justice. During this period, the male No. 2 who had been looked down on by the male No. 3 saved the life of the male No. 3 in an air battle. An entirely different person, but with the same goal, became the closest comrade in arms and fought side by side. "

Speaking of this, Spielberg added: "I'm also going to add two relatively weakened female characters here. An American female nurse on the Flying Tigers likes the unscrupulous male No. 2 and male No. 3 After a crash and skydiving, he fell in love with the Chinese farm girl who hid him and helped him escape from the Japanese army. Subsequently, the male No. 3 began a violent pursuit of the farm girl, and the American female nurses began to show admiration for the male No. 2 . "

"The shameful Chinese girl avoided the enthusiastic male No. 3; the male No. 2 with national hatred as her all, knowing the love of female nurses in the United States, she was also enthusiastic about it, but she was anti-Japanese and did not dare to give any Respond positively until there was an air force that fought against the Japanese invaders. Male No. 2 and Male No. 3 fought side by side. During the fierce battle, Male No. 2's plane was injured by the Japanese army. At this point his chest was hit by a machine gun of a Japanese plane. "

"On the verge of death, Male No. 2 gave up skydiving, said goodbye to Male No. 3 on the radio, and asked him to tell the American female nurse, saying that he liked her too, but unfortunately the timing of their meeting was too bad. She must have married her as his wife. After that, Male II pulled up the injured plane and rushed to the formation of the Japanese aircraft. Before being shot down by the Japanese army, she finally shot down a Japanese fighter plane. "

"The distressed male III and other comrades repelled the Japanese army, but the male two's plane had crashed. He returned with tears. The female nurse heard that the battle on the front was terrible. She went to the runway and expected to see the male two's plane land, but in the end A landing plane was the male No. 3 plane. After he landed, he told the female nurse that the male No. 2 had died, and the female nurse shed tears in silence. "

"At the end of the story, Chennad ’s Flying Tigers disbanded, and the male No. 3 is about to return to the United States. Before leaving, he went to find the farm girl who had saved him but had been hiding from him, but found that the entire village where her family was Destroyed by the Japanese army, the male No. 3 thought she was dead, crying sadly in the ruins of her house, unexpectedly the girl suddenly appeared in front of him alone; "

"Men No. 3 was so excited, he took the initiative to hug her, and said in English that I love you. The farm girl didn't understand, but did not push him away, but left tears in his arms. Wu said in Chinese that her parents were both The Japanese killed her, and she was the only one left in the house. The third man did n’t understand. He just said in lazy Chinese repeatedly: Follow me, follow me. The farm girl understood him, and hesitated slightly. Still nodded. "

"Men No. 3 hugs her, crying like a child in excitement, and then the second big paragraph plot ends."

When Li Mu heard this, his eyes were a little bit sour. He didn't expect Spielberg to describe such a touching story based on a fictional story based on real history in words. What's more unexpected is that the young Anne Hathaway has already The eyes were red, and tears could even be seen in the eye sockets.

Everyone didn't speak. Looking at Spielberg, he took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and then said, "The end of the story is divided into two scenes. The first scene: On the side of the ship returning to the United States, the camera sweeps over the man. No. 1 ~ ~ and the faces of many American flying tigers, they lie on the side of the ship and silently look at the original coast, which is the Chinese land they once fought and defended;

"Then, the camera stopped slightly while scanning the American female nurse. The female nurse silently wept and took out a photo carefully from her pocket. The photo was the photo of Male No. 2 on the aviation school honor list. She was with her; "

"Following, the camera passed over her. At the third man, the eyes of the third man turned red. Looking at Huaxia's land, he seemed to be remembering his comrades who fought side by side. Then, the camera passed him, beside him, that one. The farm girl who lost her parents, the girl with red eyes, slowly clinging to his shoulder, and then the camera rose, getting farther and farther ... "

"Act two: In the summer of 1999, an American old man, an American old lady, accompanied by a Chinese old lady and several mixed-race children, arrived in Huaxia, and they walked to a martyr's cemetery located on the outskirts of Spring City in the southwest;"

"Standing in front of a tombstone, the old American man and the old Chinese woman intertwined their fingers, and seriously looked at the picture on the tombstone. The picture on the tombstone was the second man of that year, and even the picture was taken away with the American female nurse. That photo is exactly the same; "

"At this time, the single old American lady beside them, trembling but carefully took out a yellow and black photo, which was the same as the photo on the tombstone, and then the old wrinkled eyes shed two Tears, tears slowly slipped on the old man's wrinkled face, and at the moment dripping in front of the tombstone, the whole drama ended ... ") !!

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