Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1168: It doesn't matter, anyway I shame ...

In order to determine the timeline of "The Last Samurai", Li Mu tentatively asked Spielberg, "Steven, do you know when the movie Tom Cruise will be finished and when it will be released?"

Spielberg shook his head and said, "I'm not clear about the specifics, but the impression seems to be that it was turned on in the second half of last year. The filming can definitely be completed in the first half of this year. In addition, if it is fine, it should be released at the end of the year. "

Li Mu nodded and asked him, "If we prepare as soon as possible, when can we start it? When can it be released?"

Spielberg thought for a moment and said, "If it is fast, we should be able to turn on the camera in early March, but we can only take the part of the lens shot in the United States in the beginning of March. If we are efficient, we should be able to kill the youth before the end of this year, so that it should be released next summer. "

Next summer, how can it be at least half a night later than The Last Samurai ...

On the surface, Li Mu is not expressive, but his heart is dark. You must not let "The Last Samurai" achieve such good results and influence in accordance with the development of history. However, what method is used to stop the other party seems to be another No solution.

In any case, Li Mu has no ability to prevent a Hollywood film from being released worldwide. Hollywood is a free market. If you directly target a certain Hollywood film and smash someone else ’s rice bowl, you will definitely encounter a powerful backlash effect, so Li Mu basically One thing is certain, wanting to stir up The Last Samurai is basically a dream.

Li Mu turned his thoughts and thought that if he could not catch up with it, it would be better than it was in the morning, and he could not directly stir it up. How can he minimize its influence?

After thinking about it, Li Mu couldn't think of a good way.

Spielberg and Li Mu left after talking about many details. Li Mu asked Wang Yuanlang to send him away. He turned on the computer and searched Google for relevant information about The Last Samurai.

After typing the English name of "The Last Samurai" in Google, Li Mu quickly saw a lot of entertainment news. Fortunately, the English language level was very good. These overseas websites had no pressure on him to browse.

Li Mu carefully looked at every piece of information about "The Last Samurai", and soon found that almost all of this information was entertainment reports, and they were all related to Tom Cruise. Most of them reported that Tom Cruise took the film. News about this movie.

There are no real dry goods in these reports. For the plot of the movie, the entertainment reports are also vague, just saying that Tom Cruise took a legendary story of the American Civil War Officer and the Japanese Samurai, and Tom Cruise plays a captain in the American Civil War.

In addition, there are also some interviews with director Edward Zwick. During the interview, he has been selling Guanzi, but only said that he was very obsessed with Japanese culture, so he created such a movie, and he also It was revealed that Tom Cruise was also very obsessed with Japanese culture and prepared the film carefully for two years.

The reporter also asked Edward Zwick if he could tell the story of the movie. Edward Zwick is very cautious about this. Like Tom Cruise, he only tells a half of the most basic story. Summary, just to say that this is a story between the American Civil War soldiers and the Japanese warrior, but what specific story he did not want to disclose at all, the reporter tried to ask more, but he switched the topic and said this The film is the collision and combination of Western and Eastern cultures, and it will definitely astound the audience after its release.

Later, Li Mu found some other news and collected some useful news. For example, the film was officially launched on October 10, 2002. It is expected to be successful in May this year, and the total investment of this film has reached His mother's $ 140 million!

Li Mu watched secretly, good guy, but 140 million US dollars is more than 40 million US dollars higher than his "Flying Tigers" budget. This film has such a large investment, it is difficult to guarantee that there is no secret support from a Japanese consortium.

Li Mu suddenly felt that "The Last Samurai" is likely to be like his "Flying Tigers". Super-stars, Hollywood staff, big investment, big scenes, big productions, there is a breath of commercial movies everywhere, but in the bones , But it is a well-thought-out cultural output.

It is likely that there is also a gold master like himself behind The Last Samurai, but he wants to export Chinese culture, Chinese spirit and Chinese history, while the other party wants to export Japanese culture and Bushido spirit.

The more Li Mu pondered, the more likely he was to infer, and the more he thought about it, the more determined he was to find a way to stir up the film.

Later, Li Mu searched for some fixed makeup photos that the crew intentionally released. Among these fixed photos, there are photos of Tom Cruise wearing 19th century American military uniforms, and photos of Ken Watanabe and Hiroichi Sanada wearing warrior uniforms. There are also photos of Kato Yuki wearing traditional Japanese clothing.

Tom Cruise is indeed one of the pinnacles of Hollywood male stars. Wearing military uniform two centuries ago, he can also look bright and handsome.

However, Li Mu suddenly realized that there was a problem. Leaving aside other subjective factors, Li Mu had to admit that in the movie "The Last Samurai", all the visual presentation of Japan is very exquisite. , Clothing props, or landscape architecture, all are extremely diligent in creating an aesthetically pleasing visual effect.

Therefore, in the impression of Li Mu, the image of Tom Cruise wearing a Japanese samurai uniform is more handsome and handsome than the image of wearing a military uniform. Why didn't the crew send out a fixed makeup photo of his image?

Li Mu thought, and suddenly figured out something!

The crew of "The Last Samurai" hides the plot of this movie very carefully!

In general movies, 30% or even a little more is generally announced, and then attracts the attention of users. However, the plot of this movie is currently less than 10%. They only announced the background of the story and the starting point of the story. The plot was not revealed at all.

They didn't even expose the pictures of Tom Cruise wearing a samurai uniform, that is to say, they didn't even want the audience to know in advance that Tom Cruise would become a samurai in this movie.

Li Mu speculated that they should do this to ensure the suspense of the movie.

The structure of this movie is very interesting. How Tom Cruise was invited and decided to train the army in Japan and how to command the army to fight is actually just an introduction. In the true sense, he entered the main storyline from Tom Cruise. The moment he was captured by Watanabe Ken.

Tom Cruise was transformed from an instructor to a captive, and was gradually brainwashed by Watanabe's Bushido spirit, and eventually became a samurai to fight alongside him. This is the true main storyline of the story.

Therefore, under this scenario structure, once Tom Cruise, a veteran of the United States, puts on a set makeup photo of a Japanese samurai uniform, the plot can basically be guessed. The crew must keep the plot secret That's why I'm so cautious.

At this time, Li Mu suddenly realized that a negative move suddenly emerged in Li Mu's mind.

Aren't you hiding in fear of leaking? OK, I've watched this movie several times. I may not remember it clearly except for the dialogue, but I remember every detail of the entire plot direction. If I write down the full details of the plot and put it on the Internet Go and push it with the Marines. Then you find that almost all of your scripts have been moved online. What should you do?

Moreover, it's not that simple to disclose your plot, I have to hack you!

That's right, although your movie is really good, but at the height of nationalism, I still want to hack you!

In fact, Li Mu himself also knows that although watching the movie in The Last Samurai is not bad, the plot does not stand up to serious consideration, and the prototype of the movie is not such a noble and pure embodiment of the so-called Bushido spirit, but a group of warriors. In order to defend their own privileges, they opposed the government and eventually became a rebel. The film changed the story and extolled the utmost praise, which may itself hide some kind of deep interest relationship.

And this film is released at this critical time, so Li Mu feels that he must be black, and he must be black!

The specific routine Li Mu thinks about, for example:

"I thought it was a movie. I saw the script full of dog blood. Friends on the surface became enemies, but the enemy on the surface became friends. This routine takes at least a few hundred photos in Hollywood every year. ? "

"After reading the script, I have no interest in this movie anymore. If Tom Cruise has been making such bad movies that he can't stand up to, he won't be able to get the Oscars in this life."

"Damn! I really didn't expect Tom Cruise to play such a nonsense movie, killing a Japanese woman's husband, but the Japanese woman fell in love with the murderer. Didn't you think about it when you saw the script, If someone kills you, but your wife falls in love with him, what is your mood? "

In addition to this, Li Mu also wanted to stir up the nationalist spirit of the Americans when the film was opened, so that the American people would subconsciously exclude this movie, such as:

"Director, how much money did you get from the Japanese? It took so much effort to tout the Japanese ’s extreme Bushido spirit. What do you really want? Do you know that Japanese soldiers who believed in the extreme Bushido spirit during World War II committed crimes around the world? How many crimes have been committed? "

"Do n’t this **** stupid director forget the Kamikaze Commando during World War II? They all clamored for the Bushido spirit to sink and sunk, but all of us American warships! It was all our fellow Americans who killed them. No, there are your elder relatives here. You are so shameless to whitewash this extreme Bushido spirit, your face is really disgusting! "

"F * k! This silly X director, I really recommend that he get to know the Papua New Guinea battlefield during World War II. Do you know that Japanese soldiers who advocated the extreme spirit of Japanese Bushido once committed here to eat American captives? offense?!"

"Although this is a time of peace, we should not have too much nationalism, but I was really disgusted by the director. You, an American, have racked your brains to publicize their nationalism for the Japanese. Then I would like to ask you, Where is the nationalism that belongs to you in the United States? "

"An adult should have a right view of right and wrong ~ ~ It ’s a pity that this director did n’t have it. He did n’t know that he was actually praising it, but it was the spirit of the devil. In his eyes, there is only interest. Whoever gives him money will sing praises for him. I really doubt if the descendants of the Nazis will find him and give him a sum of money, and he is willing to make a whitewash for the Nazis. Movie, just shudder when you think about it! "

"OMG, I have decided not to watch this silly X-director movie again from today!"

"Shit! It's not just his movie, I don't even want to watch Tom Cruise's movie!"

"God-Damn! I think we need to call on our fellow Americans, and all nations and people who have been hurt by this extreme Bushido spirit, everyone to resist this movie!"

Unknowingly, Li Mu has crafted a large number of various marine speeches, and more and more feels at ease, writing seventy or eighty in one breath.

At a certain moment, Li Mu also felt that if he did this, was it a bit low and a bit excessive?

But the next second, Li Mu felt calm and secretly said: It doesn't matter, I don't want to shame anyway ...

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