Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1171: The blessing of misfortune!

From northern New Zealand to Los Angeles, this is a trip that takes as fast as 20 hours.

However, Li Mu has been unmoved at this time. Now he just leaked the whole plot of "The Last Samurai", and the next step to escalate the situation is the real top priority, but Li Mu is not in a hurry.

Kill the enemy with a blunt knife!

From 8 o'clock in the evening on the same day in Los Angeles time to 9 o'clock in the morning the next day, the only hot spot on the Internet in the United States is the major news of the movie The Last Samurai.

At 9:00 o'clock, YY listed this headline in the news pop-up window in North America. YY is the largest and strongest information delivery platform on the Internet today. The push of YY officially pushed the impact of the leak to The pinnacle.

The pop-up window of YY is not intended by Li Mu. After all, the YY English portal has already been launched. Its positioning itself is to be the largest, best and fastest news portal, so it is their specialty to put such news on the front page. What inevitably will be done in literacy, not just YY, basically all morning newspapers today, the headlines are related to this incident.

At this moment, Edward is still on the flight from New Zealand to Los Angeles.

Warner's CEO Meyer was sleepless all night. If other films had such problems, Meyer would not be so nervous, but this time it is different. This film is not just a commercial film for Warner It's that simple. Behind it is a powerful Japanese chaebol. If this movie is well-made, the box office is high, and the influence is also great, then Warner will have countless benefits in the future. They will suffer deliberate retaliation, and at least they will lose a wonderful opportunity to take off.

So in this context, Meyer couldn't help but be nervous.

Until now, I didn't know how many cups of coffee I had, and Meyer's nervousness still didn't get any relief.

Just before calling Edward last night, the Japanese capitalist had scolded himself badly, and asked himself to solve the matter as soon as possible, and to make every effort to minimize the impact of this incident. Then the other party hung up the phone rudely and never called again.

When Meyer picked up a cup of coffee again, his secretary hurried into the office and said in a panic, "Mr. Meyer, the big deal is bad!"

"What's wrong?" Meyer stunned, and the coffee was almost sprinkled on the white shirt.

The secretary said out of breath: "YY! YY has been pushed out! Our leaked script has made headlines!"


Meyer's coffee fell out of his hand, hit the table, and the hot coffee splashed out, leaving him all over his face.

The burning pain made him shout out. The secretary hurried forward and took out a paper towel to help him clean it. Meyer's body was hot and painful everywhere, but he ignored the upper tube at all, but cursed angrily: "Damn YY They are responding too fast! "

As the secretary wiped, he said, "Mr. Mayer, the Los Angeles Morning Post has been on the front page at six o'clock. The efficiency of YY is not fast, because they always pop up the news every morning at nine o'clock ..."

"But that's YY!" Meyer yelled angrily: "If it's the Los Angeles Morning News, I'm too lazy to deal with it, but YY covers the global users! Isn't that **** fueling Lao Tzu's fire?"

The secretary saw Meyer's hate and gritted teeth, and he dared not answer.

Meyer sent her away and took off the dirty shirt directly. The whole person was about to die. Edward, the goddamn, hadn't arrived yet. The matter was so big. How can I explain to the Japanese capitalist? !! In other words, how can I satisfy Japanese capitalists?

Just when he didn't know what was right, the phone on the desk rang.

After answering the call, the secretary's voice came: "Mr. Meyer, Mr. Morita's phone, on Line 2 ..."

"Mr. Morita ..." Meyer's scalp exploded, instantly panicking.

But after a while, Meyer insisted and said, "OK, come in."

Switching to the second line to connect to the phone, before the other party's first trouble, Meyer hurriedly said in a low voice: "Mr. Hoshida, don't worry, I've asked the director to come back, I must thoroughly investigate this matter And give you a satisfactory account! "

After saying this, Meyer waited for the angry roar of the other side. This Hoshida scolded people, his voice was sharp and harsh, almost like a **** evil dog, it made people want to die. Now the situation is escalating, Meyer It was expected that the other side would be even more angry at this moment.

However, I did n’t expect Meyer to dream. This time, the other party was not angry at all, but hummed a few times and said in English with a very strong Japanese accent: “Meyer, my friend, do n’t worry so much. I'm not going to investigate this time anymore, you can rest assured! "

Now Meyer was dumbfounded.

No more investigation? He almost scolded himself half-dead over the phone yesterday. Will he not be held accountable today? Is it impossible to take the wrong medicine?

Meyer couldn't help but ask carefully: "Mr. Morita, aren't you really looking for it?"

"No more investigation." Hoshida Haha laughed: "Meyer, now things are starting to go in a good direction. Chinese people have helped us a lot. Since even YY put this on the front page, then This means that our movie is now known throughout North America. This is a good thing. Although it will lose a certain amount of box office, it has saved us a lot of publicity funds. So many people know this movie. Even if the box office conversion ratio is reduced and there is such a large base here, I believe that the box office will be higher than what we expected in the future, and you know, my purpose is not at the box office, but influence! Now we It's half done! This is a big surprise! "

Meyer didn't expect that Morita would attach so much importance to influence, but in this way, as long as Morita is satisfied, it would be better, and she can be completely relieved.

So Mayer asked Morita: "Mr. Morita, shall we continue shooting next?"

"Of course! Continue shooting! Tell everyone to take good pictures without any psychological burden!"

Mayer asked, "How do we respond to this incident?"

"This is the most important purpose of calling you."

Said, Morita said: "After Edward arrives in Los Angeles, you will immediately organize a press conference. At the conference, you will generously admit that the plot disclosed on the Internet is true, and then tell reporters that you will not be affected by this incident. The impact of this film will definitely make this film the best. At that time, I will let the major media contribute to the back, and when the press conference is over, our film is likely to be famous all over the world! "

Meyer's almost excited tears were almost shed.

Unexpectedly, due to YY's headline, Morita no longer held accountable for his responsibilities and faults in this matter, which made him instantly feel a sense of rebirth. The boulder in his heart disappeared without a trace. Hanging up the phone of Hoshida, he immediately got up and prepared to go home to rest. He didn't close his eyes day and night. Now he just wants to take a good night's sleep.

Out of the door, Meyer said to the secretary with excitement: "Susan, two things, one is to communicate with the public relations department immediately, preparing to hold a press conference, the press conference time is set at 10 am tomorrow, let the public relations department Invite all the media that can be invited; in addition, if Edward arrives, tell him not to worry too much, let him take a break first, wait for my call, I will meet him at night. "

The secretary didn't know why Mayer was so happy all of a sudden, but nodded his head very seriously and said, "Good Mr. Mayer, I'll arrange it."


For the past ten hours, Li Mu has been working on one thing.

He is continuously developing a script, and he will fully develop the script in 24 hours.

At that time, he will pass hundreds of written text and speech content into this script to prepare, and then prepare the script to automatically hang on the US proxy server in a traceless way, as long as he clicks to run, The script will automatically send these prepared content to the designated website.

At the same time, Li Mu is also curious about what kind of crisis PR will be made by Warner.

In his opinion, there are two ways:

The first is to jump out and deny the authenticity of the script, and then temporarily change the script of The Last Samurai, but this possibility is basically remote.

Because this film has been in production for more than two months, and this kind of special effects movie with great scenes has already taken a lot of time, energy and money to make various preparations before the filming. Budget, maybe it ’s already out of 80 million or even hundreds of millions. Now change the script again, everything has to start from scratch, how to play?

The second type ~ ~ acknowledges the authenticity of the script, but does not make any changes to the script and continues to shoot. This possibility is the greatest in Li Mu's view.

Acknowledging the authenticity of the script, although it will lose part of the box office, it will avoid the trouble of rewriting the script, and Li Mu has left a lot of room for them to operate. Now the influence of the event is increasing, as long as they seize this opportunity To win the favor of the audience, even if the script is leaked, there is still a chance to be blessed by misfortune. After all, this matter has become an extremely hot topic. This is really a good opportunity for publicity and promotion.

In Li Mu's plan, the best result was that Warner stepped forward and admitted that the leaked plot was true, because as long as they acknowledged the plot's truth, a series of nuclear weapons attacks behind them could be targeted.

Otherwise, if they do not admit that the script is real, and they want to attack them with ideological and nationalist arguments, it is really difficult to stand up to it.

However, Li Mu firmly believes that Warner will definitely fall into the traps he laid. He personally planned so many big things and never made mistakes!


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