Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1192: $ 200 million large order

The entire American Internet was shocked by an unverified piece of news.

According to people familiar with the matter, Makino Technology provided the Coca-Cola Company with a very powerful online promotion plan, and then Coca-Cola's executive Bruce went to Silicon Valley and Makino Technology to sign a $ 200 million promotion cooperation agreement!

The news not only stunned the Internet industry, but even stunned the advertising industry.

A 200 million USD promotion cooperation agreement is equivalent to a 200 million USD purchase order. It is equivalent to Coca-Cola buying a 200 million USD promotion resource from Makino Technology in one package. In the advertising industry, this can be said to be unprecedented. Orders, not to mention, such a huge, enviable and jealous order, was won by a Makino technology that has nothing to do with the advertising industry.

The most important thing is that Makino Technology is very different from the 4A advertising companies in the advertising industry, and it is also very different from those who integrate advertising resources.

The 4A advertising company is planning and planning. As long as the customer is satisfied with the solution, the customer then holds the solution to operate it by itself, or directly commissions the 4A company to carry out the promotion operation, but the 4A company still needs to start from its own upstream, that is, advertising Advertising from resource providers.

The resource integrator is the contractor of advertising resources. They have won the resources of TV stations, radio stations, offline bus system ads, building ads, elevator ads, and even toilet ads. Any advertising solution must be obtained from them. These resources.

The resources in the resource integrator's hands are not in vain. Each advertising position belongs to the resource provider. To get these resources, you must pay real costs, and the cost of these resources is often extraordinarily expensive. Therefore, some large companies are rushing. More than half of the hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising programs went to resource providers.

And Makino Technology won such a large advertising order this time, but did not follow the industry rules of the advertising industry.

The advertising industry, like all industries, has its own rules, and has its own upstream, midstream, and downstream, and its own complete industry chain.

Enterprises or units that provide various advertising resources, such as television stations, radio stations, newspapers, which are upstream of the advertising industry;

Integrators who integrate public advertising resources and provide customers with packaged integration services are the midstream of the advertising industry;

4A and other advertising companies that provide advertising ideas are downstream of the advertising industry;

The cooperation of these three can form the entire advertising industry chain.

For example, a domestic liquor company wants to promote a new product that is positioned at a high end, hoping to gain brand awareness and recognition through advertising. Then they set a promotion budget of 200 million yuan, and then found a 4A advertising company to let them Help out.

After the 4A advertising company charged the company's 20 million service fee, it comprehensively analyzed the current status of the domestic liquor market and the status of well-known brands, then analyzed the customer's brand awareness, and the current situation in the industry, and finally analyzed the current customers in the domestic liquor market. The brand recognition in China is not enough, and the competitiveness is not enough. If you blindly put on high-end products, it is difficult to open the situation, but this is exactly the core needs of customers. So 4A advertising company came up with a unique trick to promote it with special marketing methods. This product, then, they produced a blue classic advertising idea.

Subsequently, this advertising idea was adopted by the customer. Next, the plan was continuously improved. The final customer determined the final design and promotion plan of the product. Then, the company gave the remaining 180 million yuan of the budget to a family. Advertising agency.

Advertising agencies quickly sorted out the advertising resources in their own hands, and put the ads for this product on prime time at dozens of television stations across the country, and in offline advertising placements across the country.

Then, the company's liquor advertising was overwhelming, and 200 million yuan was spent, but it was replaced by annual sales of billions or more.

This is the traditional advertising industry, a successful advertising case from birth to completion of the entire process, the company pays money, 4A, resource integrator, resource provider the three parties to make money, the 200 million plan, it is possible that 4A earned two Ten million, the integrator earned 20 million, and the resource providers, including major television stations, made a total of 160 million.

This time Makino Technology won a super order of $ 200 million from Coca-Cola, which made the advertising industry unacceptable. Makino Technology, which won such a large order, is not an advertising company ...

And what made them most unacceptable and felt full of crisis: Makino made all the upper, middle and lower reaches of the entire advertising industry by itself! This is a subversive existence for the advertising industry!

As a result, people in the entire advertising industry in the United States are inquiring about what kind of promotion plan Makino Technology has provided for Coca-Cola, which can make Coca-Cola give out 200 million US dollars in one breath.

However, at present, both Coca-Cola and Makino Technology are keeping the details of this cooperation strictly confidential. Both parties have acquiesced in this cooperation, but no one knows the specific cooperation.


Li Mu himself did not expect that he actually took 200 million US dollars from Coca-Cola, and that the two hundred million US dollars did not have to pay any hard costs, it was nothing more than some of his own resources.

Of the US $ 200 million cooperation with Coca-Cola, US $ 100 million was used for the promotion of Coca-Cola among non-RMB user groups, and US $ 40 million was used for the promotion of RMB user groups.

As for the remaining 60 million US dollars, Li Mu's third set of promotional programs for Bruce game implantation.

The world-famous "Town of Paradise" has a huge user base and has over 10 million daily users. It is the largest online game in the world today. Li Mu will add a "Coke Factory" to the manufacturing system of "Town of Paradise" as a A new processing system is integrated into the processing architecture tree of Paradise Town.

According to the setting of the structure tree, the Cola factory needs three kinds of raw materials to manufacture Cola: sugar, cola and invalid coca leaves;

Because coca leaves contain some ingredients that can be used to make poisons, the raw material of "invalid coca leaves" cannot be obtained by planting coca, but can only be purchased through the dock in the game;

Except for the "dead coca leaf" which needs to be purchased, both white sugar and kola players can be self-sufficient.

Players can buy Koala seeds directly and grow Koala on the farm;

In addition to Koala, if users want sugar, they need to buy sugarcane seeds to grow sugarcane, and then use a sugar mill to convert sugarcane into sugar.

With the "Coke Factory", and then with sugar, cola, and invalid coca leaves, users can make Coke, and Coke has a very important role in the task system of the game. To complete the task with Coke, just You can get more and better mission rewards.

The series of ideas of the "Coke Factory" is the third set of promotion plan of Li Mu to Coca-Cola. The purpose of Li Mu is that as long as Coca-Cola is willing to pay, then the "Coke Factory" can be named "Coca-Cola Factory", and its The resulting product will also be renamed "Coca-Cola".

The game's implanted creativity almost impressed Coca-Cola executives almost instantly. No one has ever tried such an interesting implantation method, and the other party is an online game with more than 10 million daily users. This kind of publicity is simply The avant-garde is unbelievable.

In addition, Li Mu also gave Coca-Cola a better integration solution: the marketing plan of the redemption code can be used in offline entities and moved to the online virtual, that is, the players of Paradise Town If a virtual "cola" is produced, each bottle of "cola" will also carry a redemption code, and users have the opportunity to redeem virtual coins and special game items rewards.

The Coca-Cola company is ecstatic about this promotion plan. Such a set of very common marketing promotion plan in 2016 was placed in 2003 enough to worship all five bodies.

However, Li Mu poured cold water into the Coca-Cola company. He can only promise in the contract to keep the elements of the Coca-Cola factory in the game for three months. After three months, Li Mu has the right to remove or hide these items. deal with.

The Coca-Cola Company had a very strong protest against Li Mu's three-month guarantee at the beginning, but Li Mu did not let it go. He always implemented the principle of no price reduction and no increase, and did not give Coca-Cola any room for mediation.

This moment put Coca-Cola's senior management into a huge tangled situation.

In fact, Coca-Cola prefers the third set of promotional programs over the redemption code scheme of physical drinks, because they only need 60 million US dollars to allow hundreds of millions of players to repeatedly see Coca-Cola ’s implanted ads and take the initiative Make more and closer contact with Coca-Cola's implant ads.

However, the limitation period of three months is indeed too short, which is equivalent to 20 million US dollars a month, which is really expensive and scary.

But then again, there are over ten million daily users of Paradise Town. In three months, the cumulative number of impressions will probably reach hundreds of millions or even billions of times ~ ~ In this way, The price, which seemed extremely ridiculous, was extraordinarily generous.

However, after considering, Coca-Cola decided to accept Li Mu ’s promotion plan in its entirety. So, the day after Bruce and Li Mu met, Bruce in Silicon Valley got the final approval of Coca-Cola and signed a cooperation agreement with Li Mu.

Li Mu was naturally relieved to get 200 million US dollars in one breath, but the two hundred million US dollar contract also completely exposed his whereabouts. Now the entire United States and even the whole world know that they have come to the United States.

Li Mu also planned to go to Harvard to see Su Yingxue quietly. As a result, the cooperation with Coca-Cola just ended, and Li Mu received a call from the principal of Harvard.

On the phone, the principal of Harvard said a lot of excitement, but in summary, there are only two important points:

First, the 3321 team has now arrived at Harvard, and has started to work with Harvard to prepare for the launch of the 3321 US station;

Secondly, the students all miss you very much. More than 10,000 Harvard students collectively voiced on the campus network. I sincerely hope that you will come to the United States this time and take time to visit Harvard again ...

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