Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1261: That 1 stagnant boiling

The military salute of the cowardly old man made these soldiers who had been separated from him for half a century suddenly wet their eyes.

Chen Chengwu almost straightened his body subconsciously, loudly with the most standard military posture and military salute, with the most hoarse exhausted voice: "Old seniors, Chen Chengwu of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Yun Provincial Military Region, salute you!"

With this roar of Chen Chengwu, other soldiers put down their equipment and supplies one by one, red-eyed, saluting, and saluting the old man with a loud voice.

This battle moved the accompanying Li Mu and Liu Xinxing to tears, and two lines of tears burst into the wrinkled eyes of the old man.

At this moment, the old man abandoned his local dialect that he had spoken for decades, and said in standard Mandarin: "National Revolutionary Army, Air Force, Sixth Brigade, Major Pilot, Sun Xiaozhong, thank you ... thank you ... "

For the old man, due to many special historical reasons, the identity of the soldier has been buried in his heart for more than half a century. He is eager to one day this society can remember his identity as a soldier and recognize the contributions he has made, and It ’s not that he screams alone, but after so many years, he has become more and more clear that this wish is actually a kind of extravagant hope. Half a century of wind and rain, this country has undergone countless changes, and his deeds of that year have become more and more The less likely it is to be remembered, I am afraid I can only be brought into the soil by myself.

Until a few days ago, several young men who claimed to be volunteers came into the mountains and asked their names in the village. He learned that his deeds in the past had not been completely forgotten by the society, and there were very few children. A group of people found their name by looking up the information of the Flying Tigers team and local government records of the year, and found Baofu Village step by step.

The volunteer sent him some pastry gifts and gave him 2,000 yuan. The old man never touched the hundred-dollar bill a few times in his life. When he saw so much money, he shook his hands. The thickest coffin that I personally built only sold for a thousand dollars.

But the old man didn't ask for this money, because he had gained more wealth than this money, because there are still people who remember him, and there are people who know who he is and what he has done.

People in Baofu Village have been with the old people for decades, and they do n’t know what the old people do. They only call him Old Suntou, because his name Sun Xiaozhong sounds too booky, and the people in the mountains do n’t understand and say they are not used to it. They The appellations between them are mostly "surname" + "A character" + brother, uncle, uncle, and uncle, such as Zhang Age and Chen Ayong. Compared to the old name of the old people, the villagers' names should be grounded. many.

In the eyes of the villagers in Baofu Village, the old man is an old bachelor. Since the day he hit the mountain, he has been a bachelor. In the words of the elders in the village, the year the old man came to the mountain was like a rooster defeated, but also a dog of a bereavement. He came to Baofu Village in rags and begs, and asked the villagers to settle down in one place. Although the land in Baofu Village was worthless, the closed villages generally did not like outsiders to enter, not to mention the local language of the old people was not so standard. However, the old village chief at the time did not know why, but he still made his request and told him that Xiaotupo at the east of the village was unoccupied. If he wanted to settle down, he would go there and build a thatched house.

So the old man built a thatched hut without a word, and found a mountain field in the distance that no one wants to cultivate. He gathered up two acres of land, planted grain, and was really in Baofu Village. Come down, this footfall is thirty years.

In the past thirty years, the old man is the poorest grandson in the village in the eyes of the villagers. People always use him to educate the children: if you are not obedient, the old grandson will take you to eat; if you do n’t work hard, you will be like the old Sun Tau can't ask for his wife; if he can't get his wife, he will be as old as Sun Tzu.

When these rumors and rumors gradually became popular, the old man was almost demonized in the eyes of the children in the village. Many children saw him leaving in horror and screaming, and some daring children would pick up the soil and be strenuous. Throw it at the old man, and no matter if you hit it, they turned around and screamed and ran away. Their parents rarely managed it because they felt that leaving the old man in the village these years is already an endless benevolence to him in this village. This little thing is far from enough for him to repay the villagers and his kindness.

The old man never cared about it, and was not angry. Whether it was the child ’s terror and teasing, or the villagers ’ridicule and sympathy, he was not angry or sad, and always held the proud head in his heart, even if he was stingy. Similarly, for decades, no tear has flowed.

He always comforted himself so much. When he drove an airplane to fight the Japanese, he took off every day with good determination and courage. With the constant take-off and landing of the fighter, his spirit had been tempered for a long time. An iron tree that will never wither and never fall. This iron tree has stood for decades and has withstood the attack of Japanese fighters and the baptism of historical catastrophe. Today, these are not even ant bites.

It is such a strong old man, and now when facing the PLA soldiers, he couldn't stop the tears like rain in an instant.

Different from the volunteers ’recognition of him a few days ago, these military uniforms are all active duty soldiers. Their recognition is most comforting and moving to the elderly.

For many years, the pilot of the National Army named Sun Xiaozhong and the pilot who once guarded the Southwest with the Flying Tigers of the United States have never experienced excitement and excitement. After the disappearance of his wife and children, his life is like a stagnant water without any trace. The waves are horrible and silent, and at this moment, the water is boiling.

The picture of a dozen active soldiers and the old man saluting each other was still for a few minutes. Fortunately, there were two cameras that had not stopped shooting from the moment they entered the mountain. The photographer hoped to capture the hardships of the mountain all the way. It is because of this that they I was fortunate enough to capture such an image without any intention, everything from the lungs.

At this time, the old man took the lead in breaking this stagnant picture, and said with annoyed expression: "I should invite you to sit in the house, but the house is too small and too broken, there is no place to stand ..."

With a tear, Chen Chengwu said, "Old seniors, we won't go in, but they ..."

Chen Chengwu said as he turned around, pointing at the two cameramen with cameras, and Li Mu and Liu Xinxing, saying to the old man: "They are from Yanjing. They want to give you an interview and report your affairs. Let more people know the story of you and other war veterans. "

The old man nodded gently and said, "Several young people who have been here have told me. How to interview you, I will cooperate, but ..."

Speaking of which, the old man struggled for a moment and pleaded, "Just can you record a broadcast for me. I want to find my wife and children. If they are still alive, they may have a chance to see it."

Liu Xinxin hurried to the previous one and said to the old man, "Older seniors, if you have anything you want to say, you can say it to the camera. We promise to spread the video to the people of the country to see it, not only to see it, but also to let them know You and other veterans have made a great contribution to this nation. "

The old man waved his hand busy: "It is our responsibility to be ashamed and not to contribute. It is our responsibility to rise and fall in the country. It is not credit or obligation!"

The village head was stunned while listening, and for a long while said nothing, and suddenly said something in shock.

The old man laughed and coughed twice, and then spoke a few words in dialects that everyone didn't understand.

The guide told everyone that the old village chief was surprised that his elder Sun could speak Mandarin.

Mandarin is a name given by local people to Mandarin. Many people can understand but ca n’t speak. There are also many elderly people who do n’t understand. There is hardly anyone who can say that to a local villager like Mr. Sun. Mandarin, so when he started speaking Mandarin, the village chief felt as if a villager in his village suddenly spoke fluent foreign languages.

The old man answered: "I was not originally from the province. I spoke Mandarin from a young age. After 37 years in Yun province, I learned a little bit of local language."

The village head was shocked beyond attachment, as if the whole life and the three views had been subverted.

Without the energy to take care of the old village head who was surprised, Li Mu and Liu Xinxing and the cameraman followed the old man into his thatched house.

After entering, many people really realized what it means to be hard. The impact of reality is many times more real than the pictures returned by volunteers. The head is muddy soil, the head is half-pulling Baiyuntian, and the cloud province is located on the plateau. The clouds look like It is much closer than the plain area. The kind of scenery was originally beautiful, but seeing white clouds from the roof gave people a feeling of sadness in addition to sadness.

The old man didn't have any decent clothes, only a set of Zhongshan suits that he didn't know how many years he had worn, and had applied countless patches. The old man took off the tattered cotton clothes, took out the clean Zhongshan suit, put it on, and then sat on and built it on the soil. The bed on the brick, took a small iron box from the bed, took out an eagle-shaped medal, and then hung it carefully on his chest, looking down at the medal, the old man lamented, "For decades, no I wore it again. I was afraid of being copied when I was criticized. I hid it in the swallow's nest and brought it up the mountain. This is the first time I have worn it for so many years. "

An accompanying female reporter hurriedly squatted in front of him and asked, "Old man, can you tell me the origin of this medal?"

The two photographers also shot on one knee to the old man and the medal from the bottom. Li Mu was so busy that Liu Xinhua was sitting cross-legged on the ground. In this shabby thatched house, the old man should be the tallest one.

The mouth of the old man was bubbling with saliva and his lips moved for a long time ~ ~ said: "This is a star order medal. After the War of Resistance, the National Government ’s medal for the pilots of the National Air Force has 1 to 10 on it. Ten levels of stars. According to the rules of the National Government at that time, only pilots who shot down enemy aircraft were eligible to award medals, shot down one enemy aircraft, awarded one star order medal, shot down two enemy aircraft, and awarded two stars. Prologue ... "

Li Mu carefully looked at the medals on the chest of the old man. In the center of a pair of golden eagle wings, there was a star in the center of the circle on a white background. The upper part, the lower left part, and the lower right part were arranged in a trident. Four.

The old man stroked his medal and said quietly, "In fact, I only shot down three Japanese planes. The fourth one was shot down by a wingman pilot of mine at that time. He died at that air battle, and the sergeant gave him a posthumous award. I received a medal of Baoding, and then wrote me down that fighter, and another wingman pilot. I changed from Samsung to four stars, and another wingman pilot, one from two to two. "

The young female reporter said shamefully, "I'm sorry for the older generation. I don't quite understand what you mean by wingman. Can you give us some instructions?"

The old man breathed a sigh of relief, and returned from the heavy thoughts just now, saying, "At that time, the aircraft were tactical in formations, divided into growth planes and wingmen. The long plane was the leader of the formation. Unconditionally execute all orders of the long plane. At that time, the tactics adopted by the National Government were one long and two wingers, three aircraft formations, I was a long wing, and two other wingman. "

Speaking of this, the old man sighed and said, "Since my wingman pilot sacrificed, the number of National Air Force aircraft is insufficient. We have changed to a long one, and three have changed to two ..."

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