Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1263: Ex-comrades

The inexplicable look of the old man made Li Mu also excited. He realized that this was likely to be a breakthrough to persuade the old man to leave here.

So he seriously said to the old man: "The information shows that this old Han Zili Han old man is indeed alive. He has been living in Chuandu since 55 years. However, according to the information provided by our volunteers, the old man is somewhat forgetful. I don't remember too many things in the past. We only confirmed his identity as a pilot before, but we haven't found the specific number of his army that year. "

The old man was disappointed and said, "In 50 years, I heard that he has gone to Taiwan, and he is not a Sichuan native. How can he always live in Sichuan? Could it be a mistake?"

Li Mu said, "If there were two Han Zili in the entire national army system at that time, it would not be a surprise, but there were not many pilots in the National Air Force at that time. Shouldn't there be the possibility of duplicate names?"

The old man nodded and said, "It makes sense for you to say this, but it still cannot be ruled out, and I heard that I went to Taiwan that year. No one came back until the late 1980s. I went to Taiwan in 49 and 55 years. It is basically impossible to come back to live in Sichuan. "

Old people have special personal memories of that era. In that era, a large number of National Army officers followed the National Government to Taiwan. The root cause was not because of their longing for Taiwan, but because of their status as defeated soldiers. They did not dare to stay and had to. If you leave, you will definitely not dare to come back. On the one hand, Taiwan will not allow it. On the other hand, you are afraid that the domestic Xinhuaxia government will hold them accountable for war. So if a national soldier or officer goes in 1949, In Taiwan, it will never be possible to settle in the capital of Sichuan in 55 years.

Li Mu said: "There is no mention of Mr. Han Zili's visit to Taiwan. Could it be that your information is wrong?"

The old man became silent and said after a while: "It's not safe, because I heard people say that there is no conclusive evidence."

Li Mu nodded slightly, and said, "In addition, there is a note on this. Mr. Han Zili's son told our volunteers that the elderly were Qilu. When he was young, he studied at the Wutang Hall in Yun Province. Later, he found that the air force of the Republic of China was weak. That's why I decided to join the National Air Force. Do you think this information can match up? "

The old man ’s gloomy eyes just shone again, and he was pleasantly surprised: "Then the number one! Zili is from Qilu, and his family and the then Qilu King Han Fuzhen also touched some distant relatives. He entered the cloud in 37 years Provincial Jiangwutang. After Han Fuzhen was shot by old Chiang in Jinling in 38 years, he immediately applied for the Central Aviation School. He told me in private. At the beginning, everyone in the Wutang knew that he and Han Fuzhen had brought a relationship with him. After Han Fuzhen was also shot, he began to be crowded out in the lecture hall, so he saw no hope of promotion in the army, so he gave up his plan to take the road of an officer and joined the air force. "

Having said that, the old man hurriedly asked, "Can you contact him?"

Li Mu nodded and said, "Yes, there is his son's phone number on it. If you want to talk to him, I can make a call."

"Okay!" The old man said three good, and said excitedly, "You have that on you, right?"


"It's the thing you can call when you bring it with you. Last time you brought it with your volunteers, he told me that it seemed to be hand talk."

Li Mu suddenly realized, "You should be talking about mobile phones."

Then, he took out his mobile phone and asked the old man, "Is this kind of thing?"

The old man nodded quickly: "Yes, that's it."

Li Mu said, "I'll call Mr. Han's son now. If it's convenient, you can talk to Mr. Han, but ... but the information says that the elderly has amnesia, even his own army. He can't remember the numbers, so he may not remember you, so you need to be mentally prepared. "

The old man nodded and said, "Okay, I know. It doesn't matter if you don't remember, it's OK that he is OK."

Li Mu dialed in accordance with the phone number on the information. It was a landline number of Sichuan Capital. After the phone rang a few times, a middle-aged person answered the phone. When Li Mu asked Mr. Han Zili when he was away, the other party said "You're looking for my grandpa, aren't you? My father took him to the hospital for rehabilitation, but he'll be back soon. You can call again in half an hour."

Li Mu didn't say more, thanked him, and agreed to contact him after half an hour, so he hung up.

After explaining the situation to the old man, the old man was not disappointed. He nodded again and again and said, "It is one year old to be independent, and it is now 87. The son can take him to the doctor, which shows that his son is very filial to him."

"Yes." Li Mu answered, then asked the old man curiously: "Mr. Sun, is this Mr. Han your comrade?"

The old man said excitedly, "He is my other wingman pilot ..."

Li Mu was surprised and said, "This is the case, then you are really comrades who are fighting together!"

The old man said with emotion: "Yeah, I have two wingman pilots, and the other sacrificed."

Li Mu thinks the old man can find his old wingman pilot in a list. It is very clever, but if you think about it, there are not many pilots in the National Air Force and the Flying Tigers. There are many people. Based on their experience in college, they must know each other in their class, and those who are not in one class can see at least half of their heads, so they can at least know half of them, so if you want to pull out a list of ten people, If you don't know three or five, you can't justify it.

When I think of the total number of the National Air Force, there are not many, and the total number of pilots of the Flying Tigers in that year will not be too many. It may be that the surviving American Flying Tigers will also include people known by Mr. Sun Xiaozhong.

Li Mu suddenly thought that at the launch of the Flying Tigers in Hollywood, Spielberg invited one of the American Flying Tigers to an old man named Paul Crawford. There is a paragraph in his memory History is the story of him as a member of the Flying Tigers, protecting the American bomber, then being shot down by the Japanese, and rescued by local villagers. In the memories of the elderly Sun Xiaozhong, he had a very similar experience ...

So Li Mu asked the elderly Sun Xiaozhong: "Mr. Sun, do you know an American flying tiger player named Paul Crawford?"

"Paul Crawford?" The old man asked suddenly, "how did you know this man?"

Li Mu said: "I met him when I was in the United States, and our movie" Flying Tigers "invited him to the scene at the launch conference in the United States."

The old man patted his legs and said with excitement, "I didn't expect that he was still alive! Although I was originally in the National Air Force, I was actually under the command of Chennault, just like the American pilots of the Flying Tigers, so Paul Crawford De was also my comrade-in-arms at the time. I said before that the Japanese were shot down while covering the bomber. During that **** mission, his plane was also killed by the Japanese. Oh, that Japanese attack was really fierce. Knowing that those American bombers had just bombed their hometown, that desperate posture with us, I couldn't wait to hit the plane with us ... "

After sighing, the old man returned to the topic: "That time we were shot down with eight fighter planes. I and Paul Crawford both parachuted and landed in different places. They were rescued by different villagers first, and then again. They were sent to a town to hide at the time, and they happened to meet him at that time. Together, we hid for a while with the help of the local villagers, and finally managed to escape. Finally, we lived in the cellar together for more than one. month……"

Li Mu immediately said, "After a while, we will invite other American surviving Flying Tigers, including Paul Crawford, to come to Huaxia. Among them, there may be other old acquaintances besides him."

A look of excitement flashed in the old man's eyes.

The rest of the words Li Mu didn't say much. Instead of persuading the old man to agree to go down, it is better to induce the old man to want to go down the hill. Paul Crawford is just a possible success factor, and more importantly that Han Zili.

Immediately, Li Mu whispered in Liu Xinxing's ear. Liu Xinxing immediately found a reason to go to the toilet and came out of the thatched house. Then he used his own cell phone to call Mr. Han Zili's old son and put it here. Explained the special situation to the other party ...

The appointment time of half an hour is up. Li Mu called Mr. Han Zili's son again. The call was quickly connected. Mr. Han's grandson said, "Mr. Li, right? My dad and grandpa are back. I want my grandpa to listen to the call. ? "

Li Mu busy said, "Okay, please ask Mr. Han to answer the phone."

The other party said: "There is something wrong with my grandpa's memory. Please also say hello to Mr. Sun. If my grandpa can't remember anything, please forgive him."

"Okay." Li Mu said, "Then I will call Mr. Sun."

After handing the cell phone to the old man and telling the old man how to use it, Li Mu said to the old man: "Mr. Han old has a bad memory and may not remember you, so you forgive me."

The old man nodded again and again, answered the phone, tremblingly asked, "Brother Zi Li?"

At this moment, in the old brick building on the outskirts of Sichuan, the three generations of the Han family were all around the landline. The phone was turned on at this moment, including Mr. Han's son, daughter-in-law, and grandson, all nervously listening to the phone. Recently, In recent years, the old man's memory is getting worse and worse, and many things can't be remembered. Relatives hope that he can regain some precious memories of the year through the re-contact of his comrades-in-arms.

Mr. Han was sitting in front of the phone with a little confusion ~ ~ I don't know who was going to talk to him. When he heard the phone call his brother Li, he was a little hesitant.

The old man is 87 years old. For so many years, few people have called him by this title. For a time, he felt extremely strange, but he felt extra familiar in the subconscious.

The old man frowned for a long time, but still could not find that memory. Out of politeness, he said loudly, "I am Han Zili, who are you?"

"I'm Xiaozhong, Sun Xiaozhong, do you remember me?"

"Sun Xiaozhong?" The old man frowned even more. The name seemed to touch a string deep in his memory, but he couldn't understand the string for a while.

The old man said in a hurry at this time: "Do you not remember the 12th Squadron of the Sixth National Air Force?"

On the other end of the phone, there was a quivering exclaim: "You are, Captain ?!"


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