Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1268: Li Mu's wall breaking plan

Li Mu carefully considered Apple's development history and felt that the current apple is actually at its weakest time.

Because the invincible general product of iPhone and iPad has not yet appeared, Apple has not yet formed a compelling halo around the world, and its powerful compelling halo is brought by the iPhone. Once Apple's compelling halo is raised If he succeeds, he is equivalent to practicing Jiuyin Zhenjing + Sunflower Book, and then he can really be invincible to the world.

If Li Mu can **** the iPhone's first opportunity, come up with the first true touch screen smartphone, and destroy the development of IOS, it will be equivalent to Apple's failure.

Without the iPhone's first hand and the leading position of the entire smart phone industry, Apple will lose the opportunity in many areas. After all, the impact of the iPhone on Apple is endless. Without the iPhone, there would be no iPad, and Apple ’s IOS would be It is difficult to promote. If there is no iPhone to promote the IOS system on the mobile terminal, sales of products based on the OS system will also be greatly affected. For example, sales of PC products such as Macbooks and iMacs will at least suffer a cut. In this case, the future Apple Even if the market value is tired of eggs, it can not exceed 300 billion US dollars, and if a high-tech industry company can not find pillar products for a long time, it will definitely go downhill.

Apple is terrible, Jobs is awesome, but Li Mu feels that as long as he plans a strategy and controls every detail, he can snip Apple like the original sniper Tengxun and QQ.

Let's call it the "Breakdown Plan", Li Mu thought.

But all of a sudden I thought of Liu Cixin's "Three Body", where the face wall people can mobilize all the resources in the world, even more powerful than Apple, then you can be Apple's wallbreaker yourself!

This plan for Apple's failure is its own "wall breaking plan"!

So, Li Mu suddenly felt a strong sense of historical mission. This grand strategy of breaking the wall can affect the whole world, so it is necessary to plan well and strive for victory!

Thinking of the possibility of standing in front of Jobs in the future, he told him with a smile: "Steve Jobs, I'm your wallbreaker."

Li Mu thought it was wonderful to be born again.

If there is one day, I believe Steve Jobs will only look at himself aggressively, he will not understand what is behind the words "Broken Man", but to be sure, to that At that time, he was like a **** in front of Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs is genius, but also paranoid. Carefully analyzing the behavior style of this great god, Li Mu believes that his advantages and disadvantages are very obvious. The advantages are naturally superior thinking, decisive and original vision, but the disadvantages are also obvious. Excessively arrogant, selfish, somewhat cold-blooded, and unscrupulous in order to achieve their goals.

In fact, throughout Jobs' life, glory and shame coexist, but the glory is too great, so that the shame is selectively ignored by many people. Li Mu has learned many small details about him, such as the refusal to pay his daughter's maintenance fee to the point that Enforced by court decisions, such as deceiving friends and partners, for example, using some shameful means to prevent the development and cooperation of other companies, and also the success of Apple in the previous stage, largely due to the deep plagiarism of Xerox GUI, and even Many people in the industry commented that Jobs' approach was not plagiarism, but burglary.

In short, this is not a sage, nor is it a villain, but a bull who uses whatever means to achieve his purpose.

Li Mu does not worship Jobs, but worships the huge impact of the iPhone on the entire world. In fact, Jobs is not completely correct in the field of smart phones. For example, he has been reluctant to provide iPhone SDKs, that is, software development kits, for third-party developers. The fundamental reason is that Jobs does not want to open his product to third-party developers.

If Jobs insisted on this closed concept, then there would be no APP-Store with strong profitability later. IOS is likely to be overtaken by the fully open Android because of its poor openness to third parties;

For another example, when he was alive, he used to be scornful of big-screen phones, thinking that people would not need such awkward big-screen phones, and iPhone 4 is the most reasonable phone size; but in fact, the development trajectory of smart phones is the size of the phone and the screen The process of constantly increasing the proportion and continuously looking for the gold size.

The Samsung Note that followed the world also proved that Jobs's view was paranoid, and it was a kind of paranoid that could not represent the public at all, only after the death of Jobs's iPhone and other brands of smartphones. Following Jobs' paranoid determination, all mobile phone manufacturers, including Apple itself, have raised the screen to more than 4 inches. If Jobs is still alive and insists on 3.5-inch screens, I am afraid that the iPhone myth will not continue;

Therefore, man is perfect, and it is not man but God who does not have any flaws. It is precisely because Jobs is not God in Li Mu's eyes that Li Mu has the confidence to defeat him.

Li Mu seemed to find the next big goal in life at once, and was immediately excited. Before the plane took off, Li Mu hurriedly called Elon Musk. He didn't know much about the current situation of Apple. Ron Musk must know more.

At this time, it was late at night in the United States. After sleeping Elon Musk was awakened by the phone, he wanted to scold the street for the first time, but when he saw it from Li Mu, he immediately turned into a docile sheep. : "Mr. Li, what do you want to call me so late?"

Li Mu heard his tired voice and realized that it was the early morning in the United States, so he was embarrassed and said, "Sorry Elon, I'm in Huaxia, and I have forgotten jet lag."

"It doesn't matter." Elon Musk laughed. "You are my boss. I'm waiting for your assignment 7x24."

Li Mu laughed: "You didn't work for me. When will I become your boss?"

Elon Musk laughed: "Isn't PayPal working for you? If there is an opportunity in the future, I naturally hope to cooperate with you in more fields."

Speaking of what Elon Musk thought of, he said, "Oh yes, after the last time we met, I went to see the car driven by a laptop battery. It seemed a bit interesting. The lithium battery of the laptop battery looked like It's small, but the combined energy is really powerful, and the power storage per unit volume is also ideal. I think this thing can really invest some money to try it out. If it can be mass-produced, it should be a future-oriented industry. . "

Li Mu said aloud, "You can contact them. If they accept the holding investment, I can invest, and then share some of your shares."

"OK." Elon Musk said, "I take the time to go over again, take a closer look, and talk to them to see their willingness to raise funds."

"Okay." Li Mu said, "I'm calling to find out anything else. Do you know an American company called Apple?"

"I see." Elon Musk said, "I like their products. It's a company with geek thinking."

Li Mu asked: "What is the current situation of this company?"

Elon Musk thought for a while and said, "This company was good before, and the PC products were quite gold-containing, but in the past few years, they have taken some detours and encountered a bubble burst, so the frustration is a bit severe, but recently In the beginning, in 2001 they launched a music player called iPod, and then launched a software called iTunes, this software is very interesting, it helps the record companies in the United States and even the world to sell digital music, just match their It's called iPod hardware, and it's very exciting. "

Li Mu frowned. The relationship between iPod and iTunes is like the relationship between his own logistics company and logistics management system. The two are extremely close and can generate a strong chemical reaction. In addition, the European and American markets have always had a strong sense of copyright. This habit of paying for digital music online has long been cultivated, so it gave iPod and iTunes excellent development soil. IPod itself is a great product. The more it sells, the more iTunes users will have. At the same time, the more music sales on iTunes, Apple can sell hardware to make money, increase software installations, and continuously increase digital music sales in the software market, which is a perfect closed-loop combination.

It seems that before the iPhone was launched, the combination of iPod and iTunes was a major force for Apple, which could account for at least half of Apple's revenue.

So Li Mu hurriedly asked, "How much is Apple's market value now?"

Elon Musk hesitated for a moment and said, "It's $ 56 billion, it won't be any higher."

"So low ?!" Li Mu was surprised by the market value of US $ 5 billion to US $ 6 billion. Apple was more than US $ 600 billion in 2016. If it was only US $ 560 billion in 2003, it would be more than ten years in the future. Market value has soared at least a hundred times!

Elon Musk said, "Wait a minute, I'll check."

Then, Elon Musk turned on the computer, checked the closed Nasdaq information, and said to Li Mu: "The stock code AAPL, yesterday's closing share price was $ 7.20, and the market value was $ 5.355 billion."

Li Mu didn't say a word in his heart. Apple's market value today is only $ 5.3 billion? Makino Technology had a valuation of US $ 33 billion in the last round of financing. After the financing was successful, the valuation has risen to the level of more than 40 billion US dollars. If the IPO, the market value of tens of billions of dollars properly, Buying ten apples is not a problem.

Li Mu asked: "Is Apple's shareholder situation complicated?"

"I'm going, it's too complicated." Elon Musk said, "Even Microsoft has shares in Apple, but they have been selling these shares in recent years. Wouldn't you want to invest in Apple?"

Li Mu smiled slightly and said, "I have this idea, but I haven't figured it out yet."

Elon Musk said: "Boss, Apple's main business is in the hardware market, which is very different from Makino Technology, and its hardware market has been very small, which means that iPod sales are better. If you want to buy shares or buy Apple, I don't think the strategic significance is very great. It now relies on iPod and iTunes for at least half of its profits. It is easy for you, the boss, to replace them. "

Li Mu suddenly thought of his Mango-ME, which is the super cost-effective MP3 used to break through the domestic MP3 price. The overall design style of that machine is closer to the iPod-nano in the next few years, which is better than the current iPod. The key is that it is cheaper than it!

If you take Mango-ME yourself, or take a high-end version of Mango-ME out to the United States and face the iPod, and continue to use this method to smash prices, Apple's iPod business will definitely suffer a huge blow;

If you develop a software similar to iTunes on the basis of YY, or simply embed a small software such as iTunes on YY, and then talk to record companies around the world to help them sell digital albums, With the current user size and influence of YY, I am afraid that no record company will reject it. ITunes is even better than the current YY. If YY is doing this business now, it will inevitably find iTunes full of teeth.

At that time, I developed a Tunes by myself, and then dumped it with the Mango-ME in the European and American markets. Apple's overall profit will definitely suffer a major blow. The main product of profit will be sniped, which means that the main labor force of a family is suddenly interrupted. With both legs, not only will he be affected, other members of the entire family will be greatly affected!

If a "big family" is used to describe the current Apple, then the traditional PC business and the supporting -OS system are like the depressed father and mother in this family.

My father always felt that he was very talented and capable, but he was not acknowledged by the outside world, so that his income was relatively modest ~ ~ If he only depended on him to support his family, he would be a little overwhelmed. Although his mother has been Every effort was made to assist his father, but the role he could play was very weak and could not bring about substantial changes.

At this time, the eldest son in the family, iPod, finally graduated from college and started a business with his eldest daughter, iTunes. I didn't expect that the two of them would start a business smoothly. With their ability, they immediately brought a generous income to this family. This income When they get home, they not only subsidize their parents, but also help the parents train their brothers and sisters.

Because the family has enough income, an under-aged son, iPhone, was sent to the best school in the family. In the next few years, when he returns, he will become the true pillar of the family. His His sister iPad also followed in his footsteps and achieved great success.

Gradually, the eldest son supporting the family's income gradually declined to keep up with the development of the times. However, due to the great success of the younger son and younger daughter, the older son has completed his phased tasks and subsequently retired. The younger son And the younger daughter greatly promoted the family development, while helping their parents gradually realize their life value, and also helped the older daughter iTunes develop steadily.

Later, the eldest daughter had her next generation, and her next generation was fully nurtured by her youngest son and daughter. The youngest generation of this family is APP-Store.

Looking at the development path of this "family", if the original eldest son and eldest daughter fail to start a business, then the blow to the family is likely to make the family on the verge of disintegration.

The collapse of this family is Li Mu's biggest dream at this moment!

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