Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1284: Unite all who can unite

After all parties coordinated, Spielberg decided to set off for Huaxia on the thirteenth day of the first lunar month of the Chinese calendar. He would come with him at that time, in addition to more than 20 American flying tigers and their relatives. There are film crews who follow the entire shooting record. There are two teams of random filming. One is from Li Mu and Liu Xinxing sent to the past, and the other is from Spielberg through relationships.

According to Spielberg, the filming team he found was a record team with a close relationship with Hollywood and a great reputation. HBO and them worked very closely together. Great help.

Spielberg asked them to come over for two purposes. One was to record a perspective, which would make this great meeting more perfect. Another was that HBO was very fond of big subjects and very good at big subjects. Team "is a two-hour film. It is a movie. It is a 20-hour film. It is a TV series. HBO is best at creating movie series with movie battles. If they are interested in" Flying Tigers ", they can Sell ​​the copyright to them, or work directly with them to do TV series together.

Li Mu naturally has no opinion on this. In the IP era, the direction of an IP is naturally more and better. A novel is first published on the Internet, the quality and popularity are up to standard, and then there is sound, comics, and animation. Then, it will be changed to online dramas, Internet universities, satellite TV shows, theater movies, and even to end games, page games, mobile games, and even console games ...

In short, as long as the story is good and popular, its development must be diversified, and the more diversified a story is, the more audiences it has, and no one has limited the "Flying Tigers". It is a movie, of course, it can also be made into a TV series. If a domestic film and television company wants to buy the TV series copyright of "Flying Tigers" and take out more money, Li Mu will not agree, even if he kneels to call his father. I wo n’t agree. If it ’s HBO, Li Mu does n’t have to pay a penny of copyright fees, as long as you give me a picture of the greatness and fearlessness of Huaxia ’s military and civilians during the Anti-Japanese War, and show me the true evils of the Japanese invaders Come here, it's okay for me to post your money.

Li Mu's "Flying Tigers" has not been for the purpose of making money, but for the country, for the nation, for history, and spend more money for these three things, Li Mu also spares no expense.

Considering that the plane arrived in Spring City on the 14th day of the first month, just in time for the Lantern Festival, Li Mu arranged that these American flying tiger members had a festival with the old Chinese flying tiger members, and then asked the volunteers to arrange for them to fly before Look at the old site of the team base and some places with common memories, give them a few days to reunite, look for the memories of the past, and officially hold a press conference on the 18th of the first month.

At this press conference, Li Mu not only announced the other roles of Flying Tigers with Spielberg, but also announced the status of the Veterans' Undead Charity Foundation, and the "Fishing for Survival" which the Foundation is now fully operating. "Flying Tigers" action.

An Air China 747 passenger coordinated by Li Mu had the opportunity to go to the United States for painting five days in advance. After that, the aircraft will not take on other flight tasks until the charter flight of the old Flying Tigers. The Boeing 747 is Changing the painting of such a large four-engine aircraft is not a simple project, and it takes time and energy, but in order to achieve the desired results, Li Mu does not care about this.

Fortunately, the leaders of Air China have learned the clear positioning of the Veterans' Undead Charitable Foundation and the details of this event to find surviving Flying Tiger members in private communication. Rarely, they are also very supportive of this charity event, and Air China is willing to take it for free. This charter flight, and hope to be able to permanently retain the special coating of that 747 after the charter flight is over.

Li Mu's attitude to Air China is extremely happy. What he cares about is not the savings of charter flights, but the positive cooperation attitude of Air China, which proves that the charity project of veteran immortality has great appeal and appeal to the whole society. I believe that when I launch this charity project, I will definitely get the recognition and support of the whole society. The more recognition and support, the more comprehensive the help that can be provided to veterans in the future.

With the account that Wei Lan gave to Li Mu, the Veterans Immortal Foundation continued to protect the existing veterans until their death. For more than ten or twenty years, at least hundreds of millions of funds were needed to support it. It seems that the funding gap is very large. Large, but once this charity project has become a phenomenon-level existence in the society, and based on China ’s population base, this funding gap can be easily filled in a short time.

With sufficient funds, Li Mu is still planning to continue to expand the influence of the charity project of immortal veterans. In the next few years, the foundation can spare all its power to help stay in Taiwan on the premise of covering all veterans on the mainland. The anti-Japanese war veterans, if they still have the strength, can also help other Southeast Asian veterans who once resisted Japanese aggression, and even help the old Soviet Red Army who had participated in the Northeast attack on the Japanese Kanto Army.

Li Mu, a nationalist who helps other countries' anti-Japanese veterans, does not simply want to help them, but wants to use actual actions to create a justice alliance composed of anti-Japanese veterans as the core and always reminding the world of Japan's war atrocities. As long as his ability permits, He can fund groups that have been resisted by, or have been harmed by, Japanese invaders throughout the world.

Even American veterans who participated in the Pearl Harbor War, the Battle of Midway, and the Battle of Iwo Jima in the past, even the Soviet Red Army who fought the Japanese in the northeast, and even in the year when the North and South Koreas did not split, they were organized by the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea The Liberation Army established under the rule of all, all those who resisted the Japanese invaders during World War II, regardless of race and nationality, are the targets of Li Mu's "justice alliance". He wants to unite all those who can be united. In order to remind all countries, nations, and people who have suffered war aggression, I hope that they will always keep that history in mind, so that their children and grandchildren will never forget that country named Japan once brought to the people of the world All suffering.

The key to achieving this goal lies in the energy that the Veterans Undead Foundation can gather in society. Domestic propaganda is only part of it. In the future, he must push this charity organization to every corner of the world.

At this time, the public did not know the existence of the Veterans' Undead Charity Foundation. There are two major things they are more concerned about now. One is so many criticisms of Li Mu on the Internet. Why did n’t he come out and give everyone an explanation? Is it guilty or true? It has been separated from the grassroots; another is when will the Chinese actor of "Flying Tigers" be announced.

Many media reporters are waiting for an official clear statement of these two things. During this time, many media suggested that they wanted to interview Li Mu, but they were all rejected without exception. Even Li Mu ’s mother wanted to interview Li Mu. Li Mu also Rejected on the grounds of lack of time.

Before the press conference, Li Mu was not prepared to be interviewed by any media. All misunderstandings, speculations and attacks were irrelevant to him, because he knew that everything would be fully announced on the day of the press conference. By that time, all Attack, all rumors will be self-defeating in the press conference. Until then, all explanations are futile and meaningless. His time is precious. How can he have that energy to talk to the makers of every rumor? One-on-one hand-to-hand combat, this type of attack that can be turned into zero, can only be wiped out at once, and all the enemies must be done in one battle.


On the twelfth day of the first month in Los Angeles time, a specially painted Boeing 747 took off from Seattle's Boeing Airport. After several hours of flight, it landed at Los Angeles International Airport.

This Air China 747 took off directly to Los Angeles after completing the new painting at the Boeing Assembly Plant. After landing at the Los Angeles Airport, it immediately taxied into the large parking garage reserved at the airport, so the entire appearance time dropped from a height of 500 meters. It starts to calculate from time to time. It only takes more than ten minutes to land, reverse decelerate, and taxi into the warehouse.

Los Angeles International Airport is one of the busiest airports in the world. There are countless passenger planes taking off and landing here every day ~ ~ there are countless models, and the coatings of airlines in all countries are available. Apart from this, few people can tell the difference between these planes. It stands to reason that Air China's veterans' planes have only been exposed in many planes for more than ten minutes. It should not cause much attention. However, its unique coating still allows Many witnesses turned their eyes.

This specially painted 747 is indeed quite eye-catching. It was originally the largest civil airliner, and the first half of the nose was a double-layer design, which was much higher than the fuselage. On the tall nose, one was impressed. The shape of the huge shark mouth, although the shark is a cartoon shape, but it looks extremely majestic.

Most of the paintings of modern civil aviation are very orthodox, and there are very few special opportunities to use cartoon painting. For example, some customers in Japan use the theme of cartoon characters to paint, and the panda plane of the United States Federal Express uses pandas as the painting. Equipment, but using sharks for painting, it seems that it has never been seen in the field of civil aviation.

In addition to the striking shark mouth shape, there is also a bold text spray on the fuselage, which reads in English and Chinese "Veterans are not dead --- American Flying Tigers special plane", but because the plane has not stopped moving, most of the witnesses have I didn't see the characters on the fuselage clearly, just the sharks on the nose of the aircraft. Even if a few people saw the text, they didn't understand the information.

There are also some eyewitnesses taking pictures of this 747, but fortunately this is not the era of smart phones. Even the relatively high-end camera phones now have a maximum of 300,000 pixels, and the Internet access of mobile phones is not very popular, so no images have been streamed online .

It is about to cross the ocean and the hemisphere to achieve a great reunion of the history book!

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