Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1290: Audition

Except for Teacher Li Xuejian, other actors arrived in Spring City one after another in the afternoon.

Du Wei was accompanied by her sister Du Fei on vacation, Liu Ye was accompanied by Xie Ye, Huang Bo and Tang Wei both arrived by plane alone, and Chen Daoming and Chen Baoguo each brought an assistant.

Liu Ye came early. Although he and Xie Ye were both in the front line of the entertainment industry in the future, the young couple at this time was full of humility and caution.

Li Mu is not a fan of Liu Ye, not a fan of Xie Ye. If he can, he hopes that Liu Ye ’s drama will be performed by actors with sufficient acting skills and sufficient experience, but unfortunately, this role must be young, so It seems that Leonardo in the Titanic must be very young, and among the young actors in the mainland, it is very difficult to find a comprehensive situation that is more suitable than Liu Ye.

Liu Ye and Xie Na were absolutely respectful when facing Li Mu, Spielberg, and other old seniors. This modest attitude made Li Mu relatively satisfied.

Su Yingxue's cousin Wang Xinran was accompanied by his mother Su Yuehua from Yanjing. Su Yuehua was not quite assured to let Wang Xinran fly from Yanjing to Spring City by herself, so she deliberately asked for a vacation and wanted to stay with her in Spring City until the end of the press conference.

Coincidentally, the flight selected by Wang Xinran and his mother Su Yuehua was on the same trip with Du Wei and Sister Du Fei. Although they were in different cabins, the four of them rushed from the airport to the hotel together when they landed.

Wang Xinran was very excited along the way. Although the school will start tomorrow, she deliberately asked for leave from the teacher. This time Li Mu invited her to participate in the performance, which is a great event for her. She had originally played a female role because of her success. On the 2nd, some popularity and fame have been gathered in the film and television circle, and it is the envy of all acting students in the film school.

This time, Wang Xinran did not disclose the news of her participation to anyone other than her parents and relatives, but she also had some vanity in her heart. She knew that this time she came to the press conference to wait for the crew The news of himself and other actors participating in the performance was announced to the public, so you don't have to wait for yourself to return to Yanjing. The students of the Film Academy will surely know everything.

If you think about it, the acting students currently attending the School of Film are afraid that no one is really lucky. Before entering the school, they played the female No. 2 in the box office record-breaking movie. Now they have the opportunity to participate in such a high-profile event. The century-old blockbuster, everyone must be envious of their luck, but they never dreamed that their idol Li Mu, who was so obsessed with living all day long, was actually his sister's boyfriend.

Unlike the excited Wang Xinran, Du Wei didn't have much excitement and excitement about taking part in this film. Although countless actresses longed for this role to go crazy, but for her, the basic thoughts in her heart were Li Mu's Li Mu's trust and preference, in short, Li Mu let himself act, he acted well, not to let him down.

When the four arrived, several other actors had already arrived. Li Mu arranged everyone in the hotel's multimedia room. Spielberg wanted to meet you one by one here and explain to you some of the film's shooting plans. , The core focus, and also with his assistant to do a simple audition for each actor.

All Chinese actors are selected by Li Mulai. Although Spielberg rarely distributes the casting power of actors, after all, he works with Li Mu. He made a very large concession. Li Mu selected He does n’t want to change the role, but as a director, he also has to understand the status of each actor's acting, so this audition is not about everyone ’s stay, but it is about everyone in Spielberg. The image in my mind.

Wang Xin was very happy to see Li Mu. She hadn't seen Li Mu for a long time. She knew that Li Mu was a busy man and ran around all day long. It was not easy for her sister to see him, let alone herself.

Li Mu also greeted Wang Xinran very enthusiastically and did not forget Su Yuehua next to her, saying politely, "Aunt Su, you are here too."

"Yeah." Su Yuehua said with a smile: "I'm glad to go away alone, and deliberately asked for leave. If I had known that Du Fei and Du Wei happened to be on the same flight, I wouldn't have come."

Li Mu watched Du Fei and Du Wei who came in together and asked curiously, "Did you come on the same flight?"

Du Fei nodded and smiled: "I was chatting with Xiao Wei after boarding the plane, and I was glad to come in with my aunt."

Du Wei and Wang Xinran have collaborated on a play. They have been familiar with each other for a long time, and they are also friends. However, this time Li Mu has kept secret about the cast, so they both kept their secrets and did not inquire about each other, but When the two met on the plane, they were also not surprised, and both felt that Li Mu took the other party for granted.

Li Mu smiled and said to Du Wei and Wang Xinran, "I'm afraid you will have to take a lot of leave this semester. After our press conference, you will have to communicate with the school in advance. If the final exam is pending, I will not have Yan faced Aunt Su and Duffy. "

Su Yuehua said: "This movie is so significant. It must be a lifetime harvest for the children. It doesn't matter if you delay class. Let the two children read and study as much as possible.

Wang Xinran said, "Mom, are you trying to exhaust your daughter, and you have to study by yourself after filming ..."

Su Yuehua laughed: "I said that, but I didn't expect you to see it."

Li Mu smiled slightly and said, "Come, let me introduce you first. Director Spielberg in Hollywood, this time working with Director Spielberg, this is just the beginning of the cooperation between Makino Imaging and Hollywood. In the future, the company will work with Spear. Director Berg and the Hollywood production team have cooperated in depth, so you two must work hard to make a good impression on Director Spielberg. In the future, maybe he will invite you to film in Hollywood. "

Du Wei nodded her head nicely, and her expression did not show much surprise, but Wang Xinran was surprised by Li Mu's words and nodded in excitement.

Spielberg, a master who is highly admired by students and professors throughout the film academy, is very honored to work with him. If he has the opportunity to be invited by him to make a movie in Hollywood, even a supporting role , Enough to make myself laugh and wake up in my sleep.

Then, Spielberg used the courseware he produced to tell everyone the story, style, visuals, and role of the movie in detail. After telling many details in the movie, he began to screen the screenplay for himself. The clips are handed over to the corresponding actors to prepare them for the audition.

Spielberger's assistant set up the camera and prepared to record the entire process of audition for everyone. As the director, Spielberger needs to continuously study the characteristics of these actors and their advantages and disadvantages, and consider it for everyone. Good set of shooting programs.

Mr. Chen Daoming first started auditioning. He didn't have many plays. This audition was a clip of the impassioned subordinates sending instructions to President Jiang when he decided to develop the National Air Force.

There was no partner during the audition. Everyone performed the clips in their hands facing the air and the camera. The difficulty was greater than the actual filming, but the old drama bone was the old drama bone. After repeating the script several times, he stood in the camera. I was immersed in the performance before, and once after that, Spielberg raised his thumb and praised it in English: "Very good, if it is a real shooting, this should pass once."

Afterwards, Mr. Chen Baoguo and Mr. Li Xuejian passed without exception, especially the performance of Mr. Li Xuejian, which made Spielberg's expression involuntarily stunning for a moment.

Compared with these old drama bones, the performance of other young actors is relatively weak. The best performing one is Huang Bo. Spielberg only corrected it once, and his performance has passed Spielberg's. Assessment.

Du Wei, Tang Wei, Wang Xinran, these three girls always lacked some of the atmosphere of the war when performing. Fortunately, Spielberg patiently communicated with everyone through translation for a long time, telling them how to go Grasp the characteristics of the era of the war, the three of them are also actors with certain talents for performing, so basically Spielberg can be satisfied.

In Spielberg's words, today is only a brief contact, although some people's acting skills are slightly lacking ~ ~ But I believe that in the next few months of cooperation, he will definitely help you find that kind It feels that this is what he is good at, and it is also his responsibility as a director.


Spielberg was more satisfied with the actors overall, and even exceeded his original expectations, which also relieved Li Mu.

After all, it is a big production that carries the image of the country and the nation. If Spielberg really thinks that one of the actors he chooses is not good, he can only bite his teeth and replace it, whether it is Du Wei, whom he has always preferred, or he feels very Liu Ye who fits this image.

At seven thirty in the evening, the dinner begins.

At 5 pm, the old Flying Tigers and their relatives had already returned to the hotel, and the staff arranged for them to rest for two hours before they invited them to the banquet hall.

The highlight of this dinner is to let the actors and old heroes meet, pay tribute to them, and understand them, their stories, their memories of history, and their inner world during the War of Resistance.

After the old heroes took their seats, Li Mu took the hotel's microphone and introduced it to everyone: "You old seniors, today the main actors of our Chinese family have all come to Spring City. They all respect the old seniors, so they also We all want to formally pay their respects to the seniors, so before the dinner begins, all of our cast members and all staff will pay tribute to the seniors! "

As soon as the words came down, the actors who had been waiting for a long time outside the banquet hall entered the court in the order of their age. When the oldest teacher Li Xuejian led the field, a lot of people in the Chinese flying tiger team exclaimed. Voice out: "It's Jiao Yulu!" ...

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