Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1297: Approved by Li Mu

When Makino Technology was preparing to send out a charity night invitation to the entire industry, Li Mu found Liu Xinxin and talked to her about her long-term plan.

The degree of recognition of "the veteran's immortality" has greatly exceeded expectations, and the speed of gathering funds has greatly exceeded Li Mu's best assumptions before. In this way, the operation method will inevitably change.

In addition to the overflowing capital pool, if companies that are willing to provide various resources are brought in, the resources exchanged can offset a considerable amount of funds, and the fund pool of the entire foundation will be even larger at that time.

The core purpose of Li Mu's long-term plan is six words: increase coverage!

Liu Xinxing asked Li Mu: "General Manager Li, are you going to increase the coverage of charitable activities for the foundation?"

"Yes," Li Mu said, "the amount of funds has exceeded the needs of our previous plan, so I want to expand the previous plan horizontally to a larger extent to cover the established scope of 'all surviving World War II veterans on the mainland.' Expanded to cover 'all surviving World War II veterans from the mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.' "

Liu Xinxin was pleased and said, "The survivors of the War of Resistance Against Japan in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan should also be about 20,000. Judging from the current rate and scale of fundraising of our foundation, it can certainly be sustained."

"Money is definitely not a problem." Li Mu said, "I am planning a charity gathering for the Internet industry to mobilize the entire Internet industry to participate. You should quickly sort out the traditional companies that are interested in working with us, determine resources with them, and then A detailed table of resources. In this table, there must be market values ​​corresponding to resources so that we can make overall plans. "

"Okay!" Liu Xinxin nodded and said, "I have taken the time to sort out these cooperative enterprises."

Li Mu said: "While our foundation's domestic enthusiasm is high, we must expand our full-time team and volunteer team, and strive to have a stable and reliable volunteer team in each city in the future."

Liu Xinxing said: "We have opened a dedicated phone number for volunteer registration and an online registration entrance. The feedback half an hour ago was that more than 10,000 people have submitted volunteer application materials. We are reviewing these materials and following them. Geographically differentiated statistics, full-time team recruitment information has also been published on our website, Yanjing has begun interviews. "

Li Mu said, "I'll let Ziwei come to you later. You can connect with her. Volunteers and full-time staff recruitment information to Ziwei. Let her coordinate with Makino Technology to make a push on YY. I believe the effect should be good. "

"That's great!" Liu Xinxing said with a smile: "It is not difficult to recruit full-time staff in Yanjing, but it is really a difficult task to develop enough volunteers all over the country. YY's Users cover all parts of the country, if you can help us push online, we will definitely call for a large number of enthusiastic volunteers to join us. "

Li Mu instructed: "In principle, the more volunteer teams, the better, there will be many places where we need volunteers to help."

Liu Xinxing asked Li Mu: "If we develop further, will our veterans continue to expand the coverage of their targets if they do not die?"

Li Mu nodded and said, "At this stage, we will first serve the WWII veterans of the mainland and the three places on both sides of the strait. If this stage can be completed well, we will gradually include all veterans who have participated in actual combat since the founding of the PRC. Come in, and in the next stage, we may be able to cover the surviving veterans who participated in the war against the United States and the DPRK, and then there will be several self-defense counterattacks against India and Vietnam. "

Liu Xinxing was shocked, but did not expect Li Mu to increase the number of charity objects of the veterans to death, and could not help reminding: "General Li, the closer the war is, the greater the number of surviving veterans. The mainland There are only more than 20,000 surviving World War II veterans, but the surviving veterans who participated in the war against the United States and aid the DPRK may have to double. If they were to fight back against Vietnam ’s self-defense, it would surely exceed 100,000. I heard my dad said, In the self-defense counterattack of 1979, the total force of the east-west line was more than 300,000, and the front-line troops were almost 200,000 ... "

Speaking of this, Liu Xinxing paused, and some said, "If we want to cover more than ten or two hundred thousand veterans, our amount of funding will be too great ..."

Li Mu smiled comfortably and said, "We need to provide different help to different groups. Veterans who participated in World War II are too old, and a considerable number of veterans have indeed lived very hard for so many years. Veterans, we must provide the most comprehensive help, clothing, food, shelter, medical treatment, and medical treatment are our unavoidable responsibilities;

As for the surviving veterans of other wars, all are soldiers after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Most of the veterans who participated in the resistance to the United States and the DPRK can enjoy the special benefits of the country. Then the help is thorough, and only a certain subsidy is needed based on national welfare;

Most of the veterans who have participated in India and Vietnam are the same. Most of the veterans of Vietnam are still in their prime. Although their groups are large, the groups that really need our help are relatively small. "

Liu Xinxin was relieved. He was really taken aback by Li Mu ’s words just now. If he used the same standards to help hundreds of thousands of veterans for a long time, the foundation would definitely fail if he did n’t need it. In that case, the foundation's future pressure is not very great.

Li Mu ’s expectations for the Veterans Immortal Charity Foundation are far more than that. There is a bigger plan. Li Mu has not told Liu Xinxing for the time being, that is his “Anti-Japanese Alliance” plan. He will participate in World War II in other countries in the future. It is a veteran who resists Japan to provide humanitarian assistance and awakens the nationals of all countries invaded by Japan in World War II, so that they can also pay attention to those veterans in their own country, while keeping in mind the history of that year.


The whole society's attention and donations continue.

The news of the Veterans' Undead Charitable Foundation has begun to walk through the door and to the world through overseas media.

First of all, the overseas media that covered the foundation and the press conference at length were American media.

After all, it belongs to the history shared by China and the United States. Li Mu used such high specifications to host the old Flying Tigers in the United States, and personally paid tribute to them, which moved the American media.

Everyone is happy to see that their Chinese people are being treated overseas. This is like the vast majority of Chinese people have not been to Pakistan. But when they hear about Pakistan ’s various courtesies and respect for the Chinese people, they will feel good about Pakistan. The same is true of American society.

Therefore, when the American media reported the news in a large area, the American people gave high praise.

They praised the history of the Flying Tigers and praised Li Mu for the courtesy of the American veterans. This mood also made them start to pay attention to their domestic veterans. The New York Times even issued a direct appeal calling for the original article: "The United States Participated in World War II on the three continents of Asia, Europe and Africa, while making great contributions to world peace, it also made huge sacrifices for world peace. Today's American society also has a large number of World War II surviving veterans, but why does the United States not like Li Mu? People stand up and do the same thing as him? "

"There are so many billionaires in the United States, and there are so many rich people on Wall Street alone. Why can't an entrepreneur with enough responsibility stand up and do what Li Mu does, and set up a veteran immortal in the United States? Similar charitable foundations can help the American World War II veterans within their ability? If this thing can come true, I believe that the American people will definitely respond positively and contribute to the foundation. "

The American people have also spoken on the Internet. Many people believe that what Li Mu has done in China has played a role in empowering Americans. Americans should also pay attention to and care for veterans, and they should not let them gradually. Withering ~ ~ As this voice gets louder and louder, many rich Americans think this is a very good opportunity. Take out a sum of money and set up a charity foundation similar to "Veterans Never Die" in the United States. , Like Li Mu, can be respected and followed by the whole society, this sale is really cost-effective.

So, it is unthinkable that many rich men in the United States came forward at once and publicly stated that they were prepared to put up a sum of money to set up a charity foundation that cares for veterans.

It ’s okay to say one or two. This time, there are more than a dozen or twenty people. So many people have actively participated, but the American people have developed a sense of resistance.

Suddenly, so many rich people have to come out to do charity. The motivation and purpose appear to be extremely impure. Many people have said on the Internet that these people are not really wanting to do charity. They just want to have a fever, and they want to harvest a wave of attention and worship Therefore, everyone is very indifferent to them, just want to see what they will do, do not want to hear what they say now.

Many rich people sadly find that they thought they could get applause and support when they stood out. However, they did not expect that the harvest was a cold field situation, so that many people were watching with cold eyes, waiting for their next actual action. The enthusiasm for China ’s enthusiasm was very great. All of a sudden, many rich people quietly decided to give up. They don't want to really invest huge energy to run such a charity project, and they are in a situation where the public does not recognize it.

However, there are many rich people who figure out one thing.

Now it ’s useless to stand up and say that you do n’t want to be a veteran in the United States. The best way is to get Li Mu ’s approval! Only if Li Mu approves, the American people will approve!

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