Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1306: Report 1 paragraph

When all companies are willing to formulate a regulation in the industry, and are willing to accept its constraints, and at the same time are willing to take practical action to defend it from infringement, Li Mushun pushed forward and proposed the idea of ​​establishing the China Internet Industry Association.

On the charity night, the consensus reached by everyone is an oral agreement, but after all, it is related to the development of an industry, so it is only an oral agreement, and the binding force between them is not strong enough, so Li Mu wanted to establish an industry association In this way, it can be justified, write down the rules, promote it in the name of the association, and monitor the implementation of all practitioners.

All the people present accepted the precautionary consciousness indoctrinated by Li Mu. The Internet industry is the foundation for everyone to survive. Whether it is for themselves or the entire industry, it is necessary to severely punish the occasional black sheep in this industry. Let these black horses have no room for development. Only in this way can the best guarantee of the industry and its own interests.

Based on this, everyone supports the establishment of industry associations.

Li Mu immediately announced that the association follows the principles of fairness, fairness and openness. All heads of Internet companies participating in the conference will become members of the association. At the same time, the company will be ranked according to the market value of the company, and will choose the top ten companies' founders, major shareholders or CEOs as the market value. The directors of the association are replaced every two years. Each replacement is based on the latest market value at the time. Qualified directors can be repeatedly appointed.

The drafting of the association's rules will be jointly proposed by ten directors, and then the content of the draft will be confirmed by the entire staff one by one. Articles with a vote rate of more than 51% will become the official content of the rules and regulations of the association. If the vote rate is less than 51%, Not adopted at this time.

In addition, the directors have the right to propose new clauses. After the new clauses are confirmed and approved by at least six directors, they can be released to all members of the association and enter the voting process. More than 51% can be officially adopted;

Regulations are not laws, but they are exactly the same as laws. Therefore, to establish regulations, we must have the rigorous attitude of government legislation. Li Mu's purpose is to propose the concept of regulations and make it acceptable to everyone. As for the specific content of the regulations, he does not want to be alone Dictatorship is best left to the industry.

In addition to clarifying the relevant matters of the industry association, the second harvest of this charity night was donated by more than 300 Internet companies.

Excluding the 100 million yuan previously donated by Baidu, Sina and other companies, the remaining corporate donations totaled 150 million yuan.

At this time, the continuous wave of donations has gradually cooled down, and the total amount of funds raised by the veteran's undead charitable foundation for the community has exceeded the 4 billion mark. Next, the foundation's task is no longer to absorb charity, but how Spend these funds where they are most appropriate and appropriate.


The day after the charity night ended, Li Mu and Liu Xinxing and the staff of the entire Veterans Undead Charity Foundation in Spring City went to the airport to see off the old Flying Tigers of the United States.

Li Mu did not notify the media, but since the shark-mouth-painted Boeing 747 of Air China has become famous all over the country, its every move cannot escape the eyes of the people and the media.

The Air China Boeing 747 arrived in Spring City from Yanjing Aircraft the night before. When the 747 was launched from Air China's Yanjing Airport hangar, the outside world already knew the information and learned that this "famous" passenger aircraft Will fly to Spring City.

This plane has been serving the Veterans' Undead Charity Foundation since the paint was changed, so as soon as it moves, the public knows that it is going to perform flight missions for the veterans. Whether this aircraft or veterans are currently popular News topics, so media reporters pay special attention.

Almost every media has its own way to get news, so the previous night when Air China's Sharkmouth 747 moved, the media discovered the flight mission of the aircraft. When it was discovered that it would take off from Spring City the next day to Los Angeles, USA At that time, everyone realized that this was to send the old Flying Tigers of the United States back.

It was still this plane. When it arrived in Huaxia with more than 20 American old flying tiger members, Huaxia gave great courtesy and respect. After the picture was disclosed by Li Mu, it infected the audience across the country, so this time Media reporters flocked to Spring City Airport, preparing to take pictures of the plane as it took off.

This time, the Spring City Military Region still participated in the off, and Chen Chengwu in casual clothes and the Military Band of the Provincial Military Region all attended the scene to see off these old American flying tigers.

After these American veterans have left, they may never have the opportunity to return to China in their lifetime, so this farewell is the last opportunity for Li Mu to express respect and gratitude to the veterans on behalf of the Chinese people.

Foundation staff prepared very beautiful gifts for each American veteran, which included exquisite commemorative albums made of historical materials in Chinese and English, historical photos, commemorative medals made of precious metals, and the foundation from the scene Dezhen customized high-end porcelain set. In the whole set of dozens of various porcelains, the bottom of each exquisite porcelain is printed in Chinese and English: Thank you for your outstanding contribution to the War of Resistance against China and world peace.

In addition, the foundation also provides a very humane sponsorship for them and their descendants, namely: starting next year, each American veteran will enjoy a seven-day free Chinese tour every year, if they I would also like to come to Huaxia to see that the expenses incurred will be borne by the foundation. If they are physically restricted or die, their immediate family members will have three places to continue to enjoy this sponsorship.

Those Chinese flying tiger members also came to the airport to see them off. Both the American and Chinese old people also had an inconsistent consciousness and felt that this might be the farewell of this life, so everyone's face, All with special sadness,

This sad mood has been brewing in the hearts of every old man, and it broke out when the old flying tiger members of the American nationality started boarding. Heartbreak.

However, the footsteps of fate have never stopped. Even if they reluctantly, the veterans still separated before boarding the ladder. After the boarding of these American flying tiger members, the hatches gradually closed, and before the plane taxied, we could still see The veterans waved at the drop-offs below at the oval window.

In the end, Air China 747, carrying more than 20 American flying tiger members, took off at the end of the runway at Spring City Airport and disappeared into China's airspace.

After the plane took off, Li Mu breathed a sigh of relief. For him, a major phased task was completed. Next, he did not have that much energy to participate in this charity project, but fortunately, all the necessary conditions are It is ready, and the rest is left to Liu Xinxing for operation.

The business aircraft that Li Mu rented was waiting for take-off at Chuncheng Airport at the moment. After Li Mu saw off, he did not even leave the airport. He took Li Ziwei directly to the hangar and returned to Yanjing with him, as well as Liu Xinxing and several foundations. Core backbone.

Immediately after boarding, Li Mu had a meeting with everyone on the plane to determine the general direction of the foundation's first phase.

For the first phase of the foundation, Li Mu had several requirements.

First of all, the scale of staff and volunteers should be rapidly expanded to find surviving veterans across the country. The national scope here refers to the mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

Secondly, to advance the actual funding project for veterans, the first step is to provide stable living subsidies for all veterans. In this regard, Li Mu's requirement is that if the income is less than the average local salary level for veterans, the monthly average salary will be paid monthly. For example, a Spring City veteran has a monthly income of only 50 yuan, but the average local salary level has already reached 800 yuan. Then, after verifying the situation, the foundation will provide the soldier with 800 yuan monthly living allowance; the income exceeds the local For the average salary level, half of the average salary is paid. For the same Spring City veteran, if the monthly income exceeds 800 yuan, no matter how much, the foundation will provide him with a living subsidy of 400 yuan every month. Once this subsidy starts, it will continue to be paid. Until the death of the veteran;

Originally, in Li Mu ’s prediction, providing basic living needs for tens of thousands of veterans was already a severe test, but the efficiency of fundraising was too high, so he negotiated with the staff of the Foundation. The basic living needs have been changed to the local average salary. Although there are only a few words of difference, the amount of funds required by them varies greatly.

Thirdly, it is necessary to identify medical cooperation units in all prefecture-level cities as soon as possible so as to provide stable and reliable medical assistance to veterans. It is better if the other party is willing to participate in the veteran's cooperation project. ~ ~ Then the foundation will look for the best public hospital in the local area and fully cover all the costs of veteran treatment.

Li Mu ’s plan suddenly increased the budget demand by more than ten times. If the 40,000 veterans on the two sides of the strait calculated an average subsidy of 1,000 yuan per person per month, this would be 40 million. The subsidy for one year would be 500 million. It was burned out, but this part of the expenditure was okay. At least an upper limit can be estimated, but there is really no upper limit in terms of medical care.

The income situation of a considerable number of veterans is worrying, and the coverage and strength of medical insurance are relatively less optimistic. The medical expenses of tens of thousands of 80- or 90-year-olds may burn out hundreds of millions a year. The demand for foundation funds is very large.

Li Mu can't ensure to what level people's enthusiasm for veterans will die in the future. Now it is a few days to donate billions, so after entering the stable period, can there be more than ten or two billion donations in a year? This is what Li Mu ca n’t guarantee for the time being, but Li Mu is also beginning to plan ahead. He proposed a new operating concept for Liu Xinxing, allowing her to use her strong network and high-level social influence to find operators in the communications industry. Cooperation.

The cooperation method is very simple. A value-added service is promoted on the operator's platform. At present, China Mobile has launched a ring back tone service. Generally, it takes the form of user subscription and monthly deduction to land. Li Mu knows the power of ring back tone and cannot use it. In two years, CRBT users will exceed 100 million and per capita monthly consumption is at least two or three yuan. Li Mu is not asking for more. If there are millions or even more mobile phone users, he is willing to provide value-added services every month for the veteran's undead charity. The foundation donated a few dollars, and he was very grateful.

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