Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 329: QQ fishing ground (below)

At the meeting, he demonstrated the QQ fishery with a projector, and said to those employees who first understood the QQ fishery: "Our QQ fishery is basically our original from the screen to the operation to the game architecture. Players take the fishery as the Basically, each user has six fishing grounds by default when starting. Each fishing ground can breed different fry. Different types of fry require different levels of activation and maturity. Users buy fry and fish Sell ​​fish fry to earn game experience and gold coins. Experience is the only way for users to upgrade, and gold coins are the only currency for users to buy fish fry, fish medicine, fishing nets and open new fishing grounds in the game. "

"Our users and users can also steal fish from each other ’s fishing grounds, use fish medicine to help the other side cure the fishing grounds, and use fishing nets to help the other side ’s fishing grounds to kill threatening sharks, so as to gain experience, we also give users Provide props that can accelerate the rapid growth of schools of fish. The props are called fish food. There are many types of fish food, from ordinary to junior to intermediate and advanced. These items can only be obtained randomly or continuously.

On the screen, there is a slightly rough beach. The top third of the game interface is beaches, houses, and fishing boats, and the bottom two thirds are oceans. They are divided into square fishing grounds by blocks. There are friends on the right side of the game. The overall ranking, game rankings, and overall layout and function modules are basically the same as Happy Farm, but the visual effects are not as good as Happy Farm. The visual effects of Happy Farm are cute and very cartoony, although the QQ fishery is also very cartoony. It ’s like, but in comparison, I feel that some places have a kind of unspeakable soil, and they do n’t have a happy farm to look at.

Guo Haiming said in public that this game is the original of his own company. There is no confidence in this sentence. A discerning person can see at a glance that this game is a complete imitation of Happy Farm, just a change of name, but he must not be in the staff. I was told that this is a work imitating Happy Farm, so I can only brag about it.

Almost all the employees below are happy farm users. When they saw the interface and function settings of the QQ fishing ground, they basically knew that more than 90% of the stuff was plagiarized, so they whispered below, making Guo Haiming a bit embarrassed, so he extended Hit it, interrupted the discussion, and then said: "Our game will directly integrate QQ users' friends, that is to say, when users play directly, they can find that all friends are in the game's friends list This will make them more social. "

"Tomorrow at 9 am, Happy Farm will launch their props mall. By then, they will definitely have a considerable number of free users who are extremely exclusive to the launch of the prop mall. What we want to take advantage of is the opportunity for users to reject Happy Farms. Guide to our QQ fishing ground "

"Next, I will arrange an on-line task. The operation department will immediately set up a network water army team. After Happy Farm is online, it will only be profitable to attack Happy Farm in Post Bar and other major forums, instigating users to reject Happy Farm; The technical department must be ready to go online at 9 am the day after tomorrow. Once it is online, we must ensure the stability of the game operation. We must not be crowded out by our naval forces. "

"After the game is launched, the operation department will immediately recommend the QQ Fisheries game to our users through our QQ software. In addition, we will launch an activity that invites users to give away QQ members. Anyone who successfully invites 20 friends to activate the QQ Fisheries game, We will give him a QQ membership service worth ten yuan. One month, this can be accumulatively obtained. In addition, after our game is continuously signed in for one month, users will receive a monthly membership next month. "

"At the same time, after going online, we will continue to launch the navy to build momentum on the Internet, attack the happy farm's fee-paying props, and at the same time use the QQ fishing ground to compare with the happy farm. When the happy farm charges, our QQ fishing ground is not only free of charge, but also Provided QQ member value-added services as a reward, I believe that we will soon be able to cut over users of Happy Farm. "

Guo Haiming's words made the employees below realize the company's determination this time. This QQ fishing ground is different from the previous Q bar. Q bar is a copy of plagiarism, and it is the most viscous post of plagiarism. The most important thing is that it is also a pirate. After taking the user's excellent content, it made a furious anger, so it will be used by Makino Technology, and it will explode a few times.

However, the nature of the QQ fishery is different. The QQ fishery changed its name anyway, and its positioning was taken advantage of. In the first place, when it appeared, when the user had the biggest opinion on the happy farm, there was no need to fear the opponents gathered. It has a strong public heart, and its appearance will not directly touch the interests of happy farm players, but instead provide them with a better choice, at least it looks like this.

In this way, QQ fishing grounds really have a chance.


At this moment, Li Mu is not aware of the threats to Happy Farm. He has already made all the future plans for Happy Farm. Now he just waits for it to open the payment tomorrow morning, so that he can start to make a profit. The greater significance is Pushing Alipay so that it can have tens of millions of users, and is a tens of millions of paying users, Li Mu is very sure.

That night, Kong Lingyu sent Li Mu a message that surprised him: Teng Xun quietly developed a game called QQ Fishery, and has decided to officially launch the day after tomorrow. This game basically imitates the whole game. The farm just changed the game's structure from a farm to a fishing ground, moved from land to the ocean, and changed from planting to fish farming, but other than that, there was basically no change.

Li Muzhi, the development of the game takes time. Even a small game like Happy Farm requires team, time and a little bit of design and development and testing. Even if Tengxun's technical strength is strong, how can it be more than half a month? Time, why didn't you receive any news?

Calculate the time required for development. The other party should have initiated the project since the launch of Happy Farm, and closed the development for a long time with a large number of people. I have not received any news. It can be seen that Teng Xun's confidential work is done. How good.

Kong Lingyu explained: "This project is strictly confidential within Tengxun. Only the development team and the leadership know it, and all other employees know nothing. The reason why this news will come out today is because Tengxun lifted the ban today. After the project, a mobilization meeting was held inside Tengxun today. The whole company began to prepare for the launch of the QQ fishery. The news spread inside Tengxun all of a sudden and was released by the lower-level employees. "

Li Mu couldn't help scolding: "It's too fucking, it's too fucking! They are the plagiarism of Chiguo. What's the difference between plagiarizing other people's novels and just replacing the protagonist name and place name? The key lies in others When the novels are going to be sold on the shelves, isn't it clear that plagiarism will be dismantled! "

Kong Lingyu was also very angry: "Looking now, they are taking advantage of the moment when we started to charge, and launched a siege against us. If they are really engaged in this way, I am afraid that our users will be robbed by them a lot. Otherwise, let's just announce that, for special reasons, we will delay the launch of the prop mall and let them kill the QQ fishing ground in their hands. "

"How is it possible?" Li Mu said: "Their game has already been developed. Even if it is not released for the time being, it will not be killed in the hands. Even if we delay the launch of the props store now, it will have no effect on them, because we only need to return Ready to launch the prop mall, they will be able to jump out of our stage at a critical moment. "

Kong Lingyu said, "Then let's hurry to update the version and function, and quickly improve the gameplay of our game, so that the QQ fishery can not keep up."

Li Mu said aloud, saying in a bad tone: "At present, this is the only way. Let's go online to the props store normally, and after their QQ fishing ground is online, then according to the specific situation of their game, consider which new sections to improve. User viscosity. "

Kong Lingyu said, "Okay, let's take a look at what features they have. I don't think their game will have any innovation compared to our current version of Happy Farm."

Li Mu said, "We will know the day after tomorrow. Don't be affected first, and ensure the smooth launch of the prop mall tomorrow."

Hanging up the phone, Li Mu was a little annoyed, Happy Farm, this game, he developed so many sections and features in advance and did not go online, just to distance himself from imitating his opponent, basically he did not worry about competitors Imitation and plagiarism, but only the most worried about Teng Xun's follow-up.

The social game itself is based on social connections. When I was a happy farm, because the players did not establish a connection, I also introduced various methods to encourage them to invite and add friends, and let them connect all kinds of connections. Copy on Happy Farm, and Tengxun is much stronger on the basis of social connections than itself. The core of it is social ~ ~ and strong based on the communication between people. Social network, although the user network that runs on Happy Farm is also huge, but because it can only allow users to play games here, compared to Tengxun's instant messaging social network, he is more social in the game field than others Instant messaging is a lot weaker. Originally, I was going to launch YY to completely solve this shortcoming, but when YY didn't come out, Tengxun followed up to make a social game, which was really terrible!

People originally have strong social connections, and they have clients as support. If you run social games on this basis, it is definitely a good time and place, and you are now ready to launch the prop mall. The user resistance is very strong, which is the weakest stage. In case it lets it steal a peach with a plagiarized game, its own loss will be great.

However, if you do not go online, you can only ensure that you are not in a weak stage, but the advantage of strong social networking is still there, there will still be some dangers, not to mention, you must not give up the online launch of the props mall to compromise with them. On the one hand, I can't swallow this breath, on the other hand, this is the best opportunity to quickly develop Alipay. Brother Liu Xidong and Brother Liu are still waiting for their call. First, Alipay can raise it and then go to e-commerce to take off! The biggest advantage of Alipay in the field of e-commerce is the intermediary effect of the buyer confirming the receipt and payment after the payment is made to Alipay and the seller delivers the goods! This is a killer that greatly dispels users' online shopping concerns! How could such an important thing be affected by a QQ fishing ground? !! (To be continued.)

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