Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 335: Killer of QQ fishing ground

Users who have experienced QQ in 2002 should know that this year's QQ basically has no design aesthetics. Their advertisements from Low to even the font are the most basic imitation song, and they use yellow to make the effect of continuous strobe, but from this point From the above, you can see that the other party cannot copy the essence of Happy Farm. Every visual detail of Happy Farm is extremely sophisticated this year. It can be done according to the gourd, but you want to transplant the design concept to other things. The effect is naturally much worse.

Although the ads have been posted, but the game has not yet been launched, at this time, there are a lot of navy posts on Post Bar and other websites and forums. Although the contents are different, the core point is the same: Happy Farm charges fees It hurts the user ’s heart. Now that Teng Xun has trained the QQ fishing ground and promised not to sell items and maintain a fair game environment, everyone should give up the happy farm and go to the QQ fishing ground.

For such posts, Li Mu had already prepared. The core members of Zhao Kang are the administrators of the post bar. They can delete the post title and IP address in front of their own computers. In addition, a large number of their naval forces have posted activities in each post bar. One immediately reports and then immediately seals off. It doesn't take a minute before or after.

As for the external network, it all depends on smashing money. Zhao Kang has smashed his own public relations with money long ago, so even if he ca n’t directly control it now, he can give it to the relevant docking people on those platforms. Solve the problem.

While everyone in Makino's technology department was standing by, they were also scolding.

The competition belongs to the competition. You can imitate me, and come to tear down my stage. This is too much.

Kong Lingyu said: "BOSS, we are now holding back online comments, but we can't hold back their hard-broadcasting. They use every dialog box advertisement to push QQ fishing ground. It is estimated that the number of users will rise soon after it goes online."

Li Mu nodded: "People have their own users and channels, we can stop them on the Internet, but we can do nothing about their own products. They put so much effort, at least they can guarantee a little, most of them QQ users will definitely go to the QQ fishing grounds to see what happens, but the real competition is still on the product. Depending on their QQ fishing grounds, compared with our happy farms, who is strong and weak, considering that they have QQ this instant messaging For the plus item of software, we have the deductible item of the prop mall. We must far exceed him on the product to make up for this positive and negative double-sided gap. "

Kong Lingyu asked him in a hurry: "BOSS, you haven't decided yet, which plates do we want to update?"

"Not yet." Li Mu waved his hand and said, "It's not too late to make a decision when they go online and see their products!"

Nine o'clock.

The 24-hour data on the online launch of the props mall is still available. There are still more than 4 million Alipay paying users. The number of SMS paying users has exceeded 900,000, and the total consumption amount has smoothly exceeded 9 million, but it has only exceeded tens of thousands of yuan.

More than 4 million paying users are the most valued by Li Mu. He is already very satisfied with this achievement, but he has no time to celebrate at all. In a blink of an eye, the QQ fishing ground has been online.

At the moment when QQ Fishing Farm was launched, the internal data from Tengxun showed that there were more than 400,000 data requests simultaneously, and their online users were only 580,000. Such a high request ratio proves that this game For QQ users, the attraction is enough, at least it has successfully evoked the curiosity of most users.

Li Mu also opened the QQ fishing ground at this moment. After loading for more than ten seconds, the QQ fishing ground's welcome interface jumped onto the screen. The background music of the game was very cheerful, but it was easier to save. It was just a small piece of MIDI to play repeatedly. After entering, the user must first click to log in, there is a prompt when logging in: login is deemed to open the QQ fishing ground by default.

When Li Mu entered his QQ number and entered the QQ fishing ground, a cartoon fisherman with a strange appearance jumped out, prompting him to enter the tutorial stage.

The design of the entire game is very cottage. Although it is similar to Happy Farm, it uses a cartoon display method, but whether it is element visual design, color matching, coordination, etc., there is still a big gap with Happy Farm.

Because the theme of the game is a fishing ground, the visual display is somewhat unreadable logically, the screen is so large, and each fishing ground divided into small pieces is the size of a matchbox, but every time you put a fry, it grows inside It is a nest of six small fishes. The element used by Happy Farm is to plant various crops on the land, so at each growth stage of the crops, the picture only adds a slight swing to the stationary state, such as plants The leaves will move very slowly, gently and regularly, making people look very comfortable and natural.

However, the picture of the QQ fishing ground is a bit pitted. The designer may consider that the fry is alive, and it is too weird to leave it if it stays still, so it is designed that six fry are moved clockwise along the middle origin, one circle at a time Seeing people dizzy ...

Li Mu shook his head and looked at it. It seems that Teng Xun is also anxious, otherwise it is impossible to release such a product that has not really been polished, but if you study this game carefully, its game architecture is quite complete. From the game The basic logic, to the elements, upgrades, interactive design to help steal food, and to the list, display and other aspects of the section, basically no different from Happy Farm.

Li Mu tried to raise fish fry on several fishing grounds. As a result, several fish fry that kept turning around made him feel somewhat incompetent, but this may only be his opinion of later generations. He has not experienced the various Internet products in later generations. Users should not be too entangled in this issue.

In fact, as Li Mu said, users do n’t have much feeling about the appearance of the QQ fishing farm cottage. Come in and experience it and find that the overall architecture of this game is the same as Happy Farm, because they have the experience of Happy Farm, so they It is very easy to get started while playing this game.

Immediately afterwards, they found interesting places. When playing the game, a small star on the sidebar leaderboard suddenly flashed, and then a prompt popped up: "Your friend: XXXX has also opened the QQ fishing ground, fast Take a look at his fishing grounds! It ’s a good gift to click! "

Subsequently, the user only needs to click the friend ’s avatar of the newly opened QQ fishery to enter his fishery interface, and then he will see a prompt to open the treasure chest, open the treasure chest with a bang, and there will be random fish food or gold coins and experience reward.

At the beginning, QQ users only found a reminder occasionally, and soon, this reminder became a little closer, because more and more QQ users came in to try it out, all their friends who have opened QQ fishing ground will receive this This kind of reminder will also open a treasure chest in their fishery 100%, and then the user starts to actively invite those who have not yet activated on the line to activate, so there is another wave of activation peak.

Li Mu slammed the table and stood up, shocking the people in the technical department. At this time, Li Mu said with a grim expression, "The thing I am most afraid of is this kind of thing! They are too clear about their own advantages. Directly using the connections that QQ users have already accumulated, this feeling of constantly watching friends join in can generate a very strong sense of belonging to the user ’s psychology. The more friends join, the more interested they are in the game. ! "

Chen Wenqiang, the product director of Tieba, said with a look of depression: "This is their biggest advantage, if only our YY could go online at this time!"

Li Mu waved his hands: "The fastest time for YY to go online is to wait until after the year. If we can't withstand the pressure of QQ fishery, once our happy farm users lose a lot, our YY plan will be greatly affected."

Sun Jianfei, the technical person in charge of Flash development, said: "General Li, there are only two directions we can do now: update the game and fight public opinion!"

Li Mu nodded in agreement and asked him, "What do you think about the game update?"

Sun Jianfei said: "In fact, our current game function reserve is already very strong, Tengxun is not an opponent at all. The key is that we must now think about what features to take out. We cannot take out too much at one time because we take too much. After the other party learns all of a sudden, our advantage will certainly not last for a long time. We can only take out new features little by little as President Li told you at the earliest time, so that the other party has been desperately chasing. . "

Li Mu nodded: "Jianfei, you continue."

Sun Jianfei also said, "The most important thing now is what features we have to compete with them. I personally think that our biggest disadvantage now is social connections, although our users have established a huge network of contacts in our games. , But because we do n’t have instant messaging software to serve as the user ’s network of contacts, and Tengxun ’s friends can communicate very conveniently and quickly through QQ, our overall strength is still better Without Tengxun, now we have to come up with functions that make up for this link, so that the interaction between our users and users, and quickly move! "

Li Mu looked at him and said, "In this case, we have to come up with our game mission system and user transaction system."

The game mission system is that Li Mu imitates HayDay's cartoon farm. A car delivery section is created for this game. The user can get orders from the system by purchasing a pickup truck, but the system will ask him for various categories of products, making It is difficult for him to complete it by himself. At this time, user transactions will be opened again. Each user can put a variety of goods on their own shelves and sell them at a price. In this way, in order to complete tasks and get higher rewards, users will Going to a friend's store to scan goods and buy various items, the interaction between users is suddenly many times faster than the previous simple stealing of vegetables, helping to weed, and killing insects.

Sun Jianfei said to Li Mu, "General Manager Li, I think these two functions are most suitable for opening up now. Once we open these two functions, our users will experience very interesting buddy transactions, buddy collaboration, and system tasks. In this way, the game's sociality will be improved a lot! "

Li Mu nodded and asked others, "What do you mean?"

Others also expressed their approval. After all, everyone can see where their shortcomings are. The shortboards have insufficient interaction between users and poor communication. However, YY cannot go online for the time being, and communication problems are difficult to solve immediately. , But enhanced interactions can make up for this problem.

So Li Mu said, "Leaded by Jianfei, he immediately started to prepare for the version update. This time we will not only open these two functions, but also open the pet function and take out the function of raising dogs!"

Dog breeding is a kind of props on the farm. Once opened, users can use gold coins to buy kennels and purchase the seven-day trial period of the lowest-level hunting dogs. However, the actual purchase of hunting dogs must be done through reward points. The reward point coupons cannot be used for gold coins. , Or purchase with cash, can only be rewarded by doing tasks. In addition to rewarding users with gold coins, experience and random items for each car order task, they will also reward users for certain points and accumulate points for doing tasks. In order to really buy a hunting dog that always belongs to you.

The hunting dog is very useful. It can play two roles when friends come to steal food. One is to reduce the number of stolen food when they steal food. The other is to let them drop gold coins immediately. ~ For example, user A's corn is ripe. When a friend steals it, he can steal six corns per field, but because the hound is there, he only stole 4 corns. When the user sees the quantity, it is not Simply change 6 into 4, but write 4 as 4 (6-2) to tell him explicitly that you could have stolen six, but because others have dogs, you can only steal four, which will stimulate Stealing users also want a hunting dog.

The random drop of gold coins is because the dog will attack the stealer. If you bite, a word similar to -25 gold coins will appear, telling them that they lost 25 gold coins because they were bitten by the dog.

However, there are two interesting points about the function of hunting dogs. First, the higher the level of the dog, the more useful it is, but the more points you need to buy. Second, the dog food is not open for gold coins and cash. Use coupons, and once the dogs are out of dog food, they ca n’t play a role. In this case, while stimulating users to do tasks and earning coupons, while stimulating them to do tasks madly, they are also motivated to do crazy things with friends. Product transactions.

In short, Li Mu's Happy Farm, every function, every link, and every prop are interlocking. The clues that are constantly intersecting with each other finally form a strong invisible net. Is the user's viscosity and loyalty! (To be continued.)

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