Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 377: If there is God


Kong Lingyu asked Li Mu if he hadn't watched the Spring Festival Gala. Li Mu said, "Look, it's turning on the computer."

As soon as he said that he was running a computer, Kong Lingyu knew that Li Mu had seen the advertisement of the qq fishery in the show. He said, "I opened the qq fishery and it was indeed updated. Like our last update, we introduced some new features. , Which includes pet function, task function, friend function, in addition, they also launched a new section, users can buy and add workshops with gold coins, one is a sushi restaurant, you can make salmon into sushi, one is a cannery You can make canned sardines, and like us, they are starting to make processing systems. "

Li Mu had turned on the computer at the moment and said, "Wait for me, let me see."

Li Mu took a look at the current qq fishing grounds and found that both the aesthetics of the screen and the experience of the menus and interactions of the game have greatly improved from the previous ones, and they basically "learned" the last update of Happy Farm For all the elements, they also have a pet mode that can keep dogs to prevent fish stealing. They also have a mission mode, but they have not copied the "small truck" design of Happy Farm. However, they have one thing that is original, that is, the processing industry system.

In Li Mu's view, qq fishery must have replaced the architect and product manager. Although most of this update is plagiarism, the processing industry system Li Mu has already done well in the development of Happy Farm, but it has not been announced yet. So they can think of opening up this new system, which is worthy of recognition.

The current qq fishing ground has only opened two plus workshops for users, namely sushi restaurants and canneries, but Li Mu believes that they should already have a relatively complete system structure, but for the time being they are open without any breath, whether it is happy The farm is still the former qq fishing ground. From the perspective of the large system, the virtual worlds in these two games have only the first industry. The happy farm is agriculture and the qq fishing ground is fishery. Now, the qq fishing ground is one step ahead of the happy farm. , Began to enter the secondary industry, that is, the processing industry.

In fact, in the happy farm version that Li Mu did not come up with, this system has already been developed very well.

In Li Mu's Happy Farm, any crop has a corresponding processing system, and it is linked by one link. Not only is the structure very large, but the logic is also very meticulous.

For example, wheat can be processed into flour after the mill is built. After the pastry shop is built, the flour can be used to make bread alone. If sugar and butter are added, cookies and cookies can be made. If a restaurant is built, flour and pork are added. , Can make buns, plus beef can make ramen.

In the above structure, sugar cane is obtained by planting sugar cane, and sugar cane is produced after harvesting sugar cane. Pork must be obtained by building pig pens to raise pigs, and beef must also have cattle pens to raise cattle.

And pigs can get not only pork but also bacon, and cattle can not only get beef but also milk.

Milk and sugar plus ice cream machine can make ice cream;

Bacon, beef and bread, can make burgers;

Corn can be made into popcorn, and it can also be matched with grains such as wheat and soybeans to produce feed for pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens and other livestock in a feed machine;

Build a movie theater, popcorn can be provided with ice cream to tourists who come to watch movies;

Oranges, carrots, oranges, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, mangoes and other fruit types can be made into a variety of juices through a juice machine, and provided with popcorn and ice cream for tourists watching movies;

Sheep can produce wool and goat milk, wool can be used as a sweater, and goat milk can be used as cheese;

Chickens can produce eggs, which can be used for cakes and tarts;

Cotton can be woven, and can be used to make clothes after weaving;

There are many more product relationships like this ...

The agricultural products produced in the primary industry are processed into various commodities in the secondary industry. These commodities can be exchanged for money and can perform higher-level tasks, which can promote users to continuously improve their industrial systems.

In addition to these intersecting industrial chains, Li Mu also opened up the tertiary industry chain, which is the service industry.

For example, cinemas, restaurants, clothing stores, cake shops, etc., the system will set up the user ’s farm as a tourist attraction, and send a certain amount of virtual tourists every day. Tourists will buy a variety of agricultural products here, as well as the tertiary industry here. For consumption.

In short, Li Mu's framework for Happy Farm is a very complete system with a very large structure, far from being comparable to the current qq fishing ground.

At this time, Kong Lingyu said to Li Mu, "I check the situation of qq fishing ground and q bar every day. Yesterday the qq fishing ground was not updated. Today I suddenly inserted such an advertisement in the spring evening. I opened qq fishing ground again and it turned out that Updated, it seems they have been planning for a long time. "

Li Mu smiled helplessly and said, "Their imitation ability is indeed very strong. If it is a company with insufficient defense, I am afraid they will be overwhelmed."

Kong Lingyu said: "This kind of advertisement implantation is really new. It can cost so much to move such a big wrist?"

Li Mu said: "Not only does he have to promise, but also the Spring Festival Gala nod, is there enough cash flow in Tengxun?"

Kong Lingyu said: "Last year, South Africa ’s mih Mirad International Holdings Group acquired the equity of Tengxun 20 from Hong Kong Pacific Digital, and acquired the equity of Tengxun 12.8 from idg, which is Tengxun's second largest Shareholders, occupying almost 33 shares, but these two equity acquisitions were conducted with other shareholders. Tengxun did not get any benefit from them. They tossed q, tossed qq fishing grounds. It is estimated that they have consumed a lot of funds. It should be a relatively scarce stage now. "

Hong Kong Yingke Digital is now in the hands of Li Zekai. He invested a total of more than US $ 1 million in Tengxun at the beginning and took a share of Tengxun 20. However, he clearly lacks vision. Holding shares until June of last year, The price of more than ten million US dollars sold all Tengxun shares to mih. At first, Li Zekai thought that this sale that earned ten times in just two years was his genius, but he did not expect that it would become the biggest failure of his investment career. For ten million dollars, he missed tens of billions of dollars.

Think about it now, Tengxun failed on two products in a row, there should not be much prospect in the capital market, so Li Mu reasoned: "It is likely that they have raised financing again."

"I haven't heard it," Kong Lingyu said. "I haven't heard that they have any financing activities."

Li Mu said: "It may be an internal capital increase, or it may be to continue to transfer the shares to mih and let them pursue the investment. In short, they must have got another money, but you can rest assured that this money will not be too much, at most As far as the tens of millions of dollars are concerned, there are probably only millions. "

Kong Lingyu lamented: "That's a huge sum!"

Li Mu laughed: "It's a huge sum, but they can't afford to burn their money like this. The reason they fight so hard is definitely to see the daily running water of Happy Farm so powerful. Realizing that this is a very good cash cow. Unexpectedly, I want to take advantage of the Spring Festival Gala to turn around, but it doesn't matter. We will make them happy one night. Tomorrow you will call the core technical staff online. Tomorrow 8 o’clock tomorrow, you must update the next version of Happy Farm. "

Speaking of it, Li Mu himself figured out the key points of it, and he felt happy all of a sudden. Haha laughed, "This is really a godsend!"

Kong Lingyu has been working with Li Mu for a long time, and his thinking has moved closer to Li Mu. Listening to Li Mu's words, his brain moved quickly, and his eyes soon became clear: "boss, I understand! You have been letting us update the happy farm Make a reserve, wait for this day, right? When Tengxun focused on the qq fishery, they will sadly find that no matter how they catch up, they will not be able to catch up with us, we can always be in the shortest Let their efforts be brought to naught in a short time. At this time, their energy, manpower, technical strength, and financial resources are all inclined to the qq fishing ground, and they will inevitably ignore the demand of qq itself. They think that qq is invincible now, but they do not know Our yy is almost finished, and our yy is much stronger than qq in all aspects ... "

"Yes," Li Mu said with a smile: "They are investing so much energy and financial resources for qq fishing grounds, and even have the advertisements come to the Spring Festival Gala. It is enough to see that they now attach great importance to qq fishing grounds. They are now too confident in qq itself. Therefore, I will desperately want to build qq fishery into a steady stream of cash output ~ ~ want to rely on this cash flow to feed qq, but once our yy goes online, we can They have threatened to draw wages at the bottom of the pot. If the foundation of qq is cut off by us, all their dreams will be over. "

Kong Lingyu said immediately: "Then I will inform everyone to prepare and update the third edition of Happy Farm, so that they can taste the despair!"

At this moment, several senior executives in Tengxun are full of hope for the future of qq fishing ground. The sketches are the top priority of the Spring Festival Gala every year. The effect of this year's "Selling a Car" is still so good. It is foreseeable that in the future, During the week, the program "Selling a Car" will be broadcast countless times on CCTV's major channels, and will also be replayed countless times on major local stations. The brand qq fishery will appear to the audience with every rebroadcast. In the field of vision, this advertising effect is much stronger than advertising on any TV station at any time!

And what they are most confident about is the newly created qq fishery fishery processing system. They also realized that this architecture has opened up a new game system, which is equivalent to enriching the game more than double and making the game experience more Three-dimensional, they are not as blind and confident as they were at the beginning. They have no plans to rely on the renewal of qq fishing grounds and the advertisement placement of the Spring Festival Gala to kill the happy farm. They just want to steal some of the share from the happy farm. It's rolling cash flow! * 3 * 6 * 9 *


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