Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 389: Chief Human Resources Officer

Fang Xudong guessed right, Li Mu did not deny.

He said that he was indeed developing an instant messaging software and was planning to make a layout on the social network, but he did not disclose too much, not because he did not trust Fang Xudong, but felt that it was unnecessary.

Fang Xudong is powerful in the technical field. A product that has already been developed does not require him to waste energy. What he needs is to help Li Mu build other products, or one day YY will carry tens of millions of users for voice and video When transferring this huge data stream with files, let him come up with a solution.

Right now, there are two aspects that Fang Xudong needs to join. One is Miracle MU, which is his next source of cash, and the other is Taobao.

Taobao needs strong technical support. On the one hand, it needs to provide solutions when a large number of users are influx. On the other hand, it also needs to provide a perfect and secure trading environment. In addition, there is a very important key point: the algorithm. .

Taobao ’s algorithm is a very sophisticated science, just like Google ’s research on web page ranking algorithms, it recommends the results that are most suitable for users, most appealing to users, and most promote users ’conversion, and enhances user experience and viscosity. To improve the overall conversion rate of the platform.

This algorithm is not just a simple recommendation weight and ranking weight formula, but more importantly, it must make an accurate user portrait based on the user's behavior habits.

"User portrait" is still a strange word for the current Internet practitioners, and even Fang Xudong has not studied it systematically.

When he asked about the basics of Li Mu ’s user portrait, Li Mu said: “If we do Taobao in the future, then we can use the user ’s login IP to grasp the geographic location of the user. Do n’t underestimate this feature, it can help We determine the region where our users are located, and we can determine the economic development, average salary, and approximate purchasing power of users based on the region they belong to. "

Fang Xudong nodded. Although he has not been an e-commerce company, Li Mu's point is easy to understand.

Li Mu said, "Secondly, we need to record every time a user searches, so as to analyze his points of interest."

Fang Xudong said: "Understand, similar to cookies."

Li Mu laughed: "It is the user cookies we have recorded ourselves. According to his point of interest, we have to develop a logical algorithm for user portraits. For example, if a user searches and purchases mostly male items, we can identify him For men, if it is mostly female products, we will consider her as a female. Although this cannot be 100% accurate, at least it can meet most of the situations. In this case, we can properly identify us as a female user Recommend women's related items, but just knowing the gender is not enough, we have to infer her age based on what she likes and is interested in. If she likes to wear fashion brand clothes, then we infer that her age should not exceed Thirty-year-old, if she likes fashion clothes and also read books and stationery, then we can consider her to be a student. With the current popularity of the Internet, students who can shop online, 80% are college students, then we can temporarily This user is classified as a female college student, so we can recommend female college to her Compare Items of interest. "

Speaking, Li Mu pointed to Lin Qingya next to him and said, "Suppose there is a female user, her login IP address is Yanjing, and her delivery address is within the third ring of Yanjing, and her user information is named Lin Qingya, then we have already mastered her basic information, but this is not enough. We have to infer that her age is between 20-30 years based on the type of fashion, cosmetics and skin care products she likes. She pays attention to the price of the product and the amount of consumption on the platform per unit time to roughly determine her monthly income level. If the monthly salary is more than 10,000 yuan, then she is a female senior white-collar worker, so we can re-fine our age judgment Raising her minimum age to about 25 years old, we went to analyze her purchase records and found that the products she bought were all relatively expensive in the same type, then we can basically judge the portrait of this person. "

Fang Xudong said with surprise: "In this case, the information we have is: Lin Qingya, aged 25 or so, lives in the Third Ring of Yanjing, earns over 10,000 yuan a month, likes to buy high-quality goods, likes clothing and cosmetics, This is already very detailed ... "

Li Mu said with a smile: "Not enough. For example, if she also occasionally pays attention to male attributes of the same age, we can infer that she may not be single. If she pays attention to pregnant women's products, then we can infer that she is married and preparing to become pregnant. If she focuses on baby products, then she may be pregnant or have a child. The more accurate the user portraits we have, the more accurately we can recommend products suitable for them to them and let them find that we are better than other similar types. The website understands him better and caters to his preferences so that we can always stay ahead of other competitors. "

Fang Xudong looked at Li Mu with astonishment and did not hesitate his admiration, saying, "The concept of user portraits is so useful. Your understanding of the Internet is really ashamed of me. In many ways, I have never thought about it or even listened to it. That said, if we can start researching algorithms for user portraits ahead of others, then we will become even more powerful in everything we do. "

Li Mu nodded: "Algorithms are the soul, the core, the mind, and the things that others cannot see. It is more like a secret weapon that kills invisible people. If done well, it will be no disadvantage in the Internet field."

Fang Xudong immediately said excitedly: "In this case, let me take charge of the research and development of this algorithm. Taobao's back-end support can also be entrusted to me, and I will design an efficient solution for it."

"No problem." Li Mu smiled and held out his hand: "Welcome to join."

Fang Xudong stretched out his right hand and clasped Li Mu, a heart pursuing the ultimate was already almost ready to move.

Li Mu promises Fang Xudong's basic annual salary of 800,000 a year, plus 1% of Makino's options. Year-end awards and project bonuses are included. Although the income is lower than that at Google, considering the consumption levels of Yanjing and Silicon Valley in the United States The difference between salary and salary can be ignored. The most important thing is the 1% option of Makino. According to the market value, 1% is worth at least 10 million. Of course, Li Mu also has its own option limit, which can be realized gradually within three years. Within three years If you leave, the remaining options are considered to be automatically abandoned.

The generous treatment, coupled with a new world view outlined by Li Mu, made him look forward to the future. For those who are obsessed with technology, money is second, and pursuing a heart is the first. Yes, in Google, Fang Xudong can't lead any project yet, but here Li Mu will not only provide him with almost, but also provide him with ideas, all of which are the bullish ideas that make Fang Xudong's heart beat faster.

After supper, Fang Xudong said that it may take one to two months to deal with the current issues. After returning to the United States, he submitted a resignation report to the company, and then handed over the work clearly. After the labor relationship was sorted out, he could return to the country. They will fly directly to Yanjing and report to Makino Technology.

After meals, Li Mu was in a good mood. The most lacking of the Internet is the technology bull. Now it is finally the first one. With the first one, there will be the second and the third. Huge Internet products, creating a strong Internet empire.

After Fang Xudong left, Li Mu said to Lin Qingya, "You have contributed a lot to Qingya today."

Lin Qingya asked Li Mu: "This Fang Xudong is really amazing?"

Li Mu nodded his head: "It's technically impossible to say, very bullish."

Lin Qingya said with a smile: "That's good, I will try to find a few cattle like him to join our company in the future."

Li Mu clapped his hands and said, "In the future, you will be CHO, Chief Human Resources Officer of Makino Technology."

Lin Qingya said, "Whatever you say is what, I'm sure where to fight."

The two paced to the asphalt road outside the hotel. Li Mu asked, "Where do you live? I'll take you back."

Lin Qingya said, "I will return to Yanjing by train tonight, and I will return to work tomorrow."

Li Mu asked: "Isn't it the day after tomorrow that I officially go to work?"

Lin Qingya laughed: "I went back a day with the little girls from HR to prepare for the return of everyone."

Li Mu nodded and said, "Southern Fashion paid employees a profit on the first day after work. I ca n’t go back so early. You talk to the finances, say hello, and I will give each one the day after tomorrow. Employees send 800 yuan red envelopes as the starting profit of our company after the first New Year's return. "

Lin Qingya said, "It's good to follow a boss like you, and change the law to give employees various benefits."

Li Mu said, "Appropriate profit sharing is one of the most important qualities that a qualified boss should have. People who eat sole food can never be dominated. After the industry heats up in the future, you will find countless bosses who eat sole food overnight. The team pried away. "

Lin Qingya nodded and said, "I can understand what you say."

Li Mu said as he walked, "I told you a real thing, and I also heard a friend who was older than me."

Lin Qingya followed Li Mu and said, "Please speak."

Li Mu waved his hand: "You are older than me. You do n’t need to be so kind with me. We did n’t meet on the first day. Speaking of the previous topic, an old employee of a company asked the company to raise his salary from 8,000 to 10,000. Yes, the old employee resigned. After he left, the company's personnel found a person with a monthly salary of 15,000 to replace him, but sadly found that this person with a monthly salary of 15,000 was much worse than the old employee. , When they finally found a suitable candidate with the same ability as the old veteran, the salary for the other party had already exceeded 20,000. "

Lin Qingya pursed her lips and said, "This kind of thing is also common, mainly because the company's own salary adjustment mechanism is not reasonable enough, and the salary of old employees is not up, but when recruiting new employees from the outside, it is necessary to follow the latest market conditions. Asking for a price often results in newcomers being paid more than the elderly. "

Li Mu smiled and said, "In fact, it is not that the salary adjustment mechanism is unreasonable. The fundamental problem is that the company's management is overconfident. It feels that the older employees are the less likely to leave. They think that the inertia and familiarity that the company brings to him can Substituting part of the labor compensation, this is an extremely silly thinking mode. I don't know if the tree is dead or people are moving. Once the team is in turmoil, the loss to the company is incalculable, so you must get reasonable for the company employees. Salary and benefits, and a reasonable salary increase model. I don't want our company to be a company where foreign monks can read the scriptures. I don't want our company to undergo a passive exchange of blood every so often. What I want is stability. Only us To eliminate unqualified employees, there will never be qualified employees to eliminate us. "

Lin Qingya Zheng Jianjian head: "General Manager Li, rest assured, I will definitely remember."

Li Mu smiled slightly: "At the train time, I'll take you to the station."

"Twelve o'clock, you don't have to send me back. Let's go back to the room to rest early. I'll sit for a while and go to the station at eleven."

Li Mu looked at the time, just in his early nines.

Seeing her empty hands, Li Mu asked, "What about your luggage?"

Lin Qingya said: "Stored at the hotel front desk."

Li Mu waved his hands indiscriminately: "Let's go and rest in my room for a while. I will take you to the station at eleven."

Lin Qingya felt anxious in her heart for a moment, and just wanted to refuse, but when she saw Li Mu's sincerity, she didn't seem to be polite to herself, and immediately broke into a panicked fawn, which made her chest hurt a little.

To Li Mu, Lin Qingya is full of worship and admiration ~ ~ Although she is Li Xue's school sister, Li Mu is many years older, but it does not prevent her from feeling a little affection for the young boss around her. In her opinion, Li Mu is so outstanding that even if he chooses from a 30-year-old man, he cannot pick out one who is as good as Li Mu.

Even if it ’s good, the boss is so handsome that people ca n’t ignore his eyes. The most important thing is that he is considerate of the staff and considerate of the woman. He was short of his brain that was tortured by family matters. He signed a three-year option agreement. Under the circumstances, he also stupidly ran to ask him if he could cash out the shares. As a result, he was not only angry, but also helped himself to solve the immediate difficulties. So whenever Lin Qingya looked at him, he always felt that the man was impeccable.

If you really want to pick him up, it's because he's too young.

Lin Qingya is six or seven years old. Although he is also young, he feels inferior because of his age. He always feels that I am old when I am born.

Li Mu did not think much. He regarded Lin Qingya as one of his confidants, and unlike Kong Lingyu, Kong Lingyu was completely obedient to the order, but his ability was limited after all. However, Lin Qingya not only obeyed the order. The most important thing was that he had outstanding ability. The superior thinking mode, although ignorant of technology, is an excellent management talent. With her in hand, it can ensure that Li Mu is not chaotic.

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