Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 400: resignation

When Chen Wan promised Li Mu to accept the invitation from Xiangnan Satellite TV, Ma Weiwei was lying on her bed, lying in the arms of a man who had changed her destiny but was 15 years older than herself.

The other party already has a family, and the children have even attended high school. Therefore, from the first day of the relationship with him, Ma Weiwei has only chosen Ma Weiwei's residence for dating.

At first, it was in the small room rented by Ma Weiwei, on the second-hand small bed that creaked with a slight movement.

Later, in the high-end apartment rented by Ma Weiwei, on the one-meter by eight-meter wide Simmons bed.

Then again, this is the junior suite that Ma Weiwei bought now. On that high-end Simmons bed, people lying on the mattress will get trapped in the mattress and no strange noises will be made.

After serving her heart, Ma Weiwei said in the bosom of the man, "Dear, how do I think that on the two days, I want to use her meaning to rise again?"

The man smoked, spitting clouds and spitting clouds: "The director asked himself, asking Chen Wanhuo for so many days, why did n’t he move below, but now he did n’t say that he must reuse her, just a few opinions are talking to each other For a while, there was no clear statement. "

Ma Weiwei said with some concern: "Chen Wan is now scary with many fans. I have been hosting for so many years. I haven't received hundreds of letters from the audience. Posting fans don't even have 5,000. Chen Wan has only worked for a few days. I have posted more than 100,000 fans. If I go on like this, it really gives her a chance. She ca n’t just jump over my head at once? I do n’t care, you have to push me down that Chen Wan anyway. ”

The man patted her shoulder gently, comforting him: "Don't worry, isn't it fixed yet? The best result is to act in the stage and keep Chen Wan in your show, you can continue Keeping her out of the picture, or controlling the length and content of her appearance, everything is still the same as before, and slowly her fans lose their enthusiasm; if it is necessary to use her in the stage, then I will find a way to arrange her When it comes to a low-profile show, try not to make her too attractive. "

Upon hearing this, Ma Weiwei said with an ugly expression, "You can't think of a way to get her out of Yanjing Terrace?"

The man said: "Easy to talk about, she is staring at so many people now, and she ca n’t be justified if she does n’t reuse it, and she gets her out. Would n’t it tell the world that there is something nasty? Now the best way is to still She presses on our stage, otherwise if she runs off after being run out and digged by other stations, you and I will have more pressure. "

Said, the man asked again: "Think about it. Suppose that Shanghai TV and Shonan TV, which are much higher than our ratings, dig her out and give her a show. She will take this opportunity to disclose it in Yanjing. When she was on the stage, she was always excluded and suppressed. Will you not be scolded by her fans? "

Ma Weiwei said with a glum expression, "Now many people have scolded me in my post bar, and I don't know who posted it online, saying that I have been pressing Chen Wan to keep her from appearing, and many people ran Post to my post, the content of the post is unsightly. "

The man sighed: "It seems that I still have to sign a formal long-term contract with Chen Wan. No matter she is not allowed to appear in the picture, she will be signed off according to the normal anchor's treatment, so that she can't jump in a few years, and then think The method suppresses her, keeps her out of the way, and once her enthusiasm passes, everything will be fine. "

After listening, Ma Weiwei nodded again and again and again: "It's still thoughtful of you, you should reuse her, first use a contract to hang her, and stipulate that she must not be interviewed or participated in any film or television drama anywhere except this station. Tie her well for another three or five years. "

"Okay." The man said pettingly, "You can rest assured that I will ask her to sign a formal anchor agreement tomorrow morning." After finishing, he looked at the time and said, "OK, I have to go, she will accompany The child's make-up class should be over. "

Ma Weiwei said in a loss, "Leave again, you haven't stayed with me for several months."

The man reluctantly said, "No way. After the child went to high school, she hasn't travelled much recently. We can only wait for the opportunity when I am on a business trip."

Ma Weiwei nodded flatly and nodded, and said, "Let ’s do it anyway, I can do it anytime, I want you to hold me to sleep, and sleep until dawn. It ’s not like smoking a cigarette and putting on clothes to go home after work. Hurry. "

"Rest assured, I know."

The man said, people have sat up and started to get dressed.

Ma Weiwei also hurriedly got up to help him dress, but he also reminded him: "Don't forget Chen Wan's things, do it early tomorrow."

"okay, I get it."


At 8:30 the next morning, shortly after Chen Wan just arrived at the company to check in, Zhao Hezheng, the deputy manager of the personnel department, came to the large office of Chen Wan's program group with an empty contract and came to her with a smile. "Oh Xiaowan Congratulations. "

Chen Wan recognized the other person as the top three personnel in the station and asked in surprise: "Director Zhao, are you looking for something?"

Zhao Hezheng nodded, his eyes narrowed with a smile, and said, "The deputy director of the exhibition called me last night and asked me to come to you to sign a contract as soon as I came to work today."

Chen Wan asked him, "What contract?"

"The official contract for the host." Zhao Hezheng took out a thick contract from the folder and said with a smile: "Congratulations, it is the fastest one among our host trainees!"

People in the entire office were stunned when they heard this sentence. They looked at Chen Wan with envious eyes. Although most of them were behind the scenes, they also knew the division of the stage. Outside the level of leadership, the general situation is that the behind-the-scenes is not as good as the behind-the-scenes. Although the intern host is the lowest level of the front-line work of the TV station, but in terms of status on the stage, it is much stronger than the ordinary behind-the-scenes staff. If you are promoted to a formal host, your status will be higher than most of the backstage staff. Not only will you have your own dressing room, dressing room, but also your own stylist and makeup artist. Once you become a formal host, you will have the opportunity to appear It will also increase greatly. Chen Wan is already so hot before Yanjing Satellite TV. If it is really in addition to the mirror, will it still be?

What's more, under normal circumstances, the intern host's internship period is one to two years, and some may even be extended to three years, and Chen Wancai has come for half a year, as Zhao Hezheng said, it is indeed the fastest intern host Already.

When everyone was envious of Chen Wan, Chen Wan said apologetically, "I'm sorry Director Zhao, I can't sign this contract."

Zhao Hezheng was stunned, and everyone was stunned.

"Why can't you sign? How many people dream of this opportunity!"

Zhao Hezheng felt that his mind was not enough. Every time he went to the intern host to sign a formal agreement, the other party anxiously jumped up and broke the ceiling. Only Chen Wan could see nothing at all. joy.

When everyone was wondering, Chen Wan said, "I have decided to resign, and the resignation letter has been written."

Having said that, Chen Wan took a handwritten resignation letter from her bag and handed it to Zhao Hezheng, saying, "Director Zhao, this is my resignation letter. I formally ask you to resign, and I hope you can reply as soon as possible. . "

The internal management of Yanjing Satellite TV is a bit chaotic. The host of all news outlets is under the control of the broadcasting department, but the host of variety shows and other programs is under the direct control of the deputy director, because the deputy director not only manages Well, these moderators have more control over other programs except news programs. However, in the daily work, the deputy director will not directly go to ask intern moderators such as Chen Wan. The actual leader is the director of the program group, but the actual leader of the program group is Ma Weiwei, so Chen Wan can only pass the resignation letter to Zhao Hezheng. After all, he is in charge of personnel affairs. In the end, the termination of the labor contract and the employment relationship is still To go his way.

Zhao Hezheng heard Chen Wan said he would resign, and hurriedly asked: "Xiao Wan, what do you do to resign? Now the stage attaches great importance to you, so I plan to cultivate you well after you sign a formal contract. Maybe it is possible. There will also be a special program for you. If you resign now, you will really delay your future. "

Chen Wan said apologetically: "I thought about it a bit, maybe I still don't fit the environment of our station, so I want to resign early."

Zhao Hezheng asked tentatively: "Xiaowan ~ ~ Do you have a new choice? Are there other platforms digging at you?"

Chen Wan pursed her lips instead of telling the truth, but said, "My family doesn't want me to stay in Yanjing. I want to go back to Nansu and stay close to home. So after I resigned, I wanted to go to Nansu Satellite TV. See if there is a chance. "

Do n’t let people in Yanjing Satellite TV know that they ’re going to Xiangnan Satellite TV and host “Happy Camp”, which is also what Li Mu said. Li Mu knows that Yanjing Satellite TV has been pressing Chen Wan and giving her small shoes. If they know that Chen Wan has An opportunity to spread your wings so high that some people will be jealous of hatred and secretly make things worse. More is worse than less. The best result is to resign quietly from Yanjing Satellite TV, and then quietly follow Shonan. The TV contract was signed.

Zhao Hezheng was skeptical of Chen Wan's statement, thinking for a moment, saying, "Xiao Wan, me, don't worry about signing a formal contract with you first; don't worry about mentioning your departure, give me something In time, I went to the booth manager to talk about it. I ca n’t do it alone for such a big thing. "

Chen Wan said, "Director Zhao, you are the director of personnel. I am a little intern. Can't you be the master over there?"

Zhao Hezheng smiled awkwardly: "To be honest, I was able before, but I can't now ..."

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