Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 405: Charity is a double-edged sword

Li Mu knows that charity is a special and sensitive field. This field is a double-edged sword. It must be handled carefully. If you do n’t do it, do n’t do it at all. You only need to donate it when the society needs it. Just a sum of money, because this is not charity, it can only be regarded as supporting charity; but if you choose to do charity, then do it wholeheartedly and 100% openly, especially the funds, must be completely transparent, The entire charity team must be absolutely clean.

3321 hundreds of thousands of tutor orders are generated every week, and a large amount of commission is deposited in the account. This is not a good thing. Charity is not saving money. We must control our own capital pool to a relatively small value for normal operations. Set a safety threshold. Once the funds reach the threshold, open all exits immediately, lower the threshold back to the value required for operation, and store a large amount of good funds in your hands. Most funds that have been invested with less money will have funds. At the level, even the charitable funds made by some international stars have countless shady funds. Once they are made public, they will immediately become street mice and be shouted by everyone.

The 3321 fund is different from many other genes. The 3321 is a private education fund. Education is a basic people's livelihood. Therefore, the education fund does not need to reserve a large amount of funds to respond to emergencies and natural disasters. Therefore, Li Mubian and Dong Aiding A benchmark: 3321's future normal capital reserve is 10 million yuan. Below this value, all aid activities are suspended, and the money is reserved for the entire 3321 and aid foundation operations. Above this value, aid activities are normal. Yes, if the funds reach 50 million, immediately plan a larger-scale student aid activities and quickly consume the funds to the normal value of 30 million.

10 million is the guaranteed capital line, 30 million is the normal funding line, and 50 million is the overpressure funding line, which is equivalent to the three lines of water storage in the reservoir. When the flood is released, water is normally supplied to the downstream within the normal range.

However, this is only a standard at hand. If the ability of 3321 to attract gold is improved in the future, this safety threshold will be increased.

Now the financial status of 3321 is announced quarterly. The financial statements are provided for free download on the entire website on the 3321 website. The transparency is very high and the credibility is very high. As long as the funds are properly controlled, do not leave a large amount of funds in your own hands. This foundation can be trusted by the public and become the most credible charity organization in China.

Li Mu also hopes that 3321 will become bigger and bigger, and the strength of education and charity will rise as the water increases, not only to benefit more poor students, but also to continuously bless their golden body. The country has not yet started to control the Internet. YouTube, Twitter Internationalized information platforms such as Facebook and Facebook have not yet been born, but as the Internet environment becomes more developed, the state's control over the Internet will become more and more stringent. At that time, the relevant political background will become particularly important. Li Mu wants to do A multi-billion-scale Internet company has Chen Ze's relationship, and it is enough to match the golden body he has created with 3321. But if he wants to be a 10 billion or 100 billion Internet company, Chen Ze's The background is not enough.

In the coffee shop in front of the school, Li Mu and Dong Ai discussed the matter of 3321, and Dong Ai began to sigh: "Starting graduate courses next year, my time may not be as abundant as this year. 3321 things are getting more and more busy now, you See if I can find a professional manager to take charge in the second half of the year? I will work as a deputy below. "

Li Mu said with a smile: "Professional managers can do it too. Our 3321 office is located at the People's Congress. Next year, you will continue to study at the People's Congress, which is basically equivalent to work and study."

Dong Ai said, "I'm afraid I won't be too busy to delay things."

Li Mu waved his hands and looked at Dong Ai with a firm face, saying: "Anytime the brain dominates the body, I believe in your ability and overall view of the project operation, otherwise it will not be possible to throw 3321 directly to you to take charge, However, you also have to find your trusted right arm, and you should be able to cope with it if you lower your rights and devolve your work appropriately. You should know that our 3321 is a non-profit project. The biggest advantage is that there are no competitors, so your pressure is less Half, in a world without enemies, all you have to do is do your best. "

Dong Ai said with some confidence: "I'm afraid that the scale of 3321 will become larger and larger and cannot be controlled by my personal ability. If we cooperate with major universities across the country, our order of magnitude will rise to another level. It may enter a stage where more than 20 million funds are recorded every month. This plate is really too big ... "

Li Mu smiled lightly: "For you, it does n’t matter how much the plate is. If you have more money, then you will change the way you spend money. If we plan to spend 30 million in July this year to help poor students who have just entered the university, Then we may choose to support 15,000 people on the basis of 2,000 yuan per person. If we have the ability to double our funds, then we will support 30,000 people. Why do you have pressure for such a simple question? "

Dong Ai said, "In fact, my pressure is mainly from not knowing how to let the funds we deposit to use up the remaining heat. As far as I know, many charitable funds will invite financial experts to run some investment and wealth management projects, and the returns are quite generous. Yes, except for a little bank interest, our money has no extra value-added channels ... "

Speaking of which, Dong Ai even felt a little blame in her expression. She always felt that tens of millions of money were put on her account. It was a failure to fail to make it profit for herself. People have expressed this level of emotion and have met Li Mu until today.

Li Mu listened to her, smiled slightly, and gave her a reassuring look: "For normal companies, financial operations are a good thing. After earning money, letting this money lie on the account is a waste, but To 3321, to you, it ’s the best result if you do n’t understand and do n’t touch financial operation. What if the financial operation can make money? After all, we have to take it from the people, use it from the people, and finally use this money All devoted to the poor students and the education of the country. In this regard, 3321 has done a very good job. We are a pure, 100% charity system. Do n’t think about icing on the cake, because charity is too much. It's complicated, everyone is staring at you. In the eyes of the people, our money is either on the books, in the pockets of poor students, or turned into stationery, school bags, teaching buildings, etc. in the middle. It's a straight line, and if you go to any point in the middle, you will cause yourself unnecessary trouble. "

After speaking, Li Mu said, "So, as long as you are firmly committed to pure charity, you don't need to worry about these problems at all."

Dong Ai's pair of pond-like eyes flashed a few waves. She had already discovered that the big boy three years younger than herself would be easily convinced by him no matter what she said, but she did not expect that she would not see her for many days. This charm of him seems to have made great progress again. At a certain moment, he even developed a mentality of surrender to him.

It was the big boy in front of him who created the huge family education platform 3321 in one hand. In the words of Li Mu, this is the O2O service platform. It is also the big boy in front of him. He quietly founded Makino Technology. The valuation has already reached ten digits. The emerging Internet company recalls that when he first met Li Mu, how could he not have imagined that after just such a short time, he had become a billionaire.

Li Mu is definitely the only billionaire Dong Ai knows in real life, and is a billionaire less than 20 years old.

Although Dong Ai had a fondness for Li Muxin, she never thought that she would have an emotional connection with him. She couldn't help asking a question, what kind of woman is worthy of Li Mu's excellent The furious man, frankly, felt that the women she knew did not deserve him, and his current girlfriend Su Yingxue could not, or even her good friend Chen Wan.

When Li Mu saw Dong Ai staring at herself, he couldn't help but ask her, "What's wrong? I have something on my face?"

"Yes." Dong Ai looked back, smiled slightly, and then hurriedly drank a shallow sip of coffee in order to hide his confusion.

Li Mu, touching her face subconsciously, asked her, "What's on my face?"

Dong Ai looked at him and couldn't help laughing: "I have a nose, eyes, and a mouth ..."

Li Mu realized that she was cheated. She shook her head and smiled. Dong Ai saw Li Mu's expression helpless. He smiled for a while before calming down and said, "I came back to find Xiaowan for dinner, and called her. Listen to her say she has gone to Xiangdu? "

Li Mu nodded: "I went on Monday to discuss the contract with the people at Shonan Satellite TV."

Dong Ai said, "I heard her say ~ ~ I couldn't imagine that" Happy Camp "invited her to be the host. This span is too big, and it feels like one step."

Li Mu laughed: "It's far from the sky."

Dong Ai looked at Li Mu with a confident look, and nodded gently.

Li Mu said this. She definitely believed it. Li Mu treats Chen Wan as a relative and sister. With his help behind him, Chen Wan can certainly go further on the road of hosting, even beyond her imagination.

Sometimes, Dong Ai sympathizes with Chen Wan, because in her opinion, Chen Wan falls in love with a man she can hardly reach. Based on her own understanding of her, she may even keep that feeling in her heart forever and always use her sister's Being with Li Mu as an identity, it is painful to think about it as an elder sister watching him getting stronger and stronger, attracting more and more outstanding women, and watching him with other women.

But sometimes, Dong Ai was envious of Chen Wan. At least she had such a true brother to her. Although she had no blood relationship, the other person regarded her as a close relative. She and Chen Wan were the only children. The lack of feelings at the sibling level, if you can have such a younger brother, even this kind of bloodless sister-to-sister relationship is enough to satisfy yourself.

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