Rebirth In the End of the World Raising Buns

Chapter 146

Chapter 146: Snow And Blood

On the road, there are people hurriedly carrying stretchers, soldiers who have just come off the battlefield covered in blood, commanders with solemn faces, and doctors who are holding on to being scratched by zombies…

Sadness, depression, tension, and panic spread silently in the base, but these negative and negative emotions were buried in everyone’s heart, whether they went to the battlefield or did not go to the battlefield to do logistical work. , all silently doing what they should do.

The fifty-three water abilities taught by Wen Luming are busy treating those who have been scratched by zombies. Too many people have been scratched. Therefore, each therapist can only treat the most serious part of the people first, and the rest of the people who are not so serious can only wait.

Those who can still wait for treatment are lucky, because they still have a chance to be cured, and those who stay on the battlefield have no chance to wait, and they lost their lives forever. .

In terms of treating zombie viruses, the people in the medical team do not have water abilities. They cannot treat the wounded by the zombies, but all the people who will be injured on the battlefield are those who were wounded by the zombies, so they have almost no It’s time to use it.

But there are too many wounded people, and it is impossible for all the water power users who can treat the wounded to start treating the wounded at the first time, so the medical team plays the role of nurses at this time, and they clean the wounds for the people waiting for treatment , bandaging the wounds of people who have been treated by the water power user, and even helping to cut off the seriously infected slough of the wounded wound, so that the water power user can save this step and proceed to the next step, reducing the length of the wound. The time it takes for the water power user to heal a wounded person, so that more wounded people can be rescued.

The medical team members who had been skeptical about Wen Luming’s treatment methods outside the gate of the base at the time were also fully involved in the tense state of saving people, and they used the same method used by Wen Luming. They are not water abilities, so they can’t do the last step to force out the virus, but they are also very skilled in the two steps of cleaning and cutting the carrion. They have long forgotten how they mocked and hindered Wen Luming.

Human nature is really complicated. In times of peace and prosperity, people will resent others for the sake of petty profits or a little unhappiness, and resort to various means to attack their opponents; but once a war involving the life and death of a country, a nation, and all human beings occurs, usually Those who are selfish and shameless may do everything they can to protect their homes, being selfless and fearless.

This is really a strange but wonderful human nature. Perhaps it is infected by the tragic atmosphere and shocked by the companions who are reckless. Therefore, people who are usually selfish will have the side of forgetting their grievances and just doing it for morality.

No matter how tense and depressing the atmosphere inside the base is, there will never be a scene as tragic and desperate as the battlefield outside the base.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are corpses everywhere. Zombies of zombies and human corpses are piled up on top of each other. It is no longer clear which are human and which are zombies.

There are also rivers of blood. The originally white snow has long been polluted by the bright red blood of human beings and the black blood of zombies. The so-called Shura Field is nothing more than that.

The corpses of zombies and human beings are stacked too much, and soon they are piled up to a height of more than one meter on the root of the city wall. Wherever they are stacked, it will greatly hinder the actions of the warriors during battle, because they will be tripped over by the corpses if they are not careful. If you fall, you will be scratched by a zombie’s claws.

So every once in a while, the warriors will leave the place where the corpses are piled high, and let the fire-type ability user or the lightning ability user burn the corpse, which can not only solve the problem of corpse accumulation, but also prevent the soldiers from being killed. If the corpse trips, it can prevent the corpse from being piled up too high and being stepped on by the zombies and climbed up the city wall.

So burning the corpses is a very important job. Although some of the burned comrades are tragically killed, since they cannot be rescued, they can only be burned to ashes so that they will not become zombies, and they will not live in peace.

As for those zombie corpses, although there are crystal cores, in such an urgent battlefield, who has the time, the mood, and the ability to dig up the crystal cores of the zombies one by one? It is better to burn it with a fire. In the face of everyone’s survival, the crystal nucleus can be abandoned.

As a powerful Wen Luming, she entered the battlefield as soon as possible. Of course, she will not bring a little fat man this time. In front of this wave of zombies as many as ants, she will not be so big that she thinks she can really be unscathed. To protect the child without injury, even if she can protect it, she doesn’t want to let the little fat take risks, and there is no need to bring the child.

If she went out to complete tasks or practice in the past without encountering endless zombies, she could ensure the safety of her son. Moreover, in the past, when she went out to complete tasks, it was outside, in an open area, even if she really When she encountered a lot of zombies, she could still escape with her children, and she was guaranteed to escape successfully.

But this time the zombie siege is completely different from the previous situation, because the number of zombies this time is more than what she has encountered in the past, and the base is besieged. Apart from killing all the zombies, she almost It is impossible to break through the zombie group and escape successfully.

Of course, with all her abilities, she can barely break through the zombie siege and escape with her child, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com, but that would definitely be seriously injured, more than worth the loss.

Therefore, there is no need for her to risk her life to kill zombies with the little fat man now, otherwise it would be ignorant and stupid. Now that she is killing zombies outside, and her son is handed over to Sister Lin, she has no worries at all, and she can still use all her strength to deal with zombies. Isn’t this the best of both worlds?

Wen Luming, who was trapped in the base by the heavy winter snow and had not practiced his skills for a long time, killed the Quartet without any scruples at this time. She did not go outside the base to kill zombies at close range, but stood on the top of the city wall and released her abilities over and over to shoot at the densely packed zombies below.

Her ice picks can release hundreds of them at a time, and she uses her mental power to lock on the zombies she wants to attack, so each of her ice picks can hit the heads of zombies. Her ability to control powers is much stronger, and every ice pick she releases can basically kill a zombie, and the arrows are not in vain and invincible.

In the direction where her ice pick was shot, a group of zombies would fall down in an instant, and the lethality was huge.

The heavy snow fell from the pale sky. The killing of humans and zombies on the ground was brutal and cruel. The white and crystal snow fell on the bright red human blood and dirty carrion. I don’t know whether the snowflakes are cleaning or burying. I don’t know if this is The world is still hell… (To be continued.)

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