Rebirth In the End of the World Raising Buns

Chapter 154

Chapter 154: Who Is Trash

Wen Luming listened to these words and finally understood what they were fighting for. Seeing the tall man say this, she said, “Yes, I provided them with these water to wash their hands and faces, not A public resource belonging to the base.”

“Listen! The little girl clearly said that this water does not belong to the public resources of the base. Let’s see what else you have to say!” The tall man said.

When inspector Xie Ding heard that Luming came with Wang Wenyu, he seemed to have changed his face, and his face became much kinder. He didn’t have the savage and righteous words he had when he was yelling at a group of people just now. His voice was gentle. , like an elder who sees that the younger generation is ignorant and teaches earnestly, he said to Wen Luming kindly and affectionately:

“Hey, your little girl may not know much about the situation in the base. Now is the moment when the life and death of the base is at stake. All resources need to be adequately prepared. And these waters are even more precious. , let alone waste. What does it matter if their hands, feet and feet are dirty? How can they use precious water to wash? If you want to clean, just wipe it with whatever you want? You are too, since you are Water ability user, the water that is naturally released belongs to the base, how can it be used by unnecessary people in private? This is wrong! Seeing that you are young, don’t do this next time…”

“Stop! Why don’t I know the water I released myself, and I can’t decide how to use it?” Wen Luming interrupted his long speech, impatiently listening to his fake words, “How can I be a water power user? Don’t know if the base has this rule?”

“Hey! This rule is not clearly written, but shouldn’t everyone be clear about this? Everything is based on the interests of the base. You have water ability, so naturally you have to make due contributions to the base!” Xie Ding The inspector continued to persuade Wen Luming “hard-heartedly”.

“That is, there is no express rule! I can use my own abilities as I like! Besides, aren’t the water resources in the base very sufficient? Enough for the day when all the zombies are killed. I am Shui Yi Capable person, I provided water for the base before the zombie siege. I know more about these things than you. I am sure that the base will not be short of water, so I am willing to give them water to clean their hands and faces. What waste of public resources? These It’s my personal resource, what’s your business?” Wen Luming said blankly.

“That’s right! It’s not your water? Why are you meddling? Dogs take mice! They say we are garbage, and you are the garbage, right?” Over zombies! What right do you have to say that we are dirty? Lazy **** hiding behind!”

“You! Who can’t kill zombies? I can kill them casually!” Inspector Xie Ding brandished his pistol.

“You haven’t gone out to kill zombies?” Wang Wenyu squinted and looked at the Xieding inspector. Seeing his clean uniform and serene expression, he immediately understood that he really had never been on the battlefield.

“Why didn’t you kill zombies? Isn’t it true that all healthy non-special posts or technicians under the age of 60 have to go to the battlefield? Why don’t you? Inspectors change every half a day, and they have to go to the battlefield.” Wang Wenyu all over his body His aura changed suddenly, and his eyes were staring at Inspector Xie Ding, because he found that the part of the matter he was in charge of was not fully implemented, and that someone really took advantage of him!

Now it is not a question of whether the waves are not wasting water, but someone who dares to fish in troubled waters behind his back, which is already a major violation of military regulations.

Although inspector Xie Ding was very shameless, he was also very keen. He already felt Wang Wenyu’s displeasure, but he was still stubborn and said, “Who said I haven’t been on the battlefield? It’s just that it happened to be my turn to be an inspector today. I usually go out to kill zombies, my marksmanship is good! How can I get dirty like you!” He snorted and made a look of contempt.

“You just said that those who kill zombies on the battlefield are rubbish, scumbags, and high-ranking people like you naturally don’t need to go to the battlefield, as long as you sit on the Diaoyutai behind the scenes! Why are you changing your words now?” The short-haired girl Suddenly the old bottom of the inspector Xie Ding was revealed.

Inspector Xie Ding was stunned by her words, his face flushed red, his eyes were red, and he glared at the talking girl.

“How dare you say that you didn’t say these words just now? What are you staring at?!” The short-haired girl stared back without showing weakness.

“Want to admit it? We all heard it!”

“That’s right! We can testify! You despise the people we went to the battlefield! How dare you slander us! It’s so unreasonable, when did the protected people justly accuse the people who fought to protect them?”

People were talking and getting angry, and the eye knife they shot out could kill that shameless old man several times.

“Bah! What did I just say? I’m talking about your waste of water resources! What are you arguing about? Don’t try to attack me and cover up the problem!” Inspector Xie Ding rolled his eyes and wanted to transfer the His own key question.

“It’s your own guilty conscience that wants to cover up that you haven’t been on the battlefield, right? It’s a shame! It’s shameless and shameless!” said the short-haired girl.

“It’s none of your business if I haven’t been on the battlefield before? Do you have to see me when I kill zombies? What are you? How dare you take care of me!” Inspector Xie Ding was exposed time and time again by short-haired girls~www Finally became angry and scolded.

“Okay! What’s the noise? You’ll know soon if you’ve ever been on the battlefield. What’s your name? Who cares about you?” Wang Wenyu interrupted him and asked Inspector Xie Ding directly.

When inspector Xie Ding saw him ask such a question, his heart skipped a beat. He always felt that Wang Wenyu’s question was unusual, and he frowned: “Who cares about me, what’s your business?

“Really—” Wang Wenyu gave him a cold look: “You’d better say it right away! If I find it out myself, it’s hard to say what punishment you will receive.”

“What are you being arrogant about! I won’t say what can you do to me?” Inspector Xie Ding simply broke his face and stopped caring about Wang Wenyu, “Do you know who I am? You dare to control me!”

“Oh – who are you?” Wang Wenyu said following his words.

“Speak out and scare you to death! I’m someone behind me! Dare to take care of me, how shameful are you?” Inspector Xie Ding thought that Wang Wenyu would really be afraid of him when he heard that he had a backstage, so he couldn’t help but be arrogant. up. (To be continued.)

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