Rebirth In the End of the World Raising Buns

Chapter 181

Chapter 181: The Historical Grievances Of The Two Wang Li Families

“Brother! Brother reminds you that if you want to trouble Li Yunshen, it’s better to keep a low profile. It is said that Su Rui is also a person who protects his shortcomings. We are in someone else’s territory now, and Su Rui has so many subordinates, who are blatantly opposed to her. If you do, it probably won’t end very well!” Wang Wence looked like a good brother and worried about his younger brother, and squeezed out a strange face, the little fat man looked at him, and immediately touched his face with a smile, curiously. Touch the west touch, probably think that the uncle is very funny.

Wang Wenyu said: “Of course I know, I will solve it in private, and I won’t affect my base.” After speaking, he seemed to remember something, and glanced at Wen Luming, he thought that Wen Luming didn’t know. Li Yunshen was the one who framed her for himself, so now he is debating whether to tell her.

But Wen Luming actually found the existence of this person from her memory when they mentioned the name “Li Yunshen”, and remembered that this person was the one who had plotted against the original “Wen Luming”.

Wen Luming’s cultivation has improved, and her memory is naturally much better than that of ordinary people, not to mention Li Yunshen was the person she wanted to remember at that time, so when she heard the name now, she remembered being in the hotel two years ago. of that scene.

It turned out that he was in the capital base. It really didn’t take much effort. She could seek revenge from Li Yunshen here, and avenge the fat and innocent “Wen Luming”. Li Yunshen took advantage of her and should bear her revenge. . And Wen Luming occupied the body of “Wen Luming”, so naturally she should avenge this revenge.

Wen Luming’s mind changed several times for a while, and he thought of several ways to get revenge on Li Yunshen. Did he put on a sack and drag him down the alley to beat him? Or prescribe medicine and send dozens of women to let him enjoy the beauty and let him die? Or simply **** for tat and give him the ugliest woman with medicine? Anyway, there are so many women who voluntarily sell themselves, and there is always one that suits him.

Speaking of women who sell their bodies, Wen Luming’s heart froze, and then he remembered the desperate women who were auctioned off during the day. They didn’t even have the minimum personal freedom, and they were completely reduced to slaves who could be bought and sold, compared to those women who voluntarily sold their bodies. Much more miserable. At least those women who voluntarily sell their bodies have the right to reject others if she doesn’t want to. The woman who was auctioned did not have the right to say “no”.

Wen Luming shook his head, temporarily forgetting the thing that made her annoyed, she would always find an opportunity to punish those who did wrong.

“It’s good that you have your own measure. Now that their family is in the capital base, it has no effect on our family. You can strike without any scruples. Who made his father so arrogant back then! He also always troubles us!” Wang asked Ce said, the little fat man’s hands grabbed his face, and he became angry even when he spoke.

Wang Wenyu watched his son play with Wang Wence’s face as a toy, and couldn’t help feeling much better.

He thought about Li Yunshen, and wondered why he had been having trouble with him.

Li Yunshen’s father had the same rank as Wang Wenyu’s father, but Wang Ting was in charge of a very important strategic military region. The military region under Li Yunshen’s father’s management was located in a remote area of no concern and was not taken seriously, so even if the position was the same, the Treatment is not the same.

The military area under Wang Ting’s control was supposed to be taken over by Li Yunshen’s father. He had already established the relationship and basically got a definite answer. The place where he took over, and Father Li was beaten to the place where Emperor Tiangao was far away from pooping.

Since then, Father Li has hated the royal court, but this kind of personnel transfer is actually caused by the changes in the political situation and the game above. Father Li, so he was picked up by Wang Ting as a bargain.

Father Li remembered to hate Wang Ting, and naturally he subconsciously compared everything with Wang Ting. First, he hated him for stealing his own fat and vacant position, and then he hated his wife for being more virtuous than himself, and his son for being smarter than himself. The resentment is getting deeper and deeper, of course, this is the unilateral resentment of the Li family towards the Wang family, and the Wang family doesn’t take the Li family seriously at all.

Under the influence of his father, Li Yunshen was immersed in his father’s hatred for the Wang family, so he inherited the hatred and transferred it to the Wang Wence brothers who were the same age as him.

The Wang brothers are “other people’s children”, smart and sensible, and everyone likes them. But for Li Yunshen, they were his nightmare. Father Li used him to compare him with the brothers of the Wang family. If he couldn’t compare, he would just blindly point at Li Yunshen’s nose and scolded him for being useless. He couldn’t compare to the brothers of the Wang family. shame.

For Li Yunshen, although the grievances between the fathers are the most important, the most direct cause for him to compete with the Wang Wenyu brothers is that his father often compares him with the Wang brothers.

The lethality of “other people’s children” to ordinary children’s psychological development is huge, not to mention this “other people’s children” belong to the enemy’s family.

Father Li often scolded his son as not being as good as the son of the Wang family. He was too useless to be the son of the Li family. But he forgot that he himself couldn’t compare to Wang Ting. The so-called “The crow stands on the pig and can only see the blackness of others but not himself” is the father of Li.

In this way, Li Yunshen’s psychology began to slowly distort during the day after day of beating and scolding Li’s father, and the comparison with the brothers who were not as good as the Wang family. He hated his father even more. The Wang brothers who were compared with him by his father, but he was inferior to them in everything. Every time his father scolded him, he hated the Wang brothers even more, and then gradually this hatred deepened into the bone marrow, and he had to compare everything with them. A comparison, not comparable? Then look for faults at all costs, provoke them, and have to trample them under your feet!

For so many years, Father Li has targeted the royal court whenever he has the opportunity, and even deliberately provoked disputes, insisting on finding fault with the Wang family; while Li Yunshen focused on finding fault with the brothers of the Wang family.

Whenever he had the chance, Li Yunshen wanted to mock and insult the Wang brothers just like his father insulted him, and wanted them to experience the torture and pain he had suffered. (However, instead of taking revenge on his father who gave him torment and pain, he wanted to let innocent others suffer as well. This is really a perverted and bizarre idea.)

But this kind of opportunity is rare, and he can’t get his wish, because Wang Wence is as cunning as a fox and won’t fall into his trap at all, and Wang Wenyu spends most of his time in a closed military academy or is wrong, and rarely appears in him before.

Therefore, Li Yunshen was not willing to target them, so he created his own opportunities to humiliate them, and drugging Wang Wenyu to be chaotic was what Li Yunshen did in such a state of mind. (To be continued.)

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