Rebirth In the End of the World Raising Buns

Chapter 224

Chapter 224: If You Dig The Foot Of The Wall

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“Hey, is this the end?” Bai Xue, who was watching the play happily, was a little disappointed to see the base director finished the scene as soon as he arrived. But she soon became excited again, winked at Wen Luming and said, “Suri is really good at making men, and many of the powerful male power users in the capital base are her servants. ”

“Why, are you envious?” Wen Luming smiled at her.

“Of course I’m envious! I don’t even have a man, but there are already several of them, and they’re still developing… Someday I’d like to ask her to learn a few tricks…” Bai Xue was still looking at Su who was aggrieved over there. Rui said with a sense of generality.

“Won’t her men be jealous? Suri doesn’t seem to have shy away from her men and she has an affair with other men. Does Suri really have any special charm that can make so many outstanding men peaceful Coexistence?” Wen Luming was also puzzled.

“Who knows? Probably some women naturally know how to charm men. I heard that Suri is very good at prying other people’s corners!” Bai Xue said with a smile.

Wen Luming helped the little fat man wipe the juice from the corner of his mouth, and motioned for Bai Xue to continue.

“Do you know that there is a powerful ability user named Ouyang Kang in her team? He also has a girlfriend. I heard that his girlfriend grew up with him as childhood sweethearts. The family thought they would definitely Married. As a result, when the end of the world came, Ouyang Kang had the ability of fire, but his girlfriend did not stimulate the ability, and the status of the two gradually became unequal. Later, his girlfriend took the initiative to leave in order not to affect Ouyang Kang. I took him and finally died outside the base during a mission. So Suri took Ouyang Kang.” Bai Xue said.

“That doesn’t count as Suri’s prying into a corner, right? Didn’t Ouyang Kang’s girlfriend quit?” Wen Luming asked, she always felt that there was something wrong with what Bai Xue said.

Sure enough, Bai Xue glanced at Su Rui inexplicably, then leaned over and whispered in Wen Luming’s ear, “You are stupid, his girlfriend is an ordinary person and has no supernatural abilities, so how could he take the initiative to talk to Ouyang Kang? Breaking up? It should be normal to rely on Ouyang Kang so much Wouldn’t you be so mad to rush to find death? I also heard about this from a female power user in Suri’s team. She was one of Suri’s earliest team members, so she understood this matter more clearly. She said, then It was Su Rui who had found Ouyang Kang’s girlfriend and asked her to leave Ouyang Kang when she got to know each other, otherwise her younger brother – oh, she has a superhuman brother who is also in Su Rui’s team, and her younger brother is likely to be on a mission When something happened. Look, this Su Rui is threatening Ouyang Kang’s girlfriend! Tsk tsk! This is really terrifying, I can’t think of such a cute girl with such a vicious heart! ”

Wen Luming didn’t expect these past events between Su Rui and Ouyang Kang, but after thinking about it, she felt that this rumor might not be groundless. Even if Su Rui wasn’t as ruthless as in the biography, it should be in Ouyang Kang and his ex-girlfriend. The breakup was tricky, but if she really had a direct or indirect relationship with the death of Ouyang Kang’s ex-girlfriend, then Ouyang Kang’s ex-girlfriend’s younger brother should have also heard these rumors, right? Then why didn’t he seek justice for his sister?

“It’s not necessarily true, right? It’s a legend after all.” Although Wen Luming didn’t like Suri, he didn’t want to think of her so cruel and ruthless.

“If it has nothing to do with her, then why would everyone talk about her and Ouyang Kang’s ex-girlfriend? Flies don’t bite seamless eggs! It must be what Su Rui was sitting on to make such a statement! You are Thinking of people is too kind! Many people look soft and weak, and they are reluctant to step on an ant. In fact, they don’t know how vicious they are, just like the poisonous spider Black Widow, when will they bite you I don’t know!” Bai Xue said angrily.

“Have you seen such a person?” Wen Luming was a little curious.

“Humph! I’ve never seen it before! I was almost killed by her! Fortunately, my captain was quick and rescued me! Don’t I often go out on missions? There is a woman in the team, similar to Suri, like Sister Lin, who is always in motion. She had tears in her eyes and an expression of being aggrieved or being bullied by others. Once we were fighting a group of zombies, she was so good, not only didn’t help, but also sneaked out to trip me, I was busy cutting zombies at the time, I fell over as soon as I tripped over her, and was almost bitten by a zombie. If the captain hadn’t pulled me back, I would have died! Where can I see you now!” Bai Xue remembered that she had been beaten by someone. Experienced, still angry.

“What happened later? You didn’t ask her to settle accounts?” Wen Luming asked.

“Why don’t you look for it? I can’t spare her, this kind of person, I have no grievances with her, she is jealous of me having a father who is the leader of the base! She thinks that I always use privilege to squeeze her out, in fact I didn’t pay attention to her at all! So where did the exclusion come from? It’s really wronging me! I really don’t understand what she thinks.” Bai Xue scratched her hair, she obviously really didn’t understand some people’s brains loop.

“Later, I retaliated and pushed her into the zombie group. Since she said that I used my father’s privileges to squeeze her out, then I lived up to my name. I’m not a bun, she wants my life, and she doesn’t Allow me to seek revenge from her?” Bai Xue said I have never liked to take revenge with others, but if someone insists on seeking death in front of me, I will also fulfill her. ”

Wen Luming looked at Bai Xue’s always smiling face, now her face was expressionless and icy, not at all in line with her usual lively and cheerful appearance, but Wen Luming liked such a girl very much. Some girls who are overprotected and have no doubts about human nature, the Virgin Mary is so generous that even if others want her life, she turns her head and forgives the murderer willingly.

Wen Luming likes Bai Xue’s temperament very much. Even though she has experienced the dark side of human nature being plotted behind her back by her teammates, she still retains the kind and cheerful part of her character, and has not become gloomy and suspicious since then. She is a girl who retains part of her pure nature in the last days, but she is not so innocent and unprincipled. Such a girl should have grown up in an environment full of love.

Bai Xue didn’t know that Wen Luming’s favorability had risen a lot in the past few seconds. After she finished talking about her teammates’ plotting, she shook her head and said cheerfully: “Let’s not talk about those unhappy people. It’s up to you, keep gossiping!”

Wen Luming was infected by her smile and couldn’t help but smile, she was indeed a cheerful and positive girl. (To be continued.) (Rebirth and Raising Bun in the Last World..4444410)–(Rebirth and Raising Bun in the Last World)

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