Rebirth In the End of the World Raising Buns

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Medicated Bath Quenching, Mountain Forest Practice

After Wen Luming recalled the life of “Wen Luming”, he sighed when he saw that he was all overweight, and it seemed that he had to take his time to lose weight. She went to the bathroom to take a shower, stood under the shower head, and spent a whole hour brushing herself up and down without missing a single spot. After Wen Luming’s great work of scrubbing was finally over, he went back to bed, ready to see how much spiritual power he had left.

It’s a pity that Wen Luming didn’t even feel the slightest spiritual power in his body after working on the bed for a long time. She opened up all her spiritual power, and found that she had lost all her spiritual power in her “previous life”. In the past life, if her spiritual power was fully released, her consciousness could reach a radius of 100 miles. In this world, it is almost the size of two medium-sized cities, but now, she can only see the front and rear buildings! It’s too far!

She released all her spiritual power and wanted to feel the spiritual power to re-cultivate, but she found that the spiritual power in the air was pitiful! Not only is there less, but it is also mixed with various industrial waste gas and vehicle exhaust, which is not only useless for cultivation, but harmful. Wen Luming was hit by this discovery, and now he can’t attract spiritual power to practice. He can only temper his body first and lay a solid foundation before he can open up and expand his meridians, and prepare for storing spiritual power and practicing spells in the future.

Wen Luming pinched the soft flesh on his body, tsk tsk, his hands have no strength to hold a chicken, he is vulnerable, his body is too fragile! She found all the passbooks, because some of the medicinal materials were quite expensive to buy, so she had to take out all the savings.

Wen Luming worked hard to buy back the needed medicinal materials from the pharmacy and divided them into ten parts. He planned to soak one part every day. After ten days, he would be able to temper his body into an invulnerable body. Although the soaking process will be very painful, all the impurities accumulated in the body must be expelled, and the flesh and blood must be broken and remodeled over and over again. Only by persevering in this painful process can it be considered as a success. ‘s flesh.

The medicinal soup that was boiled five days ago was actually clear and transparent, with a fragrance. Wen Luming has experienced it once in his previous life, so he was mentally prepared for this time. Although it was still painful to die and come back to life, and to come back to life and then die from pain, he still persevered. The medicinal soup for the first three days was the beginning It all changed from clear and clean to black and smelly. By the fourth day, the color of the medicinal soup had not changed much, indicating that the impurities in the body had been completely discharged.

The next step is to refine the body of the meridians. Contrary to the medicinal soup of the first five days, the medicinal soup of the last five days is dark and thick with a strong medicinal smell. When the medicinal soup every day is soaked to the end, it will become clean again. Clear water, because the essence of the herbs has been absorbed by the body. After ten days of running all the medicinal soup, Wen Luming felt that his whole body had become lighter. Although he was still plump, his complexion was fair, rosy and lustrous, and he was almost transparent in the light of the light.

Wen Luming went to the kitchen to find a kitchen knife, and slashed it **** his arm. It didn’t break the skin or bleed, and there was no trace at all. Wen Luming was very satisfied. It seemed that the body’s aptitude was quite good. Then the next step is to practice again. However, this is the most difficult step, because the spiritual power is so thin that I can’t find a sense of qi when I meditate for a long time. Is it because there are too many people and too few plants? Wen Luming paused in his heart, and seemed to have found the key point. She decided to look for the sparsely populated old forest in the deep mountains and go to a place that has not been polluted by people. Maybe there will be more spiritual power in those places.

Wen Luming packed up her clothes and had food to eat. Her body has no spiritual power at all, so it is impossible not to eat without food, so in order not to starve to death in the deep mountains, she bought a lot of dry food. Following the memory of this body, she learned to search the Internet to find a deep mountain range with the most luxuriant trees and the least traveled by people. There are completely primitive deep forests. There are only a few photos on the Internet. Close-up, probably have not been there, of course, there will be no specific photos. Wen Luming was very satisfied, she decided that it was the mountain range.

Taking the car to the small village under the mountains, Wen Luming was carrying a huge luggage bag. He was so tired that he was out of breath after climbing a few steps. This puffy body is really useless! Fortunately, after living for so many years, Wen Luming is not someone who will give up easily. She gritted her teeth and walked so hard that the soles of her feet blistered. She also insisted step by step and slowly climbed the mountain. She misses her flying magic weapon, the Peach Blossom Hairpin. If she could have one percent of her previous spiritual power, it would be enough for her to drive the Peach Blossom Hairpin up the mountain. Why would she need to climb so hard? This kind of lack of ability had only happened in her previous life when she had not yet joined the sect of the Thousand Sects, and since she embarked on the path of self-cultivation, where did she need to walk with her own feet when she went out?

strength! Wen Luming became more and more determined to cultivate again. She didn’t want to be a person who had no ability to protect herself. In her eyes, she was a waste. In her eyes, mortals were just ants. She would not allow herself to be incapable of resistance. Ants disposed of by humans.

After firming up his determination to become stronger, Wen Luming felt that this mountain range was no longer so scary, so he thought it was the trial he had when he entered the mountain gate all over again. Time passed slowly, although Wen Luming walked slowly, but because he persisted for a long time, he gradually stepped into the desolate forest. As soon as he entered the lush woods, he felt the presence of aura when he heard Luming, which was much fresher and cleaner than in a lively city. Deeper and deeper into the forest, the aura becomes more and more concentrated, thicker and purer. Wen Luming was very excited, her guess was indeed correct, and she couldn’t wait to go deep into the deepest mountain.

After walking for several days, Wen Luming was convinced that he had entered the depths of the forest. When he looked up, he saw that the leaves did not see the sunlight. The dense trees overlapped layer by layer, making the forest very gloomy, even in the daytime. , only occasionally a few sparse rays of light come in through the heavy leaves.

The aura here is so strong that it almost condenses into water droplets. She decided to practice here, put down her luggage, took out a small cushion and placed it on the thick fallen leaves, sat on the cushion, meditated directly, and performed the basic exercise “Xuan Qing Qi Method” of the Thousand Layers School.

After ten minutes passed, Wen Luming felt the comfort of the spiritual energy infiltrating the body, the meridians were nourished by the fresh spiritual energy, and even the pores opened. The spiritual qi was gradually running in her meridians, over and over again, and slowly stored in the dantian spirit sea. Wen Luming repeatedly ran the “Xuan Qing Qi Method” and gradually entered a state of ecstasy.

I don’t know how after a few days, Wen Luming’s speed of revolving her mental technique was getting faster and faster… With a bang, her spiritual power broke through the obstacles and successfully entered the first level of Qi training. After entering the first level of Qi training, the body will automatically absorb the spiritual energy slowly, and the “Xuanqing Qi Method” will also operate on its own, so that the spiritual energy will flush the meridians by itself and be stored in the spiritual sea.

Wen Luming opened his eyes and immediately felt that his eyes and ears were many times clearer than before. She stood up and stretched in spite of her image, suddenly her stomach growled and she was hungry. The dry food has been eaten, and we must find something to eat.

In her previous life, when she left the sect and went out to practice alone, she also hunted to fill her stomach. So now she decides to pick up the art of hunting again. She hasn’t hunted for thousands of years, and she doesn’t know if she can still catch prey. She stretched out her palm, wiped her fingertips, and waved her palm to a tree in the distance, and a Qi blade flew towards the tree trunk and penetrated deeply into the trunk, causing the leaves to fall down. Turned into nothingness, only a small deep hole remained in the trunk. Wen Luming looked at it, and withdrew his hand with satisfaction. It seemed that shooting the rabbit and pheasant would not be a problem.

Wen Luming shot a hare and a pheasant with the air blade. After cleaning them up, he found a pile of dry branches and used a fire technique, which instantly set the dead branches and leaves on fire. Wen Luming skewered rabbit meat and chicken with twigs and roasted them on the fire without any seasoning, just a little salt. Seeing that the roast is done, she eats it.

Wen Luming’s craftsmanship is not good at all. In her previous life, she would not waste time learning how to cook to satisfy her appetite, so now she only cooks the meat and eats it. As for the taste, UU reading hehe, Can’t force it.

After eating and drinking, he also had spiritual power in his body. Wen Luming finally had the time and energy to see what treasures he had left—the treasures of his previous life. She exercised enough spiritual power and laboriously opened her own magic weapon. It was a magic weapon she cultivated after entering the late Nascent Soul in her previous life. Her life cave dwelling exists in her soul, so Wen Luming is not afraid of Lost, as long as her soul is still there, her birthplace cave will exist.

When he opened the cave, Wen Luming was stunned all of a sudden! Because her cave has become empty! There is nothing left, she has collected little by little for thousands of years, planted high-grade top-grade spirit grass, all kinds of precious magic weapons, precious medicine pills that are hard to find, and piles of top-grade medicine. Lingshi, all gone! Wen Luming regretted it so much that her heart was bleeding. If she knew that one day, she would eat it all and use it up, and she wouldn’t keep it! Those are all priceless treasures that can be encountered but cannot be sought, and now they are all gone!

Wen Luming looked at the empty, clean cave house with only bare pavilions and pavilions. It took a long time to resist the urge to scratch his face. She can’t fully open her cave now, she can only open two places the size of football fields, just seeing this place that was full of vitality and splendor in the past life has become barren, she can understand that the rest of the place must be the same. .

No wonder the first floor of Qi training can open up such a big place. It turns out that there are no spiritual qi, magical treasures of spiritual power, and spiritual grass in the cave! The more things there are in the cave, the more spiritual power is needed to open it. Wen Luming can now easily open the cave, which means that there is no place with spiritual power in the cave. Only the material itself of the magic tool of the cave is refined. Possess spiritual power.

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