Rebirth In the End of the World Raising Buns

Chapter 49

Chapter 49: Slum Mother And Son

Wen Luming looked at the slums one by one, and suddenly saw a pair of mother and son in a dilapidated shanty less than two meters wide. weeping.

His mother hugged him and shoved the **** into his mouth, but the shriveled **** could not express any milk, the child sucked hard, but nothing came out, so he put the **** Spit it out, cry like a kitten, dying.

The mother, who was thin and dry, had tears dripping down her cheeks, her eyes were red from crying, and she squeezed her **** with one hand, so that she could not express the milk even though the skin was broken.

It seems that he is not full and has no milk to feed the child. The mother worked hard for a long time, but to no avail, she could only cry bitterly while holding the poor child.

Wen Luming felt very sad when she saw it. She was also a mother, and she hated children suffering the most. She remembered that in her cave, none of the milk powder collected before was given to Wen Tiandao, but now she can feed this little baby who has no milk to drink.

They also need some clothes, diapers and the like.

Wen Luming found some things they needed from his cave, put them in a bag, and planned to send them to the poor mother and son.

She packed up a large package and wanted to carry it like this, but it was too conspicuous, so let’s take it out when we get there.

She took an umbrella from home, added a spiritual barrier to the umbrella to block the sun’s ultraviolet rays, and went out.

When they arrived at the place where the mother and son lived, they were still crying lowly. Wen Luming pushed open the wooden door that was covered with rags and was about to fall apart. The sad mother looked up at her and said nothing.

Wen Luming walked over, took out the bag, put it next to the woman, and said, “This is for you.” She took out another can of milk powder, “Pour milk powder for him to drink.”

The woman’s eyes were fixed on the can of milk powder, and she wanted to grab it immediately. But after thinking about it for a while, she held the child in her arms tighter and looked at Wen Luming vigilantly, “I have nothing and can’t afford it.”

“I gave it to you, you can starve, your son will die if he doesn’t have anything to eat.” Wen Luming knew that if he gave something for no reason, he would definitely be suspected of having ulterior motives. But she really didn’t want any benefit from them.

The woman hesitated for a while, knowing that she had nothing, and even if others wanted to plan, they couldn’t find them.

So she took the tin of milk powder, put the child on the thing that looked like a quilt, and wanted to find boiling water to make the milk powder, but found that her house was surrounded by walls, and there was nothing but the bed on the ground.

All of a sudden, she was discouraged and stood there dumbfounded, tears falling one after another, her hoarse voice full of despair: “Look, I don’t even have a baby bottle or water, even if I have milk powder , the children can’t eat.”

Wen Luming took out a brand new baby bottle from the package, as well as a thermal water bottle. Align the mouth of the bottle and the water bottle with both hands, and the water flow immediately fills the bottle and water bottle.

She rinsed the two containers, and then used her supernatural power to emit boiling water, filling the thermos. Wen Luming took the milk powder from the woman’s hand, scooped out a few spoons into the bottle, and then sent a jet of water into the bottle, stirred it well, and put it in a place to wait for it to cool to a suitable temperature.

When the woman saw Wen Luming’s actions, she immediately knelt down at Wen Luming, bowed her head and lay on the ground, wailing loudly, “Wuwu, my son and I are the only ones left in our family! I fled here, I can’t do anything, I can still starve! But my child has been without milk for several days! Thank you for your kindness! You are our Bodhisattva…”

Wen Luming wanted to pull her up, but who knew she was lying there, crying so much that she couldn’t help herself. Wen Luming couldn’t pull her up. It seems that he is venting, venting all the fear and sadness of these days.

Wen Luming let her vent slowly. She took out another small bowl, released a little cold water, picked up the thin child, and gave him some water first.

The poor little child, he had no weight when he was picked up. He was so skinny that it was a little thrilling to touch. He was afraid that if he touched him, he would die immediately.

Wen Luming carefully fed him the water. He was obviously starving. As soon as his lips touched the water, he immediately used all his remaining strength to drink the water. The little matchstick seemed to know how to tighten his fingers. Hold tightly to the sides of the bowl.

He stopped after drinking half a bowl of water. Wen Luming looked a little sad.

The woman finally had enough crying, got up from the ground, wiped the tears from her face, took the child, and said, “Thank you! Thank you! Kind lady! Just let me feed him myself, you sit…”

When she saw that there was nothing in her house for Wen Luming to sit on, she smiled awkwardly at her.

Wen Luming filled the bowl with water again and asked her to drink. After the woman took two sips, she stopped drinking, Wen Luming looked at her suspiciously, and smiled: “I’ll save it for a drink.”

She held her son in her arms and stared at the bottle. Wen Luming handed her the milk She took it gratefully, and also understood that Wen Luming had no ill intentions. Besides herself and her son, what else could she let others plan for? She’s just an ordinary person, and she’s thin and weak. She can’t even do physical work, not to mention her son. At this time, children are really a burden.

She is very grateful for Wen Luming’s kindness, and only thinks that if she can survive in the future, she must repay her benefactor well. She held the warm bottle, waiting for it to cool.

When her son finally had something to eat, she was free to talk to Wen Luming. She saw that Wen Luming was pampered and pampered all over. Combined with the water-type power she just used, she understood that Wen Luming must be a power user and can support herself.

There is more gratitude in my heart. Human beings are now divided into three, six and nine classes. The first class is those in power in the base, who can decide the affairs in the base and manage everyone; Those who work at the base can support themselves and their families; the third class is ordinary people who can only sell their labor and barely support themselves; the fourth class is the old, weak, sick and disabled without labor.

At the end of the world, the strong are respected, and it is only useful for those with big fists to speak. The morals and ethics before the end of the world are already crumbling. People with supernatural powers look down on ordinary people. Many superpowers think that they are the ones chosen by heaven, so they have supernormal powers and can survive in the apocalypse. Ordinary people are already eliminated people, the survival of the best, they are no longer qualified to survive.

This view is the default of many power users and bases, so in other bases, power users kill ordinary people, kill them, and will not be punished, because compared with power users who can kill zombies , Ordinary people are nothing at all, they are inferior people who can sacrifice at will.

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