Rebirth In the End of the World Raising Buns

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Sweep The Supermarket, Collect Supplies

Wen Luming came out of the women’s toilet, deliberately lowered his footsteps, quietly opened the door of the bathroom leading to the supermarket on the second floor, checked with his mental strength, and found that there was not a zombie on the second floor, he should have heard the sound on the first floor , they all ran to the first floor. Exactly, saving her strength.

The second floor of the supermarket sells clothing, which is exactly what she needs. Starting from the women’s clothing department, she swept the clothes racks row by row, took them when she saw what suits her, and put them directly in her Benming cave. Anyway, the place was big enough, and because she didn’t have a storage ring!

First, the underwear and panties. She glanced at her chest, and when she saw that it probably fit, she took it straight away. After all, during pregnancy now, and breastfeeding in the future, the cups will change!

Then there are coats, shirts, t-shirts, sweaters, sportswear… all kinds of clothes, cotton and linen, silk, acrylic… all kinds of materials; shorts, trousers, short skirts, long skirts… In fact, she is quite Love the beauty, put it away first, maybe there will be a chance to wear it later?

After she finished collecting the women’s clothing that suits her, she passed by the men’s clothing area. She suddenly thought that she couldn’t wear men’s clothing, but it could be used for trading in the future! I don’t know what to trade yet, but I always find it useful.

So Wen Luming didn’t spend time picking out clothes, he just moved the hangers into his cave and arranged them neatly. By the way, I went back and collected all the remaining women’s clothes. So Wen Luming passed the border like locusts behind him, leaving only a bare patch of land, which was looted cleanly.

After collecting men’s and women’s clothing, Wen Luming saw all kinds of cute children’s clothing! She was shocked and touched her bulging belly: Son, I will never wrong you!

So she didn’t hesitate to put all the children’s clothes into the cave, from the time she was born to the age of 11 or 12. All boys and girls are complete, and children can wear men’s and women’s clothes! She no longer has to worry about the little baby having no clothes to wear!

Wen Luming, who was in a good mood, happily swept through the clothing area, and took away all the shoes in the shoe area.

After sweeping the second floor, she decided to go to the home area on the third floor to collect some necessary supplies, such as beds and quilts. There are only a few zombies on the third floor, wearing the uniforms of the mall, they seem to be staff members, I don’t know why there is not a single customer? It may have been cleared before the riot last night.

Wen Luming picked out the household items on the third floor and went downstairs. As soon as she went down, the zombies surrounding the supermarket found her, and they rushed over with their teeth and claws.

The stench on the first floor was much heavier than that on the second and third floors. There was also the strong smell of blood. It seemed that all the survivors were eaten alive by zombies.

There are about 40 or 50 zombies. Their combat power is too weak. If they want to eat themselves, it is impossible for them in the next life! Wen Luming easily eliminated this group of slow-moving zombies.

In the space with the door closed, the air was really unpleasant, and Wen Luming, whose sense of smell was more sensitive than ordinary people, decided to leave the food area on the first floor as soon as possible.

Standing in front of the fresh food area, looking at the various meats inside, Wen Luming didn’t have the slightest appetite. There were too many impurities in the meat, which was not suitable for her who needed to cultivate. If the meat is the same as the meat she ate in the deep forest a few months ago, if it grows naturally and has been nourished by a strong spiritual energy, it is not only free of impurities but also contains a small amount of spiritual energy, so practitioners can eat it often.

The meat in the freezer is all artificially raised. It is fed with various feeds and is induced to grow up. There are too many harmful substances in it, which will block the meridians and make it difficult to improve the cultivation base. Among these foods, meat contains more impurities than vegetables, and vegetables have more impurities than pure flour and pure rice, so Wen Luming decided not to use these meats, and just received bags of rice and flour.

Don’t want anything like instant noodles or snacks. There are too many impurities, and the harmful ingredients are higher than the nutrients. Because the food she used to eat was full of spiritual energy, Wen Luming didn’t look down on them, and she didn’t have the habit of eating snacks.

It seems that there is not much food to eat in the supermarket. Wen Luming decided to take one step at a time. If he didn’t eat, he went to collect rice and beat wild animals to satisfy his hunger. When she thinks of hunting, she thinks of barbecue, and when she thinks of barbecue, she thinks of seasoning. So she picked some more natural seasonings and put them away. After all, the food tasted better and it was more comfortable to eat.

It took Wen Luming almost two hours to sweep the supermarket, and the rest of the food was left to the latecomers. After all, there must be some hope for them. It is not easy to kill them all, leaving them desperate.

Standing in a supermarket that was kept as if it had been bitten by a dog, Wen Luming thought about it and decided that he should use a backpack to cover it up with some food. So she took out a huge backpack from the cave, put some rice noodles in it, thought about it, and took a few packs of instant noodles from the shelf and stuffed it in.

After putting on the backpack, Wen Luming used his mental power to scan the outside of the supermarket. No one was around, which was good. Wen Luming carefully opened the supermarket door to a small opening that allowed his body to pass through. After going out, he closed the door again. It was unlocked, there was no need to lock it.

Along the way, I didn’t meet anyone or zombies. Wen Luming rushed back to her house, and it took her a while to go out for food, and she felt even more hungry.

Facing the pile of rice and flour, Wen Luming finally remembered that she can’t cook! Where did Wen Luming in the previous life need to cook? When you are a young disciple, you can go to the cafeteria to eat, or eat bigu pills.

She finally found out the steps of cooking from the memory of “Wen Luming”, so she bit the bullet and washed the rice a few times and put it in water, um, how much should I put? Wen Luming was embarrassed. After thinking about it, it’s better to have a little more. What if the rice is not cooked due to the lack of water? So she boldly put the same amount of water as the rice, closed the lid, plugged in the electricity, and waited for the rice to be cooked. It’s quite easy to cook, Wen Luming is secretly proud, it seems that he has a talent for cooking.

After about 20 minutes, when I heard Luming, I could smell the aroma of rice wafting out, but the rice cooker hadn’t tripped automatically. It seems to have to wait.

Wait, wait, ten minutes have passed, and still no trip. Wen Luming was impatient, he directly opened the lid of the rice cooker, and when he saw it, it was already cooked, but there was a little too much water, so he cooked the rice into porridge…

Wen Luming felt that it didn’t matter, it was all rice anyway. So she unplugged directly and went to get a bowl to serve porridge. I made the porridge I finally got to eat, and Wen Luming felt very satisfied. Although there is no vegetables, she eats deliciously.

After finally filling his stomach, Wen Luming sat on the sofa to digest. While there was still electricity, she turned on the TV and found that the TV was full of news about the end of the world. The reporters did not go out to interview, and all kinds of machines and electrical appliances were still available, so she directly used the surveillance camera or extended the camera indoors. , taking pictures of the outside scene, all kinds of horrible phenomena: zombies with guts and stomachs, corrupted black and black zombies, humans who were bitten and bitten to death…

The tragic image of the apocalypse coupled with the frightening commentary can easily make people feel hopeless. Wen Luming turned off the TV and felt that these negative and negative information should not be heard by the little baby in the womb, these things are not good for the development of the fetus.

With nothing to do, Wen Luming checked the things in his cave. She swept through almost the entire supermarket today, and the contents in it are enough for her and her baby for more than ten years.

Fortunately, no one has reacted from the shock today, otherwise it would not have been so easy for her to collect so many supplies. After a few days, everyone is mentally prepared. At that time, it will be a lot more difficult to collect materials, because there are still many survivors, and there are many people who have to fight. trouble. Fortunately, she made the first move today.

The first day of the apocalypse passed like this. Wen Luming used his mental power to scan the building where he lived and found that almost half of the residents who had not turned into zombies remained, but they didn’t seem to be in good spirits, maybe because of relatives Turned into a zombie or bitten, the atmosphere of those living families is relatively depressed.

As for those families whose family members turned into zombies and didn’t have time to escape, they were very miserable. There were blood and broken limbs everywhere, and a few zombies were still biting the corpses. Many of the doors were open, probably because it was too hasty to escape, but most people couldn’t escape, because there were bloodstains, stumps and minced meat everywhere in the corridors and stairs, and this is probably the **** on earth.

Wen Luming checked the entire building, but didn’t find the little hooligans who kicked her door in the morning. They probably weren’t residents of this building, they just came to rob, and left after the Wen Lu Ming checked the enchantment of the house again, and found no problems, so he felt relieved. She sat on the bed and examined her body mentally.

That group of energy that could make Wen Luming send out water is still in the corner of his dantian, and it has nothing to do with the energy group of wood spirit power. The aura that should be water energy did not make Wen Luming feel threatened, so it should be safe. Can it be merged with wood spirit power? Wen Luming was whimsical.

Wen Luming is a daring person, she directly put the two groups of energy together, wanting them to merge with each other. But no matter how hard she tried, the two groups of energy were incompatible. The white water energy is still pure white, and the cyan wood energy is still pure blue.

After trying that they couldn’t merge, Wen Luming let go of them, but they didn’t separate immediately, but were directly connected to each other. They rotated, and the faster they turned, they gradually formed two parts, one white and one green. They turned so fast that at the end only two shadows of different colors could be seen.

It turned like this for a long time, and then gradually slowed down. After slowly stopping, it became a group like the yin and yang fish of Taoism, but the energy of these two groups was different, and the blue one was obviously twice as large as the white one. , but finally formed a whole circle, and the energy can also be transformed into each other and circulated.

Seeing that they can live in harmony, Wen Luming felt that this should be a good thing. It would be better if the white energy group was the same size as the cyan energy group. However, water energy has just appeared, and it should also be cultivated.

Since there is no spiritual energy available for her to continue cultivating the wood spiritual power, it is better to think about how to improve the water energy. When the water energy cultivation level rises, it can reach a balance with the wood spiritual power in the body.

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