Rebirth In the End of the World Raising Buns

Chapter 71

Chapter 71: Life Experience Guess

But as soon as he looked at the heartless little villain, he saw the crackling lightning on his body, and finally shifted his attention from his uncle’s gestures to himself. A small lightning bolt wrapped around itself.

Wen Luming hurriedly asked Wang Wenyu to help the little guy straighten out the abilities in his body.

Soon Wang Wenyu helped him recover all the powers that were out of control into his small dantian. The little guy saw that the fun little lightning was gone, and he was lost for a while.

Seeing him like this, Mrs. Wang couldn’t love him enough, she hurriedly hugged him and rubbed him in her arms, “You little guy is really scary! But it’s really good! You have supernatural abilities at such a young age, and the unhappiness is mine. Baby grandson!”

On this side, a few people were happy that the little guy had supernatural abilities, but on the other side, the atmosphere was solemn.

In order not to let everyone stand for too long and waste time, the base chief’s speech went straight to the topic:

“The purpose of calling everyone to meet this time is to announce one thing, that is, the hot weather will not last for too long, but according to the results of satellite testing, the next extreme weather will come soon. It is severe cold! According to the duration of the hot weather in the past year since the end of the world, the coming winter may be colder and last longer than the previous winter. In order to spend this time safely, everyone The following preparations need to be made to resist the severe cold: First…”

Everyone listened to the speech of the base director, and their inner uneasiness was confirmed, and everyone looked worried. After several months of hard work, everyone’s life was finally on the right track, and it gradually improved. Now Are you starting to worry about winter again?

When the apocalypse came, it was a hot summer. Everyone was in a hurry to escape. They only had time to bring a little food. How could they bring thick clothes and quilts and other cold-proof clothing?

This is destined to be another torment. Survivors with supernatural powers are fine, they are still able to go out and find clothes to keep out the cold, and their bodies are much better than ordinary people because of the tempering of supernatural powers, resisting heat and cold. The ability is also stronger than ordinary people.

And ordinary survivors are already in poor health due to malnutrition. If winter comes and lack of cold-proof clothing, it will be even more difficult to endure.

And there are many more ordinary people in the base than those with abilities. In order for ordinary people to get through this winter smoothly, the base will hold this meeting to prepare everyone.

At the same time, the base also plans to organize everyone to do the most basic preparations for cold protection and winter. Before winter comes, build enough and firm houses as quickly as possible, because the dilapidated shanty houses in the slums are everywhere. Leaky wind and rain, it is fine in summer, but definitely uninhabitable in winter.

The base is ready for everyone to dig cave dwellings, because cave dwellings are cave dwellings, warm in winter and cool in summer, and are warmer than ordinary buildings in severe winter, and the soil here is also suitable for digging cave dwellings, without occupying land that can grow crops, killing two birds with one stone .

There will definitely be heavy snow in winter. When it snows, crops will not grow. Therefore, enough food for everyone in the base to spend the whole winter must be prepared before winter comes. The wood-type power user is the most important existence. Now, those who can help them ripen more grain as quickly as possible.

After leaving the training ground, Wang Wenyu’s family saw that the little guy was all right, and they didn’t plan to go to the meeting again, because they already knew what the meeting was going to say.

Mrs. Wang and Sister Lin simply went home. Wang Wenyu had nothing to do right now, so he followed Wen Luming to the purple potato field to help take care of the children.

Wen Luming carried out everything that Wen Tiandao’s children needed step by step, and asked Wang Wenyu to play with him, while she nourished these purple potatoes with wood spirit power as usual.

So, in the endless, vibrant and green crops, there is a family of three under the big pine tree, the mother is working hard, and the father is playing hard with the children…

What a warm and harmonious family…

The father who seems to be focusing on taking care of his children is actually very active in his inner activities.

After this conference, until winter comes, he is unlikely to have free time, so while there is still a little time, Wang Wenyu wants to accompany his wife and children, not to mention that he saw the little guy’s ability today. The appearance of being out of control suddenly created a big doubt.

Regarding the life experience of Wen Tiandao’s children, Wang Wenyu never asked Wen Luming. Since he knew Wen Luming, he only knew that she was single. She said that Wen Tiandao’s biological father was dead, and Wang Wenyu did not. suspected.

He was even glad that Fatty’s biological father was no longer there. Otherwise, how would Wen Luming pay attention to him? Although the little fat man was not his biological son, he still regarded him as his biological son.

But today’s events made him suddenly eager to know who Wen Tiandao’s biological father was. He had a crazy idea – Wen Tiandao was his biological son.

The little guy’s innate abilities are the same as his own, they are all thunder and lightning. In Wen Luming’s stomach, he can absorb his abilities without any It means that their two abilities are Homologous, not exclusive.

Wen Luming’s abilities are water, wood, and space elements, which are different from the little guy’s abilities. Genetically, the little guy’s abilities are not inherited from her, but from his father.

The little guy grew up slowly, and everyone said that Wen Tiandao looked a lot like him, like it was printed out of the same mold…

There are too many coincidences. How many people with thunder and lightning abilities exist in this world, and how many of them happen to be related to Wen Luming?

Moreover, the age of the little guy, dating back more than nine months from his birth, happened to be close to the time when he was framed and lost. More importantly, the place where he lost his body was Wen Luming’s hometown…

Wang Wenyu thought of this, and the answer was about to come out. His heartbeat suddenly accelerated, he couldn’t believe that he was really so lucky?

Crazy surprise spread from his heart, his hands were shaking with excitement, and he could barely hold the little fat man.

He was eager to hear Luming confirm his guess, so he simply put the little fat man on the small blanket and let him play with himself.

Wen Luming didn’t sit on her exclusive chair today, but sat on the blanket like father and son.

After Wang Wenyu put down the little guy, he grabbed Wen Luming’s hand, his dark eyes were amazingly bright, his always calm face was full of excitement, his deep voice trembled a little: “Xiaolu, Wen Tiandao is me ‘s biological son?”

Although there were doubts in what he said, his tone was certain.

Wen Luming was very surprised, how could he guess it so quickly? A smile appeared on her face, but she didn’t admit or deny directly: “Why do you think so?”

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