Rebirth In the End of the World Raising Buns

Chapter 91

Chapter 91: The Psychic Team That Provoked The Crow

The broken bridge was successfully repaired. I never imagined that the special forces, who were only good at fighting, would be very handy as construction workers.

Everyone quickly packed up, got in the car, crossed the bridge, and continued on the road.

However, it seems that they are destined to have many missions this time.

About a few kilometers ahead from the direction they were using, there was a group of people surrounded by densely packed zombie crows. The group of them also seemed to be a team of power users who went out to collect supplies, because everyone was using their powers to deal with the crows that had been zombied.

The group of zombie crows that besieged the superpowers seemed to have more than one hundred, each of which was as big as an adult eagle before the apocalypse. Of course, after being infected by the zombie virus, the lethality was much more powerful than that of the eagle.

Flying all over the sky, they were all big birds with a rotten smell on their bodies. This group of superpowers looked very embarrassed in the face of this group of crows. Since they were protecting their bodies from being pecked and scratched by zombie crows, they had to Free your hands to kill them with abilities.

Although zombie crows have lost their minds, they will only follow their instincts, desperately chasing the flesh and blood of power users, and they can fly, so it is very difficult for power users to deal with them.

Fortunately, they are already experienced power users, and they can resist the group of zombie crows, but some people have begun to complain about the culprit who provoked this group of crows in the first place:

“Bai Xue! What did you do to attract these killing gods! We will all be killed by you!”

A thin woman in a sports suit that could no longer see the color heard it, and while panickingly fired ice picks into the crows, she defended herself: “What can I do? I just kicked that big tree! How do I know? That tree is their nest! Who would have kicked it if they had known?!”

“Who the **** made you eat enough to kick!” A man in his 40s and 50s with a medium stature held a machete, slashing crows with rapid movements, and complained to Bai Xue with an indignant expression on his face. .

“I didn’t do it on purpose!” Bai Xue’s hair was disheveled, and she was panting and using her powers indiscriminately. How could she know that with that kick, she would kick out a nest of zombie crows to chase after them!

“Okay! When are you bickering! Concentrate on killing crows!” Another tall, younger man who looked like the leader of the team scolded the two of them.

The two who were arguing closed their mouths and concentrated on dealing with the crow.

The bodies of this group of zombie crows are not as hard as mutant animals, which can resist the attack of power users, but like ordinary zombies, as long as they are cut, they will naturally be cut, but they do not feel pain, even if Even if it is cut, it will still attack without risk of death, and will not dodge in the slightest.

Moreover, zombie crows, although their bodies are not strengthened, their claws and mouths have become very hard, and their attack power is doubled, so their main weapons are these two.

The combat effectiveness of this group of power users should be good, because although they were forced to retreat by the zombie crows, they were able to be besieged by so many crows, and no one was scratched.

The largest crow in the lead is in perfect shape, with jet-black fur, black claws and beak. If it weren’t for the white and immobile eyes and dull feathers, no one would know that it was actually a crow. A zombie crow.

It first directed the action of the crows behind the crows, but seeing that so many crows’ attacks failed to prevail in this battle, it also began to attack!

As a leader, the principle of “catch the thief first, catch the king” is self-taught without a teacher, and the person it attacks is naturally the leader of the superpowers, the tall fire superpower — Hou Yong.

Hou Yong is the main force of the attack when facing the enemy, so the battle is at the forefront, and the leader of the zombie crow can easily target him. The leader of the crow spreads his huge wings and dives with lightning speed. Jun Hou Yong’s neck rushed over!

Seeing that the crow’s long, slender beak had already pecked at his vital point, Hou Yong swiftly turned to avoid it, and then quickly used a fireball the size of a bowl to hit the crow leader’s head!

However, the crow dodged very quickly. It neatly dodged the fireball that was thrown at it, and then continued to rush towards Hou Yong.

Hou Yong quickly retreated, hurriedly formed a fireball again, and attacked the crow leader without hesitation!

Originally Hou Yong thought that the fireball would also be avoided by the crow, but the crow directly met the fireball, the fireball hit its back, and burned its feathers and flesh, and the flesh was burned by the fireball to make a “zizi” sound. Then came the stench of scorched flesh.

However, the crow leader seemed to be unaware of the injury on his back. He didn’t even slow down a bit, but rushed straight to Hou Yong’s face!

Hou Yong had just sent out that fireball, and he probably missed the crow’s next move, so it was too late to dodge, seeing that its sharp beak was about to peck and injure Hou Yong. Suddenly, a sharp soil thorn next to him stabbed the crow violently!

After the crow was stabbed by the soil thorn, Hou Yong took the opportunity of the crow’s meal and quickly avoided the crow’s beak.

Hou Yong escaped from death, sweating profusely, and while continuing to smash fireballs at the crow leader, he said to the boy who had just rescued him, “Thank you! Fortunately, you helped!”

The young man was busy using the soil thorn to deal with the crows that rushed up. Hearing Hou Yong’s thanks, he just said, “No thanks! It just happened to be saved.”

The young man is a member of this power user team, his name is Zhong Yu, an earth-type power user. It seems that the level of his power is very good, because the speed of his soil thorns is very fast, indicating that his body is full of energy.

Moreover, he just had enough energy to help Hou Yong relieve a fatal crisis, so if there is no accident, he has reached this level with his current age, and his future is promising.

The attacking advantage of the crow leader was ended by a thorn from Zhong Yu, but later Hou Yong seized the opportunity to smash him with a fireball. The crow was furious, and didn’t bother to dodge these flying fireballs, because it was ignorant, so it didn’t know what kind of damage these scorching fires would bring to it.

In short, now Hou Yong is in an advantageous position. The fireball he sent out burned the crow leader’s body with pits and pits, beyond recognition. The rancid flesh fell from the burnt wound, and the crow leader was still trying to peck Hou Yong.

It stared at Hou Yonglai and pecked, even if its original mighty and beautiful appearance was destroyed into a veritable ugly mourning corpse, it didn’t care.

It’s a pity that once its advantage is lost, Hou Yong will not be merciful. Finally, after a fireball with greater power than before fell, the head of the crow leader was burned to black coal.

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