Rebirth Merchant: Wonderful Space Hunting for Military Officer

Chapter 690 Strike before the match

That's right, everyone knows about that introductory test, and they've seen it clearly.

It was because he could see so clearly that when he heard Takahashi Orika say this, the expression on his face was as if he had seen a ghost.

It was good that Takahashi Orika won against Zhou Qingqing, but that was because she made a sneak attack and used unprofessional methods, and she still had the face to speak up and ask them to testify.

There are so many people inside and outside the disciple hall, and this is the first time I have seen such a shameless person.

Is what she said true? The housekeeper asked a male disciple at random.

The male disciple was stunned for a moment. Thinking of the events of the day, he couldn't help but glared at Takahashi Orika, and then hesitantly replied, She did win Senior Sister, but... She succeeded only by sneak attack.

But the housekeeper didn't give him a chance to finish. After reading the result directly, he nodded and announced on the spot, Well, then replace her as a substitute.

As soon as the final decision was made, although the Steward's Office and the Disciple Hall belonged to two different jurisdictions, they had a strict relationship between the superior and the subordinate. Since the other party had made a decision, the disciples of the Disciple Hall had no right to refute.

Takahashi Orika couldn't hold back her happy mood any longer, the smile on her face widened, and she was the biggest winner in the whole game.

At this time, everyone looked at her, how could they not understand what was going on tonight.

Zhou Qingqing's face was destroyed by Takahashi Orika, and what the other party wanted was just a place to compete.

Because Zhou Qingqing didn't give it, she used this rude method without compromise, just because of this trivial matter ruined a woman's most important appearance, everyone was scared by the sweet-looking Takahashi Orika for a while, this woman The scheming is deep and sinister, insidious and cunning, it is really terrifying.

However, the housekeeper's words were not finished yet. After announcing the replacement, he continued to add, Song Ling will temporarily lead the team.

The atmosphere in the audience was quiet again, and some of the disciples who had complained about the housekeeper's lack of knowledge a second ago were now at a loss.

What does this steward mean?

This is to let Takahashi Orika participate in the competition, but not let her be the team leader.

Standing aside, Takahashi Orika, who was still in a state of complacent scenery, instantly seemed to have suffered a critical blow, her heart was up and down, and the smile on her face was distorted very wonderfully.

Housekeeper, Song Ling and I are both newcomers, why should you let her be the team leader? Why can't it be her, why are they all starting from the same starting line, yet she has to be crushed by Song Ye everywhere? Takahashi Orika couldn't bear such humiliation, bit her lip and immediately questioned.

The housekeeper turned his eyes and fell sharply on her, It's not your turn to criticize my decision.

Being swept by this glance, Takahashi Orika felt numb all over, and a gust of wind suddenly rolled up in the originally silent room, and the gauze hanging on the beam was swept over by the wind and slapped her face fiercely. That force directly pulled her out.

Ah... In a scream, Takahashi Orika slammed into the wall, made a loud noise and then fell to the floor, the whole person was embarrassed.

The person in charge of the disciple hall will try the case after the game and take the person away. The housekeeper gave an order, and out of nowhere appeared a few expressionless men in black, stepped forward and lifted them up in a coma Zhou Qingqing, who was there, walked straight out.

Song Ye followed closely to the gate of the courtyard, and then made a request, Housekeeper, I know that Dr. Pang lives in the main house, can I ask him to take a look at the elder sister?

Although the Shao family should have no shortage of capable people for treatment, if he can get the diagnosis and treatment of Shao Yichen's attending physician, I believe that Zhou Qingqing can also suffer less.

The housekeeper, who was standing a few steps away, turned around and bowed down towards her respectfully, with a completely different attitude than in the room, Please rest assured, we will do what the lady ordered.

Song Ye was stunned for a moment, then the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he smiled almost bitterly, Then there is work.

Since she wanted to receive special treatment, she could no longer be hypocritical about these trivial matters. The change in the title should be the order given by Shao Yichen when she went to the main house for the first time. No matter how unwilling she is, she has to compromise and accept it at this time. Otherwise, in her capacity, how can she invite Doctor Pang to take action.

Song Ye knew that after tonight, Shao Yichen would find out that she had violated the agreement to enter the disciple hall.

But when Ye Meirou arrived, she believed that she could participate in the competition as she wished.

Zhou Qingqing left the disciple hall the day before the competition, which greatly affected the morale of the disciples. In addition, Takahashi Orika joined the team.

The game was imminent, and some people even went on strike.

One day in the training room, a male disciple couldn't hold back his anger and smashed his chair with a punch, Fuck, I quit, the thought of being teammates with such a femme fatale makes people feel sick, I'm afraid to look at her. It's too beautiful on the stage, I'm sorry Big Sister.

In the past, Zhou Qingqing jumped out to adjust the disciples' emotions, but now that she is gone, the scene has become a lot deserted. Her shadow was everywhere on the training ground, and that night, that bloody face weighed heavily on everyone's heart, making people feel depressing.

Especially standing in the same place as the murderer of Zhou Qingqing, which is unbearable.

Go back to continue training. Song Ye stepped forward, picked up the wrist guard he dropped and handed it over. Now she is the temporary captain, responsible for the training of the team, and all emotions have to be managed.

Song Ling, don't persuade me, I want to quit. I don't care even if I receive a heavy punishment. I just don't want to stand on the same stage with that kind of person. Dead restraint.

Takahashi Orika was sitting in the corner, and he really wanted to go over and slaughter people immediately.

But he knew that killing his fellow disciple in the disciple hall would also cost him his life.

I'll say it again, go back to training. Song Ye stopped the male disciple who was about to walk out of the training room, his voice was still flat and unwavering.

Song Ling! The male disciple roared, like a trapped beast with nowhere to vent his emotions, with red eyes, he began to speak indifferently, Elder Sister has become like that, who the hell still has the mind to train, just Don't you hate that you ruined a face for such a broken game? Senior Sister is always so kind to you, don't you have any feelings at all? Do you have any heart at all?

He questioned one after another, one sentence after another, as if he was speaking to Song Ling, as if he was speaking to everyone in the disciple hall.

After all, Song Ye threw his fist and slammed his fist into the opponent's face before everyone expected it. The force was so strong that the male disciple was about to fly back and fly out. The next second, he was grabbed by the collar and pulled back, and was punched again.

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