Rebirth O is Always Fishing For Me

Chapter 15

Chapter 14: Kill Without Mercy

“Beauty, I’m really destined to meet each other for thousands of miles,” Zhang Meng tugged at his greasy hair, showing his yellow teeth, “Aren’t you going to invite me in, brother?”

The scent of shochu rushed to him violently, Ming Jingfei was choked and coughed, and the rose-red eyes ignited with blood-colored sharp swords.

“You’d better leave now or…”

“Otherwise what?” Zhang Meng smiled frivolously, looking at Ming Jingfei wantonly, “Beauty, if I leave, I will be the biggest fool in the world. Beauty, can you? What a stunner.”

Zhang Meng stepped forward and wanted to hug Ming Jingfei, but was deftly avoided by the girl. He walked into the yard with a wicked smile on his mouth, “Beauty, why did you refuse? I’m the son of the mayor. Wouldn’t it be good for you to eat and drink with me? Besides, your current body needs me very much.”

Affected by the fragrance of shochu, Mingjing Fei felt nauseated in her stomach, but her hands and feet became weaker. This kind of low-level and low-quality letter incense has little effect on her.

However, she is in the rain and dew period. If she doesn’t eat Luoqing Pills sooner, the consequences will be disastrous.

In this way, she can only use illusion to defeat Zhang Meng.

Mingjing Fei’s cheeks were a little unnaturally red, and her watery eyes were involuntarily hazy. At this time, the girl is not only noble and refined, like the clear moon among the clouds, and can only be seen from a distance, but at the same time, she is as beautiful as the fluttering crimson leaves in spring.

“Beauty, today you will become my person. In the future, I will give birth to a few big fat boys in our old Zhang family. I will love you even more, and hold you into the bridal chamber every day, hahaha. ”

Zhang Meng was so excited that he couldn’t help but rush towards Ming Jingfei in broad daylight, wanting to make the beauty in uniform do whatever he wanted.

Unexpectedly, Ming Jingfei turned around quickly, making Zhang swooped.

“Send me away? Beauty, brother, I can’t ask for anything.” Zhang Meng sniffed the smell of white rosin in the air, and was intoxicated for a while, “Don’t struggle, do you think anyone will come here? Impossible, you should lie down under me obediently and be happy with me.”

Gradually, Ming Jingfei was forced to the corner, Zhang Meng deliberately took off his robe and approached with a smile.

Using illusions means there is a risk of being tracked by her father. Ming Jingfei’s eyes are gloomy, and there is a sense of charm in her anger. She almost starts chanting incantations and summoning the low-level Gangfeng.

At this moment, the courtyard door was suddenly knocked open. The cold wind was blowing, and the yellow sand was startled. Xie Xuanzhuo walked in with a big bag of sand in his clothes.

“Oh, who am I, it turns out to be this fool,” Zhang Meng greeted Xie Xuanzhuo with a smile, then went up and kicked her down, and asked condescendingly, “Fool, do you want to? Come and see what a man is. That’s right, you’re a piece of shit, you know shit.”

She looked past Zhang Meng and met her pink eyes.

In those clear and calm eyes like thousand-year-old mirrors, there is a touch of mockery and deep peace.

“Why, are you still a fool who wants to have intimate contact with my beauty? Go away, you trash.” Zhang Meng kicked Xie Xuanzhuo on the ground and rolled a few times. ” Don’t hinder Lao Tzu and the beauty to go to Wushan together.”

Ming Jingfei noticed that Xie Xuanzhuo groaned and slowly got up, still smirking and began to play with the sand in her arms, and walked away without any reluctance.

“Hahaha, beauty, this fool is really ruthless and unjust to you, you should be my person.” Zhang Meng stared at Ming Jingfei’s skin that could be broken by blowing bullets, With bright eyes, “Beauty, why don’t we do good things here and teach this fool what happiness is.”

Looking at Xie Xuanzhuo’s unmoved appearance, and the footsteps of leaving without hesitation, Ming Jingfei felt a scorching blood pouring into her brain, choking her eyes blurred and unable to see thing.

The twisted and broken scene gradually reassembled and recombined into a familiar scene before her eyes.

In the darkness of the cold palace, she heard someone ask, what exactly are you going to do with the enchanting girl of Tianwu Palace, Your Majesty.

After a long time, the Qingyue voice she was familiar with said:

“Kill without mercy.”

Light blue light poured in, and she saw Xie Xuanzhuo’s face. Indifferent, ruthless, gloomy emotions flowed in amber eyes.

There is no one that Ming Jingfei wants to find.

At that moment, it was as if something shattered and went out in a hot and warm place in the body. Just like a pool of running water that has been boiling for thousands of years and has been burning for thousands of years, it became silent and became a pool of stagnant water.

What was drowned and cooled was the light she thought would never diminish.

In the last life, Xie Xuanzhuo would not choose you. In this life, neither will it. Ming Jingfei laughed suddenly, with a faint smile, but it seemed that she had experienced thousands of years of vicissitudes, and she was as cold and elegant as a blood flower quenched on a peerless sword.

She was laughing at the hope she still had, so resentful, so ridiculous.

“Beauty, I heard that you even bought medicine for this fool. Could it be that she can’t satisfy you? That’s right, she’s a waste. You come to this young master, this young master is very willing to be there Waiting for you on the bed.” Zhang Meng found that Ming Jingfei lowered her eyes, as if accepting her fate. He laughed and continued to speak rudely:

“Beauty, after this night of love, this young master will marry you and serve you in bed every day. Don’t be afraid of pain.”


“What did you say?”

Zhang Meng did not believe what this weak girl said. As far as he knew, most of Kunze should have no ability to resist under the urging of Qianyuan Xinxiang. What’s the use of saying such words that will only anger Qianyuan.

“I told you to get out of here!” Ming Jingfei raised her head, her deep red eyes burst out with a thousand-year-old cold air belonging to the wilderness ice field.

Her eyes remain blurry. The passion of the rainy and dew period and the resentment of recalling the past made Ming Jingfei gradually look blank, but she was so desperate that she wanted to cry.

But she doesn’t, she will have revenge and revenge.

With a bang, the silver whip waved a golden glow in Ming Jingfei’s hand, and slapped it on Zhang Meng’s arm.

“Stinky mother-in-law, you dare to hit me! I tell you, you can’t escape from my hand, come over to this young master obediently.” Zhang Meng covered his arm, his expression was fierce, he was furious, Recklessly grabbed the whip and pulled Mingjing Fei to the ground with all her might.

The branches of flowers and plants on the ground cut through the corners of Ming Jingfei’s skirt, leaving a bloodstain on her leg.

“I thought you were very capable, so what if you Kunze have illusions, you don’t have to lie down obediently during the rain and dew period.”


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-09-1822:20:27~2021-09-1921:36:33~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 15671;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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