Rebirth O is Always Fishing For Me

Chapter 17

Chapter 16: So Sad

“Help?” For a while, Xie Xuanzhuo couldn’t understand what Ming Jingfei meant, until the girl’s hot/hot soft body was pasted without gaps, and she suddenly realized.

Kunze is hot?

But she didn’t know how to help her. Xie Xuanzhuo stood there, constantly searching for what she had learned in the palace before, all of which were nonsense, things related to the political system.

There is no mention of Kunze at all.

“It’s so uncomfortable, you want… me, okay?”

For a moment, Ming Jingfei’s lips had moved between Xie Xuanzhuo’s throat, and the hot/hot heat made Xie Xuanzhuo feel thirsty.

“Wait, drink water.” Xie Xuanzhuo pushed away the nephrite in his arms, ran to the well and picked up the wooden barrel—

The cold well water splashed onto Ming Jingfei without warning.

Mingjing Fei was doused with water from head to toe, the well water dripped down her hair, and the gauze inside was tightly attached to her body because it was wet. A person of peerless elegance, charming and charming, has been poured into a chicken at this moment.

“Cough cough, you did a good job,” Ming Jingfei lifted her wet hair and glared at the initiator.

“Come again, come again, get water, feel comfortable.”

Seeing that the watering seems to be effective, Xie Xuanzhuo is going to fill up another bucket.

“Funny,” Ming Jingfei was startled to realize that she had asked Xie Xuanzhuan to ask her just now, and suddenly felt ashamed and angry, “Get out of my way!”

“Then, you eat candy.” Xie Xuanzhuo took out the bottom candy from his sleeve and stuffed it into Mingjingfei’s mouth, “Sweet.”

Because of physical discomfort and unable to respond in time, Ming Jingfei was forced to taste a mouthful of sweet and warm sugar, which was really sweet.

Opening the layers of brocade tents, Mingjingfei knelt on the feather clothes embroidered with the fire of the flowing clouds, rummaged through the boxes and turned the cabinets, and finally found a thin-bodied porcelain bottle, poured out a red pill from it, looked up The head swallowed.

At the foot of the bed, fell to pieces.

The sky darkened, the green-tailed pigeons fell on the dead vines and fluttered their wings, the autumn wind blew, and the yellow leaves on the ground flew into the sky in a whirl, and just left with the pigeons the same direction.

Ming Jingfei was awakened by the heat. In her dream, she was lying on the reef beaten by the waves. The reef was scorched by the sun and was extremely hot. It wasn’t until she woke up that she felt that it was the heat/surge in her body, coming in waves.

Because it was too late to take the medicine, the effectiveness of Luoqing Pill was greatly reduced. Therefore, the whole room is already filled with the smell of white rosin.

Fortunately, she was the only one, Ming Jingfei got up and wanted to eat another love pill. Unexpectedly, just after leaving the bed, the door of the room was opened.

Xie Xuanzhuo bit the roasted corn and swayed in, and then the fragrance of the room rushed towards her indiscriminately.

“Grilled corn, delicious.”

In order to save his life, this person pretended to be stupid.

For a while, Ming Jingfei felt a little complicated in her heart, she should have felt grateful or happy. However, she didn’t want to.

She doesn’t want to erase those sad memories, in fact, people will always repeat the same mistakes because they are soft-hearted. If you are soft-hearted, you will walk into the Jedi that you have walked through again.

However, in the afternoon, she asked Xie Xuanzhuo for joy when she was not sober. This is something she cannot tolerate. She must not indulge in Xie Xuanzhuo!

“Eat.” Xie Xuanzhuo found that the girl’s face was as red as sunset, she had vaguely heard that Kunze was very weak during the rain and dew period, so she decided to come in and have a look, after all, the girl Go ahead for yourself.

The girl grabbed the roasted corn in Xie Xuanzhuo’s hand, took a bite, and dropped half of it. She glanced sideways at Xie Xuanzhuo, her clear voice with deliberate alienation, “Eat, you go out.”

“Out?” Xie Xuanzhuo didn’t hear Qing Mingjingfei’s words, and got closer.

When she was close at hand, the enthusiasm that had not dissipated came up again, and Ming Jingfei felt a bit of confusion again, and she suddenly smelled Xie Xuanzhuan. She was like a female bandit kidnapping Xie Xuanzhuan , buried his head in Xie Xuanzhuo’s neck, panting lightly.

“Let’s make a covenant, and make a promise that you can never leave me, okay?”

The corners of Ming Jingfei’s eyes dizzy crimson, and her pupils are deep and empty. With her breathing, the smell of white rosin drifted faintly.

Xie Xuanzhuo deliberately let himself go, avoiding the girl’s eyes with a pair of confused eyes.

She stretched out her little finger hidden in her long sleeve, hooked Xie Xuanzhuo lightly, shook it back and forth three times, giggling, “It’s agreed, it’s not allowed to change.”

This person really knows how to take advantage of others, knowing that he is a fool, but also unilaterally taking advantage. Xie Xuanzhuo could only take advantage of the situation to hug Ming Jingfei, who was about to fall, and just wanted to put the person back on the bed, but found that the girl was desperately entangled in her body again.

Department, took a bite.

White rosin poured into the back of the neck like a tide, Xie Xuanzhuo shuddered for a moment, and wanted to push the girl away from her arms, but Ming Jingfei was extremely strong at this time, and a row of shell teeth were recklessly in front of her eyes. Bai Yu’s skin is messed up everywhere.

All the way from Xie Xuanzhuo’s throat, biting/biting to his chin, he finally stopped.

The mark of the two-color lotus flower in the heart suddenly became hot and stinging. Because of the pain and strange feeling, Xie Xuanzhuo also opened his mouth and bit the person who was pressing him.

This time, the flames that Ming Jingfei managed to suppress burns up again.

The quilts and the fence on the bed were dragged to the carpet in their actions similar to fighting. Xie Xuanzhuo seemed to be bewitched, and his amber eyes were covered with a layer of water mist because of the pain.

The cold wind outside the window did not dissipate the heat in the room. Instead, it gently blew the tulle on Ming Jingfei’s body, exposing her jade-like legs.

The tulle fell, and half of the girl’s face was covered, only the rose-red eyes blinked lightly, and there were slight ripples in the eyes, like the drizzle fell on the misty lake in spring .

The two turned their positions, Xie Xuanzhuo met Ming Jingfei’s eyes, the girl pulled the tulle on her body and surrounded Xie Xuanzhuan’s face.

“Who wants to see your disgusting face,” Ming Jingfei pouted, trying to push Xie Xuanzhuo away in a daze, but found that the man rolled to the table by himself, curled up His body couldn’t stop screaming in pain.

Mingjing Fei glanced around, her face full of shock, she couldn’t help but say, “Little turtle, what’s wrong with you…?”


The author has something to say:

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-09-2022:46:16~2021-09-2123:42:21~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 15671;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 15 bottles of research and confusion; 7 bottles of thirteen;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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