Rebirth O is Always Fishing For Me

Chapter 25

Chapter 24: Today Is My Birthday

In the laughter of the young girl Qingyue, the boat slowly drifted away, Ming Jingfei turned around and ignored the group of “destroyed men”, but carefully observed the waterway.

On the other side of this small river stands tall mountains, and the weak sunlight shines on the water, sparkling like a floating lamp in the water.

The girl took off her coat and hung it on a bamboo pole, which she held up as a sail. A strong wind stirred the sails, and in a few breaths, the tattered fishing boat floated far away.

The body curve is graceful and beautiful, the looming skin has a jade-like texture, and the armband engraved with the meteor fire pattern slid down to the elbow.

Because the corners of her clothes and soft shoes were covered with water, Ming Jingfei kicked off her shoes and stepped barefoot on the worn-out shipboard, the blue blood vessels meandering like ancient patterns under pale skin.

Suddenly, Ming Jingfei seemed to have eyes in the back of her head, rushing behind Xie Xuanzhuo, who was staring at her, and shouted, “Stinky turtle, see if I’ve seen enough!”

The girl let out a coquettish drink, but she still had a smile on her face, so soft and charming that it made one’s heart tremble, just in response to that sentence, the beauty and sorrow, joy and sorrow, Xie Xuanzhuo bowed his head, A few strands of hair blown by the wind naughty caressed the cheeks, and the white and moist skin had a faint blush.

Looking in the direction of Xie Xuanzhuo’s finger, a small half of the gold baht had fallen on the boat. She hurriedly picked up the silver and put it back in the cloth bag and tied it up.

“This money is enough for us to spend a lot of money for a few years,” Ming Jingfei seemed to be very skilled in counting money, and squinted at Xie Xuanzhuo, “If you have enough money, just follow me around. The vast horizon, delicious and spicy.”

Wandering? Xie Xuanzhuo did not speak, and she also knew that this time in Qingyu Town, it should not be easy to continue to stay. It’s just that the Eight Wildernesses are so big, and the waves are everywhere, where should she go?

First of all, several states are the residences of uncles and aunts. Those places must be monitored by more people, so of course they cannot go.

“Little turtle, what are you thinking about?” Ming Jingfei put on her brocade robe again and sat down with Xie Xuanzhuo. She curled her legs and laboriously took out an oiled paper bag from her clothes. , “Hungry, want some beef?”

In the oil paper, there are not only the braised beef, but also the fried peanuts. Although it is cold, she still eats it with relish.

What might be better?

“Cough cough,” Ming Jingfei’s index finger poked Xie Xuanzhuo’s lower lip, allowing Xie Xuanzhuo to taste the moist breath of white rosin again, the redness on his face that had just faded, gradually floated again come up.

Xie Xuanzhuo just wanted to look down at the ripples on the water, but Mingjing Fei held her chin, so the two had to stare at each other for a long time on the broken boat.

Many years later, Xie Xuanzhuo finally regained her high position. She stood on the city wall with a bright star above her head, and no one was by her side, but she always believed that this girl named Ming Jingfei would come back, because They once ran holding hands tightly under the pursuit of others.

The fishing boat was floating on the seemingly endless water, and the girl was holding Xie Xuanzhuo while humming a charming little tune. The sound of the wind and the gurgling of the cool water sang along with her.

Xie Xuanzhuo was lying on a boat with a feather coat as a sail, chewing the stolen braised beef, but his heart flew in a daze, as if to fly to the highest, breaking through the nine heavens seemed far away And untouchable haze.

They drifted for a long time, and the sky went from dark to completely dark. Only the murmur of water and the chirping of autumn cicadas remained in my ears.

“I want to drink,” Ming Jingfei said suddenly, she felt a rare happiness in her heart, so she wanted to drink to keep this happy feeling. “Unfortunately, I didn’t come out with a few jugs of wine just now, but the wine was too bad to drink. It’s not as good as when I was in the emperor…”

She paused, because she remembered that the good wine she drank before was all treasured by the emperor Xie Xuanzhuo. In fact, there are many rules in the palace, especially the rules for Kunze.

But the first time she said she wanted to drink was her birthday. So Xie Xuanzhuo secretly took her to the wine cellar.

Three hundred days of drunkenness, drinking fine wine as water.

But at that time, it was really happy.

It’s just, now it seems, it’s just because all the encounters were beautiful and warm at the beginning. But sadness and resentment always catch up.

As soon as she thought of her last life, Ming Jingfei felt like a raging fire in her heart, making her want to bite off Xie Xuanzhuo’s throat and watch her blood dry.

So, she took off her robe as a cushion and sat on the bow, with her slender legs stretched into the cold river, swaying back and forth.

Suddenly touching the cold river water, it feels like countless tiny ice needles are constantly pierced into the skin, but as long as you endure this for a while, it will slowly warm up.

Ripple on the water surface, reflecting a full moon on the horizon. At this time, the fog subsided, the sky was clear, the stars were bright, and the night was filled with a faint light.

“You come and soak too,” Ming Jingfei patted a spray and hit Xie Xuanzhuo on the face.

Crystal drops of water dripped down Xie Xuanzhuo’s moist eyelashes. Like petals hovering in the air falling into the water, shattering like an illusion.

“Bubble?” Xie Xuanzhuo observed Ming Jingfei’s face, and only felt that this person was unhappy, as if he was going to push himself off the boat.

Taking off his shoes and socks, Xie Xuanzhuan was forced to soak his feet in the biting river water, his face turned pale, and his lips paled like fragile porcelain.

Ming Jingfei nodded in satisfaction, but she was shocked by the waves in her heart. Recently, she had the idea that it would be good to continue like this.

She kept reminding herself that now she is kind to Xie Xuanzhuo. Just like a pig farmer’s consideration for pigs, they serve them with delicious food and drink, in order to fatten the pigs.

Pig farmers will never have feelings for pigs.

While she was still immersed in her thoughts, the “pig” behind her suddenly moved.

Ming Jingfei’s mood was very strange, Xie Xuanzhuo was a little worried by the girl’s moodiness. She quickly stood up, took back her robe, and suddenly unfolded it like a tall tree canopy to cover the two of them.

The thin girl is still holding a wet plain white shirt. The lake behind the girl is like a broken ancient mirror, still reflecting the bright silver moonlight, with countless ripples.

There was only the sound of rain between them for a long time, until Ming Jingfei touched Xie Xuanzhuan’s face blankly and said word by word:

“Actually today is my birthday.”


The author has something to say:

There will be more after the day after tomorrow. Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-09-2823:58:15~2021-09-2922:24:00~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Fengren 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: ch3 bottle; thirteen 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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