Rebirth O is Always Fishing For Me

Chapter 27

Chapter 26: If You Run Again, You Will Be Eaten.

Just as she walked outside the courtyard door, Xie Xuanzhuo heard the door open with a creak—Ming Jingfei came out.

Xie Xuanzhuo leaned back against the courtyard wall, and felt remorse in her heart. She thought that the girl would fall asleep because she was so tired. How could she have come out so coincidentally.

The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer to him, Xie Xuanzhuo was busy facing the courtyard wall, dumbfounded, “One bun, one leg, two buns, two…  Three legs.”

Yuguang looked quietly, and found that the girl was staring at him with a smile on her chest. The smile was like smoke, showing a touch of contempt and anger.

The girl’s voice was fluttering, “Do you think a turtle can run with four legs?”

“Turtle, four legs.” Xie Xuanzhuo smirked and wanted to muddle through.

“I have endured you for a long time,” Ming Jingfei’s rose-colored eyes flashed with unknown colors, “Do you think I don’t bully fools?”

When Xie Xuanzhuo was still digesting the meaning of these words, Ming Jingfei had already pulled her belt and dragged her back to the room, and she was thrown onto the bed without any resistance.


With a ‘snap”, Ming Jingfei smashed Xie Xuanzhuo’s robe with a whip, and the whole person bullied Xie Xuanzhuo, her eyes were fierce, but her tone softened, “You treat me like this So indifferent?”

“Why, are you pity me?” The girl who was tender and tender for a second suddenly returned to her usual cold and glamorous look like a knife. She reached out and pressed lightly on Xie Xuanzhuan’s lips, “Pity yourself first.”

“Woo, no, no, it hurts.” Xie Xuanzhuo bit her lip and didn’t scream. It was Ming Jingfei’s actions that were too rough, she couldn’t bear it at all.

Found that Xie Xuanzhuo’s eyes were filled with water mist, and her breathing became disordered, Ming Jingfei raised her red lips, buried her head in Xie Xuanzhuo’s ear and said, “I thought you were really a saint?”

Looking at Xie Xuanzhuo’s emotional appearance, Ming Jingfei’s heart was filled with infinite joy, she was going to take Xie Xuanzhuo to **** together, she was a person who died once, what was she afraid of?

“Help, help.” Never encountered such a thing, Xie Xuanzhuo has always been calm and panicked.

“Your name should be louder.”

However, the thunderous sound of horse hooves covered Xie Xuanzhuan’s neighing, and the two on the bed were stunned for a moment, and then a feeling of unease welled up in their hearts.

“Put on your clothes,” Ming Jingfei gritted her teeth and let go of Xie Xuanzhuo, she casually pulled out a dress and threw it to the disheveled person, and said coldly, “Wear it yourself, I don’t need to teach you.”

Ming Jingfei dragged Xie Xuanzhuo out of the room.

A chilling wind whistled like a sharp sword, and the wind smelled of blood.

This is the smell that Xie Xuanzhuo is familiar with. In the dark night that she will never forget, she smelled the blood of her relatives, and only then did she know that people die so easily.

The smell of blood represents death, and now she smells blood again, who should be dying.

Actually, the smell of blood is very light, and it dissipates quickly in the wind. However, the shouts of a large number of people came from far and near, and Xie Xuanzhuo’s heart sank.

If Fenghuai came to look for her, it would not be a good thing. They can only try their best to pretend to be stupid, lower their vigilance, and then figure out the way back.

Ming Jingfei also stepped out following this chilling breath, and she glanced at the sky keenly. The black clouds piled up together, like the dark bottom of the pot covering the bright sky.

The neat sound of hooves smashed every dead leaf on the dirt road, and they could already see a group of men and horses wearing black scale armor and an orchid military emblem on their shoulders, which was the symbol of Shang Xie’s army.

The two men headed by them were wearing gorgeous brocade robes, with a white jade belt around their waists, and they were inlaid with precious gems.

Their speed is not very fast, but the goal is directly at this small courtyard. One of the leaders, with a white face and no beard, wearing a square blue brocade hat, said sharply to the heroic man beside him:

“Captain Ouyang, he has been here from Fenghuai for more than ten days, but he has tossed the old bones of our family. Is the fifth princess really in this broken place?”

“Eunuch Zhang said carefully, where are there any other five princesses, it’s just because the big Sima is very kind, that’s all he left behind.” The man known as Captain Ouyang laughed disdainfully, “It’s worse than the sludge to be homeless for the royal ladies.”

Now naturally, with the rise of the tide, he has become a military commander of the border county, in charge of the military.

“Yes, yes, or what Lord Du Wei said is reasonable. Our family has served them for a lifetime. The servility in this root is hard to change. It seems that our family will have to rely on it in the future. Lord Commander.”

“The public statement is too heavy, I just want to let the father-in-law understand that the world has changed a long time ago.” Ouyang Yi smiled coldly, with a look of pride on his face, “Back then, the little brat of the Xie family I was frightened by Da Sima’s Tianwei and fell ill, and I had to die before I could get my life back. I really didn’t expect that the Xie family would have produced some cowards in this generation, and they deserved it.”

Showing the portrait of Xie Xuanzhuo, “Hey, he looks good, if it’s not a fool, it’s really a big threat.”

Together they dismounted in front of the courtyard gate.

Several soldiers kicked open the wooden door and broke in. Ouyang Yi walked into the yard aggressively with the **** on his back, and at a glance he saw Xie Xuanhuan who was squatting on the ground and smearing mud everywhere.

Huang Ni was thrown everywhere, and the beautiful girl beside Xie Xuanzhuo was not spared. Ming Jingfei avoided the soil thrown by Xie Xuanzhuo while secretly looking at the person who came.

Thinking of this, Ming Jingfei cooperated with Xie Xuanzhuo, ran and jumped up in the yard, and drove the leaves and branches on the ground that were knocked down by the rainstorm last night.

“You come here for me, and you don’t do anything stupid for a day. It’s really bad for me to raise you stupid for eight lifetimes.”

That Ouyang Yi was born in Fenghuai and grew up in Fenghuai since childhood. He always thought that Kunze should be at home with his husband and his son, and it would be immoral to go out and show his face.

So, in his heart, apart from being a little impatient with Ming Jingfei, he was also a little curious and excited. Especially after seeing the girl’s profile, the feeling of surprise in my heart is even more difficult to restrain.

At the moment, he had to quickly calm down and concentrate on business.

What’s more, according to their eyeliner here, this girl appeared two months ago and acted erratically and boldly. Maybe she is a member of the mysterious assassin organization “Mingluo” that has recently emerged.

Therefore, Ouyang Yi shouted loudly, making the eardrums of the people present hurt. He deliberately showed a respectful and gentle smile, and said to Xie Xuanzhuo:

After he finished speaking, he stared at Xie Xuanzhuo’s every move with a pair of sinister eyes, and if Xie Xuanzhuo made a slight change, he could kill him first and then bring him back to Fenghuai for trial.

Eunuch Zhang, who was on the side, made up his mind. In order to test whether Xie Xuanzhuo was acting stupid or really stupid, they had to use some extraordinary means.

“Aiyo, Your Highness, you are really suffering, our family is really uncomfortable. You go back to Fenghuai with our family.” Zhang Gong squatted in front of Xie Xuanzhuo, his cloudy eyeballs suddenly lit up Suddenly, a disgusting smile appeared on the white and greasy face.

She had never heard of these two people before. She thought that they were both promoted and appointed by Zhao Wuchen.

But looking at the fact that these two people are not familiar with Ming Jingfei, it seems that the suspicion of Ming Jingfei can be ruled out.

Since following Zhao Wuchen, he has never been so dirty, let alone being splashed with mud. “Take this traitor up and search him.”

With Ouyang Yi’s order, six or seven sergeants stepped forward to control Xie Xuanzhuo and Ming Jingfei, and the remaining three or four people rushed into the room to search.

Hands were cut behind her back, Ming Jingfei lowered her eyes to hide a cold light. Shang Xie would suddenly send someone here, which was beyond her expectations.

Is it because Qingyu Town is close to the grassland, and there have been many changes in the grasslands recently, that old fox Zhao Wuchen has some strange ideas?

No matter what Zhao Wuchen wants to do, Xie Xuanzhuo can’t escape his palm now. As something necessary for his own cultivation, Xie Xuanzhuo’s incense can only belong to himself.

A soldier found a piccolo from Xie Xuanzhuo, and immediately held it in the palm of his hand and presented it to Ouyang Yi, “Master Duwei, this is what the traitor had.”

It was this piccolo again, Ming Jingfei glanced at Xie Xuanzhuo who was restrained by the two.

Speaking of which, Xie Xuanzhuo has a very good relationship with her mother. If there is no such thing as treason in Shangxie, the person who married Xie Xuanzhuo should be the childhood sweetheart pointed to by her mother.

Ming Jingfei remembered that Xie Xuanzhuo named herself the queen back then, and many people persuaded Xie Xuanzhuo to take her childhood sweethearts together and make her a concubine.

After her own death in the last life, Xie Xuanzhuo must have married Xiao Qingmei, who loved her dearly.

Ming Jingfei bit her lower lip lightly, and caught a glimpse of Xie Xuanzhuo’s embarrassed appearance with her hands tied behind her back, and secretly felt a little refreshing in her heart.

Pico was taken away again, Xie Xuanzhuo was much calmer than last time, she didn’t know the purpose of these people, but they were definitely not good people.

“What kind of broken flute is this, the bare one is that these princes and aristocrats like to wear it on their body, to beg for a fresh and noble look.” Search again.”

“Wait, let us take a look.” Eunuch Zhang took the piccolo and looked at it for a long time, Fang kept rubbing the body of the flute with his hands, a greedy glint flashed in his eyes, “Master Duwei , This is a golden silk jade flute, and people who don’t know the goods can’t see it. The best thing is that this flute is still the relic of the Empress.”

“What is the empress, that is the soul of a wrath that has already gone to hell,” Ouyang Yi patted Eunuch Zhang on the shoulder, looked at the crystal clear flute disdainfully, and whispered:

“Let’s just see if this **** is really a fool, and then we can return to the big Sima. This flute has a lot to do.”

Ouyang Yi took the flute back and walked to Xie Xuanzhuo’s side, stared at Xie Xuanzhuo’s misty eyes, and laughed:

“Your flute is precious, but I don’t know if it can withstand the fire. Come and set up a fire, let’s burn a golden jade flute.”

The two sergeants responded, and soon they set up a fire and threw the jade flute into the fire.

There was a crackling sound in the flame. Since the firewood was not dry, the thick black smoke rose high, and those who were too close would be choked and hard to breathe.

Seeing that the jade flute was thrown into the fire and burned, Xie Xuanzhuo did not rush to grab it back like the previous time.

Her hands were tied, she lowered her head and kicked the muddy water underground with her feet.

At this time, she would whimper, with a very silly smile on her face.

An unpleasant smell of sweat emanated from Ouyang Yi, Ming Jingfei frowned indiscernibly, and said coldly:

“This soldier, I don’t know where the little girl has provoked you. It’s worth your fight.”

“Oh, doesn’t the girl know that the fool is a fugitive? Hiding a fugitive is a serious crime, ranging from exile to beheading.”

“Fugitive? Didn’t you just say that she is the fifth princess?”

“Uh, this,” Ouyang Yi was at a loss for words, he just wanted to exaggerate, so as to shock this delicate little girl, how could he ask himself, “cough, you don’t have to worry about that. Duo, just tell me, how did the couple who lived with this fool leave?”

It seems that Xie Xuanzhuo is less fortunate this time.

“You are from the Golden Witch tribe, so why do you live here with a fool?” Ouyang Yi motioned for the soldiers to let go of Ming Jingfei, “Do you know her identity?”

It is extremely difficult for even the royal family to ask for marriage. It is really surprising that such a “treasure” can appear in such a backward and barren town.

“It’s better to be a fool, isn’t it?” Ming Jingfei’s lips curled up, she casually lifted the broken hair on her forehead, her expression was lazy and cold, “I fell in love with her, no matter what she is. What, if you want to be happy with her every day, you don’t have to be responsible, is there a problem?”

“You…what a class!”

Ouyang Yi had nothing to say about Ming Jingfei’s straightforward and bold words.

His eyes wandered back and forth between Ming Jingfei and Xie Xuanzhuo, and finally had to admit that in terms of appearance, the two were indeed very matched.

With just a glance, Ming Jingfei knew what Ouyang Yi was thinking. Most of these Qianyuan looked at Kunze as if they were looking at their prey. What they wanted was tameness and obedience. Be concerned about what’s on the minds of others.

“What are you,” the girl’s eyes flowed, and her smile was graceful and clear, “Sir, if you have nothing to do, let the little girl go out to have fun at dawn, and if we delay any longer, we can They’re all old.”

Everyone never imagined that such a young girl would be able to chat and laugh with Lord Du Wei without any fear.

The long hair that fell on his chest inadvertently swept across the eyes of everyone.

Although she didn’t use the spell of bewildering the wind to confuse everyone, but Ming Jingfei deliberately used some skills to make them unable to react in time. Since the intentions of these people were unknown, she needed to send a voice transmission to Sui Ye and Zi Tan to let them come back early.

“Wait, this girl, what do you think we are? You can leave if you want, or stay if you want?” Eunuch Zhang snorted and woke everyone up. Gently scratching the palm of his hand, he walked towards Ming Jingfei.

“Sir, of course I will treat you all as adults,” Ming Jingfei turned around, seeing that the situation was not good, but calmed down, “The little girl is being polite, so I will prepare drinks for you all. , is it Zhu Yeqing or Daughter Hong, or I want to kill two pigs to catch the wind for the two? Then I will go and find Master Wang at the entrance of the village.”

“You golden witch woman has a clever mouth,” Eunuch Zhang’s pink and white cheeks showed a smirk, and he instructed two people to block the hospital door, “We don’t have the habit of drinking in our house. , and also ask the girl to stay in the room obediently, otherwise the swords of the soldiers will not have eyes, and they will not be beautiful if they hurt people.”

“Don’t have the habit of drinking?” Ming Jingfei laughed softly, returned to the wooden house leisurely, opened the jar of wine, “That’s a pity.”

Just when Ouyang Yi couldn’t bring it up, Eunuch Zhang just came over and pulled him into the corner.

Very quickly, he inhaled and said:

“Besides, I don’t see any spiritual energy around her, she is really like that crazy person.”

“Really? I still remember that the five princesses were clever and clever, and no one disliked them. How could the people of the Xie family be so weak, don’t forget that they won the world with the help of ghosts. The power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth from the blessing of the eyes.”

Hearing this, Eunuch Zhang paused as if he was a demon, and his body froze for a while, he grabbed Ouyang Yi’s robe and looked around, “Sir, be careful! These ghost eyes are, but Those who are cursed, everyone with ghost eyes in the Xie family are all lunatics, and in the end they die unintentionally, and even those who are close to them did not get a good death.”

Unexpectedly, Ouyang Yi waved his hand in disdain and smiled disdainfully, “Father-in-law’s words are bad, let’s not say whether the Xie family inherited that ghost eye… “He lowered his voice, “Xie Huai fell into a madness because of this power, and his six relatives did not recognize him, and he eventually became a waste. After that, the ghost eye was banned by the Xie family, and the children with ghost eyes were secretly handled by Xie Jiyang. ”

“This… this is the secret history of the palace, how did you know, sir?”

Ouyang Yi smiled proudly, “Our Ouyang family is a prestigious family with a family background, so you naturally know a little about Shang Xie’s secrets.”

Eunuch Zhang was still wiping away the cold sweat with lingering fears, but he did not forget to flatter him, “Master Duwei is indeed a meritorious deed.”

“She escaped outside for so many years, maybe she’s gone from madness long ago. Eunuch Zhang, you send someone to the town to find out, people who pretend to be stupid will always leave clues.” Ouyang Yi stared at Xie Xuanzhuan’s back, showing a cold smile, “As for here, I already have a new method.”

“But let the adults decide, let’s go around first.”

Although Xie Xuanzhuo was very miserable to the naked eye, the violent and inferiority attack in his chest at this moment made him think of a wonderful idea.

Ouyang Yi asked his subordinates to loosen Xie Xuanzhuo’s ties and sent people to raise the perimeter of the small courtyard. He took off his robe, and with a wicked smile, ordered his men to buy a few pounds of fodder and rough noodles for the horses.

Xie Xuanzhuo looked around vaguely. Although these dozen people were not Shang Xie’s elite troops, they were well equipped. It should be someone from the Jiying Institute of the Fenghuai City Guard.

If you want to run, just rely on one pair of legs, and you will be caught after a few miles. The function of these people is to search for criminals everywhere, but after Zhao Wuchen usurped the country, Jiying became a place where people were oppressed.

Even far away from the frontier, Xie Xuanzhuo had long heard that Ouyang Yi bullied men and women, causing the people to complain. This man is by no means good.

What’s more, there is this girl who doesn’t know enemies or friends in chaos here – Xie Xuanzhuo quietly squinted at Ming Jingfei, through the thin window screen, the girl casually looked at the sky, occasionally pacing, The skirt was dragged on the soft carpet, but it looked leisurely.

“Blossoming flowers,” suddenly, Ming Jingfei turned her head and glared at Xie Xuanzhuo, so startled that she hurriedly lowered her head and picked up a branch, poked the mud on the ground, and there seemed to be a sound in her ears A sneer came from the girl.

At this moment, Ouyang Yi raised his eyes and looked at Ming Jingfei, swallowed involuntarily, and held the **** around his waist in his hand, feeling that he was quite heroic. He glanced at the disgraced Xie Xuanzhuo disdainfully, and strode over.

He lifted the corner of his robe, for fear of being splashed with dirty muddy water, and opened his fierce eyes.

To treat this kind of people who used to be rich and rich in the past, he has a soft and hard way.

“Ouyang Yi observed Xie Xuanzhuo’s expression, and tentatively reached out his hand to help her up.

Xie Xuanzhuo sneered in the bottom of his heart, if Zhao Wuchen’s men were all the children of aristocratic families who did not want to make progress and rely on the shadow of the family, it might not be an extravagant hope to regain the imperial power.

Suddenly, there was a cold touch in his palm, as if something strange was squirming in his hand. Ouyang Yi took a closer look and saw that a fat centipede was crawling up his arm, and Xie Xuanzhuo, who was beside him, was grinning and grabbing several fatter centipedes to put on him.

Seeing that he looked different, the confidant on the side quickly stepped forward and pulled him away.

“Your Majesty, the Da Sima did not order these sinners to be executed, so you must not act with anger. We can’t bear the consequences of disobeying Da Sima’s orders. Xie family. Even if you really want to put her to death, there is a way to see no blood.”

“If she is not stupid, I have a reason to kill her. Playing stupid is the crime of deceiving the king.”

Unleashing the obstruction of his heart, Ouyang Yi forcibly suppressed the anger in his chest. That’s right, he doesn’t have the general knowledge of a **** who can’t be differentiated. There are many ways he wants to torture her.

Ouyang Yi stepped on the military boots, crushed all the centipedes on the ground, and stepped on Xie Xuanzhuo’s thin back, bending her down.

“Xie Xuanzhuo, your life is really big, your Xie family is dying, you can still live to this day, no wonder everyone praises Sima Kuanren for being peaceful, and the extra kindness saved you a dog’s life .”

Ouyang Yi just finished speaking, but Xie Xuanzhuo was still digging the yellow mud on the ground with his hands. He rolled his eyes, thinking about it.


The mausoleum of the father and mother, Xie Xuanzhuo remembered that after the palace was captured, the father and mother were killed together with the elder brother, and their corpses were hastily sent to the tomb of the emperor. Decent.

“I heard that when the coffin was opened, the Empress still maintained her beauty before her death, and her severed head was still sewn firmly on her body. The big guy was so excited to see it, The lifelike queen beauty, even if it becomes a corpse, is a beautiful corpse. It’s cheaper for those rough people, and it’s a feast for the eyes.”

What a vicious insult, Xie Xuanzhuo didn’t know how to bear it. If you are still a living person, you should stand up and pierce this person’s heart, so that he will forever regret saying such words and doing such things.

“Later, the first emperor was thrown into the westernmost lonely mountain, and the empress was thrown into the easternmost valley. They will never see each other forever.” Ouyang Yi’s eyes turned upward, as if Recalling that scene made him feel so wonderful.

Xie Xuanzhuan’s hands were still deeply immersed in the mud, she felt as if she was standing in the boundless darkness, the whole world was falling with a vast ice rain, and there were blood-colored clouds flowing in front of her eyes.

That is…the blood of the father and mother, blood and tears flowed from their eyes, desperately trying to say something to themselves, but their heads were beheaded by others.

The will called “killing” seems to have awakened with the rushing blood. In the quagmire that no one can see, countless sand and sand were crushed by Xie Xuanzhuo, and the debris was deeply trapped in the fingers. In the flesh, she didn’t even notice it.

The world is so cold, only burning can be warmed, even if it is burning our lives.

The girl’s thin body seemed to really ignite a fire, and everything would be burned to the ground.

“The only thing they have in common is that the corpses were devoured by wild wolves. Your imperial brother was hanged at the city gate and exposed his corpse for three days, what a miserable word. Excellent.”

Ouyang Yi almost saw Xie Xuanzhuo’s abnormality, and his eyes kept moving on the girl.

He wasn’t sure if she understood him, but if she wasn’t a fool, she must have reacted. Then he will definitely pull out the **** from his waist and chop off her arm with a knife.

If you want to come to Da Sima, you won’t blame him for being reckless.

Xie Xuanzhuo only felt her eyes burning hot, and the uncontrollable anger made her groggy, as if the world had been turned upside down, and only killing intent remained in her heart.

She has never touched a sword since then, she just wants to stab a sword that represents absolute killing intent. In front of her eyes is no longer the appearance of this small courtyard, but a beating heart.

The heart will soon stop beating, as long as you…

Ouyang Yi stared at Xie Xuanzhuo with interest. He held the knife at his waist, imagining that Xie Xuanzhuo had his arm cut off by himself after the riot, and the blood splashed three feet. It must be very interesting.

There was a bang, which woke the two people in the yard. Xie Xuanzhuo was like a drowning person, breathing heavily, she felt weak as if she had woken up from a dream. The tiger-like ghost power receded from her body like a tide, and her reason also returned to the cage.

It turned out that Ming Jingfei was busy coming out to see the sparrows that fell on the eaves, and accidentally knocked over the wine jar in her hand, and the porcelain pieces were broken.

She looked at the unfinished wine with some regret, but fortunately the bird was still obediently staying on the eaves, “Little turtle, come and clean up this.”

Seeing Ouyang Yi standing there with a bad face, Ming Jingfei walked over aggressively, grabbed Xie Xuanzhuo by the ear, and dragged her to the door, “Clean up the debris.”

Seeing this scene, Ouyang Yi’s expression darkened slightly. He didn’t want to give Kunze the impression of being rude and savage, especially this kind of cold-looking beauty.

“Xiaosheng hasn’t asked the girl’s name yet,” Ouyang Yi said loudly, looking at the graceful back of Ming Jingfei feeding the birds with rice.

“The little girl’s name is not worth mentioning, how dare you say it so easily that it will stain the ears of adults.” Ming Jingfei didn’t turn her head back, still teasing the bird that flew to the window edge, as if there was no one around He hummed an unknown little song.

The people in the courtyard didn’t understand what she was singing, they just felt light and light, and they forgot their troubles, as if they could do nothing.

“Girl, this is nothing but an ordinary bird, with a fat body and short and weak claws,” Ouyang Yi put his hands behind his back, walked behind Ming Jingfei, and said loudly:

“If you like it, I will send you two superb lacquer-headed phoenixes from Fenghuai the other day. They have snow-white feathers and a graceful figure, which match the beauty of a girl.”

The birds on the eaves of the window flew away as if frightened, and Ming Jingfei turned around.

“It matches my stunning beauty,” she covered her mouth and grinned, “Does it match my stunning beauty who likes to play with mud? My lord, did you miss it?”

“Playing with mud?” Ouyang Yi was puzzled. Ming Jingfei’s words always made him feel like his brain was like a rusty windmill.

Ming Jingfei walked past Ouyang Yi and pulled up Xie Xuanzhuo, who was squatting on the ground, and the broken porcelain pieces in the girl’s hands fell to the ground.

She stretched out her pale fingers, tapped on Xie Xuanzhuo’s pale and trembling lips, and pressed them repeatedly. Fu put that finger back in his mouth and tasted it lightly, showing an unparalleled smile as if he had tasted some unparalleled delicacy.

She ignored other people’s expressions, but silently sucked her fingers, and Xie Xuanzhuo’s white and fragile face was reflected in her ancient mirror-like pupils.

Only her voice was thin and crisp:

“Of course I’m playing with this kind of mud that can’t support the wall.”

“What fun.”

Icy cold fingers pressed on her hot cheeks, the smell of white rosin just calmed Xie Xuanzhuo’s restless blood, she unconsciously stuck out the tip of her tongue, wanting to lick off what was pressed by her fingers The touch is like being hit by a demon.

“Playing with mud, it’s interesting.” Xie Xuanzhuo smiled bitterly in his heart, feeling that he really didn’t understand what the girl was thinking.

If she hadn’t smashed the wine jar in time just now, she might have made an irreversible move out of her mood. Even if she could kill Ouyang Yi, it would only be a temporary success.

She knows that she is still too weak, and blind brute force and impulsiveness will only bring disaster. She didn’t live her life hard not to be insulted, she just wanted to get it back, get it back, everything that was taken away.

“Look at me again and goug out your eyes.” Ming Jingfei said viciously in her ear, putting aside Xie Xuanzhuan’s face. She didn’t want to see Xie Xuanzhuo’s eyes at the moment, so lonely, as if a flame was burning.

For a moment, she felt that the flames seemed to burn up everything in the world, including the owner of the flames.

Xie Xuanzhuo came back to his senses and lowered his head again.

“Sir, Lord Duwei, I have bought everything.” A tall, dark-skinned soldier came back from the small courtyard, his simple and honest face was full of sweat, “I bought both the grass and rough noodles. Now, the store gave me a full 50 pounds, and our horses can eat a full meal.”

“Fifty pounds?” Ouyang Yi saw that the forage pulled back by the ox cart was piled high, and he almost fainted. He said with a gloomy face:

“Are you **** feeding pigs? Go and grind five catties of forage into juice, and feed the rest directly to horses.”

“Lord Duwei, can the forage be ground into juice? Why do our horses eat thiocyanate?” The grinder is gone.

When he turned around, he saw that Xie Xuanzhuo picked up the broken piece of porcelain and just cut his finger. The mud and blood were mixed together, so disgusting.

The kitchen was filled with smoke and smoke, and the soldiers came in and out, making a lot of noise. Ming Jingfei deliberately fetched a bucket of water as she passed by in the yard.

“Girl, do you know how to cook?” Ouyang Yi always believed in the principle of a gentleman who cooks far away from the kitchen. He knew very little about the stove, and when he saw Ming Jingfei passing by, he wanted to talk.

“What are you… doing?”

“The girl also heard it just now, that fool is the honorable Royal Highness. Since Her Royal Highness has been away from home for a long time, and staying in this barren and barren place, she must miss the food of her hometown very much. I want to present a great gift to His Highness.”

“Big gift,” Ming Jingfei looked around. Although there were fewer guards outside the courtyard, they were still tight. If she wanted to contact others, it seemed that she had to wait until the dead of night.

Ouyang Yi kneaded the yellow-brown dough into small rounds and placed it on the chopping board.

“Girl, I advise you to leave here as well,” Ouyang Yi considered his words, lest he would offend the beauty, “Don’t follow such a scourge, as the saying goes, beauty matches heroes, you are like this A beautiful woman, why spend time with her.”

“Sir, didn’t you say she is the fifth princess?” Ming Jingfei pretended not to know, her eyelashes

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