Rebirth O is Always Fishing For Me

Chapter 89

Chapter 87: Previous Life Extra 2

“Xiao Xie Xiaoxie, what, you like her?” Zhu Xi patted Xie Xuanzhuo on the shoulder and asked with a smile:

“If these people are just for money, it’s not bad if you spend a little more money and take this woman home to be a concubine.”

At this moment, Qianyuan in black, who wanted to sell that Kunze at a high price, looked at Xie Xuanzhuo with a satisfied look, and in his eyes was hiding the ruthlessness of the merchant’s philistine and the thief.

But at this time, Xie Xuanzhuo’s eyes were clearly no longer looking at the beautiful Kunze.

She looked back at the sword in her hand and shook her head, “Just kidding, go back to sleep.”

Hearing the words, Zhu Xi was also a little stunned, obviously Xie Xuanzhuo’s expression did not look like someone who was not touched at all, why did he suddenly change his attitude.

Xie Xuanzhuo had returned to his room with a lack of interest, but just as he was about to sit down, he heard Zhu Xi’s voice.

“Xiao Xie, you really don’t come to join in the fun, isn’t it a pity that such a beautiful little lady was spoiled by others?”

“No.” With a gentle smile on Xie Xuanzhuo’s face, in the semi-dark room, he actually showed a rare exhaustion.

“Thank you.” Xie Xuanzhuo took the liquor, held the bowl to his lips, and smiled, as if he drank it all.

Seeing this, Zhu Xi half-heartedly retreated to the bustling deck, where people were close to frantically roaring the number of gold and silver, and even smashing gold and silver To the charming and charming Kunze in the center.

Xie Xuanzhuan withdrew the smile on his lips, quietly lying on the small bed with his sword in his arms, and closed his eyes.

However, this short-lived calm was soon broken again as expected by Xie Xuanzhuo.

“Xiao Xie Xiao Xie,” Zhu Xi burst Xie Xuanzhuan’s door with blood on his chest, “Run, those people are really not things, they want to eat black after receiving money Black, now everyone is fighting.”

In the darkness, Xie Xuanzhuo opened his eyes quickly, but he sat up very slowly and followed Zhuxi out. The deck was really bloody, and the bodies of several people fell down. .

The roar of swords was incessant, Zhu Xi clutched his chest and said weakly: “That bastard, while we are all drunk, he wants to steal money and kill people. Now everyone is lost, and it is estimated that there are only a few people left. ”

“Zhu Xi, are you injured by a knife?” Xie Xuanzhuo walked out along the side of the boat and suddenly asked aloud.

“Knife injury?” Zhu Xi was stunned for a moment, and then said anxiously: “Yes, yes, knife injury, fortunately I reacted quickly, otherwise I would really become a ghost under the knife.”

“I remember there was a small boat on this ship, let’s take the boat and leave.”

“Ah? You, don’t you go check the situation?”

Not far away, the charming Kunze was being torn by two or three big men. She bit her lower lip and held onto the mast tightly, so as not to let herself be swayed by these evil intentions tow away, even if it doesn’t work.

“Why are you going?” Xie Xuanzhuo’s amber eyes were full of indifference, “I came here just to find Shannahai.”

Xie Xuanzhuo cast a contemptuous look, “Don’t think that those two rabbits will come to save you, they will become my dead souls after a while.”

The sea under the night was relatively calm, Xie Xuanzhuo drew his sword and walked straight in the direction of Kunze.

The rosy eyes seemed to be deeper and clearer because someone wanted to save him.

However, the person who drew the sword just passed her, and the eyes of the two barely met in the air, just staggered.

“Don’t think that if you dress luxuriously, you won’t be able to treat our brothers as human beings.” These big men noticed Xie Xuanzhuan’s actions and looked at her with contempt, “Would you like us to let you Enjoy the service of this Kunze first, lest you never drive meat before you die.”

Xie Xuanzhuo was still leaning on the edge of the boat to search for the boat tied under the boat, turning a deaf ear to the threats and jokes of these people.

The woman finally lost all her strength and was lightly grabbed by the big man, and she was about to be pulled into the house.

The woman pulled the crumbling wooden door with her fingers, so hard that her fingernails snapped and bloodshot oozing red, she whispered:

“Thank you sir.”

The woman was finally pulled into the room weakly, and Xie Xuanzhuo had also found a boat that looked very sturdy.

Xie Xuanzhuo’s sword turned twice in his hand, but sighed softly.


, lining her thin cheeks like fresh snow.

The disheveled woman in the room sobbed softly and huddled in the corner of the bed, but after seeing Xie Xuanzhuo, her bright and innocent eyes lit up slightly, and she ran behind Xie Xuanzhuan timidly, White and tender fingertips stretched out from the sleeves and pulled the corners of the dark green dress.

There were only five or six people left on the boat, Xie Xuanzhuo still held the sword, sitting cross-legged on the cleaned deck and closed his eyes.

The charming woman sat timidly not far or near, and at first she kept looking at Xie Xuanzhuo, and after a while she fell asleep with tears in her eyes.

The clothes on her body are still unbearable for Zhu Xi, so she covered her own.

Under the shadow of the sky and clouds, this woman is still amazingly beautiful even if she is only asleep.

“Xiao Xie, you should have a good relationship with this woman. They are such beautiful people who have absorbed the soul of the deceased. The experiences and emotions of others have endowed them with beautiful faces, and they are naturally seductive. extremely.”

“Drained the soul of the dead?” Xie Xuanzhuo frowned slightly.

“It’s also an evil method, an evil method. It was originally the ancestor of the Golden Witch who didn’t want to accept the fact that his lover died, and used the evil method to integrate his lover’s appearance and character into the Juan people with special physique.” Zhu Xi smiled ambiguously, “But such a beautiful person is really beautiful, and getting one is a blessing.”

“So that’s what it is… It’s really irresistible…” Xie Xuanzhuo sighed softly.

“Yeah, Xiao Xie, look at you, you won’t be able to pass the Beauty Pass in the end. Your swordsmanship just now is really not verbose at all, and you have beaten those color embryos to the ground.” Zhu Zhu Xi raised his eyebrows and looked at the woman, then turned around and sat beside Xie Xuanzhuo.

I thought that Xie Xuanzhuo would still be as scrupulous as before, but who knew that this time she just looked at the woman quietly and said softly:

“I just suddenly remembered a person who happened to be somewhat similar.”

“Is it just a bit similar? Isn’t that person your old face?” Zhu Xi smiled with a wink.

“Well.” Xie Xuanzhuo wanted to say more, but couldn’t.


Xie Xuanzhuo shook his head, with a bleak expression between his eyebrows and eyes, “It’s too late.”

“Why, then Kunze married someone else, or changed his mind? Let me tell you, these little girls are always playful, some are beautiful, and they play with people, they are really called a It’s tragic. After a long time, people can’t let go.”

Hearing Zhu Xi’s words, Xie Xuanzhuo was stunned for a moment. After a long time, she looked back at Zhu Xi with a faint smile, “She is dead.”

Zhu Xi was stunned for a moment, with a choked expression, she rubbed her hands, not knowing how to comfort Xie Xuanzhuo, her dark face blushed for a while, very funny.

At this moment, the people on the side shouted that the fish was caught, big fish, big fish, which caused several people to laugh and join in for a long time.

“There are so many fewer people, so I can eat extra food today. I eat dry food these days, and my mouth is peeling.”

“Come, come, cook the fish.”

Last night’s bloodshed didn’t seem to have any effect on these people, and they were all ready to eat happily.

However, if you think about it, it is also a small profit to take a cent of those dead people’s money.

It’s just a pity that they can’t get this beautiful Kunze.

After all, last night, Xie Xuanzhuo slashed open the wooden door with a sword and nailed the three people to the wall.

& nbsp;

Xie Xuanzhuo also got up and prepared to go back with the sword in her arms, but she heard the woman calling out a delicate thank you, and she stopped.

Seeing Xie Xuanzhuo stop, she was very happy in her eyes, so she called out timidly and looked down at her toes.

“How do you know my surname?” Xie Xuanzhuo looked at the woman’s white and delicate feet, and found another pair of shoes for her.

“Last night, I heard someone call you Xiao Xie…because my senses are very sharp, so I can hear it.” At this time, the woman’s skin was rosy and delicate, her lips were delicate, and a pair of water His eyes looked at Xie Xuanzhuo intently.

“So that’s how it is.” Xie Xuanzhuo didn’t ask the woman why she asked for help. She looked back at the woman’s eyes and smiled lightly, showing infinite indifference in her flirtatiousness.

“Master Xie, why do you always feel familiar when you look at me?” The boat was bumpy, a wave hit, the woman stood unsteadily, and put one hand on Xie Xuanzhuo’s arm.

The warm skin touched, the woman felt the incredible coldness of Xie Xuanzhuo’s arm, she was stunned, she looked up at Xie Xuanzhuo slightly, her eyes were deep with affection, “Is it because we knew each other?”

“No,” Xie Xuanzhuo looked at her for a while, and said slowly and firmly, “We never met.”

“Really?” The woman tilted her head and smiled slyly, “You Qianyuan always lie. So, can the little girl know your name?”

“Xie Tang,” Xie Xuanzhuo didn’t look at the woman, but looked at the golden sea with some fascination, with black hair fluttering in the wind, “One name is one Tang.”

“Xie Tang,” the short two words hovered on the tip of the woman’s tongue like stamens, soaked with a soft breath, “Xie Tang, have we ever met?”

“What about your first and last name?” Xie Xuanzhuo didn’t answer the woman’s words, and asked the second question with red lips.

I saw the woman’s blonde hair flying, her expression bright and brilliant, she smiled lightly, pointed to Xie Xuanzhuo’s heart and said:

“I don’t need a name here. When you see me, the name you call in your heart is my first name.”

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