Rebirth of a fishing village: starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 10 Really want to repair the ship!

Zhao Dahai returned home in the dark, and his grandma Zhong Cuihua was sitting in the main room weaving nets. As long as people in the village were not lazy, they would have endless work to do every day.

Zhao Dahai walked into the kitchen and began to cook. The oyster meat that had just been pried off the reef had to be washed, otherwise his mouth would be full of small gravel or oyster shell dregs. Wash the oyster meat several times, put the water drained on the basket for a while, heat the oil in a pan, pour it down, under the dim light, the sticky, slippery dark gray oyster meat suddenly turns white It swelled up all of a sudden, and a umami taste rushed up. I couldn't help swallowing saliva, and the fire was burning fiercely. It was cooked in less than five minutes. I didn't sprinkle any salt. I poured some sauce wine, smoked firewood, and put out the fire. , put two big bowls of rice, put the oysters with juice directly on top of the rice, and carried them to the main room to share a bowl with grandma Zhong Cuihua.


too delicious.


It is so fragrant!

Zhao Dahai burped when he was full. He would feel hungry if he didn't eat even one meal. He felt happy after eating and drinking enough.

eight pm.

Sunrise and sunset.

The fishing village slowly became quiet.

Zhao Dahai walked out of the yard and looked up at the sky. The clouds were very thick tonight, the moon was hiding somewhere, there was no light, and the surroundings were pitch black. The wind was a little strong, blowing the treetops and whining.

Zhao Dahai took a flashlight and walked along the village path, and unknowingly reached the small pier by the seaside. There is no moonlight, the sea is as black as ink, and the small fishing boats parked are swaying and rising and falling with the waves.

Zhao Dahai patted his head. A few days ago, he had been thinking about repairing the fishing boat left by his father and mother to go fishing and make money. He turned around and walked to the beach, passing through a small forest, and there were seven or eight boats parked in the open space. Fishing boats, this is the place where some old fishing boats that are not used in the village are parked. I scanned them with a flashlight and found them immediately. A good mood, unchangeable facts, and a good life, this is what my parents want to see most in heaven.

Zhao Dahai looked at the fishing boat carefully with a flashlight. Just as he thought before, when the accident happened, he had been submerged in the sea for half a year and exposed to the wind and sun for two years on the beach. There was no problem with most of the ship's planking, so I was relieved that it wasn't complicated to repair.

"Big baby."

"What are you doing here?"

Zhao Dahai looked back and saw someone walking towards him with a flashlight in his hand. He thought carefully about the familiar voice he heard, and thought of a person.

"Second grandfather?"

Zhao Dahai shouted.


"it's me!"

Zhao Dahai waited for a while, and an old man with white beard and hair came up to him. He was his grandfather's younger brother, Zhao Shi. and left.

"Third Grandpa!"

"Are you new here?"

Zhao Dahai stretched out his hand to help Zhao Shi.


"After dinner, I didn't have anything to do. I walked towards the pier and happened to see you. Come and have a look."

Zhao Shi looked at the upside-down fishing boat and sighed.

"Second grandfather."

"I'm going to fix this ship."

Zhao Dahai knew that Zhao Shi saw him walking behind the forest, he was worried, worried that he would do something stupid, and followed him, but he didn't say anything about it, pretending not to understand Zhao Shi's thoughts, shining the flashlight on the fishing boat, and said own plan.

"Are you going fishing at sea?"

"That requires a boat."

"My father and mother left this boat. It's just that some of the boards are broken. It can be repaired and used."

"However, no matter what happens, it will take ten thousand or eight thousand to do it."

Zhao Shi was silent for a moment and nodded.

"Earn slowly."

"Sooner or later we'll get enough."

Zhao Dahai knew that repairing the fishing boat would cost a lot of money. It is difficult for a place like a fishing village to make money. There is no supportive home. There is definitely not much money in the market, and the money for repairing the ship has to be figured out by yourself. Eight thousand dollars is not a small amount. I only have a few hundred yuan from the last sale of crab goby. However, don’t worry, as long as you work hard, you will be able to Save enough money.

Zhao Shichen nodded and said nothing.

Zhao Dahai and Zhao Shi walked back together. When they arrived at the entrance of the village, they went home respectively.

Five o'clock in the morning.

The summer in the fishing village dawns early, and a hint of fish belly white is already visible on the horizon.

The chickens were out looking for food, and the dogs were running around the whole village.

Zhao Dahai carried a bucket full of water and walked to the back of the house. The sea was windy and the water disperse quickly. The land planted yesterday had to be watered before the sun rose.

After Zhao Dahai finished watering, he carried the empty bucket. As soon as he entered the yard, he saw Zhao Shi and his grandma Zhong Cuihua talking.

"Second Grandpa."

"You came so early?"

"Let's have breakfast together later."

Zhao Dahai was a little strange. He didn't know what Zhao Shi was doing here. In the village, when families are separated, they live their lives separately. Although the blood relationship between bones and tendons is said to be broken, life is miserable haha. I am busy every day. Generally speaking, I will not come to the door for nothing.

Zhao Shi shook his head and said he had already eaten.

"The sea."

"Second Grandpa said you want to repair that ship?"

Zhong Cuihua waved her hand towards Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai nodded, put down the bucket in his hand, walked to Zhong Cuihua and sat on the ground directly, and told Zhao Shi last night that he wanted to repair the boat and go fishing.

"Old sister-in-law."

"What do you think at first glance?"

"Life in the sea is not easy!"

Zhao Shi patted his knees with both hands and sighed.

"The sea."

"What did you think of?"

Zhong Cuihua did not immediately reply to Zhao Shi's words but turned to look at Zhao Shi.


"Life in the sea is really not pleasant."

"It's hard work in the wind and the sun."

"Maybe something happened like my father and mother."

"Second grandfather."

"Who told our ancestors to choose such a place?"

"We rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, and we rely on the sea to eat the sea."

"Fishing is the best way to make money."

"I'm afraid it's useless."

"You have to eat, right? You can't go hungry, right? This will also kill people."

Zhao Dahai sighed inwardly. Zhao Shi did not agree to go fishing on his own and was worried that what happened to his father and mother would happen again. Grandma Zhong Cuihua was also worried.

Go out to work?

This is a way.

However, my grandma Zhong Cuihua is over seventy, and I don't trust her to stay alone in the village.

Not to mention, working part-time can earn a little money.

In recent years, it’s not like no one in the village has gone out to work, there are quite a lot of them.

I had no knowledge or culture, so all I could do was hard work such as moving bricks or working in an electronics factory.

Which one made a lot of money back?

I have seen the village after twenty years, and I can see clearly the fate of going out to work. The elderly at home cannot provide for them, and the children born have lost discipline. A small mansion?

Is it really worth it?

What's wrong with living in a village?

Earn money by fishing down-to-earth, the little mansion is only a few years later, serving grandma, marrying Hu Ding Xiaoxiang to marry a good wife and have a bunch of children, isn't it a good life? Do you have to leave your hometown?

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