Rebirth of a fishing village: starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 12 Digging the Big Blue Crab


"Looks like I can make some money today!"

Zhao Dahai had a smile on his face.

The mangrove ecology is very rich, and there is no shortage of small fish, shrimps, mud snails and sea melons. However, these are small things and not profitable. However, there is one thing that can make money and the price is good, that is, blue crabs, which are common in the sea. They grow crabs and eat small fish and shrimps, etc. They usually grow in places like intertidal muddy beaches and mangroves. During the day, they hide in holes to avoid natural enemies, but more importantly, they hide from the sun. Once they lose water, they will They will die and only come out at night to look for food. This is the blue crab hole in front of you. This time we entered the mangroves, and the mud snails and sea melon seeds were just for starters. The real goal was to dig for mud crabs.

Zhao Dahai was not in a hurry to dig immediately.

There are many holes in the mangroves, especially the earthen dams on both sides of the small ditch. But not all holes are blue crab holes, and it is impossible for all blue crab holes to contain blue crabs. Generally speaking, blue crab holes are relatively flat. In addition, blue crab holes are divided into old and new ones. The old holes are abandoned holes, and the new ones are holes that have just been dug. The blue crab holes are a little shallow, but generally speaking they are deeper. The bigger the holes, the deeper they need to be dug. In order to avoid wasting all your efforts and finding nothing, before digging blue crabs, you must determine whether the hole is a blue crab hole. If so, then determine whether the hole is a new hole or an old hole. If it is a new hole, you must also determine whether there are blue crabs in it. The newly dug hole. It is also possible that there are no blue crabs. This is because when the blue crabs come out of their holes to look for food and find that the sun is rising or the temperature is rising, they will immediately dig one anywhere before returning to their original holes. It is too late to find a small puddle to lie down in.

Zhao Dahai observed carefully. The entrance of the cave was damp and rough, with a puddle of granular black mud. I reached out and pinched it, and there was obviously water. This was new mud that had just been dug out not long ago. There were slender marks scratched by sharp objects such as knives or branches near the entrance of the cave. This is caused by the claws of blue crabs when they crawled. I carefully looked at the area of ​​two square meters around the entrance of the hole. There are only traces less than half a square meter at the entrance of the hole. They all extend from the outside in. They are left behind by crawling in. .

Blue Crab Cave! new! There are blue crabs in it.

Zhao Dahai didn't hesitate at this time, and dug directly with a hoe. The mangroves were full of tree roots, which was difficult to dig. At the same time, tree species were protected and could not be dug. However, there were no mangroves growing on both sides of the ditch. There were no roots, and the soil was generally soft. , use your arms hard, divide it by three and five, and dig down half a meter deep in one go.

Zhao Dahai stopped immediately when he saw water at the bottom of the pit. Blue crabs need to be soaked in sea water to prevent them from dehydrating and dying, but at the same time they cannot remain submerged in sea water and need to breathe. When blue crabs dig holes, they will stop when they reach the water and dig a little deeper. They hide in the holes during the day by lying on the waterline. When digging blue crabs, you must stop as soon as you see water. Don't use a hoe to dig violently. Otherwise, if the hoe goes down, the blue crab will be split into two halves or the claws will be broken, and you won't be able to sell it for money.

Zhao Dahai pulled a few times to clean up the soil dug out by the hoe, and piled it high around the hole to prevent the water from the ditch from pouring in. He reached out and carefully dug out the hole at the water line, and expanded it while cleaning.

Zhao Dahai held the edge of the dug hole with his left hand and grabbed a ball of mud with his right hand. It was not big or small and could be held in one hand. He leaned down and pushed the mud ball in front of his hand into the hole.

Blue crabs have amazingly strong pliers. If you are a big old blue crab, you can break the chopsticks with the force of the pliers. If your fingers touch it, the skin and flesh will be torn apart. If you are unlucky, the bones of your fingers will be broken.

There are no blue crabs in the hole. Blindly reaching out to dig them out is like seeking death. Rub a ball of mud in your hands and push it in. Once it encounters a blue crab, it will be directly burned in the face. In addition, the hole is narrow - blue crabs dig holes. It is tailor-made according to its size. It is impossible to make a three-bedroom, two-living room or a hall of one hundred square meters - no matter how powerful the pliers are, there will be no use for it.

Zhao Dahai moved very slowly and stretched out half of his forearm. When he reached the bottom of the cave, he encountered a hard object. He pushed forward with a little force and the hard object moved.

Blue crab!

Zhao Dahai was so excited that his heart skipped a beat.

The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish! The bigger the hole, the bigger the blue crab. The opening of this hole is more than twenty centimeters wide. If it is not there, it will be large.

Zhao Dahai stabilized his mind. The most important thing at this time was not to be afraid of running away, but to catch the blue crab safely and smoothly. He pushed forward hard and pushed the mud ball in front of his hand. Feeling a little uneasy, he caught it again. Go in a small ball of mud and squeeze the blue crab tightly. If it is small, one hand will do. However, the one in the cave is larger. Put two hands in, spread ten fingers, and push hard against the wall of the cave. The first time I dug in, a ball of mud the size of a football was dug out together. The sea mud pressed down on the blue crab's pincers, so it couldn't stretch out and pinch people. The mud ball was put into a mesh bag and soaked in the ditch for a few times. Sea mud is scattered.


"This head is really good!"

Zhao Dahai picked up the net bag and saw a blue crab weighing more than one and a half kilograms with its teeth and claws dancing. There is abundant food in the mangroves, including big and plump blue crabs. A half-pound crab costs forty-one pounds, and a pound of crab can reach fifty or sixty, so you can only earn one hundred and eighty yuan. I caught the blue crabs from the net bag and tied them with a thin vine on the edge of the ditch. The blue crabs were so strong that if they were not tied properly, the pliers would fall off easily if they struggled. Once they were dropped, the price would be greatly reduced and half of them would disappear immediately.

Make money!

Zhao Dahai felt happy, took a drink of water, took a rest, filled back the dug hole, and walked forward along the small ditch carrying a mesh bag and a small hoe.

The sun hangs in the sky.

The mangroves are airtight.

There is no cover on the top of the ditch.

It's as hot as a steam oven with a fire.

Zhao Dahai was sweating profusely, his clothes were wet and dry, and covered with a fine layer of white salt frost. The seawater in the ditch was already hot from the sun.

Zhao Dahai looked at the mesh bag in his hand and didn't feel tired at all. In two or three hours, he dug out five blue crabs, each weighing more than a kilogram. He got another three to four hundred yuan. .

Work hard!

Come on!

Roll up your sleeves and work hard!

Earn enough money to repair your fishing boat as soon as possible so that you can go fishing.

Zhao Dahai stepped on the water and kept walking forward until the sun set in the west. Halfway through, the sun seemed to disappear. It was so dark in the mangrove that it was almost impossible to see clearly.

Zhao Dahai stopped wading in the water, went up to the earth dam, walked along the edge of the ditch, turned on the flashlight, and kept shining on the mangroves on the side. The tide had not yet come in, and there were mudflats under the mangroves. From time to time, a few small red crabs about the size of a thumb crawled out of the hole. One had big pincers and the other was too small. These were fiddler crabs. Things like mangroves were densely packed, and sometimes they even climbed directly into the trees. , when you get into the mangroves, you have to be careful that this thing falls from your head to your neck. It's not particularly painful when you pinch it, it's not as painful as a blue crab, but it's very uncomfortable when you're startled and you pinch it at the same time.

Zhao Dahai's target is not these fiddler crabs. No one really wants these things. Blue crabs are the target. Mangroves are not small ditches where blue crab holes can be found. There are more in mangroves, but they cannot be dug. If you can wait to run out of the hole, night is the best time. As soon as it gets dark, the blue crabs will come out of the hole to look for food. About ten minutes passed, and the first one was harvested. Another ten minutes passed. Found another blue crab.

"Is this the time to get rich?"

Zhao Dahai's eyes widened even more, not letting go of any inch that the flashlight swept across.

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