Rebirth of a fishing village: starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 14

Zhao Dahai opened his eyes and turned to look at the window. It was already bright. He got up immediately and got dressed. As soon as he walked out of the yard, he saw his grandma Zhong Cuihua walking in with a bucket.



"Wait until I get up to do this!"

“It’s within an hour or two.”

Zhao Dahai saw that Zhong Cuihua had gone to water the vegetable field.


"How can everything be waiting for you to do it?! It's not impossible to pour some water."

Zhong Cuihua shook her head. Zhao Dahai has been very busy these days. The seeds that have just been planted need to be watered every day. This is not a heavy job. If you can do it yourself, help out.

Zhao Dahai took the bucket, walked to the corner and put it down. He opened the lid of a large bucket on the ground and looked at the blue crabs dug up yesterday. There was nothing wrong with them. He originally wanted to sell them today, but the distance between the village and the town was Not far away, I sell a dozen large blue crabs at a time. People in my village or other villages must know what is going on. Blue crabs have strong vitality. If you soak them in some sea water, they will not die in half a month or even a month. This In a few days, I will go into the mangrove forest a few more times, and I can dig the blue crabs I can find and sweep them together before selling them.

Zhao Dahai picked up the dustpan with the meat of mud snails and sea melon seeds to dry, walked out of the yard, put it on the pile of stones at the door, and picked up the meat of the mud snails and sea melon seeds. The wind on the seaside was strong, so he only hung it up to dry last night, so it blew in the yard. One night, the flesh of mud snails is large and thick, and is 30 to 40% dry. The flesh of sea melon seeds is small, and it is 50 to 60% dry. Now during the day, with the wind not blowing and the sun, at the end of the day, the meat is 77 to 88% dry. If you put it up and dry it in the sun from time to time, it can be stored for a long time.

"The sea."

"Where did you get these mud snails and sea melon seeds?"

"This piece of meat is quite big!"

Zhao Dahai turned around and saw Ma Hongyu.

"Aunt Ma."

"Where are you going?"

“Where do you work at the dock?”

"This thing is worthless, no one wants it, can it not grow up? I'll get some back and dry it, and eat it when there is no food."

"Where did you get it?"

"On the edge of the mangrove forest! Few people go there, this thing is bigger."

Zhao Dahai greeted with a smile. Mud snails and sea melon seeds, especially sea melon seeds, sell for five or six yuan a pound in the city. However, not many people are interested in these things in the villages near the sea. If you want to eat them, you can find dozens, twenty, or even hundreds of kilograms in any place in the sea. , eating until vomiting.


"There are such big mud snails and sea melon seeds on the edge of the forest in Hongcun?"

"This is a good method. Dry it and save it. When you don't want to buy vegetables, grab a handful, cut a radish or stir-fry a few garlic sprouts or something, and stir-fry it together to make a dish? I really need to get some someday. return."

Ma Hongyu has been in the village for thirty years, so she really doesn't know where there are such big mud snails and sea melon seeds nearby.

"Who says it isn't?"

“Where do you get the money to buy meat every day!?”

Zhao Dahai nodded.

Ma Hongyu chatted for a while before turning and leaving.

Zhao Dahai smiled. Each of the aunts and uncles in the village had their own plans. Ma Hongyu had just been looking at the mud snails and sea melon seeds in her dustpan. They were indeed not rare things, but when she saw the size, they were relatively small. Big, immediately inquired, maybe one day there will be a place to dig if you want to eat. In these places near the village, people like Ma Hongyu are more familiar with them than themselves, and they can't deal with them. If you don't mention the mangroves, it will arouse suspicion. But if you mention them, it will be fine. However, these days, you have to seize the time to enter the mangroves to get ahead of others. Dig more and catch more blue crabs before you find them to save yourself a long night and a lot of dreams.

Zhao Dahai continued to carefully pull out the mud snails and sea melon seeds in the dustpan, making sure to turn them all over so that they could be dried thoroughly. After finishing this task, he finished breakfast and carried a bag of mud snails and sea melon seeds that he had specially left last night with his grandma. After saying that, he went out and walked towards Zhao Shi's house. When he stood at the door of the yard, he shouted "Second Grandpa". Only when he heard someone opened the door and walked in.

"Second Grandpa."

"Second Grandma."

Zhao Dahai saw Zhao Shi and Huang Huangtao having breakfast.


"How did you, a kid like you, get here?!"

"Come! Sit down."

"Second Grandma will fill a bowl of porridge for you."

Golden Peach stood up as she spoke.

Zhao Dahai stopped Huang Jintao and had already had breakfast.

"Second Grandpa."

"Yesterday I went into the mangrove forest."

"I touched some mud snails and sea melon seeds."

"Bring you some."

Zhao Dahai said as he put down the mud snails and sea melon seeds he was carrying. If he didn't bring the green crab, it wasn't because he couldn't bear to part with it. If he brought it, Zhao Shi would definitely not want it. It was something that could be sold for money. Taking it would be equivalent to taking his own money, so he definitely had to take it back. Mud snails and sea melon seeds are not rare things. Bring them to Zhao Shi for a taste so he won't shirk them.


"Why are you digging this thing in the mangroves?! You can't sell it for money."

Zhao Shi frowned. Mud snails and sea melon seeds couldn't be sold for money, so the effort wasn't worth it.

"I don't plan to sell it."

"Cook, pick and dry the meat."

“A variety of food in the bowl.”

Zhao Dahai really has no intention of selling these sea melon seeds and mud snails.

Zhao Shi's face looked better.

Zhao Dahai sat for a while, stood up and left to do some work in the fields. In addition, he had planned to enter the mangroves for the past two days and needed to prepare.

"This kid, Dahai, seems to have changed his gender. He's starting to live a better life."

"Put the house in order."

"The vegetable plot has been dug and planted. I almost had a fight with Sun Minghua."

Huang Huangtao escorted Zhao Dahai out of the yard, turned back, pulled up a chair and sat next to Zhao Shi.


"Sun Minghua has taken over the land of Zhao Dahai's family. Even if he is beaten to death, there will be nothing to say."

Zhao Shi curled his lips. Zhao Dahai did a good job in this matter. Life in the village is not that simple. You must fight for what needs to be fought. If you cannot keep your own things, the whole village will look down upon you.

"Catching crabs and selling fish a few days ago."

"I made some money. I didn't spend it randomly. I just bought rice oil and other things. My sister-in-law said I would buy her red date cake. You are so sensible!"


"My old sister-in-law can relax now and die in peace."

Jintao wiped the corner of her eyes. Zhao Shi and Zhao Dahai's grandfather were brothers, and their families were separated, but their blood was thicker than water. Two years ago, something happened to Zhao Dahai's father and mother when they went fishing at sea. Only Zhao Dahai and Zhong Cuihua were left in the family. Life was very difficult. What was even worse was that Zhao Dahai was ignorant and lazy. Now it seems that everything is in the past. In the past few days, Zhao Dahai has cleaned up the house, planted the land, caught crab goby and sold it for money. Now I know how to go into the mangrove forest, dig mud snails and snails, and dry sea melon seeds to eat as vegetables. This is living a down-to-earth life.

Zhao Shi picked up the hookah placed on the wall, took out shredded tobacco from the bag, kneaded a small ball into the cigarette holder, lit it, and took several puffs, his face tensed.

At first glance, Jintao knew that something must be wrong.

"The sea wants to fix that ship."

Zhao Shi blew out thick smoke.


"What about this trip?"

"I have to talk to my sister-in-law!"

Golden Tao screamed and stood up immediately.

"What are you doing?"

"I said this. The old sister-in-law nodded in agreement."

Zhao Shi shook his head.

"Going to sea is a dangerous thing."

"Why does Da Hai have to go fishing? Can you find something else to do?"

"Didn't Dadong and Xiaodong do a good job in Electronic Stone? It's four thousand yuan a month! It's hard work, but it's safe to stay in the factory!"

"Why don't you let Dahai go to work with Dadong and Xiaodong?"

Huang Jintao sat down slowly, her mouth was trembling, and she kept nagging.

Zhao Shi's face became even uglier. He had this idea, but Zhao Dahai was not happy with it. Zhong Cuihua nodded again. The key is that Zhao Dahai was right. Zhong Cuihua was old. She couldn't live without someone around her. She had to go out to sea to catch fish. Is there anything else you can do to make money with fish?

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