Rebirth of a fishing village: starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 19 The fence is up!

Zhao Dahai walked out of the yard after breakfast. The wind was blowing very strong. He glanced at the sea in the distance. White-headed waves continued one after another. In this weather, no fishing boats dared to go out to sea. They all stopped at the small pier in front of the village.

Zhao Dahai thought of the vegetable patch behind the yard and walked over immediately. He saw that there were more sprouting vegetable seeds. He couldn't delay anymore. He originally planned to go to the town to sell blue crabs today, but he changed his mind last night. There was nothing to do today. Well, the fence needs to be put up as soon as possible.

Zhao Dahai took the hatchet, told Zhong Cuihua to cut bamboo, and then went out to the back of the village.

After Zhong Cuihua finished her blue crab porridge, she walked to the main room and sat down. She was about to weave a fishing net when someone called her outside the door. In response, the courtyard door was pushed open.

"Golden peach."

"How did you get here?!"

"Have you had breakfast?!"

"Zhao Dahai wanted me to try something new, so he killed two blue crabs to make porridge. There are still some in the pot."


"Each one costs dozens of dollars. Isn't it a waste for us to eat?!"

"A little fish and shrimp are enough. Why don't you eat it? It's all to fill your stomach."

Zhong Cuihua stood up, pulled a chair beside her, turned and walked towards the kitchen.

Huang Jintao grabbed Zhong Cuihua, shook her head, and came here only after eating breakfast.


"This child of Dahai is filial."

"You can eat it after you cook it."

"Bring you some sweet potatoes freshly dug from the ground."

Huang Jintao put down the small basket in her hand and looked at Zhong Cuihua carefully as she spoke. The sad look on her face in the past two years suddenly disappeared. When she spoke, she smiled and her face became a little rosier.

"Golden peach."

"Hey, you want to talk about the children of the sea repairing fishing boats and going fishing?!"

Zhong Cuihua took the net shuttle to mend the fishing net. Huang Jintao came to him and must have talked about this.

"The old man Zhao Shina told me that the sea wants to repair the fishing boat and go fishing."

"I think going out to sea to fish depends on what the Sea Dragon King wants."

"No one knows when to get angry."

"According to me, this kid like Dahai shouldn't go out to sea to fish. Dadong and Xiaodong are working outside. They don't have much money, two to three thousand yuan a month. If they are willing to put in the effort to work, they can get four to five thousand yuan. "


Golden Peach pulled the fishing net open so that Zhong Cuihua could mend it more easily.

Zhong Cuihua didn't speak, and shook her head after a while.


"Old sister-in-law."

"What on earth are you thinking?!"

"What happened to Dahai's father and mother happened two years ago."

Golden Peach was a little anxious.

"Hai Dahai's children were really a bit of a bastard in the first two years."

"Mom and dad are gone, this is normal."

"But all this has passed. In the past few days, I have been living a steady life."

"In the past two years, I was afraid that I would die and would not be able to see my parents in the sea."

"Don't worry about that now."

"Hai Dahai has had ideas since he was a child."

“No one can stop you from doing what you want to do.”

"I am getting older. This child must not want to leave the village."

"You have to do something to make money if you stay in the village, right?!"

"In the future, I will have a wife and a baby. Which of these things doesn't require money?!"

"If you don't go out to sea to fish, what else can you do?!"

Huang Huangtao listened to Zhong Cuihua's words and didn't know what to say for a long time.

Who doesn’t know that fishing in the sea is very hard in the wind and sun? !

Who doesn’t know that fishing at sea is dangerous?

But what can be done?

Every family has sutras that are difficult to recite.

There is no sun in the bamboo forest behind the village. The wind is strong and the wind is blowing loudly. It is not stuffy at all and is very suitable for working.

Zhao Dahai chopped a lot of bamboo in one breath, tied it and counted more than a dozen bundles. He estimated that it was almost enough. He took a rest and was about to move it back when he remembered that Liu Bin told him that the fruit trees were planted in the wrong land. Walking to the top of the mountain, you have to see with your own eyes what is going on.

Langtou Village is low in front and high in back.

In front of the village is the sea.

Behind the village are mountains. Which piece of land on the mountain belongs to which family is not something that can be decided now. The ancestors divided it hundreds of years ago. There is nothing to say if the family is extinct. As long as there are people in the family, it will be passed down from generation to generation.

The Stone Mountain is less mud and more stone. It is very barren and cannot be used to grow food or vegetables. It can only grow some fruit trees or other forest trees. There are few fruit trees planted, only three or five of them reach the sky. No matter what kind of fruit tree they are, they can't bear much fruit. They can't bear good fruit and can't be sold for money. Adults and children are greedy to eat what they pick at home. Most of them are pine trees that are drought-resistant and willing to grow. They can be used to cut firewood. When they grow up, they can be used to build houses, make furniture or even repair fishing boats.

Zhao Dahai climbed along the path for about an hour, and reached the halfway point of the mountain. His land was here and the other was on the top of the mountain. He had not been here for several years and almost couldn't find the place. After walking around for several times, he finally found the right direction and left. After a while, I saw someone just walked by the grass on both sides of the narrow path.

Liu Bin is here?

Zhao Dahai continued to walk forward for about ten or twenty minutes. He vaguely saw someone in the woods not far away. He shouted and walked over to see. It was really Liu Bin. He was digging a tree. He chatted for a few words and said seriously. I checked my woodland twice, and the trees have grown a lot taller. I am thinking about cutting off some forked branches in a few days so that the trees can grow taller and straighter. The cut branches can be dried and dragged home to make a fire. Cooking kills two birds with one stone.

Zhao Dahai forgot about the bamboos in the bamboo forest and turned around to go down the mountain without waiting any longer.

Liu Bin wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at Zhao Dahai's back. The smile on his face disappeared. Fortunately, he went up the mountain today.

Zhao Dahai went down the mountain and returned to the bamboo forest. He carried the bamboos one by one and walked to the vegetable field behind his house. He originally wanted to dry them before building a fence, but the weather was bad today and he had nothing else to do. He just went to work right away. The big bamboos and the small ones The bamboo cooperated and began to build a fence.

The sun sets.

The sea breeze is level six or seven.

With the blockage of the house, the wind is much lighter.

Zhao Dahai looked at a half-man-high fence that had been erected along the edge of the vegetable field. The beans and the like had not sprouted, but the vegetable seeds had sprouted. In the morning, there were only a few, but in the evening they had grown a lot. After two or three days, they had grown a lot. Start pulling out the leaves. The chickens and ducks in the village will not let go. They can't live without this thing. After a busy day, I feel full of accomplishment.

Zhao Dahai checked it and found that the fence was very stable. It was windy all day and there was no rain. The soil dried quickly. He went back to the yard to get water and watered it again.


“Where did the sweet potatoes come from?”

Zhao Dahai walked into the kitchen, where Zhong Cuihua was cooking and peeling a sweet potato in his hand, which he remembered not having at home.

Zhong Cuihua said that she brought the golden peaches in the morning and cooked them for dinner. There are endless things to do in the village every day, so we eat whatever we can. I put two more peeled sweet potatoes in and cooked a pot of porridge with the rice. I didn’t finish all of the small miscellaneous rice I caught yesterday. I heated it up and it filled me up. abdomen.

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