Rebirth of a fishing village: starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 2 Catch the sea on a moonlit night and worry about making money


"This is how the same thing?"

"Watching the house being cleaned all day long."

"Who knows?"

"A child without a father and a mother. How pitiful!"


"The prodigal son returns? In a few days, he will have to sneak around again!"

People appeared in twos and threes around. They had been busy cleaning up their houses all day long. They were all from the same village. It was impossible not to attract attention, especially when the fire started and there was a lot of movement. It was dinner time. They all came out and pointed.

Zhao Dahai ignored it, turned around, walked back to the yard, and closed the door. He was far away and could not hear clearly, but there must be nothing good to say. In the past two years, he had heard too much.

Who calls himself a bastard?

Bastards have no human rights!

It’s normal to point and say a few unpleasant words.

Zhao Dahai walked into the kitchen, ordered hay and stuffed it into the stove, put chopped firewood on it, added water to the pot, and started cooking.

"The sea."


"Take this money!"

"Go to the town tomorrow to buy some fun and delicious food!"

Zhao Dahai saw Zhong Cuihua walking in with a smile on her face, holding five dollars in her hand, and handed it over. Someone outside the yard just now shouted to collect the fishing nets. This must be the wages for the completed fishing nets.



"What are you doing?"

"I'm eighteen years old."

"I want to spend my own money to earn it."

"Take this money!"

Zhao Dahai shook his head, placed the low stool next to him, and pulled Zhong Cuihua to sit down.

"Okay, okay!"

"Then grandma keeps it for you. If you need it when you give it away, tell grandma that if you don't need it, I will save it for you to use for your wife or to buy sweets for my great-grandson."

Zhong Cuihua smiled, slowly sat down with her hands on her knees, and casually added a handful of firewood to the stove.

Zhao Dahai felt a little dumbfounded. Saving money to marry a wife is justifiable, but the great-grandson has a long way to go to buy sweets.



"Then you keep it. In two years, I will marry a wife and have three or five children for you to play with."

Zhao Dahai said with a smile that this is Zhong Cuihua's biggest hope.

Zhong Cuihua smiled so hard that she couldn't even see her eyes.

Zhao Dahai cooked the rice, but there was no food at home. He mixed some salt and filled his stomach. After thinking about it, he told Zhong Cuihua that he would go out later and get some food when the tide goes out at nine o'clock tonight.

Zhong Cuihua nodded, eating from the mountains and the sea. It is common to catch the sea. The food that people in the fishing village do not eat on the table are all cooked from the sea. She is too old to do this. Zhao Dahai went around to get some food. Of course.

Zhao Dahai finished washing the dishes, tidied up the kitchen, and returned to the main room. Zhong Cuihua had prepared a mesh bag, a bucket and a flashlight, and a pair of Jiefang shoes were placed on the floor.


"The tide is almost here!"

"I am leaving!"

Zhao Dahai changed his shoes while talking. Zhong Cuihua is weaving a new fishing net. People in the fishing village have no plans to retire. They have to keep working as long as they can. When there is no leisure, there is no stopping, and stopping is useless. Just watch it yourself and don't be too tired.



"Be careful."

Zhong Cuihua nodded, took the net shuttle and smoothed her hair, and continued to weave the fishing net.

Zhao Dahai picked up the bucket, put the mesh bag inside, and took the bucket with a flashlight. He walked out of the yard and strode towards the small pier in front of the village. When he arrived, the sea water had receded, revealing large swathes of seabed tidal flats.

The moon hanging in the sky was so bright that there was no need for a flashlight.

Zhao Dahai looked around as he walked and saw a small pit with some water and a few small stones. He walked quickly over. The water was gone when the tide went out. The small fish, shrimps and crabs that had no time to escape chose to hide in such a pit. The place awaits the next high tide.

Zhao Dahai used the moonlight to see some scattered paw prints around the stone. He gently moved the stone away. The water mixed for a while and soon became clear. There was a stone crab lying motionless. It is common in places with stones on the seashore. A kind of crab, small in size, usually as big as two or three fingers. The one in front of me looks like a fist. It is already quite big. It is an old crab.

Zhao Dahai held the back of the crab with his index and middle fingers together, quickly pressed it into the sand, touched the hard bottom, moved his thumb down, pinched the belly of the crab, picked it up, washed away the mud with the seawater in the puddle, and pulled open the net. Open the bag and throw it in. This is the first harvest tonight. No one buys anything like this at the wet market in the fishing village, but if you grab some and eat it yourself, there's nothing wrong with it and it tastes good.

Zhao Dahai continued to walk forward, specifically looking for the same small pit with stones. In about two hours, he caught more than 20 large and small stone crabs, and picked up half a catty of snails. With good luck, a larger water snail I trapped five or six small mullet fish as big as two fingers. After a lot of effort, I caught them all. Seeing that the tide was almost rising, I turned around and walked to the shore.

Zhao Dahai walked to the shore, found a place on the bottom of the sand, and dug a small hole. After a while, it was filled with sea water. He washed his muddy legs and Jiefang shoes, and looked at the reef area not far away. He shook his head. When he was reborn last night, he climbed up and almost jumped down.

Zhao Dahai went ashore, sat on the beach, and took a rest. He watched the sea water slowly rise and frowned slowly.

It's not difficult to eat at the beach. I just took advantage of the low tide and took a walk. The miscellaneous seafood is enough for myself and my grandma to eat twice. However, I can't live by eating these every day, not to mention, I have to have money to buy rice, flour and oil. Salt, Sauce and Vinegar - You can't sell these things for money.

How can I make some money?

Weaving a fishing net?

Can make some money. However, I can't afford to stay home.

The low tide receded not far away, and the water rose very quickly. After a while, the waves hit the beach.

Zhao Dahai looked at the small pier of the village. In the darkness, lights were lit up, and voices could be heard faintly. These were fishing boats preparing to go out to sea for fishing.

Living in a seaside fishing village, if you work hard and are not picky, it is not difficult to get some food to fill your stomach. However, it is not easy to make money. There is not much land, so we can only grow some vegetables, and we have to buy all the rice. I can only do odd jobs or go fishing.

Odd jobs?

In the past two years, I have been lazy and sneaky, and my reputation has been ruined. It is unlikely that anyone will be willing to invite me.


I started going out to sea with my father when I was ten years old. I have no shortage of fishing skills, but I need a fishing boat to go out to sea.

fishing boat?

buy one?

This is no small amount.

This was only possible after generations of hard work and frugality and tightening of belts.

I am now a pauper.

Don't even think about it.

However, I have my own fishing boat.

I, Zhao Dati, is a well-known fishing expert in dozens of villages around the area. After more than ten years of hard work, he was the first in the village to build a tile-roofed house and the first to buy a fishing boat. Don’t look at the wooden fishing boat that is only seven or eight meters long. But the most important asset for fishermen in a fishing village, a tool for making money, is no worse than buying a Santana at this time. When fishing villages go out to sea, they usually use couple boats. Ever since my wife got married, she and I have gone out fishing together, and the husband and wife have followed each other through the wind and rain. I got on a fishing boat when I was five or six years old. I have always thought that when I grow up, the father and son can fish together, and I can rest at home. Who knows that God will not follow my wishes. On my sixteenth birthday, my father and mother will never go to sea again. return. Half a year later, the people in the village took advantage of the low tide and dragged the boss back with great effort.

The fishing boat sank in the sea for half a year after the accident, and it was exposed to wind and sun for two years on the beach. Many places must have been broken. It is definitely not able to go to sea now, but it can be repaired. It costs a lot of money to buy a boat, so repairing it can save money. More money. With a fishing boat, you can go out to sea to fish and make money.

Zhao Dahai suddenly became excited.

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