Rebirth of a Star General

Chapter 19 - Bearer

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It rained the next day.

He Yan asked He Yunsheng to take some money to invite the craftsmen to repair the decrepit roof. Spring is nearing its end, and summer is coming. The rain will only increase more and more, only the roof of her house is complete. Both He Sui and He Yunsheng had copper basins in their houses, which were used to catch the dripping drops of water. As soon as I entered the house, it seemed to sell pots.

The roof was quickly repaired, using solid blue tiles. He Yan pondered and then changed the quilt pillow in the house, and the broken ones could pull out the cotton.

He Yunsheng stepped into her house and said, “He Yan, come and see!”

He Yan was baffled, seeing He Yunsheng took out a piece of paper from his arms and said to her: “I wrote down all the schools that are still available in the capital yesterday. Would you like to take a look today?”

“Now?” He Yan asked, “Do you want me to go with you?”

He Yunsheng’s face showed a little piercing anger and turned his back, “I just told you!”

“Oh, well, I will accompany you.” He Yan answered.

This young man is awkward, but it’s pretty cute, nothing bad. When He Yan walked into the yard, he saw that the horse that Xiao Jue gave to He Yunsheng yesterday was shrinking in the corner, and He Yunsheng also gave it a simple stable.

The He family was poor and could not afford a horse. They had only raised chickens and ducks in the yard. At this time, there was an extra behemoth, which is really strange. The horse was eating grass with its head down, the forage was wiped clean, the yard was neat and tidy, and it seemed that He Yun was dry.

Seeing He Yan looking at the horse, He Yunsheng proudly said: “Xiangxiang is very beautiful!”

He Yan almost doubted that he had heard it wrong and asked him: “What do you call it?”

“Xiangxiang!” He Yunsheng took it for granted. “I saw it yesterday. She is a female horse. Since she has followed me, I have to give her another name. The name Xiangxiang, the girl will definitely like.”

He Yan: “…just like you are happy.”

I said earlier that He Yunsheng wanted to study more, but He Yunsheng didn’t listen. A person who is so critical of Xiao Jue, if he knows that the horse he sent out was taken by He Yunsheng with such a name, it will surely become a peerless shame in his horse-giving career.

He Yunsheng didn’t feel that he was there. Even though he tried to cover up, he couldn’t stop the joy, and He Yan was too lazy to control him.

The He family had no horses before, and certainly no horse carriage. Therefore, He Yan and He Yunsheng both walked on the street under umbrellas. He Sui went to the school ground early in the morning. He Yan got up this morning and saw that the bruises in the corners of his mouth had dispersed before the night before. He could hardly see them, and he went out without wearing a veil.

The benefits of going directly are not without it. Now that she has a different identity and no worries, she can closely observe the style of Beijing. He Yunsheng wrote a total of four schools on the paper, all of which were left after careful selection. He Yan also looked at it and found that they were all more martial arts.

This is also good. Seeing He Yunsheng’s appearance, he doesn’t seem to intend to go from a civilian position. Of course, he can take out the name “Xiangxiang” for the horse. He is indeed not that piece of material.

The two stopped and bought and ate, but after a day, they read all the schools. He Yunsheng and He Yan discussed and decided to find the nearest school from home. There are many Mr. Wu Xue in this school, and the homework is also well arranged. He Yun can still go to school to practice weapons after school in his life. The tuition is not expensive, one or two dollars a year, the money He Yan wins is enough for him to go to school for several years.

Although He Yunsheng didn’t say it, he was obviously extremely happy. On the way back, there was even some excitement. He Yan passed a tailor shop and thought of tearing He Yunsheng’s clothes that day in Letongzhuang, he said: “I said I would make clothes for you before. Since passing by, choosing a day is better than hitting a day. Do it here.”

Most of He Yunsheng’s clothes were left over from picking up He Sui, and the seams were repaired for another three years. There were very few new clothes. I have never been to such a good tailor shop, and hesitantly heard the words, saying: “Forget it, I just wear it casually.”

“You go to the academy. If you don’t wear it well, you will be ridiculed.” He Yan pulled him in. The tailor was an old man with a kind smile, and only asked: “Is this girl making clothes, or this son making clothes?” what.”

“Do it for him.” He Yan pointed to He Yunsheng: “In the spring and winter seasons, you should do both, preferably long-sleeved, led. It looks better, suitable for a young man like him. Don’t use color Too deep and not too shallow, the pattern can be simpler.”

The old tailor smiled and said, “Okay.”

“Don’t you do it?” He Yunsheng was shocked and stood up: “I can’t wear that much, too much.”

He Yan pushed him back into the chair, “Your sister can’t wear too much of my clothes, how can you compare with me? You look so handsome, don’t wear it nicely, isn’t it a waste of this face?” “

He Yunsheng’s face flushed red: “What are you talking nonsense about?”

When the old tailor heard the words, the smile became more and more cordial: “Young Master, I really love you.”

Do you love? He Yunsheng was a bit dazed. He didn’t expect that he would slap with He Yan like this one day, just like other ordinary siblings. But… she did help him a lot. She was reluctant to spend money on making clothes for herself, but she did so much for him. You know, He Yan is the one who likes to dress the most.

He Yan didn’t know that He Yunsheng’s inner flavours were mixed at this moment, she just simply couldn’t wear the clothes of Big Girl He. Girl He’s clothes are charming and charming, and her style is procrastinating. She has to step on the corner of the skirt in two steps and fall down. If she accidentally catches the hem of the clothes, He Yan is wearing despair.

Even when she was a grandma at Xu’s house, her clothes were as simple and elegant as possible. Therefore, the girl’s clothes were not suitable for her. Not to mention martial arts in these clothes. She thought that it would be better if she asked the tailor to be a strong man wearing two men, but it must not be in front of He Yunsheng’s face, otherwise she would have to explain it endlessly. Just one day He Yunsheng did not secretly do it himself.

The tailor is tailoring He Yunsheng, He Yan walks around to look at the fabric at will, intending to pick one or two pieces of material for He Yunsheng first. At this moment, someone suddenly calls her name.

“He Yan?”

He Yan turned to look.

She was called a young son, she was extremely gorgeous and richly dressed, and her appearance was fair, but her eyes were slightly black and black, her eyes were sullen, and she seemed a little unspiritual. He was followed by a few little servants. Seeing He Yan turned his head, his eyes lit up, and suddenly he came to grab He Yan’s hand.

He Yan sideways, avoiding his paws.

Girl He looks quite famous in the capital. He Yan was insane in his heart, and there were acquaintances wherever he went, first Wang Jiugui, and now such a person again.

The young son saw that He Yan avoided his hand, first a meal, and then immediately appeared sad on the face, holding the heart and said: “You… are still angry with me?”

What do you mean?

He Yan was still wondering, the little calf-like teenager had rushed out like a whirlwind and was standing in front of He Yan.

“Fan Cheng, you dare to come!”


He Yan suddenly realized that this is the legendary “Fan Gongzi”, the underdog of Girl He.

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