Rebirth of a Star General

Chapter 212 - Preempt

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Shuojing’s winter is getting colder every day.

It rained in the night, and in the early morning of the next day, the ground was stained with a damp cold. On the tenth day of October, He Yan got up early.

He Sui and He Yun left when the sky was not bright. One of them was going to work and the other was going to school. He Yan got up after they went out, lit a candle, quietly cleaned up, and crept out of the door.

Qingmei slept soundly, and before he could get up to cooking, He Yan knew that Chiwu lived in a vacant room in the yard. He stayed in the middle of the night and stayed in the middle of the night. However, this man is very quick-minded, and afraid of being discovered, He Yan took the pre-existing kung fu in the strike camp and walked the short distance from the yard to the outside of the yard.

Xiangxiang glanced at her, seeming to be puzzled by her behavior, and He Yan touched the horse’s head. He Yunsheng really cherishes this horse, and also specially equipped with a saddle, but in the end it is reluctant to ride, the saddle is new. It was just that she was going out of town today, and now she is really poor and has no money to rent a carriage. She can only ask Xiang Xiang to help her with her.

He Yan turned his horse and galloped in the dim winter morning light of Shuo Jingcheng in the direction outside the city.

When the chicken barked the third time, Ome yawned and got up to boil water. The water boiler was placed outside the yard, and the kettle “gurgled” steamed up, giving a little warmth in the cold morning. She first went to the kitchen, boiled the porridge, and went to the courtyard to fill the sink in the stable.

He Yunsheng loved horses like life, and used to feed the horses personally, but now he has a heavy academic life, and he returns early and returns every day. It is really impossible to take care of him from time to time. He gave this glorious task to Ome. Qingmei didn’t dare to neglect. Quandang Xiangxiang was the third young man in the house and took good care of it.

When she walked to the “stable” in the past, Xiangxiang would walk back and forth when she heard her voice, but today is unusual and quiet. Ome is a little worried, is it possible to be sick? It has been very cold these days, and people are susceptible to wind and cold, not to mention horses. Qingmei walked to the stable and took a look at the wind lamp. She was stunned for a moment. After a moment, she recovered and hurried towards He Yan’s house. She ran and shouted, “Girl, girl is not good! Xiangxiang… …Xiangxiang was stolen…”

The door was pushed open, Ome’s voice stopped abruptly, the room was empty and there was no one. In a panic in her heart, she looked around, didn’t see He Yan’s shadow, she was startled for a moment, and burst into tears.

With a clatter, the door was opened again, and a man’s voice appeared in the courtyard: “What happened?”

Chiwu rubbed his forehead and had to say that the He family was too poor. There were no other rooms in the yard except for the three rooms. He Sui is a sincere person who wants to vacate his house to Chiwu. He Yunsheng also reluctantly agrees to live with Chiwu, but Chiwu refuses flatly. Although he didn’t pay attention to it all day long, he didn’t want to be killed at this point. He went to the house and worked as a bodyguard to protect the safety of his host and protected him from going to the main house. After thinking about it for the last time, He Sui could only vacate a room in the yard where debris was piled up.

The room is very small, and after debris is removed, only a bed can be placed. If Chiwu had to leave, he had to lean forward. Although he is also a bodyguard at the Xiao family, he can be treated differently. Even though the He family has tried its best to provide him with the best conditions, many times, Chiwu can’t wait to pay for it and ask the He family to change to a larger house.

He stayed in the middle of the night last night, and went back to the house to rest in the middle of the night. When he woke up at the moment, he heard that the little maid was crying, and he got up and asked.

Qingmei turned around and was shocked to see Chiwu. Chiwu was quiet in the yard during the weekdays. She didn’t eat with them. She just slept in the utility room at night. There was really no sense of presence. Therefore, sometimes Ome will almost forget that there is this person in the house. At the moment, Chiwu appeared, and Ome seemed to have caught the life-saving straw and threw it up and said: “Chiwu Gongzi! The girl and Xiangxiang are gone, they were taken away!”

Chiwu: “…”

He said: “I’ll check it out.”

He Yan’s dormitory was full of flowers, and there were sachets and red tents all over him. Chiwu was not ashamed. If he had to enter, he didn’t want to see these things, but he didn’t expect that He Yan was so loving under his casual appearance. Jiao. Turn back and tell Bai Rongwei about it. When Bai Rongwei lays out a new house for Xiao Jue in the future, it will be exactly what He Yan intended.

He walked out of the room with only a few glances, and Ome followed him: “How is Chiwu son?”

“She was not taken away, she walked by herself.”

“How is it possible?” Ome didn’t believe it. “Why would the girl leave without saying anything? Even if she wants to leave, she will say hello. Chiwu son,” she looked at Chiwu up and down suspiciously. “You shouldn’t I’m afraid it’s not good to make a mistake to Governor Xiao, so I will push the responsibility on our girl.”

Chiwu couldn’t bear it. “The girl sees clearly. Before your lady was arrested, she folded the bedding carefully.” The bedding is the folding method of Liangzhou Wei recruits. It is boxy, like a square tofu block. It was from the hands of He Yan. “Which assassin waits for her to fold the quilt before catching someone?”

Ome: “But…”

“It’s okay to catch people. Even people with horses haven’t seen them.”

Qingmei stopped talking.

After a while, she seemed to have forgotten all the accusations and suspicions she had just said about Chiwu, and asked politely, “Then, Chiwu, can you think of why the girl would not say goodbye?” “

“I don’t know now.”

In Chiwu’s heart, there was also a anger in the heart. There were only Ome and him in this courtyard. Seeing the stupid look of Qingmei, where did He Yan need to spend such a fortune to sneak out of the house, no doubt, just to prevent himself from following her!

Now that the people are gone, the young master asked back, he must be unlucky. He Yan walked easily, leaving him a feather, he knew that this trip to He’s was not a good job, as expected!

“What should I do now? Do you want to report to the official?” The six gods of Ome have no master, so they have to stare at the only one who can speak.

Chi Wudao: “No, I’ll go out to find her.” Since He Yan secretly went out, it was most likely to do something that he didn’t want people to know. The newspaper officer made the matter bigger but not good.

Only one step away, the sleeve was pulled by someone, Chiwu looked back, Ome grabbed him, as if afraid that he would also say goodbye to him at the next moment, “I will go with you.”

“No need.”

“I am the only one in this yard, and even Xiangxiang is gone,” the little maid’s mouth flattened, and she seemed to be crying, forcibly holding back, “Chiwu Gongzi, let me go with you!”

Chiwu: “…”

He was helpless, “Okay.”

He Yan guessed how the house would turn upside down after he left. It’s just that she also believed in Chiwu, and could comfort Qingmei’s crying bag.

She couldn’t help it. If it wasn’t for Qin’s mother—the blacksmith Niu would only go down to the “Changmao Iron Shop” on the tenth day of a month, she would not come up with this method. You can’t let Chiwu go along with you, you can only sneak out, as for the others, wait until you find Qin’s mother, and let me settle the matter first.

Since Xiangxiang came to the He family, he was delicious and delicious and he was raised by He Yunsheng. When he was not in school, he could lead him to the nearby river to run. The pony was still running very quickly. He Yan went out of the city very smoothly and asked pedestrians all the way to the market at the foot of the barren mountain.

It is not as lively as in the city, there is only such a big market in the nearby villages and towns. Every tenth day of the month, businessmen from all walks of life will set up stalls here. Some sell herbal medicines, some sell old clothes, and sell cattle and sheep, but they are very lively and dazzling.

He Yan led the horse to a shop selling wine, and the shopkeeper smiled and greeted: “Brother, do you want to buy wine?”

He Yan went out today to make men’s clothing for convenience. He only smiled and said: “I’m going to play a pair of horseshoes for my horse. I heard that there is an iron shop nearby called’Changmao Iron Shop’. What do you know about the shopkeeper? local?”

The shopkeeper’s words gave He Yan a direction, “You have been walking along this road, you have come to the end, look to the right, that is Changmao Iron Shop.”

He Yan thanked this person and took Xiangxiang to the other side. When the road came to an end, he turned back. Sure enough, there was a shop facing him, and there was a shop with a scribble on it. “Changmao iron shop” four words.

He Yan tied the horse to the outside and walked in by himself. There was only a gray-haired teacher sitting in front of the iron furnace. Ding Dingdang knocked on a black iron cylinder.

“Master.” He Yan called him.

The teacher raised his head and glanced at He Yan and asked, “What is the guest officer trying to fight?”

“Sorry,” He Yan said: “I’m not here to make iron. I’m here to inquire with a master called a blacksmith. He heard that he would come here every tenth day. Has he been here today?”

He Yan was a little uncertain. Fuwang only said that Niu Blacksmith would come every tenth day of the day, but did not say when he would come. With the caution of a blacksmith, he must leave after finishing business. She came out of the city here, it was almost noon, maybe the blacksmith Niu had already been here, and then left.

The master heard the words and stopped the movements in his hands. He stood up, picked up a soaked veil on one side, and wiped off the stains on his hands before saying: “Lao Niu has not come today. However, he is too late. This is still He was late for the first time.”

He Yan: “Late?”

“At the beginning of the tenth of every month, he will come here for delivery. Lao Niu’s craftsmanship is very good,” the teacher said with some emotion: “I originally asked him to come to my shop to help, the monthly salary is much higher than his own. He refused, not even. According to the time, he should be here early this morning and give me the ten iron sickles I asked him to make last month, but it is almost noon,” the master looked at the day outside Head, “He hasn’t come yet.”

“Perhaps something was delayed on the road.” He Yan said on his mouth, but his heart sank. I was afraid that Xu Zhiheng had already found the whereabouts of Qin Ma’s mother first, so now she can’t see the blacksmith.

“Lao Niu is a safe man. If he doesn’t have anything to do, he won’t be late.” The teacher asked He Yan again: “What does the son do with him? I know him, and he is alone. Does the son know Lao Niu?” “

He Yan smiled and said, “I don’t know him. I’m looking for him, and I just want to ask him something.”

The teacher nodded, pointed to a board next to him, “Then the son will sit here, and wait until the old cow arrives.”

He Yan sat down by words, but did not expect that this sitting would be a whole day.

The sun was gradually setting, and the sky was getting dark. The master finished his day’s work, washed his hands and changed his clothes, and stood up to He Yan said: “Son son, it seems that Lao Niu will not come today.”

“The market will be over by this time, and I will close the door.” He gently gestured to He Yan when it was time to leave.

He Yan’s heart sank like a stone fell, barely smiled, and said “OK”. In the end, I was not assured, and solemnly said to the master: “Master, today’s thing, please don’t mention it to others. The same is true for the blacksmith. I will come again in a few days.”

The teacher should pass, and He Yan led the horse away.

The people at the market dispersed in twos and threes, only the mess left after the bustling day, and the mother and son of the poor people were stooping to pick up the leftover fruits and melons on the ground, the lantern in the distance gradually lit up, He Yan It was hard to be happy to lead the horse slowly.

I originally thought that Fuwang had found a clue. When I came here today, I would follow the blacksmith Niu to find the whereabouts of Qin’s mother. I didn’t expect to find anything.

In the past few months, blacksmiths have delivered to the iron shop on time every month, but they haven’t come today. It is impossible to see sooner or later if there are no traces from early to late. Either the blacksmith Niu moved with Qin Ma’am again, or he couldn’t come over.

He Yan’s eyes dimmed.

After returning home, there was already a mess in the house. He Sui has not returned yet. He Yunsheng is about to go out. The family is clamoring. When He Yan led the horse back, Qingmei was at the door. When he saw He Yan at first glance, he thought he was wrong and rubbed it. Rubbing his eyes, he rushed over and shouted, “The girl is back!”

Before He Yan had time to speak, He Yunsheng took the lead in posing a teacher-inquiring look and said, “Where did you go? Have you taken away Xiangxiang!”

He Yan didn’t know whether he cared about Xiangxiang or himself for a moment. After thinking about it, he said: “I just have nothing to do today. I haven’t gone out these days, so I went out with Xiangxiang.”

“If you want to go out, why don’t you bring people?” He Yunsheng glanced at Chiwu, who was silent on the side. “He didn’t even say hello.”

“Ah,” He Yan pretended to be surprised, “I left a word on the table when I left. Didn’t you see it? If you didn’t see it, maybe the swallow flying outside was holding it away.”

“Winter is cold, where are the swallows.” He Yunsheng stared at her blindly, “What the **** are you doing?”

“I just went out for a stroll and didn’t do anything. I see that it’s still early, Chiwu hasn’t woken up, I don’t want to wake him up, anyway, I will come back later. I didn’t expect to go out for a long time, and I forgot to go out. Time. Sorry, this time I am playing with fun, and it will never be the next time.” He Yan apologized without sincerity.

Chiwu: “…” Is this saying that he slept too much?

He Yun was angry: “He Yan!”

“I’m hungry, did Qingmei cook?” He Yan touched her belly. This is true. She stayed in the iron shop today for a day without leaving one step. She was afraid of missing the blacksmith at the moment of walking. I even bought two steamed buns at the door to solve the problem.

“I did it.” Qingmei hurried to the kitchen to take out the food. “The girl hungry and ate first. The slave girl kept warming the porridge. It tasted just right.”

“Thank you.” He Yan answered with a smile.

He Yunsheng was angry and helpless about He Yanzong. He Yan was always unable to control what he had to do. For a time, both angry and helpless, he had to sit down at the table with He Yan, picking up chopsticks and eating unconsciously.

Chiwu stood by the door, and was puzzled in his heart. He Yan went out for a whole day. On this day, he and Qingmei were looking around, but he didn’t find the whereabouts of He Yan. He Yun was almost going to report to the official, and now He Yan looked safe and sound, and there was not much flaw in his expression.

But…what did she do?

In the remote courtyard of the house, a man and a woman are sitting opposite each other in the room. This man and woman are not too young. The man has dark skin, wrinkles on his face, and his fingers are dirty. He is strong and powerful. At first glance, he is a strong man. The female is in her forties. Although her clothes are ordinary and unremarkable, her skin is tender and delicate, and she still has the appearance of a little milfs. It doesn’t look like she has suffered too much.

The man was better, and the woman was terribly panicked. Both of them were tied with ropes and could not move for half a step. They could still talk in their mouths, but since they got here, they called for a long time and no one answered.

“Lao Niu, what the **** is going on?” the woman said, her voice uncontrollably flustered.

This man and a woman is the blacksmith Niu He and his friend Qin Ma’am.

The blacksmith Niu shook his head. The man looked wooden, but his eyes were a little smart. He looked around and said, “Maybe it is from the Xu family.”

Upon hearing the word “Xu Family”, Grandma Qin couldn’t stop shaking from all over.

At the beginning, she followed He Wanru into Xu’s family. He Wanru was very spoiled, and even took her as a nurse, and had a good life. The food and consumption are much better than in the past at the He family. Unfortunately, the good times are not long. Since the death of playing He He, she has lived in a state of displacement and hiding from Tibet to the east.

Thinking of He Wanru’s death, Grandma Qin couldn’t help but fight a cold war.

He Wanru is a child with her first-hand milk. Although she has a more arrogant temperament, she trusts her nanny very much. Grandma Qin did not remind He Wanru that some things are secrets. The fewer people who know, the better. If someone tells you the secrets, it is not trust in you, it is because, in the eyes of the other party , You are already a dead man.

The dead are the most secretive.

She did not persuade He Wanru to ask He Wanru to tidy up and follow her away. Unfortunately, He Wanru didn’t believe her, so He Wanru died in Xu Fu. Before He Wanru died, Grandma Qin predicted her ending, so she wrote a letter to the old man, hoping that after his death, Niu Niu could help take care of her family.

Although the blacksmith Niu was a rough-hearted craftsman, his mind was alive, and he had some feelings for Qin’s mother, so he gave Qin’s mother an idea that she was dead, and Qin’s children and grandchildren were still in danger. . Rather than running away, Xu Zhiheng might not dare to start with Qin’s family because of scruples.

When Qin Ma heard it, she thought that what Niu Blacksmith said was not unreasonable. As for where to go, it was naturally Niu Blacksmith who had the final say.

In the past year, she and the blacksmith black cow were hiding in the barren mountains, and they really had a quiet day. But last night, somehow, a group of strangers suddenly broke into the grass hut on the mountain, and took their uniforms away easily. When they woke up, they were already in this room.

“Lao Niu, are we going to die?” Qin Ma’s voice timidly said, “They found us, they won’t give us a living… My grandchildren…and you, it’s me who has caused you trouble.”

Niu Tiejiang said: “Aqin, don’t be afraid, I don’t think they may want our life.”

Grandma Qin looked up: “What are you talking about?”

If there is a line of life, who would want to die easily? Grandma Qin was also reluctant to die. Hearing Niu Blacksmith said so, a flash of light flashed in her eyes.

“If it is Xu Zhiheng, he will be able to do it when he finds us, and he will not be left with his life until now.” Niu Niu comforted her. “At least now we will not be in danger.”

“Then… what do you mean, wasn’t the person who caught us uncle Xu?” Grandma Qin said suspiciously, “So what is he doing to catch us?”

“I don’t know this.”

Grandma Qin is silent, sometimes the unknown fear is the most terrifying. The other party just threw the two of them here without being heard, but it was more suspicious than revealing their identity from the beginning.

I don’t know how long it took before someone’s voice rang out. Qin Ma’s spirits rose and she looked forward to the closed door.

The door was pushed open, and someone came in. There are two men in black, one man and one woman, with no expression in sight. It was a young man who came in late, who was born with a very handsome look. When looking at clothes, it should not be an ordinary person.

Grandma Qin has been serving in the Xu family for many years, and she still has this kind of glance. As soon as she saw these three people, she knew that the last handsome young man was the master.

But the blacksmith said nothing, but looked at the person silently.

The handsome young man sat down on a chair in the middle of the room. Two men in black stood beside him. His eyes glanced over the two and finally fell on Qin Ma’s body.

It was clearly a calm expression, but Qin Ma’s mother shivered.

“Are you the grandmother of Xu Jiahe?” the man asked.

Qin Ma’s heart sank, and she was still lucky, but now she understood that as soon as the person spoke, the other party was coming to the Xu family’s secret. She said: “It’s true…Son…

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by the other party. The young man said lightly: “How did He Wanru die?”


“If he lied, he would die.” He lifted his chin slightly, looking in the direction of the blacksmith.

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