Rebirth of a Star General

Chapter 26 - Hit accident

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“Yunsheng?” He Yan almost thought she was dazzling. She looked at it again, and it was indeed He Yunsheng.

He Yunsheng had walked in front of her, guarded her, and pushed Fan Cheng into the distance.

“You, how did you get up?” Fan Cheng shouted after pointing to him, his eyes were incredible.

“Of course it is swimming up!” He Yunsheng said.

He had just picked it up from the water, and the whole body was wet with water dripping. He squatted down and went to give He Yan the rope on He Yan’s feet.

“How do you know I am here?”

“I’m afraid that the surname Fan will be entangled with you. I let Shuangqing go back to guard early. Who knows that I just saw you being called away.” Shuangqing was the little man He Yan bought for He Yunsheng, and accompanied him to the school on weekdays. .

“Shuangqing followed here and told me back, I ran along the way, swam over, and luckily caught up.” He untied the rope on He Yan’s feet and was trying to untie the rope on He Yan’s hand. The rope in hand is loose. He was a little strange, but didn’t think much, then stood up and glared at Fan Chengdao: “If it wasn’t for me to catch up, what would the beast want to do to you?”

“What to do?” Fan Cheng finally recovered, he looked at He Yunsheng with a fearless smile: “Do you think you are here, what can you change?”

Apart from the three of them, there was no one on this boat, probably afraid of disturbing Fan Cheng’s “interest”, and even the guard who sent He Yan just now disappeared, it was estimated that he was hiding far away in a small boat, just waiting for something After success, Fan Cheng ordered.

“Your sister, sooner or later I will be my own.” Fan Cheng disdained: “I think you are toasting, not eating and drinking fines, don’t give your face shame, who was trying to climb my bed, and now what chastity? woman!”

“You!” He Yunsheng heard the words, suddenly changed color, rushed past, punched the past, “you fucking!”

Fan Cheng nearly fell by his flutter, the boat was shaken violently by such a movement, and He Yunsheng was staggered.

He Yan frowned and was about to go up to help, but saw something flashing in Fan Cheng’s sleeve, faintly a silver light, her scalp tightened and she said sharply, “Yunsheng escaped!”

He Yunsheng didn’t know what was happening, and he turned over subconsciously. With a “bang”, Fan Cheng pulled out the knife and pierced his clothes.

He Yunsheng also exclaimed a cold sweat, said: “You dare to kill!”

“Don’t you dare?” Fan Cheng looked terrified. “A son of a school captain, he will die when he dies! When you die, I will enslave your sister, and I will be offered for recreation and I will sell it to the building. Go inside.” He laughed.

There was a slight look in He Yan’s eyes.

She didn’t move Fan Cheng, but she was afraid of bringing trouble to the He family, but at the moment, no matter how she moved, Fan Chengdu would not be willing to give up.

He Yunsheng was also furious, and turned back and bumped on Fan Cheng’s stomach. Fan Cheng couldn’t help being knocked down. The boat was swaying and fell to the ground all at once. When he opened his mouth, he shouted, and He Yan shouted, “Don’t let him make a noise!” He immediately flew up and stuffed the veil on the table into Fan Cheng’s mouth.

Fan Cheng was gagged, this stunned Kung Fu, He Yunsheng had already ridden him on the back, punching him with a punch, he was a teenager, with great strength, although Fan Cheng’s mouth was screaming, but where was he really? The opponent gradually no longer struggles.

“Yun Sheng, enough.” He Yan drank him. “He will die when he fights again.”

“It’s good if he’s dead!” He Yunsheng gritted his teeth. “If you die, you won’t be worried about you!”

“The He family is in trouble.” He Yan opened his hand, “get him up first.”

He Yunsheng got up from Fan Cheng’s back, Fan Cheng was motionless facing the ground, he kicked his feet, “Get up, don’t pretend to die!”

Fan Cheng still did not move.

“You’re dead after hitting you twice, you really will blame others.” He Yunsheng mocked and wanted to kick Fan Cheng, but then he moved, suddenly, he saw himself at his feet, Fan Cheng The place lying on the ground gradually turned out a red.

He said: “He, he…”

He Yan was listening carefully to the movements outside, and they just wobbled the boat. I don’t know if Fan Cheng’s guard saw it. It seems that there is nothing wrong at the moment, and may think that this is Fan Cheng’s “interest.” At this moment He Yunsheng’s sudden discoloration sound was heard, a strange look, and then fixed.

After a while, she crouched down and turned Fan Cheng calmly.

“Ah–” He Yunsheng gave a short cry, quickly covered his mouth and swallowed the rest of his voice into his throat, and looked at him in disbelief.

Fan Cheng was turned over on his back, his body soft as if there were no bones, the clothes on his waist and abdomen had been stained with blood, and a bit of the handle fell outside. The tip of the knife was not in the flesh.

When he was just fighting with He Yunsheng, Fan Cheng drew a short knife from his sleeve. Later, the boat fell to the ground while shaking the boat, and he was knocked down by He Yunsheng. He was impartial and confused, and the knife stabbed him. In his own belly.

Originally, it was not so deep, Pianhe Yunsheng pressed him to the ground and punched him with his fist, so the whole knife stabbed into his stomach and screamed.

He Yunsheng was so frightened that his legs softened, and fell to the ground, said in horror: “He… wouldn’t he be?”

He Yan reached out his nose with **** and spit out two words, “Dead.”

He Yunsheng looked at her blankly, not seeming to understand what she meant. After a moment, he whimpered, and the six gods said: “He, why did he die? What should we do?”

The boat was still floating in the middle of the river, and it seemed to be no more brilliant than the lights in the boat. In the silence, He Yunsheng’s choked throat was particularly clear. He said, “What shall we do? What shall we do?”

In the end, it was a teenager, who had never killed anyone, had seen blood, and even walked around the road even when killing fish. The fierce mouth said on the mouth, but did not expect that it would really kill people. He Yunsheng had panicked, repeating the meaningless “how” in his mouth.

He Yan frowned at Fan Cheng’s body.

She has killed too many people, but they are all enemies on the battlefield. In this way, she has not killed. Although there are some accidents, she is not panic. Looking at He Yunsheng again, he was in a trance-like expression, crying and laughing, shaking Fan Cheng’s body as if he wanted to wake him up, and he had lost his mind.


The hot pain in his face was like drinking from the head, He Yunsheng woke up from the chaos of Fang Cai and looked at He Yan in front of him.

He suddenly found that compared with him, He Yan was too calm, her eyes were sharp like a sword, and he pierced his heart through the cool, her hands were also very stable, unlike his, still shaking.

Her voice is also cold, with a bit of sternness that hates iron and steel, she said: “He Yunsheng, you are awake, he is dead.”


Yan Yan: Ants have been walking for ten years!

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