Rebirth of a Star General

Chapter 34 - Lower Mawei

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In summer, the sky is already bright. This was earlier than before, and arrived in Liangzhou for the first time last night. Everyone was excited and inevitably late. When the Yanwuchang was held, everyone was sleepy, and some people were wearing shoes backwards.

Fortunately, the stone and the wheat and Hongshan walked and wore their belts. The two of them were very spirited when they saw He Yan looking very energetic. They were both confused and asked, “Ahe, are you not sleepy?”

“I took a break last night and got full sleep.” He Yan replied.

Wheat praised: “You are so good!”

The talking skills have come to the Yanwuchang. Because today is the first day, it is still in line with the team that hurried before. But seeing a strong man in a red-colored suit standing on the high platform, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, burly black, tall like a tree, holding a spear, it was very majestic.

“Who is that?” He Yan asked.

“Responsible for supervising and training our teacher, Shen teacher.” Wheat is a package to inquire, as early as possible.

He Yan nodded, but thought in her mind that she originally thought it would be Xiao Jue to personally come to train the soldiers, but did not expect to see anyone else today. Speaking of which, although they are both juveniles to join the army as generals, each general has his own way of training troops. He Yan also wants to see Xiao Jue’s means, and Quan is to steal the division. At present, it seems that this is not possible for the time being.

“I am your general manager Shen Han,” Shen Jiao’s head sounded like Hong Zhong. Bai Yueshan played the martial arts surrounded by mountains. Hearing his voice drilled into his ears, his scalp tingled. “From now on, I will come Take you.” He shook his military register, “Now order soldiers!”

Ordering soldiers is faster. Today is the first time. After a few days, we will divide into Wu, Bai, Brigade, and Division, and then the appointed Wu Chang, Bai Chang, Brigade Commander, and Thousand Commander can order soldiers and save a lot. time.

This group of people are all scattered soldiers recruited from the capital. They have never received training in the past. Hearing people to order soldiers is a time, and they can only stand in the martial arts field. I just felt uncomfortable all over my body and moved around from time to time. Wheat secretly whispered to his elder brother, “Brother, Brother Ahe didn’t move, like a stone.”

The stone looked at He Yan.

Compared to him, He Yan seems to be more called this name. She stood straight, her posture was quite loose, her arms were well placed on her side, and she looked at the bright platform with bright eyes. She didn’t seem to be tired or bored. It made people feel an illusion. For hours, she could still stand like this.

When the stone thought of hunting with wheat in the mountains, there were beasts in the mountains. When the beasts arrested the hare, they also hid in the grass quietly, motionless, and looked at it at once, like a lifeless stone. He has been hunting with wheat for so many years, he is okay, wheat can not bear it. Why can He Yan? Hearing Hongshan saying that He Yan is an army with no way out of his way, it seems that his appearance seems to be a good family in the past. Why would such a person have long-term patience and perseverance like a beast?

After all, He Yan does not need to hunt.

His contemplation did not get an answer, and the order was over.

Shen Jiaotou closed the military book and said, “From today on, one hundred people will be one team, one team and one coach. Here we are training troops and performing martial arts attacks! Today I will teach you the military order!” Speaking of this, Shen Han There was a smile on his face, somehow, this smile fell in everyone’s eyes, only felt cold in his heart.

Sure enough, only listen to Shen Han shouting: “The name shouldn’t be called, the time will not come, and the deadline will not be reached. This is called a slow army, and the offender will be awesome! Today you are late for a moment. .”

The crowd was up and down by what he said, and as soon as they fell down, they heard the voice of the emotionless head of the iron teacher.

“Everyone is running around the military camp with sandbags, ten laps! One lap can’t be less. The coaches of each team are guarding you. Who dares to be lazy and deal with the military law!”

Everyone present took a breath.

Baiyueshan staged the martial arts as a military camp. One lap less said one mile more, ten laps more ten mile. He also had to carry a sandbag. When he got up early, the time didn’t feel hot early. At this time, some soldiers came down, the sun was high, and the heat was hanging over the head of the person, standing alone, sweating.

To run the circle against the sun, the surrounding area suddenly mourned.

Wheat Road: “Brother Ahe, what Shen Jiaotou said is exactly the same as what you said, how do you know he would say that?”

how do you know? Naturally because she was in the same situation when she entered the barracks. Just like killing a stick, first give the recruits a dismounting weapon to let them know that they are not here to join the army. Even if it weren’t for this, Shen Han would seek individual reasons to punish them.

“More backs and military orders,” He Yan patted the boy’s shoulder, “good for you.”

Wheat nodded inexplicably.

Sure enough, according to Shen Han, so many soldiers were divided into a team of 100 people. Everyone went to pick up the sandbags. He Yan thought at first that the sandbags were the size of her palms and tied to her legs, just as she and He Yunsheng went up the mountain to cut wood. But here, his eyelids jumped.

The sandbag is the size of a bag, not tied to the leg, but carried on the body. Lifting it up is not her sandbags.

“Grandma, carrying this thing for ten laps, it’s too much!” Hongshan shouted.

Wheat secretly looked at He Yan’s face, and He Yan’s calm expression from beginning to end, when he picked up the bag of sandbags, finally had a crack. Wheat breathed a sigh of relief, and it seemed that Brother Ahe was an ordinary person, not omnipotent.

He Yan was speechless.

In order to increase the physical strength of these recruits when she was training new recruits, the necessary weight-bearing runs should be carried out step by step. Most of the time, she used the sandbags she had made in the He family. Add a little weight.

She didn’t know Xiao Jue’s military training method before, but now she finally knows that it came so fierce as soon as she came up. Xiao Jue grew a beautiful face, but she never underestimated Xiao Jue’s ruthlessness.

Is a ruthless person.

“Ahe, you…” Hongshan was just wanting to ask me to carry you to your back. He saw He Yan carrying a sandbag and tied it neatly.

She was too thin and thin. In the barracks full of men, like a young man who had not yet grown up, the sandbag was big and heavy, pressing on her back, as if to press this younger man a little shorter. It looked trembling and very pitiful.

People with such a few words of stone can’t stand it anymore, only to her: “Are you okay?”

“Alright.” He Yan smiled at him.

A few people saw her with a grinning look, and let her down a little bit, thinking about whether it was a young and strong young man. Although he looked thinner, he still had strength.

He Yan scolded Xiao Jue ten thousand times in his heart.

In the past, there was no problem with such load-bearing. But Miss He was delicate, even if she tried hard, she could not turn Miss He into a Hercules overnight.

So, really heavy.

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