Rebirth of a Star General

Chapter 38 - Fight for food

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On the second day, the still unstoppable Mao Zedong started running with a heavy load.

The recruits were miserable, because above yesterday, they had to check something else. The recruits were all dressed in red and red uniforms. When they got up in the morning to order soldiers, they must not be disheveled. Including the bed that is sleeping in the night, the bed must be neatly packed before departure the next morning. If it is messy, add an extra lap.

Add it circle by circle, who can bear it. Amid the crying father shouting, the groom’s discipline and discipline of the recruits were quickly rectified. It was only half a month later. Although a new recruit, although he was still not able to fight with swords and arrows, only the ranks of the military were already decent.

He Yan looked at and sighed in her heart, not to mention that Xiao Jue’s heart was darker, but the method was quite powerful. Compared with Du Xiao Xiao, He Yan only felt that his previous method of training troops was too kind.

The so-called Ci does not take soldiers and keep money, it seems that she still has much to learn from Xiao Jue.

The recruits ran lap after lap, and the head teachers spoke while taking advantage of the gap.

Head coach Shen Han looked at Liang Ping and asked, “Why don’t you see the one in your team… Hey, the weakest kid?”

In these days, everyone knows that the recruit who came to Liangzhou Weili this time has the weakest kid, a recruit under Liang Jiao. The figure is thin and the stamina is poor. Whenever running in the morning, it should fall behind most of the people. Fortunately, two days a day, more than three days, almost everyone knows there is such a person.

It can be said that it is notoriously weak.

“You said He Yan?” Liang Ping said to the mountain road in the distance and said: “In front, hey, the one who runs with the middle man is.”

Shen Han looked at it, but in the long way, the teenager was running forward with his sandbag on his back. Although everyone is uniformly red, but because this boy is so thin and thin, he can still see it at a glance.

Shen Han was a little surprised, “Isn’t it falling?”

“How could it be.” Liang Ping’s face showed a little mixed emotion. “This kid is very determined.”

Speaking of that, Liang Ping did not like He Yan at first. To be honest, he has been a coach for so many years and has seen a lot of recruits. Whether he can be a fierce soldier or not can be judged by just looking at it. He Yan’s physical qualifications are too bad. I may have grown up since I was a child, and I have no energy at first glance. On the first day of the morning, the run was sparse, and Liang Ping made a decision in his heart: he could only be a gang soldier.

Unexpectedly, this boy is in poor health, but has a strong temperament. Even though he was tailing every day, he still ran with the team. Liang Ping also noticed that from the first day to the present, he has never tried to steal laziness, so he ran seriously.

If the rich son of a rich family came as a soldier, it would be amazing to have this will and persevere. What’s more, He Yan is not doing useless work.

She seemed to have mastered some tricks, or she gradually adapted to this weight-bearing long-distance running. From the beginning, she fell on the crowd for many laps, gradually fell less, and now can barely keep up with the team. Liang Ping even had the illusion that if he went on like this, he would run for a few more days, and he might not be allowed to run the first one.

He was thinking, hearing the voice of Shen Han around him.

“What’s the use of hard-heartedness, qualification is qualification, even if it can barely keep up with running, the skill training in the future will be too difficult for him…I don’t know if he can pass the skill training.”

Before the skill training, the last morning run was to evaluate the physique and potential of the recruits of each team. There are too many people who have fallen behind. They may not even have skills training. The manpower is limited. It is impossible to allocate so much force to those who are not worth it.

War is brutal. Before the brutal war, you can only choose some people who can afford them.

“I think he can.” Liang Ping said.

Shen Han looked at him, and several other teachers around him also looked at him. Someone said: “Teacher Liang, you’re sure, don’t look away. You must know that for so many years, such weak people…all live Not on the battlefield.”

Having said that… Liang Ping laughed: “You also know that the spirit is well-refined, and the edge is unshakable. Who can be sure of this kind of thing?”

He looked at He Yan. The young man’s forehead was covered with sweat beads, the summer was hot, and his companion running with him gritted his teeth, mostly impatient and bored, but he was the only one with a smile on his face and no complaints.

This mentality is really rare.

He Yan did not know that her little one had become the center of discussion among the head teachers. She finished the last lap and put the sandbags away. Head-on, Hongshan punched him in the shoulder.

“Hey, good boy, I really have you.” Hong Shan looked at him with his chin under his chin. “Now you can keep up with us. Now you are happy and you don’t have to be a gang soldier?”

He Yan laughed, “That’s really good.”

Seeing that she was much better now than she had run out of collapse a few days ago, Hongshan was also happy for her. At this time, wheat waved to them from afar, “Brother Ahe, Brother Shan, hurry up, there is a steamed bun today!”

After coming here for so long, I finally arrived. He Yan heard the words, suddenly felt his tongue was reborn, Hongshan also licked his lips, said: “Finally, after eating a meal, let’s go, let’s go!”

There is gruel in the iron pan, one bowl per person, and the steamed meat buns in the big wooden barrel next to it. The soldier head responsible for distribution stood in front of the barrel, and each one could pick one.

He Yan also got one.

She was holding a porridge bowl. There was no place in all these places, so she thought of finding a cool place to sit and drink porridge. Seeing the little clever ghost of wheat beckoning to her under the tree from a distance, it seemed to find a good place to cool off.

He Yan planned to leave.

She was only halfway through. Suddenly, someone passed by her and touched her shoulder heavily, staggering her, and spilling half a bowl of porridge in her hand.

Her steamed buns didn’t hold steady either, and they rolled off at once. He Yan was about to reach out and pick up a hand in the air to **** the steamed buns.

She stood still, standing in front of a tall man with a mustache, with an old scar on his left forehead to cheek. Kong Wu, who was born, was powerful and aggressive. He got the steamed buns, as if he could take it for granted. He didn’t look at He Yan and went on.

One foot lies in front of the man.

The man paused and looked at the person before him.

The teenager withdrew his feet, and there was a polite smile on his face, as if he did not understand what had happened. She said: “This Xiongtai, you seem to have taken the wrong thing.”

“The bun in your hand is mine.”

Scarface gave him a weird look. After a while, he suddenly laughed out loud, as if hearing a funny joke. He started, his voice hoarse, “Do you know what you are talking about?”

“I said,” the boy looked calm, “the bun in your hand is mine.”


In the past two days, according to the level of comment, the randomness of the double drop (little cigarette jg)

Qianshan Teaker is really a fan (.

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