Rebirth of a Star General

Chapter 86 - Do you like me

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Moonlight falls, the mountains are clear. The bonfire reflected the wine’s fragrance, elegant and elegant. The recruits bowed their heads to drink and eat meat, and raised their heads to talk about enjoying the moon, which became the unique scenery of Liangzhou Wei.

Mars floated out along the autumn wind, making people wonder whether they would burn their clothes. But in a moment, it became a blaze of fire, accompanied by a low whimper.

Wheat sobbed and said, “I forgot what my father and mother looked like…”

“I’m even worse,” Wang Ba said blankly: “I’ve never seen my father and mother since I was born.”

He Yan: “…” She raised her hand and poured herself a sip of wine, trying to calm herself down.

In order to comfort her, all the talents compared their unsatisfactory things. In the end, it seemed that it was worse to compare with each other. This is all right, the recruits next to them are all laughter and laughter, only on their side, a cloud of sorrow is bleak, and the rain is bitter.

Looking at the wheat and Wangba crying with a headache, and then look at Jiang Jiaojiang, the young man who was drinking alone and drinking red eyes, He Yan was speechless, well, I don’t know who was comforting.

Huang Xiong glanced at her and said, “Brother He, you have a good drink.”

He Yan stunned, looked down at herself, unconsciously, she drank the third bowl. She didn’t know how much the original Miss He Da had. She wanted to come to the weak Miss He, and she wouldn’t drink the spicy and pungent spirit with the broken bowl, but for General Feihong, it was very Familiar with.

When it’s cold, when you are in fear, when you are in a bad mood, when you are hungry, if you have wine on hand, you can temporarily resist the difficult moment. Wine can drive cold, be bold, be hungry, or be sad.

When she was in Shuojing, she didn’t drunk wine, so she was afraid of being exposed. When she arrived in the Fuyue Army, in Moxian County, she gradually became a habit. The amount of wine was also practiced, and none of the young recruits in the tent could drink her. Sometimes she was the only one who celebrated the victory and was sober at the end of the feast.

This may be the legendary loneliness for defeat.

What surprised her was the stone. I thought it grew up in the mountains, and it looked strong. When the amount of wine was good, I didn’t expect a bowl of wine to reach half a bowl, so I fell on my back and fell asleep—this is drunk. Anymore?

The remaining half of his bowl of wine was taken away by his younger brother Wheat, and he and Wang Ba were doing the bowl together: “I didn’t expect everyone to be the same as the fallen world, so, in the future, they would be a family.” The nose of the spicy wine thorn was flushed, and immediately, but Yi Xiang Kung Fu, like his elder brother, lay down on his back and was drunk.

He Yan: “…It really is a biological brother.”

Wang Ba lost such an alcoholic in a short time, so he went to Jiang Jiao’s shoulder and handed Jiang Jiao a bunch of roasted rabbit meat, saying: “Don’t just drink booze, come and eat some meat. Your fiancee won’t choose you, yes. The two of you have no fate.” This was the first time he said human-like words, “Life is alive, and gathering and dispersing are all fate, you don’t have to force it.”

Jiang Jiao took his rabbit meat, still drinking indifferently. Huang Xiong saw this and smiled. He looked at the moon in the sky and said to himself: “I miss my family.”

He Yan took out a month’s group from the dessert basket Cheng Lisu gave her. The little one made by the moon group is shaped like a rhombus, with a red “Flower is full moon” written on it. She took a bite and tasted the sweetness of sesame seeds and peach kernels.

“If they are alive, I shouldn’t be here, just in Zhuanghu’s hometown,” Huang Xiong said: “My mother’s food is delicious. I want to eat her food.”

He Yan bowed his head to eat the cake in silence, Huang Xiong asked: “How about you?” He turned his head and looked at He Yan, “How often did you live this time?”

The usual Mid-Autumn Festival? He Yan was in a trance.

Before she joined the army, in the Mid-Autumn Festival of the He family, she had spent time with others. It’s just a special status, people are staring wherever they go, not very free. In fact, she also likes the fun and excitement of the moon festival, but because of wearing a mask, it is not convenient. She is an embarrassing existence in the He family, and she is a righteous daughter-in-law in terms of identity, but on the other hand, she is neither a big room nor a second room.

After three years in the army in Moxian, I was worried every day at the beginning. I don’t know which day I will die in the sand field.

Later, she returned to Beijing to marry Xu’s family. At this time last year, she was already blind.

The hope of spending the full moon with the man before he was fulfilled, he fell into darkness. At that time she thought she could not get out, and this would be the case in her life. On the day of August 15, she asked Xu Zhiheng to take her up the mountain to worship the Buddha, hoping that the bodhisattva would bless him, and that Xu would let her see the light again. Xu Zhiheng agreed.

In fact, that day, she did not really want to ask the bodhisattva for blessing.

When the tip of the tongue hurt, she accidentally bit her tongue, and the sweet taste was covered with stinging pains. He Yan turned back, avoiding Huang Xiong’s gaze, and if nothing happened, “it’s just like this, it’s almost the same now.” “

“I see you, just like seeing yourself back then.” Huang Xiong took a sip of wine and said, “You are like me back then.”

He Yan smiled: “Brother, my family is living well.” Even, the people who live are better than most people.

“But you are not reconciled.” She heard Huang Xiong’s voice and looked sideways. The bald man’s face showed a kind of wisdom and vicissitudes of the middle-aged man who had experienced the frost and wind. He touched the beads and said: “You are a big enemy. The newspaper was unwilling, so he was always troubled and instead trapped himself.”

He Yan moved and didn’t speak.

“I don’t know what your hatred is,” he looked at the moon. “You sometimes have the same look as I did.”

He Yan is at a loss, does she have it? She always thought she was a good cover up.

“Someday it will be fine.” The big man lowered his head and patted her shoulder: “You have to believe this.”

He Yan did not speak, silently picked up the bowl to drink. Huang Xiong stopped speaking, eating meat and drinking. Wang Ba was also a little drunk, holding his head and sitting there smirking, and Jiang Jiao buried his head in his knees, not knowing whether he was crying or falling asleep.

The head coaches also got together, eating meat and drinking on the bonfire, and after days of hard training, they are finally seeing results in this group of recruits. It’s a lot easier. Cheng Lisu is also here. He is a young master from Beijing. He has never experienced this novel gameplay. Even the roasted rabbit leg sprinkled with coarse salt feels delicious. Originally, I thought about having time to talk to He Yan, and then took a sip of wine. I felt that my legs were soft and could not move, and I sat back again.

The head teachers laughed in good faith, and some people said: “Mr. Cheng still has to practice more wine, and this amount of wine can’t be my Liangzhou Weierlang!”

“I wasn’t your Liangzhou Guardian,” Cheng Lisu mumbled, “I just came to have some fun.”

This child can always justify his own “no” statement. If this is the descendant of the head coach’s own family, he has already been picked up and beaten ten times. But this man was Xiao Jue’s nephew, so everyone said: “Still Cheng Gongzi is open-minded!” “The greedy cup is not good, my lady wouldn’t allow me to drink! Learn from Cheng Gongzi!”

“Don’t be a son,” Liang Ping asked him, “Do you really have fun with us?”

“Uncle doesn’t like places that are too noisy,” Cheng Lisu replied, “It certainly won’t come.”

Everyone has some regrets, and some people think that Xiao Jue is too humane. After all, this is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Even the Mid-Autumn Festival does not have a general who has fun with his subordinates. How deep the feelings can be with his men are really arrogant.

However, some people didn’t mind, Ma Damei smiled, “If you still give some wine to the Governor, it’s a big holiday, it’s hard to be alone.”

“It’s not necessary,” Cheng Lisu said: “My uncle won’t drink this kind of inferior rice wine.”

Everyone: “…”

Well, after all, it was the second son from Shuo Jingxiao’s family, and he would never reluctantly drink.

Du Mao asked curiously: “Master Cheng, do you know how much Governor Du’s wine is? I heard that General Feihong is not drunk for thousands of cups. I wonder if Governor Du is better than General Feihong?”

The head coaches heard the words and looked at Zhao Chenglisu, who was suddenly looking at him. Anyone who speaks better about General Feihong and General Feng Yun is always new. From swordsmanship to drink volume, from height to temperament, people have to compare one by one. It is a pity that these two people have never appeared together except their former classmates, and have never personally contested. Moreover, General Feihong has always been wearing a mask, so who is better is still a mystery.

“Of course it was my uncle.” Cheng Lisu replied without thinking, “I grew up so old that I have never seen my uncle drunk.”

In fact, Cheng Lisu has never seen Xiao Jue drinking. However, he could not have said this in the face of the head coaches. No matter how powerful General Feihong was, he would certainly not be better than his uncle.

“Go, don’t talk about people behind your back.” Shen Han waved his hand. “Drinking and drinking, how can you be as nagging as your mother-in-law! Cheng Gongzi, come, I respect you… Cheng Gongzi?”

Cheng Gongzi’s cheeks were red and he was already drunk.

It was night, the green curtain closed the bright moon, and the figure fell on Xiao Shu. Qiu Sheng was quiet, someone was stroking the piano.

On the moon Mulan has bones, Ling Bing is like a jade. On the wall are long swords like frost and snow, and the young man in outer clothes is handsome, with a calm expression, and his hands are touching the string, and the emotions are flying and intoxicating.

He played “Streamer”.

The sound of the piano is far away, like pearls and jade. This is the mid-autumn night. When the reunion was supposed to be together, even though the head coach recruits of Liangzhou Wei were far away with their families, they were together for a long time. He didn’t seem to be aware of it, but he carefully strummed the strings, and the bundled green silk hung down on his shoulders, and was cast into a cold and lustrous color by the moonlight.

From spring to autumn, from summer to cold, it seems to be just blinking.

The moonlight was more quietly lined by his piano tone, and the night sky was as clear as water. The piano tone seemed to drift endlessly in the sky, and people heard tears.

Suddenly, something smashed into the yard, making a clear sound that interrupted the silence. Xiao Jue made a quick move, raised his head, and through the window, he could see that something was thrown in again outside the courtyard wall.

He paused for a moment, stood up, and pushed out the door. At this time, the third thing smashed in and fell right next to him. He stooped to pick it up and found it was a stone.

Feinu showed a shadow from behind, whispering: “Master, outside…”

Xiao Jue opened the courtyard door.

Standing outside was a young man in red, holding a small jar of wine in his hand. The wine stopper had been pulled out, and the fragrance was full of fragrance, which was exactly eighteen cents.

He is generous, just such a small jar of wine. Ordinary people have to hide for a long time before they are willing to take a sip. Looking at him like this, he has already drunk a lot.

This man is He Yan.

Xiao Jue looked at her indifferently, He Yan’s eyes widened, it seemed that he looked clearly at him, and said, “Xiao Jue?”

Behind him, Fei Nu couldn’t help but glance at He Yan. He actually called Master’s name, which was really bold.

“What are you doing here?” Xiao Jue asked him.

“I thought and thought,” the teenager did not know how much wine he drank, and his body was full of alcohol, but the look was normal, and he did not see a little drunk, but he could not see whether he was drunk or not, he said: “You chose Lei Hou went to the forward camp, I was very unconvinced, so Xiao Jue, “he cornered his mouth, “let’s fight a fight!”

Before the words fell, his body went straight to Xiao Jue!

When the Feinu behind him saw it, he stepped forward and heard Xiao Jue command: “Don’t move.”

The young man flew forward and raised his fist towards Xiao Jue. Xiao Jue turned sideways to avoid it and turned his eyebrows to look at him.

He Yan had no weapons and came with bare hands. It’s too stupid to be an assassin. But his words were clear, his eyes were clear, and it looked like he was not drunk. Xiao Jue looked at him with ease, to see what this person wanted to do. He Yan couldn’t make a hit, and turned around again.

The teenager has a flexible posture, but sincerely wants to fight, but the method used is poor and rough. At first glance, at first glance, it seems that the students in which school are fighting, only know that the fists and feet greet each other, but ignore How about the quasi-head.

Xiao Jue sideways avoided again, and two consecutive surprise attacks failed, and He Yan asked himself in doubt: “When is my skill so bad?”

Flying Slaves on the side: “…”

Does this teenager think he has played Xiao Erxiao? I have heard that this He Yan of Liangzhou Wei has no one in his eyes, arrogant and arrogant. The young master was really good-tempered, and he didn’t take the babbling boy out of the door.

She was defeated and fought repeatedly. She was frustrated and did not feel discouraged. She immediately came again. This time she was still being avoided by Xiao Jue. Xiao Jue was about to speak. Suddenly she saw a black object rushing towards her, frowning. With a twist, without thinking, Yin Qiujian took one side and cut across.

With a clatter, the thing shattered, and he stepped back a few steps without being touched. He Yan, who came with that thing, couldn’t avoid it, and was poured from head to toe.

The moon is full, Fenglu Juanjuan, Guizi first opened, the wine is overflowing. Fragments of eighteen cents scattered on the ground, each piece was clear and rich, and the young man’s clothes were fragrant and frowned.

She seemed to be awakened by the broken pieces of the wine jar, looked at Xiao Jue, and took a step forward, like a little lady who was trampled on the pearl beads in the flower market and said, “If you break, you will pay!”

Feinu looked at it, and felt that the teenager was really drunk, otherwise he wouldn’t be so straightforward to talk. He whispered to Xiao Jue: “Master, do you want to take him away?”

Xiao Jue raised his hand to stop and gently shook his head.

The master and servant for many years, a look will know what the other person is thinking. Feinu suddenly understood that the reason why Xiao Jue did not throw He Yan out in the first place was not because he had a good temper, but just wanted to try He Yan. The young man’s identity is now suspicious, and there are doubts all over his body. If he can ask something through drunkenness, he can save energy. If you are pretending to be drunk tonight, but do something else, it will be blameless and even more unforgivable.

Fei Nu will hide in the tree, no longer speak.

Xiao Jue turned and walked into the house, and said, “Why should I pay?”

The young man heard the words and rushed into Xiao Jue’s house. She ran very fast and staggered her footsteps. She grabbed Xiao Jue’s head and blocked Xiao Jue’s road and said, “Do you know who I am?”

Xiao Jue laughed, his eyes cold: “Who are you?”

He Yan slapped on the thigh, “The big husband can’t change his name, he can’t change his surname, I, He Yan! Liangzhou Wei first!

“Liangzhou Wei first?” Xiao Jue looked at her with a smile: “Who told you?”

“Do I need someone to tell me?” I don’t know the drunk or undrunk boy. The tone is amazing, “I know.”

Xiao Jue walked sideways around him, put down his sword, picked up the teapot on the table and poured himself tea before taking a step. The teenager sticked up like a tail and stood in front of him and asked him: “You said, I’m short Not short?”

Is this person drunk? Do you like being shorter than others? Xiao Jue glanced at the top of his hair that had just reached his chest and nodded: “Short.”

He Yan: “I am not short!”

Xiao Jue: “…”

He Yan asked him again: “Am I stupid?”

Xiao Jue stopped the movement of pouring tea in his hand and stared at him slowly: “Stupid.”

He Yan: “I’m not stupid!”

Xiao Jue suddenly regretted that he didn’t throw He Yan out of the yard for the first time, but came here to ask for his words. Except for listening to his nonsense here, he didn’t seem to get any useful news. Either He Yan is too stupid, or this person is so smart that it doesn’t leak.

“What else do you want to praise yourself, together.” He lowered his eyes, and said a bit salty.

He Yan: “I’m tall and mighty, fierce and invincible, handsome and refined, and bohemian. Why are people like me, why, why no one likes me? Do you know how hard I have been?”

Xiao Jue: “…”

“Because of you, I am very unhappy tonight on Mid-Autumn Festival, and I ask you,” she stepped forward and looked at him with the greatest distance from Xiao Jue. She asked him earnestly, “Do you like me?”

Xiao Jue took a step back, pulled away from her, and brushed her sleeves that had been deformed by her. It seemed like she had seen the plague **** unavoidable, and calmly replied: “I am not a broken sleeve.”

“Neither am I.” He Yan murmured, raised his head violently, and asked in a loud voice: “Then why would you rather like Leihou than me! That person is better than me, where is he better than me?” Talking about appearance, skill, or your past sentiment, Xiao Jue, you are too much, too visionary! I am disappointed!”

At this time, he was walking outside, intending to send some roasted rabbit meat to Xiao Jue’s Shen Han, covering his mouth with a surprised expression. Just now, he seemed to have heard something incredible.

Inside the house, the young man in the moon-white blouse looked at the person in front of him silently, and the teenager looked up at himself, his eyes bright, without fear and hesitation in his tone, and it was frankly tempting to wonder what she was thinking in her mind. Something.

What is past sentiment? But it was the past sentiment that gave him a mandarin duck pot medicine before, and this man was too familiar.

“But nothing,” the teenager suddenly raised his mouth and grinned slyly, whispering: “You pick Leihou to enter the forward camp, I will find Leihou to discuss every day, ten times and ten defeats, full of people from Liangzhouwei Everyone knows that Xiao Jue is blind, what a broken eye. What will you do when you see you?”

Xiao Jue: “…”

After finishing this remark, He Yan burped with a burp, his body crooked, and fell on Xiao Jue’s soft slump. When he fell, half of his body fell on the horizontal tube of the incense stick, pressing the strings There must be a piercing clang, “bang”, and fell to the ground.

Xiao Jue was standing in the middle of the room, his brows beating faintly, only to realize that today’s idea of ​​taking advantage of drunkenness was really bad and could not be worse.

At a glance, there was still a personal shadow at the door, he said coldly: “If you don’t come in, what are you doing outside?”

Shen Han was shocked and shivered. Only then did he hear the secret at the door, and was seen by the flying slaves when he entered the courtyard.

“The subordinate took some freshly roasted rabbit meat from the outside, thinking that Dudu may be useless for dinner, and deliberately brought it.” Shen Han put the roasted meat wrapped in oil paper on the table, “Dudu use slowly, subordinates go down first Now.”

“Slow down.” Xiao Jue said unpleasantly, “You can’t see such a big living person?”

He motioned to Shen Han to look at He Yan. Shen Han looked at it and moved his heart. Only then did he listen to He Yan’s words and had a close relationship with Xiao Jue. At the moment, this young man slept so generously on the soft collapse of the second son, Xiao, That was the soft collapse of the second son Xiao! Liangzhou Weizhong, afraid of having the courage to do so, is the only one.

The relationship between them is really extraordinary!

Xiao Jue walked to the soft collapse, lifted her by the collar holding He Yan’s neck, and threw it in front of Shen Han: “Your people, take it away.”

“Dare not dare.” Shen Han said.

Xiao Jue: “What?”

Shen Han busy said: “The subordinates mean that the recruits of Liangzhou Wei are all under the control of the governor. How can they be said to be subordinates? They are the people of the governor.”

Xiao Jue smiled angrily: “Shen Han, you talk a lot today.”

“The subordinate understands,” Shen Han Yiling said, “The subordinate took him away!” Just turned around and walked halfway, seeming to think of something again, Shen Han asked: “The governor thought, where should the subordinate send this young man?”

Xiao Jue looked at him calmly: “Do you want to deliver it to your house?”

“No, it’s not necessary!” Shen Han’s scalp felt numb, and he said: “He Yan… or send it back to his original room!”

After Shen Han left, Fei Nu walked into the house.

Xiao Jue has picked up the tuberose on the ground, and with the pressure of He Yan, the string is broken. Looking at the broken string, the youth couldn’t help but squeeze his forehead.

“Master,” Fei Nu looked at Shen Han’s direction. “Head Shen is a bit strange today.”

“He is often weird,” Xiao Jue replied.

“Young Master thought, today’s He Yan, is he drunk?”

Xiao Jue put the piano away before He Yan intended to drink tea, and the tea in the tea cup had cooled down. He poured the cold tea, poured another one, and sipped: “Not sure.”

Not sure if He Yan is drunk or not, because normally sober people probably won’t talk to themselves like this. But watching her pace, words and expression, there is no trace of chaos. Most importantly, he did nothing tonight except to crush a violin here, smash a jar of wine, and speak a crazy word. This includes revealing who he is.

This is confusing.

“He seems to be very cryptic about the fact that Lei Hou can enter the forward camp.” Feinu said: “He wants to enter the forward camp.”

Xiao Jue mocked: “It’s not just the forward camp, he’s a must for my nine flag camp.”

“Then…” Feinu asked. “But will he be sent to the forward battalion, will it count?”

“No,” Xiao Jue said: “I have other arrangements.”

Fei Nu no longer speaks, and Xiao Jue thinks of Fang Cai He Yan’s saying that he wants to consult Lei Hou every day to prove his bad vision. This kind of rogue act is really handy for this person.

Look at the mess in the house, the yard is full of debris, and I have to find a free time to go to Liangzhou City to ask the master to make up the piano. He Yan actually has a face and says “Because of you, I am very unhappy about this Mid-Autumn Night” , It really makes no sense.

The young man stood in the house, as beautiful as jade, as tall as green pine, for a long while, sneered: “Sick.”

Shen Han carrying He Yan outside is also very unhappy.

When others saw it, they looked at Shen Han in surprise and said, “He Yan is drunk, why is the head teacher still carrying him?”

Shen Han kept his face silent, but if he broke the relationship between He Yan and Xiao Jue, Shen Han would at most find someone to carry He Yan back. But now that they know their relationship is so great, how dare Shen Han slack.

He Yanfang just said that he had “the past sentiment” with Xiao Jue! It seems that they have known each other for a long time. Why did the Governor pretend not to know He Yan and secretly investigate He Yan’s identity. Could it be that the two of them were originally good, but only a lot of changes happened in the middle, and they have become what they are today?

No wonder the great Wei people know that Xiao Dudu is not close to the female color, looks like this, and is one of the best in bravery. Good bite!

At the door of Xiao Jue, He Yan’s sentence “Why do you like Leihou not like me?” It is a pity that Governor Du is hard-hearted and completely unmoved. Shen Han thought about it, the more nervous he was, the more strange stories he remembered.

For example, He Yan and Xiao Jue did know each other in the past, and they have been friends for a while. However, Xiao Jue later found out that He Yan’s identity was different, so he cut off his love and made a clear distinction with the other party. He Yan, young and unwilling, knew that Xiao Jue was coming to Liangzhou, so he joined the army and asked Xiao Jue to discuss. Even with hard work and wanting to enter the forward camp, Xiao Jue was impressed.

He Yan did really well, but unfortunately Xiao Jue named Lei Hou in order to avoid suspicion. He Yan was sad and painful and couldn’t help borrowing wine to sorrow. After drinking, he spit out the truth and found Xiao Jue to ask for an explanation.

Xiao Dudu, who was hard-hearted, refused categorically, but it was only after a trace of old feelings that He Yan fell asleep on his own slump.

Very good, Shen Han applauded himself in his heart, very reasonable, it should be so, eight or nine is not separated.


Uncle: Straight man, don’t cue

Shen Han: Drinking drunk wine, standing the wildest c

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