Rebirth of a Star General

Chapter 95 - Attacked

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“Don’t drink it!”

Her voice was like a sharp sword, with blood-like sadness, and it interrupted the joy of the banquet.

The accident happened at this time.

Yingyue, who was standing next to Xiao Jue, was holding a jug in her hand. She had just poured the wine before she could take it back. He Yan’s voice just fell, as if there was any signal, the pot of wine showed the shape of a dagger in the blink of an eye, without hesitation, stab straight to Xiao Jue.

The young man’s expression was calm, and he didn’t panic. He flew straight away in his hand, collided with the dagger in the air, hit a smash, and stopped and rushed to his blade.

Suddenly, the wind rose from all sides. The beautiful women who had just sang and danced did not retreat, they were all separated, and then they all rushed towards Xiao Jue, which was actually a carefully planned murder.

“Uncle!” He Yan called, but when the young man slapped the table, the long sword fell into his hands, surrounded by a dozen people, and only coldly commanded him, “Hide away!”

Sun Xiangfu seemed to be stunned by this sudden change, and he was so scared that he hid his head and hid for a long time, not forgetting to shout, “Come on, come on–“

He Yan was paying attention to the bodyguard behind Yuan Baozhen. She thought that this person was a person like He Rufei, and she was afraid of coming after Yuan Baozhen, but she was only looking at the table when she was furious. The wine, never thought that the women around were actually assassins. Yuan Baozhen was stepped back by the guards behind him, his face flustered.

The bodyguard didn’t shoot.

Could it be that the assassin today is a coincidence? He Yan thought this way, and then looked at Xiao Jue, who was surrounded by the middle, and was almost blown away.

The assassins are all women, the women who just danced, and the women who played the zither, all of them were light, and looked at the gentle and gentle, but they started to recruit poisonous. Hidden in the sleeves were sleeve arrows, and the sleeves fluttered between them, and those hidden weapons flew towards Xiao Jue.

Connaught night banquet, only Xiao Jue as a ten. He Yan was on the battlefield in his previous life, and it’s okay to play in the martial arts competition in this life. They are all bright and straightforward. I have seen such a shady and secret means. I have been filled with indignation for a while. Grab it and rush into the crowd.

“Uncle, let me help you!”

Halfway through He Yan’s words, he suddenly remembered that he is now “Cheng Lisu”. How can the waste son in Shuo Jingli be able to marry? I’m afraid she can’t show martial arts brightly. She shouted, “How come these people’s sleeves are so long? I can’t see you anymore!” In the speaking room, she grabbed a woman’s sleeve and dagger one. Stroke, sleeves cut off.

Water sleeves become short-sleeved in an instant, and then move the hidden device, the action is obvious. He Yan was shouting and spinning around in the crowd, she was light, slippery like a loach, and everyone wanted to catch her, but she couldn’t catch it. But seeing this boy screaming and scolding, he made the scene a little funny.

Xiao Jue swayed the woman’s knife in front of him and turned to glance at her.

He Yan was still shouting, “Help and kill!” A palm blocked the dart that rushed to his eyes, and kicked the woman’s face by the way.

Xiao Jue cornered his mouth.

The goal of the showgirls was Xiao Jue. All the poisonous means and hidden weapons were directed at Xiao Jue. They suddenly broke into such a young boy, and they were all disrupted. Yingyue’s face was iron-green, her fingers closed, and she said hatefully: “Damn it!” Straight towards He Yan’s Tianling cover.

He Yan shouted, “Ah,” he hid behind Xiao Jue, and he was surprised when he called “Uncle Save Me”.

These ten women, all with extraordinary skills, can never be trained overnight. This kind of technique, on the contrary, looks like a deceased who was trained specifically to kill people.

Who offended Xiao Jue? How about killing him with such methods?

Among the women in this group, Yingyue means the highest, but it is not the highest. In fact, there are a lot of hidden implements in her hand. The date nuclear arrow, plum blossom needle, Emei thorn, iron lotus… He Yan does not know how to put it in her sleeve. Download so many hidden weapons. However, Xiao Jue didn’t seem to want this person’s life, the sword tip avoided the vital point.

He Yan knew that he had excellent swordsmanship when he was young, and his skill was extremely outstanding. Now he hasn’t reunited for a long time. When he saw him for the first time, it was such a scene. The assassins were incapable of getting close, all of them were injured by Yinqiujian and could not afford to fall to the ground, and as soon as he pulled Yingyue’s sleeve, his arm turned, Yingyue was pulled forward, and at the next moment, the tip of his sword pointed directly at Yingyue’s throat .

The young man’s voice was low, as if it were more pleasant than the melody of the genius, with an indiscriminate killing intent, and he was fiercely aggressive.

“Who sent you?”

He Yan couldn’t help but look at the bodyguard behind Yuan Baozhen.

The bodyguard was standing in front of Yuan Baozhen, so the face hidden in the dark was revealed at this moment. His expression was also very flustered, as if he hadn’t expected this to happen, and he couldn’t see any clues. However, He Yan saw that his index finger was bent slowly into a semicircle.

No one will pay attention to a guard at this time. The movement of the finger is extremely small. If He Yan has been paying attention to him, it must be ignored.

The intuition she has developed over the years made her look back subconsciously, but when she saw the door, she kept her head hidden behind the gatekeeper and rushed towards Xiao Jue.

“Be careful!”

Xiao Jue was pointing at Yingyue, He Yan couldn’t care about anything else, pushed Xiao Jue away with one palm, the man threw himself in front of him, and was punctured by Xiao Jue’s throat with a knife.

It has always been women who have been stabbed. Who will notice this little guy? Moreover, from the first moment when the accident happened, this person, like all the servants who had no power of the chickens, hid a few short times. Who can expect him to be the last piece.

“But something?” Xiao Jue asked her with a frown.

He Yan shook his head.

Yingyue on the ground suddenly laughed.

In the silence, her smile was very harsh. He Yan turned his head to look, the beauty had blood on his lips, but his expression was ruthless.

He Yan took a step forward and asked, “Who are you? Why did you hurt my uncle?”

Yingyue looked at He Yan with a fierce look: “If it weren’t for you to get out of the way, what’s the matter today! You will never know who my master is…”

She coughed up more and more coughing blood on her lips, and the bleeding was also abnormally black. Looking at the surrounding women, it was the same. He Yan knew that he was really a dead man. Once the assassination failed, he killed himself.

“Really?” Xiao Jue looked at Yingyue, suddenly smiled, and sneered, he said: “There are countless people who want to kill me in the world. But there is only one who is so anxious.”

“I accepted the gift from your master. I hope my gift will be affordable to your master.”

Yingyue’s face changed dramatically. But she had already taken the poison, but for a moment, her face was gray, and like the other ten women, Xiang Xiaoyu died, and there was no more breath.

Xiao Jue raised her foot across her body and stood in the hall, looking at Sun Xiangfu, who was trembling and frightened under the short table. He yelled, “Sun Zhixian, why don’t you explain why you hold a banquet, maidservant in Fuzhong? Will stab me. Are you, deliberately murdering the coach?”

Sun Xiangfu had already scared his mind a long time ago, and even when he heard the words, he almost burst into tears. When he saw that the assassins were all gone, he dared to stand up from the short stance and explained: “Dudu, I really I don’t know, I really don’t know! I borrowed my ten guts, and I didn’t dare to murder you! These singers were picked up by me half a month ago. I… I don’t know as an assassin! Master Yuan, Master Yuan Please help me explain, I, I really don’t know what’s going on!”

Yuan Baozhen, who had been silent for a long time, also recovered, patting his chest, and he felt palpitations: “Sun Zhixian, this is not a problem you know or not. These singers are all people in your house. Today, if Du Du Xiao really has a Three longs and two shorts, you can’t get rid of the relationship. I don’t think this matter is as simple as it seems on the surface. I’ll tidy up here first. Please take a look to see where these people come from and what their identity is.”

He looked at Xiao Jue again: “Du Du Xiao was also frightened. It would be better to freshen up first, change the place, and listen to Sun Zhixian talk about what is going on. I think these singers, I am afraid they are prepared.”

Xiao Jue looked at him with a smile and said, “Okay.”

This evening banquet came to an abrupt halt in the middle, but at this moment everyone was obviously not in the mood to continue. There was a mess in the hall, and Zuo Zuo and the servants quickly came over and carried away the body of the singer. Yuan Baozhen asked, “Do you want to search for any tokens on them?”

“Having arrived at Sun Man’s House for half a month, the tokens have been hidden for a long time. How can I keep them waiting for someone to search. Really, I’m afraid they are also blaming others,” Xiao Jue stared at Yuan Baozhen, saying lightly: “Master Yuan can’t be hit Count.”

Yuan Baozhen’s scalp tightened.

Xiao Jue ignored him and turned his head to see He Yan standing blankly at the same place. Suddenly remembering that she seemed to have just started, she didn’t talk much.

Was it terrified?

“Why do you stun, let’s go.” He said to He Yan, just finished, he felt his sleeves pulled out.

“Uncle,” the teenager looked up with a smile on his face, without a smile. Rarely, there was a trace of nervousness, and his eyes were blank, falling on his face, as if he had not looked at him again. He said: “When the little guy rushed over, I pushed you away. He threw a handful of things on my face, and my eyes hurt a little,” her voice was small, without the previous flying, Somewhat panicked, “I don’t seem to see it anymore.”

The doctors went in one by one, and came out quickly again, with a terrified expression, everyone shook their heads and sighed.

Xiao Jue’s complexion grew deeper.

Sun Xiangfu was frightened to watch on one side. Who could have thought that Xiao Jue’s nephew, the teenager who followed Xiao Jue, would have his eyes hurt by the assassin? The doctor can only open his eyelids to see. The boy only said that he could not see. There was no magic doctor in Liangzhou City. The doctors who could find them were all found. There was no way.

The powder on the ground has long been blown away by the wind, leaving no trace left, and even the poison does not know what the poison is and how it can be solved. Fortunately, the teenager only had an eye injury, and the rest was okay. Otherwise, if it hurt his life, I don’t know how the governor would be furious.

“Du Du,” Sun Xiangfu Nono said: “Xiaguan will go to invite the famous doctor again, the young man Jiren has his own appearance, and it will certainly be fine.”

Xiao Jue: “Go away.”

The anger in the words could be heard by anyone. Sun Xiangfu did not dare to anger Xiao Jue at this juncture. He hurriedly said a few words and hurriedly retreated.

Xiao Jue stood outside and paused for a moment before going inside. It happened to pass by the last doctor. When he saw the boy sitting on the couch, his expression was calm, and he didn’t know what he was thinking. After a while, he gestured with his hand in front of himself again, as if he refused to believe that he was invisible.

Because of her pain, the doctor did not dare to use any medicine. He only found some soothing and cool herbs and put them on a clean cloth and tied the eyes with the cloth.

He Yan has always smiled, sometimes smart, sometimes stupid, as to whether this stupidity is really stupid or pretend to be stupid, now no one knows. His eyes were very clever, clear and clear, and he was a bit silly when glaring. When he bent, he was full of vigor and cunning. Now the strip of cloth covered her eyes, and in a moment, the teenager’s face became strange, and even the vivid expressions he used to look like were blurred.

Xiao Jue suddenly remembered that at the banquet, when Yingyue and his party were stabbing, when He Yan rushed over, he did not waver. The wine poured by Yingyue, even if He Yan did not mention it, he would not drink it, but at that time the fear and anger in the cry of the teenager did not seem to be fake.

It even sounds terrifying.

He walked in, before He Yan collapsed.

He Yan seemed to be aware, but seemed to be uncertain. Looking sideways, he asked carefully: “Is someone here?”

Xiao Jue didn’t speak.

“Is there no one?” She whispered again, and then turned her head to quiet down.

This way into Liangzhou City, He Yan is really a lot of words. Xiao Jue did not talk to her, she went to Feinu. Feinu didn’t speak much, and Song Taotao, who appeared later, took up the vacancy. A person who often chattering suddenly becomes quiet is uncomfortable.

This teenager is only 16 years old now, but he is different from ordinary people. It was a little panicking to learn that my eyes were invisible, but there was no crying and no tears. It seemed that he accepted the fact soon, but when he was sitting quietly, he would feel a bit intolerable.

Probably because he was too thin, it was pitiful to look at it this way.

Xiao Jue asked, “How are you feeling?”

“Both…Uncle?” He Yan surprised, and said, “I’m just not used to it.” She reached out and seemed to touch her eyes, but touched the cloth, and then shook her hand back, saying: ” Are my eyes really invisible?”

He even calmly asked the words.

Xiao Jue should have said “yes”, but at this moment, he actually could not speak.

Such an outstanding young man, Lang, is at his best age. With his qualifications, in Liangzhou Weili, within a few years, he will be promoted. The pearls in a pool of mud will not be buried anyway. But lost a pair of eyes, the situation is different. Not to mention the impact on the future, it takes courage to just get used to this dark day.

After all, he was not invisible from birth. Owning and then losing is much more unbearable than not having it in the first place.

“Uncle, won’t you be sad for me?” He Yan said suddenly. Although his eyes were covered with cloth, the tone of her words was conceivable. If it was unusual, she should have widened her eyes at this moment, her eyes narrowed and ridiculed.

“Perhaps you are still blaming yourself?” She laughed: “Actually, you don’t have to blame me, you should praise me, maybe you praise me, I will think that it is worthwhile for me to do all this.”

“Praise you?” Xiao Jue said indifferently.

“Of course I praised me.” The teenager’s voice was a little surprised and a little proud. “If I hadn’t reminded you not to drink, it would not lead to this assassination. I am your savior. Isn’t it great!”

What time is it, she actually still thought about these? Xiao Jue was speechless and didn’t know whether to say that this young man was big-hearted or really didn’t care.

“You don’t seem to be sad,” Xiao Jue said. “Your eyes are out of sight, maybe you will never see them.”

As soon as this remark came out, the teenager’s fingers curled up, though it was very fine, it was still caught by Xiao Jue.

He was afraid, not as lightly as he said on the surface.

“God, won’t he be so bad to me?” He Yan said: “I haven’t done a bad thing in my life, why should I treat me like this. If… if I really want to do this to me, then I can’t do anything. There are many kinds, I am so powerful, just be the most powerful of the blind.”

Xiao Jue was slightly startled. This sentence sounded inexplicably familiar. It seemed to have been heard a long time ago.

“However, uncle, do you have to give up so early? I think you should find some more doctors for me to see? Maybe I can be cured, so why are you saying that there is no cure? “he asks.

Xiao Jue glanced at him. Although the teenager tried his best to behave as usual, in the end it was a little bit sloppy. He said: “Have a good rest.” He turned and walked away.

Xiao Jue left the house, and the house was calm again. Because there may be an assassin’s response in the house, all the servants in the house were evacuated. Only Xiao Jue’s own person, Fei Nu, who had been called again, was left outside the courtyard.

He Yan stretched out his hand and seemed to want to solve the knot behind his head. After a while, he lowered his hand and did not continue to move.

She looked down and muttered: “Ding Yi.”

The guard in Yuan Baozhen, He Rufei’s former servant, someone who gave her a bowl of poison in her previous life. She heard Yuan Baozhen call him his name, and his name was Ding Yi.

In the study, Sun Xiangfu’s face was crumpled and he was almost crying.

Sitting in front of him was Yuan Baozhen, who said: “Sun Zhixian, I can’t help you with this matter.”

“Sir Yuan, you can’t see you die! It’s only you who can help me now,” Sun Xiangfu said with a sad face: “I don’t really know what happened to the assassins today. Now the Governor is angry Cheng Gongzi couldn’t see his eyes anymore. Governor Du Xiao was bound to send the fire to Xiaguan. I’m just a county. Where did the anger of General Fengyun come from?”

How good is the relationship between Xiao Jue and Cheng Lisu? Cheng Lisu and Sun Ling had a dispute, and Xiao Jue rushed over to protect the short, but it was really terrifying. At that time, this was the case with a few arguments on the tongue. Now Cheng Lisu is really blind. Isn’t Xiao Jue trying to kill him? Thinking of this, Sun Xiangfu shivered.

“I think Governor Du is not such an unreasonable person.” Yuan Baozhen exhorted.

When the two were talking, Xiao Jue arrived.

Sun Xiangfu didn’t care about asking Yuan Baozhen anymore, and once he pulled his robe, he knelt down directly to Xiao Jue.

“What do you mean?” Xiao Jue asked with a cold look.

“Du Du, Xiaguan really don’t know what’s going on at this moment? Xiaguan is also deceived by them! Even if you gave me a hundred guts, Xiaguan wouldn’t dare to murder you!” Sun Xiangfu began to complain.

“Get up,” Xiao Jue glanced at him, as if he couldn’t look down on his style, walked inside, sat down in the top chair, and watched him speak, “Tell me how you met them. “After a pause, he added: “Those assassins.”

This is…I believe he is not the master behind the scenes? Sun Xiangfu realized this and was overjoyed. Yuan Baozhen, on the other hand, had his eyes flashing, but there was no sound.

Sun Xiangfu quickly stood up, did not dust the robe, and retreated to a slightly shorter chair to sit down. In this way, he and Yuan Baozhen were sitting in a position that looked like Xiao Jue. Sun Xiangfu wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, “Actually, it was only half a month since they entered the house. At first, it was a new troupe in the city…”

The head of the drama team was an old lady who brought a group of flowers and jade girls to the city and said that it was a drought in the place where they lived. They really had no way to live before moving to Liangzhou City. They set up a stage in the east of Liangzhou City and sang three times a day.

At first, it was just civilians who came to see. This group of girls was not only beautiful, but they also sang wonderfully, very eye-catching, and gradually became famous, which attracted many nobles to know it. .

The beautiful woman in Liangzhou City, Sun Ling has never touched it. On the night when Sun Ling watched the show, he asked people to buy that class of women and sing in the house. When the old lady of the class leader refused to be injured by Sun Ling’s servants and was about to be killed, Yingyue stood up and said that she was willing to persuade the sisters to enter the government voluntarily, only wishing Sun Ling to let their class leader go.

Sun Ling did so generously, and Yingyue really persuaded a group of sisters. After entering the house, he was gentle. After entering Sun Mansion, Sun Ling found that the girls not only sang operas, but also mastered qinqi, calligraphy, painting and calligraphy, and Yingyue was particularly outstanding.

Sun Xiangfu also knew Yingyue.

Sun Xiangfu is different from Sun Ling. Sun Ling only knows how to eat, drink and play every day, but Sun Xiangfu has a little ambition. It is good to be a county in Liangzhou, but what if we can go further? Even if you don’t go further, this county is not really sitting firmly and firmly, you have to do some ups and downs, and familiar and strangers should have a good relationship. For example, the new commander of Liangzhou Wei, he is not Very familiar.

Sun Xiangfu asked Yingyue to come and let Yingyue hold a banquet in the house to help the guests. Anyway, there are two guests, Yuan Baozhen, the supervising imperial official, and Xiao Jue, the governor of the Right Army. As long as one person is pleased, he can sit back and relax.

Although Sun Ling was somewhat dissatisfied, he was helpless. In the days after this, Ying Yueguo really took her sisters to practice dance and sing. Every time Sun Xiangfu watched in the past, he was very satisfied. The maid was still very clever. When she entered the house as the head teacher, she was still a little unwilling. After she learned the extravagance of Sun Fu, she became more clever. Sometimes Sun Xiangfu spoke to her, and she could still feel the woman’s desire for power. .

Also, people walk high and flow low, which is true for everyone in the world, both men and women.

Sun Xiangfu thought this way until the banquet changed tonight.

When he talked about these things, it was probably because of embarrassment, and he also polished it a little bit, but it is nothing more than to remove those irrelevant modifications. Sun Ling became conscious of it, who knew he had picked up a poisonous snake home.

“I really didn’t expect that they were assassins. Women…how can a woman be an assassin?” Sun Xiangfu said, I didn’t know whether it was to Xiao Jue or to himself. For the father and son of the Sun family, the Gain woman has always been a plaything, or an item that has been sent to envelop her superiors. Nowadays, it is difficult for the woman to clarify his mood at this moment.

“These assassins entered the house half a month ago?” Xiao Jue asked.

Sun Xiangfu nodded, “Yes, this matter also blames Xiaguan, Xiaguan did not seriously check their identities, only thought they were women, and had no relatives in the city to show their weaknesses…”

Here he tried to describe himself as a pity that took pity on other people’s weakness before connecting the other party, but Xiao Jue ignored him at all. Just playing with the teacup in his hand, said indifferently: “Half a month ago, Sun Zhixian has not yet sent me a post, inviting me to come to the house for a feast.”

Sun Xiangfu was shocked.

“But half a month ago, Master Yuan should have known the day when he arrived in Liangzhou.” He turned his head and looked at Yuan Baozhen with a smile.

Yuan Baozhen heard the words and replied with a smile, “What do Du Du mean? Do you not doubt me? Du Du doesn’t even think about it. If these women I arranged, how can I make sure that they will be taken back to Fuzhong by Sun Zhixian? ?I can’t expect anything like God?”

“Of course you can’t expect things to be like gods,” Xiao Jue’s lips slightly tickled, and he said without panic: “You just have to write a letter to Sun Zhixian.”

This is to say that Yuan Baozhen and Sun Xiangfu played together.

Sun Xiangfu thought it was easy for him to elide the suspicion. Xiao Jue immediately made him sweat again, and immediately waved his hand in a hurry: “No, no! Dudu, I really don’t, I don’t know how this happened. Matter. I have not received a letter from Lord Yuan!”

Yuan Baozhen didn’t laugh anymore. He looked at Xiao Jue and said aloud: “Du Du convicted me and Sun Zhixian in one sentence, but there is no evidence, it is really chilling. I have no deep hatred with Du Du, or Why was it harmful to Dudu for the first time with Dudu?

He was born good-faced, and he was very sincere in saying this, and he was sad when he was misunderstood.

Xiao Jue stared at him for a while. After a while, he smiled. He said indifferently: “Just kidding, Master Yuan doesn’t have to be serious.”

He smiled and became cold again, like a knife about to be sheathed, hiding the fierceness of the rain coming from the mountain.

“However, there are a lot of doubts in this matter. Before I figure it out, I’m afraid it will be a few days to harass here.” He said.

“Du Du… are you going to live here?”

Before the assassination happened, ordinary people would only feel that it was unsafe here and would leave as soon as possible. The provincial government was counted again. Why did he stay here?

“Yeah,” the young Dudu put down the teacup and stood up, standing tall and jade, his eyes slightly cool, “live here, catch the thief.”


Don’t rush to scold me. . .

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