Rebirth of Chu Wan

Chapter 19

Chapter 20 The crying child has milk to eat

Wan Chu’er’s words ignited Liu Li who didn’t know any nerves. She had a dark face and gritted her teeth and said: “Wan Chu’er, if you have the ability, don’t leave after school.”

Yesterday, Liu Li was talked to by teacher Zhu, the head teacher, and warned her that if she bullied her classmates or had trouble at school, she would call her parents to talk. She was worried that her father would know these things, so she didn’t dare to fight Wan Chu now. Er, but asked her to obediently hand over 30 yuan to Wan Chu’er, and stop there. She couldn’t swallow this breath again, so she made an appointment with Wan Chu’er.

After school at noon, find a remote place and beat Wan Chu’er well. She didn’t believe it, she couldn’t beat Wan Chu’er.

When Wan Chuer heard Liu Li’s words, he knew that Liu Li was still willing to give up. He glanced at Liu Li with a smile, and said cheerfully: “Okay, after school, the alley behind the school is everywhere.”

Her smile made Liu Li puzzled, but she soon let it go again, only thinking that Wan Chuer was playing mystery, just thinking about calling Zhang Xiaoyu and several others later, and teaching Wan Chuer a good lesson after school. pause.

Wan Chuer ignored Liu Li. After Liu Li snorted, he entered the classroom.

After a while, Wan Chuer saw Zhang Xiaoyu also coming. She was eating a cake on her mouth and seemed to be thinking about something.

Wan Chu’er turned his eyes and blocked Zhang Xiaoyu.

Zhang Xiaoyu looked at Wan Chu’er blankly. After seeing that it was her, she couldn’t help but step back, “Wan Chu’er, what’s the matter with you?”

“Let’s change our seats.”

Zhang Xiaoyu was a little confused, “You can only change seats with the consent of Teacher Zhu.”

Wan Chuer said indifferently: “Mr. Zhu, I naturally said that if Mr. Zhu disagrees, we can just change it back twice.”

But Zhang Xiaoyu still looked unwilling, because Wan Chuer was sitting behind Liu Li.

Yesterday, not only Liu Li, but Zhang Xiaoyu and the other two girls were all talked to by the head teacher. Everyone was warned by Teacher Zhu, and Teacher Zhu also prohibited Zhang Xiaoyu and Liu Li from communicating privately.

So she didn’t want to sit behind Liu Li, so she said slowly, “Well, Wan Chuer, I think you should talk to Teacher Zhu first, and I will change with you again. If Teacher Zhu agrees, I am sure I have nothing to say.”

She didn’t want to mess with Wan Chu’er anymore. Wan Chu’er had indeed changed. Where did Wan Chu’er take the initiative to speak to her once before, and Zhang Xiaoyu decided to observe the situation first before talking about other things.

Wan Chuer hooked her mouth and said straightforwardly: “You don’t want to change seats with me! Don’t deny it, tell me the real reason, I don’t want to listen to your lies.”

After hearing Wan Chu’er’s decision to cut gold, Zhang Xiaoyu was surprised. When did Wan Chu’er become so sharp?

It seemed that Wan Chu’er in front of him was really no longer the former Wan Chu’er who had only promised and dared not speak.

Zhang Xiaoyu said: “Well, you are in front of Liu Li. I don’t want to be too close to Liu Li. Yesterday, Teacher Zhu warned me to stop contacting Liu Li. You said how could I… .. Hey, where are you going?”

After hearing half of the words, Wan Chuer turned around and left. She already knew where she was sitting, so there was no need to listen to what Zhang Xiaoyu said.

After she entered the classroom, she glanced slightly and found Liu Li.

Sure enough, the table behind Liu Li was empty. It seemed that it was her Wan Chuer’s seat.

Wan Chuer walked straight over, sat in, took out a book from the pocket of the table, and saw her name on it.

After sitting down and looking around, Wan Chuer’s vague memory became clear.

In the third year of high school, she seemed to be sitting behind Liu Li. Both of them were in the back of the classroom, and leaning against the wall, it was a corner that was not easy for teachers to pay attention to.

This corner is convenient for Liu Li to bully, threaten, and enslave her at any time.

There is an obvious lettering on the desktop: Shinobi.

Stroke, pen and pen hard, it seems to be carved through the table, like a golden iron horse, a claw dancing claws.

Sure enough, he was a coward who dared not speak. Wan Chuer laughed at herself, and that coward would never show up again.

Her tablemate was a boy with a pimple face, and that boy was also indifferent, reading the textbook silently, Wan Chuer thought for a while, and it was still a vague shadow. It seemed that apart from being the same table, there was nothing between the two of them. communicate with.

Liu Li’s back looked a little stiff, and he seemed to have been paying attention to her movements. Wan Chuer glanced at Liu Li and focused his attention on the things in his desk pocket.

She sorted them one by one, including textbooks, workbooks, homework books, tutorial books…all.

“Ring Ling Ling—”

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