Rebirth of Chu Wan

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Pay back

Bai Zhixi continued to happily said: “When I passed by the Jinghua Hotel, I didn’t even plan to go there. How can a hotel of this size be worthy of our pickles? The pickles are also eaten by ordinary people, rich people. I must have gone to eat the delicacies of the mountains and the sea.

Who knows I haven’t walked over yet, and a young man rushed out of it, the young man who talked to you at the county hotel yesterday. The young man stopped me and asked if I was Wan Chu’er’s mother. ”

Hearing this, Wan Chu’er couldn’t help gritting his teeth, what exactly did this Manager Bai want to do, how could he always stay in the shadows.

“As soon as I didn’t recognize that young man, I was wondering, when did you meet such a young man, he was all that old, but the young man was very enthusiastic, so I took the initiative and said that he was trying it at the county hotel. I like our pickled cucumbers. I like them very much. Let us send five catties of pickled vegetables every day. Pickled cucumbers, lotus roots, capers, pickled radishes, and five-spice peanuts are each one catty.”

Bai Zhi was very happy and had a good impression of manager Bai. “Yes, that Xiaobai also said that if the Jinghua Hotel sells well, he will increase the amount and introduce our pickles to other places. It is really good. child.”

Wan Chu’er raised an eyebrow: “Xiao Bai?”

“Yeah, that young man said it was surnamed Bai, let me call him Xiaobai.” Bai Zhixi said.

Wan Chuer chuckled twice without a smile, yet Xiaobai? ! It’s really shameless to deceive middle-aged women.

She has to go to this little white face someday to ask clearly what this person wants to do.

In the afternoon, Bai Zhixi started to get busy. She washed the cucumbers she bought in the morning twice, then dried them, cut them into pieces, and mixed them with seasoning…Thinking that these would be exchanged for money, Bai Zhixi was all over her body. It was strength and high spirits. She didn’t let Wan Chu’er do anything, and drove her daughter to the room so that she could study hard.

Wan Chuer told her several times to let her relax, and she went into the room to study without rushing to do it all.

In the morning of the next day, Bai Zhixi was going to the vegetable market to continue buying vegetables. Wan Chuer took out one hundred and fifty yuan from his pocket and handed it to Bai Zhixi.

An Lian gave it, and Liu Li paid it back, a total of one hundred and ninety-five yuan. She spent some and left a little change for herself.

“Mom, this is the money that Teacher An gave me before, and Liu Li paid it back to me. You can take it to buy groceries. When we make money, we will return it to Teacher An.”

Bai Zhi froze for a moment, and then pushed her: “An Lian’s, you should pay him back today. Mom has the money for grocery shopping.”

Wan Chuer looked at Bai Zhixi carefully, and saw that she was not awkward or shy, and she didn’t know how she and An Lian were. After thinking about it, she took the money back again, “Okay, I listen to you. I will find time to return the money to him this morning.”

After going to school, Wan Chuer still didn’t take the initiative to ask Liu Li for money, so she listened carefully and took notes during class.

During the first class, she still sat in her seat to study and read, and soon the bell of the second class rang, Wan Chuer hooked her mouth, and thought that Liu Li was afraid that her flesh would hurt.

Liu Li, who is sitting in the back, has been restless since coming to school in the morning. Today, she should give Wan Chuer forty-five yuan, three days’ worth of money, but thinking about how much money she has to spend all of a sudden, They are extremely unwilling.

She kept her hand in her pocket, holding tightly fifty yuan. This was her last private money. If you give Wan Chuer forty-five yuan today, then she will only have five yuan left.

The family would also give her five yuan to eat every day, but five yuan is still ten yuan short of fifteen yuan.

She doesn’t know where to get the ten dollars to steal from the house? If her father knew about it, she would kill her. Even if her mother knew about it, she would definitely scold her.

Asking for money from sister? Since her elder sister got married, she asked the man for a gift of 10,000 yuan, and did not have a penny for the dowry. She has no status at the brother-in-law’s house. She didn’t want to cause trouble to her sister.

Wan Chuer! It was all Wan Chu’er. If it weren’t for Wan Chu’er, how could she have fallen into such a situation.

Liu Li stared at the back of Wan Chuer in front of him. After class was over, she started again. She didn’t pay attention at all, and her deskmate looked at her strangely today.

Wan Chu’er in front seemed to have a reaction, and suddenly turned her head back.

Before Liu Li could react, Wan Chuer raised his chin, squinted his eyes, contemptuously raised a note in Liu Li’s hand, and then Shi Shiran turned around.

Liu Li’s face turned white with anger, and her fist hit the table.

The math teacher who was getting ready to give a lecture looked at her and asked, “Liu Li, what’s the matter?”

Liu Li reacted and said in a panic: “Sorry teacher, no…nothing.”

“It’s okay, just listen carefully, don’t get lost.”

Liu Li lowered her head consensually. The note in Wan Chu’er’s hand just now must be her IOU. Wan Chu’er was threatening her and asked her to give money as soon as possible.

In this way, the second math class passed by Liu Li’s cranky thinking and Wan Chuer’s focused study.

During the break, Liu Li hesitated and threw fifty yuan on Wan Chu’er’s desk. She didn’t dare not give it up, thinking about solving the immediate urgency first.

“Five yuan from me,” Liu Li said in a low voice.

Wan Chuer collected fifty yuan slowly, took five yuan out of his pocket, and threw it on the table.

Liu Li picked up the money, bowed her head and left in a hurry, her heart was bleeding!

After school, Wan Chuer went straight to the playground, where she found An Lian who was packing up sports equipment.

“Thank you, Mr. An, last time. This is the one hundred and fifty yuan you gave me last time. Give it back to you.” Wan Chuer said lightly, and then passed the one hundred and fifty yuan.

An Lian was holding a basketball in his hand, but he did not receive Wan Chuer’s 150 yuan for a long time.

Wan Chuer frowned and passed it forward.

An Lian hurriedly asked, “Well…the money is given to you, it is given to you, no need to pay it back…Your classmate hasn’t bullied you again, right? Does she pay you back every day?”

Seeing that he cared about him kindly, Wan Chuer nodded: “No, yes.” But the money in his hand was still passed to An Lian.

It was really concise, but An Lian knew what Wan Chuer meant.

An Lian said: “I think you run in the playground every morning recently. Do you want to exercise? I can guide you.”

Wan Chuer’s heart moved. This Anlian is a physical education teacher. She said that she could not know some friends who can self-defense or martial arts, so she asked: “Mr. An, do you know anyone who can martial arts? I want to learn some martial arts skills.”

“Huh?” An Lian stayed for a while, nodding subconsciously, “Knowing is knowing, but…”

Seeing him hesitate, Wan Chuer said, “I don’t study for nothing, I can pay the tuition.”

An Lian carefully looked at Wan Chu’er’s face and said, “It’s not about tuition, that…..Actually, I was born in martial arts. I learned martial arts for ten years when I was a kid. If you are… don’t dislike it, Just follow me to learn.”

Wan Chuer was a little speechless, and said with a look of disgust: “Teacher An, you are a big man, just say whatever you want, hesitating, I am not a beast, will I eat you!”

An Lian smiled bitterly, you are not a beast, but you are the daughter of Bai Zhixi, very domineering, of course he has to be careful to please.

After thinking for a while, Wan Chuer said, “Teacher An, you take this money. My mother asked me to return it to you. If it is convenient for you, please teach me some self-defense techniques and I will pay you the tuition.”

When I heard that Wan Chu’er was willing to learn martial arts with herself, An Lian was a little surprised. Because of his and Bai Zhi’s things, Wan Chu’er before was like a hedgehog. Every time I saw him, he didn’t have a good face, and I couldn’t forget him every time A few words, stab him a few times.

“Toad wants to eat!”

“You can’t even match my dad’s finger!”

“Stay far away from my mother, or I will report to the school that you are playing a hooliganism against a widow!”


Thinking of the vicious language, and can’t care about Wan Chu’er, a kid, so every time An Lian sees Wan Chu’er, he is very frustrated.

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